In what cases does a child need remineralization therapy?

Fluoridation of teeth in children is a way to strengthen enamel with the help of an element necessary for the proper development of a growing organism - fluoride. Of course, adults need fluoride no less, however, in childhood, health needs very close attention. This is explained by the rapid development of the child, in particular, the dental system. An unbalanced diet (the presence in the diet of an increased amount of carbohydrates and acids, coloring foods and drinks) and the consumption of too cold or hot water and food can weaken the enamel. Consequences: development of caries and increased sensitivity of teeth.

To prevent caries and strengthen enamel, dentists recommend fluoridation to young patients.

Fluoride is one of many components that participate in the formation of teeth starting from childhood. Together with calcium, this mineral provides strength and integrity. However, due to various factors, such as general health, nutrition, genetics, the baby’s body experiences a fluoride deficiency. The consequence is increased tooth sensitivity and the risk of developing caries.

It is very important for parents to understand that fluoridation is not a method of treating caries, but its prevention. The procedure allows you to protect baby teeth from premature destruction and protects the rudiments of future indigenous and surrounding tissues from the spread of possible carious infection.

An argument against fluoridation is an excess of the mineral in the child’s body. A disease such as fluorosis, as well as problems with the thyroid gland, occur precisely because of the oversaturation of the body with fluoride. An experienced pediatric specialist will not allow an unnecessary procedure to be prescribed.

Why is dental fluoridation important for children in St. Petersburg?

The relevance of the coating procedure with a fluorine-containing substance is explained by the fact that the current environmental situation leaves much to be desired. It is not always possible to find truly natural food products with optimal content of nutrients, in particular fluoride. Fluoridation at an early age (for medical reasons) will help avoid problems with teeth during the period of growing up and the formation of the dental system. Fluoride-containing preparations will saturate your teeth with fluoride in the required amount and keep them healthy.

Positive effect of fluoridation

  • The procedure enhances the protection of milk and permanent teeth from caries.
  • By strengthening the enamel and improving its density, MGs are not subject to destruction and are resistant to mechanical stress.
  • The procedure is painless and the baby does not experience discomfort.
  • After applying the composition, the incisors remain snow-white and do not darken.
  • Sensitivity to cold, hot, sweet foods decreases.
  • If fillings are treated with the substance, their service life increases.
  • For prevention, the procedure is carried out 1-2 times a year.


The enamel of baby teeth does not contain enough minerals to withstand the aggressive effects of microbes. The required amount of minerals accumulates after a couple of years. During this time, teeth require mineral replenishment from the outside, which is fluoridation. Without appropriate preventive measures, there is a risk of developing caries.

Note that this is useful not only for young patients, but also for teenagers, who need it no less. The reasons are as follows: active growth, hormonal changes and other processes of adolescence.

Since the enamel of permanent teeth in young children remains very sensitive for a long time, and the susceptibility to caries is many times higher than in adults, one of the methods of disease prevention is coating with a fluoride-containing substance - fluoride varnish.

Fluoridation of a child's teeth allows you to saturate them with the necessary amount of fluoride and maintain a healthy smile for many years.

Orthodontic treatment of a child is also indicated. Installing braces is fraught with mechanical damage to tooth enamel and the development of caries. To avoid such troubles, the orthodontist may recommend treating the surface of the child’s teeth with fluoride varnish before installing metal plates.

How to replace silvering of teeth?

Not all parents want to undergo this procedure. Are there any analogues if no other treatment is currently possible?

Remineralization therapy for caries

The goal of therapy is to saturate the affected areas with calcium. There are special gels that you can use to treat your teeth at the dentist or at home yourself. The procedure will only have an effect if the teeth are kept clean. If plaque or stone is present, there is no point in holding the event.

Remineralizing therapy is carried out:

  • at the initial stage of caries;
  • to prevent the formation of carious lesions.

There is nothing particularly complicated in this process, but it is better to consult a dentist, who, before applying the gel, will brush your teeth with a special brush with a paste applied to it, as a result of which the penetration of calcium into the dental tissue will increase. In addition, the doctor can use more concentrated drugs, which will benefit the child.

Therapeutic measures are carried out until the chalky spots disappear, which is individual in each case under consideration, so it is not possible to talk about the duration of the course.

The remineralizing gel, available in different fruit flavors, contains a substance that normalizes acidity and calcium glycerophosphate.

