How to learn to smile beautifully? Secrets of a proper smile with teeth

How do you know if your smile is beautiful and natural?

It is easy to distinguish a natural smile from a forced one if a person has not worked on his facial muscles and has not practiced smiling in front of a mirror. Each of us has at least once encountered a situation when there is no reason to smile, but it is worth smiling out of politeness. To understand whether your smiling face looks open, you need to turn to your thoughts: if you are gloomy at heart, it is unlikely that the joy on your face will not be strained. For a smile to be charming and open, you need to think about the things that cause it in a normal situation, and if you do this often, a natural smile will become a habit, and pleasant thoughts will improve your mood.

A smile will brighten the day

The more often you smile, the easier it becomes to do so. After all, the main secret to a good smile is regular practice.

We hope residents of foreign countries will be able to achieve this skill. If a person does not smile there, others perceive him as an ill-mannered rude person.

In addition, “on duty” smiles also benefit the facial muscles, making them more mobile.

If you smile forcedly, do not be surprised at the result, which will clearly be disappointing. Correct facial expressions require constant training.

Causes of anomalies

Let's look at the main reasons why defects occur:

  • Genetic factor. Mesial and distal occlusion are most often inherited. For parents, knowing about the high risk of such a defect occurring in their child, it is easier to control treatment in childhood, during the formation of the maxillofacial system.
  • Developmental anomalies in the prenatal period. Various pregnancy pathologies can often affect the formation of the fetal dental system.
  • Birth injury. Mesial occlusion is caused by displacement or dislocation of the baby's lower jaw during difficult childbirth.
  • “Wrong” habits in childhood. These include constant pacifier or finger sucking, improper nipple latching, and improper sucking during bottle feeding. If the hole in the nipple is too large, the child’s lower jaw practically does not work when sucking and remains undeveloped.
  • Frequent sinusitis and rhinitis, due to which the child constantly breathes through his mouth. With such breathing, the development of facial bones is disrupted.
  • Violation of tooth change. Early removal of baby teeth often causes abnormal maxillofacial development.
  • Incorrect prosthetics, lack of prosthetics.
  • Hypertonicity of the masticatory muscles due to stress provokes abrasion of the incisors and displacement of the jaws.
  • Various injuries of the maxillofacial area.

Example 3. “I just want my smile to be beautiful”

Before us

a girl who was starting orthodontic treatment. Also a teenager, with an uncertain, shy smile.

She didn’t talk about any problems she had because of her shyness in her smile.

No, that didn't happen. It was just that the teeth were growing unevenly. “I would like my smile to be beautiful” - that’s what she dreamed about when she turned to me.

And when we took off the braces, the girl began to shine, smile, and grow up. She began to shine.

How you can learn to smile beautifully depending on your face type

Any expression of emotion changes the face in the same way as successful makeup or the right wardrobe. Therefore, it is worth taking this issue seriously, especially in business relationships.

If you have a long face, pay special attention to the vertical aspect of your teeth . Try not to smile too widely - others may perceive this as aggression.

On the contrary, a wide smile suits people with a square or round face.

With its help, the outlines visually become more oval and “correct”. An “on duty” smile (with the mouth closed) will be perceived by people with this type of face as excessive modesty.

But people with the correct oval are lucky in this regard - both the “on duty” smile with the mouth closed and the wide Hollywood one will be perceived equally well by others.

How does a patient smile for the first time?

I’ll ask myself this question: how do they smile at me the first time they come in? A wide smile or a little shy? And what is this smile at first sight?

A smile at first sight is, to a large extent, a smile with the lips and at the same time - eyes on the floor. That is, patients come to a doctor who is constantly engaged in this, building beautiful smiles for them - what they strive for, and this first smile of theirs is a little constrained: either the teeth are slightly visible, or it is a smile only with the lips . That is, in 90 percent of greetings, patients never look me in the eye as the interlocutor.

Teeth: hiding or showing?

Research suggests that even for a barely noticeable smile a person uses about 20 muscles, and if he stretches his lips wider, then all 40. The facial muscles need training, which ensures a smile. You shouldn’t hide your teeth and hold back your emotions for several reasons:

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  • a smile lifts your spirits;
  • 70% of men believe that the fair sex is more beautiful with a smile than with makeup;
  • in a laughing person, the production of growth hormone, which is responsible for immunity, resistance to stress and provides an analgesic effect, increases by 85%.

To make a person look attractive while smiling, you need to follow the following rules:

  1. If your teeth are crooked, the problem can be hidden by partially opening your mouth. This technique will add mystery to the image.
  2. It