In addition to the gel, it is recommended to use a paste with amino fluoride, which will allow more calcium to be fixed in the enamel.

If caries affects dentin, then such therapy is useless. With average caries, the child is recommended to have either a filling or silvering.


The procedure saturates the enamel with fluoride, which reduces calcium leaching. Deep fluoridation is justified even for superficial caries, when the white spot stage has already passed, since fluoride, penetrating into the enamel, destroys microorganisms that cause caries.

The higher the fluorine concentration used, the more effective the fluoridation procedure becomes. According to statistics, enamel strengthening occurs in more than 80% of patients who have undergone this operation.

Fluoridation is indicated:

  • with white spots on the enamel;
  • for caries that does not extend beyond the boundaries of the enamel;
  • to prevent the occurrence of new carious lesions.

Fluoridation is a procedure that should only be performed by a qualified physician due to the very high dosages of this substance.

Based on the above, the following conclusions can be drawn:

  1. For white spots on teeth, it is recommended to carry out remineralization therapy, which in combination with fluoridation will have the most beneficial effect. Silvering is not contraindicated, although it will only be a temporary measure.
  2. For caries located within the enamel, deep fluoridation is indicated. Silver plating is allowed.
  3. For moderate caries, the best option would be dental filling. You can do silver plating, which will delay pulpitis, but there is a risk of burning the pulp.


Superficial fluoridation of teeth in children

The process involves applying a special gel to their surface. This method is used provided that the child’s teeth are healthy. It is most often prescribed to children with baby teeth. It is recommended to carry out the procedure once every six months along with professional oral hygiene.

Deep fluoridation of teeth in children

Recommended after completion of caries treatment. Before directly applying fluoride varnish, the little patient is hygienically cleaned of soft plaque and tartar, then treated with a substance containing fluoride, calcium and magnesium. The effect of deep fluoridation lasts longer than superficial fluoridation due to the deep penetration of strengthening minerals.

Advantages of fluoridation compared to silver plating

Previously, silver plating was used as a preventative measure. But most leading dental clinics abandoned it in favor of deep fluoridation. Here are the reasons:
  • Silvering does not go unnoticed. After the procedure, a dark plaque remains on the teeth.
  • Lack of effectiveness for chewing teeth.

Dentists speak flatteringly about the deep fluoridation procedure. In an interview with the newspaper “Arguments and Facts”, maxillofacial surgeon David Grigoryan Fr.

You can carry out deep fluoridation at our Nikadent clinic in Mytishchi. The cost of the service is quite affordable - about 2.5 thousand rubles. This price includes: professional consultation, preparation, cleaning of tartar, drying of teeth, application of fluoride.


  1. Cleaning the surface of teeth from soft plaque and tartar;
  2. Drying – the surface of the teeth must be dried as much as possible for high-quality fluoride varnish coating;
  3. Applying a composition with fluorides, magnesium and copper salts using a special brush or a sterile cotton ball;
  4. Repeated drying for 5-7 minutes naturally;
  5. Treatment with a composition containing calcium hydroxide.

The formed durable film on tooth enamel, consisting of fluoride ions, is resistant to drinks, food, hygiene procedures, does not fade or deteriorate over time.

How is the procedure done?

Deep fluoridation

It is carried out only in a dental office using special preparations.
The procedure requires minimal preparation. It can be divided into five quick stages

  1. Teeth cleaning. Usually a special paste is used to prepare for fluoridation. But if the child has heavy plaque, another cleaning method is chosen.
  2. Drying the surface of the teeth.
  3. “Sealing” the enamel. The doctor applies a drug based on magnesium and calcium (fluorides).
  4. Second drying of the surface of the teeth.
  5. Application of the final preparation. Dental clinics use a solution of copper and calcium hydroxide.
After the procedure, both applied layers react. All components gradually penetrate deep into the tooth, significantly enhancing its mineral structure. An important advantage of deep fluoridation is durability. Components applied to the surface are not washed out and are not affected by food or water.

Expert opinion of RAIDEN specialists

The fluoridation procedure is useful for the teeth of young patients, subject to indications for its implementation and taking into account contraindications. Fluoride is certainly useful for the formation of a growing organism. Its deficiency during the formation of the dental system can affect not only the health of the teeth, but also the entire body as a whole. Excess is also harmful. Therefore, the correct dosage of fluoride varnish during the procedure is an important point. Fluoridation “within reasonable limits” is a means of avoiding more complex, expensive and painful treatment. It is better to prevent any disease than to treat it. Prices for dental fluoridation depend on the amount of work.


Parents should not insist on the procedure if caries or problems with enamel appear, since there are a number of contraindications that must be taken into account before fluoridation.

  • Fluoridation cannot be carried out if children are diagnosed with fluorosis.
  • If there is an increased level of fluoride in the drinking water where you live.
  • If there is deep caries on the teeth.
  • For inflammatory processes on the gums.
  • If you have allergic reactions to substances.

What is the best way to seal fissures?

We have already said above that 3 groups of sealants are used to seal fissures. These are chemical or light-curing composites, glass ionomer cements (GIC), and compomers. Below we will tell you how long materials of different classes are preserved in fissures. And the scientific work “Methodology of sealing dental fissures and comparative characteristics of modern materials for sealing” (authors Nelovko, Mehdiyeva) will help us with this.

  • Composite materials – these materials are made from a special composite resin and can be cured either with light or chemically. Materials of this class are divided into 2 subgroups: unfilled and filled sealants. The former have high fluidity, and therefore penetrate even the narrowest and deepest fissures; in addition, they adhere more tightly to the enamel surface, but wear out faster and require replacement.
    Filled sealants have less fluidity and penetration depth, and therefore they are more often used for invasive fissure sealing technology (see below). Their disadvantage is also their high sensitivity to moisture and complex application technology. Pros: high abrasion resistance.

    Important: this class of materials allows you to protect your teeth from fissure caries for a long time (up to 5-8 years). The degree of preservation of the composite sealant 3 years after application is up to 90%. The best composite sealants include the following 3rd generation light-curing sealants: “Fissurit”, “Helioseal”, “Estisial LC” and especially those containing fluorine – “Fissurit F” and “Admira Seal”. The release of fluoride from Fissurit F continues for more than 190 days from the moment of application!

  • Glass ionomer cements (GIC) – GIC-based sealants include the following materials: “Dyract seal”, “Fuji”, “Glass Ionomer”, “Aqua Ionoseal”. These materials have a pronounced cariesstatic effect due to the presence of aluminum, zinc, calcium, and especially due to the fluoride content. These materials are chemically cured; a big plus is that they do not require etching of the enamel with 38% acid before application (unlike composite materials).
    Compared to composite materials, GICs have low fluidity, which does not allow their use in deep fissures without opening them with a drill, and also have a greater degree of edge leakage and wear out faster. There is an opinion that the use of GIC as fissure sealants is justified when it comes exclusively to newly erupted teeth (with extremely low mineralization of fissure enamel). In the latter case, it is not advisable to etch the enamel with acid, and for the use of composites, the enamel must always be etched.

    The safety of GIC 1, 6, 12 and 24 months after application is 90, 80, 60 and 20%, respectively, and after 3 years it is only 10% (in turn, the composite sealant is 90%). However, this class of materials reduces the occurrence of caries in fissures by 80-90% in 2 years.

  • Compomers - they are classified as light-hardening composite materials, however, components have been added to their composition that give them the positive properties of glass ionomer cements. Advantages compared to traditional composites: greater tolerance to humid environments, greater fluidity and the ability to release fluoride in small quantities. It should be noted that these advantages had to be paid for with a greater degree of abrasion (in 2 years the compomer almost completely disappears). Materials of this class include “Dyrect Seal” (Dentsply).

The best material: Composites are undoubtedly the most effective materials, but when it comes to sealing fissures in newly erupted teeth (the enamel of which has extremely weak mineralization), then glass ionomer cement should be preferred. Also, preference should be given to glass ionomer cements when sealing fissures in children with little contact, for whom it is difficult to achieve good isolation of the tooth surface from saliva

Is it possible to use varnish at home?

It is allowed to carry out a strengthening procedure at home, but you should still consult a doctor first. Difficulties will arise already at the stage of purchasing varnish - you won’t be able to find a high-quality and safe solution on the open market. It must be ordered from a dental center or specialized medical store.

If you do find a drug and the dentist allows you to use it yourself, do not forget about the rules:

  • pre-dry your teeth using cotton swabs;
  • apply the product in a very thin layer;
  • The varnish should dry naturally for about 5 minutes;
  • Do not eat anything for twelve hours after the procedure.

Using Home Remedies

At home, it is possible to use fluoride-containing gels, pastes, and rinses. If fluoride does not enter the body in the required quantity, you can take tablets orally. The maximum effect can be achieved by taking sodium fluoride tablets at a time when dental tissues are maturing (after 2 years). Such tablets are contraindicated when there is a sufficient amount of fluoride in the body (they cannot be used “just in case”), as well as when receiving fluoride from other sources (food, water).

Fluoride-containing gels ensure the transfer of the substance into saliva, which then acts on tooth enamel. You can use Fluodent and Fluocal gels in the form of applications. To do this, you first need to thoroughly clean your teeth and isolate them from saliva. The gel should be kept on the teeth for 3-4 minutes. Procedures are carried out twice a year, 3–7 times.

The use of fluoride-containing pastes is the most common way to prevent fluoride deficiency in tooth enamel. Such pastes contain sodium fluoride, sodium monofluorophosphate, tin fluoride and other fluorine compounds. They prevent the development of caries and eliminate minor enamel defects. The use of toothpastes that contain fluoride for preventive purposes can have a good effect in children. The use of fluoride-containing gels and pastes, as well as fluoridation procedures, are contraindicated for children living in areas where fluorosis is a common problem (due to high fluoride content in water).

Purpose and usefulness of fluoridation

The goal of fluoridation is to restore a healthy balance of minerals in the tissues of baby teeth. Thanks to the saturation of the microelement, the enamel of children's teeth becomes more resistant to the action of pathogens and acquires a certain immunity to the influence of acidic environments.

The fluoridation procedure allows you to stop tooth decay, as well as prevent the spread of carious lesions to healthy teeth. Caries is a disease whose danger cannot be ignored: it can cause premature loss of baby teeth, which in turn can lead to the development of malocclusion. After saturating the enamel with fluoride, its excessive sensitivity also decreases.

At what age is fluoridation allowed?

Remineralization of teeth is allowed from the age of two. The first procedure can be performed immediately after the first baby teeth have erupted. The second critical period for tooth enamel is adolescence. During this period, hormonal changes occur in the body, affecting the functioning of all organs and systems.

There is a change in the composition of saliva, and newly formed permanent teeth have insufficiently strong enamel, that is, it is not able to properly withstand the aggressive onslaught of pathogenic microorganisms. Therefore, during adolescence, dental fluoridation is a completely justified preventive procedure.

What to do with a child’s lost baby tooth

Many moms and dads willingly follow the Tooth Fairy tradition. Before going to bed, the baby puts the lost tooth under the pillow, and in the morning he finds a gift in its place. This approach also has practical significance: it helps the child overcome the fear of a lost tooth, because in return he receives pleasant compensation.

If you decide to take action in this direction, tell your son or daughter that the healthier the tooth, the better the gift - this is the attitude of the tooth fairy! Why not unobtrusively motivate the heir to maintain oral hygiene?

If you prefer a traditional approach and are used to following beliefs, you can “give the tooth to the mouse,” bury it in the ground or throw it into the fire. Popular beliefs and signs agree: you shouldn’t keep them, much less make amulets out of them! What if the tooth inadvertently falls into the hands of a witch who performs a magical ritual and harms the child? In the modern interpretation, a witch can be any ill-wisher who can “put the evil eye” on a child.

Invasive sealing technique:

Indications for invasive fissure sealing:

  • In the presence of narrow deep fissures in teeth with weak enamel mineralization (if the bottom and walls of the fissures cannot be subjected to visual or instrumental control). In this case, it becomes impossible to guarantee the absence of foci of carious lesions in the area of ​​the bottom and walls of the fissures. In addition, in the presence of deep narrow fissures, it is extremely difficult to achieve good filling of the fissure with filling material.
  • Initial fissure caries.
  • The presence of pigmented fissures in teeth with weak enamel mineralization (with good enamel mineralization, pigmented fissures do not require mandatory invasive sealing).

Expansion of fissures with a drill during invasive sealing –

Unlike non-invasive techniques, invasive fissure sealing involves expanding the fissures with a drill. In Fig. 11-12 you can see the initial situation (narrow deep fissures and a small amalgam filling), as well as the appearance of the fissures after they were expanded with a drill. In Fig. 13 we can already see fissures filled with composite sealant.

Video of fissure treatment with a drill

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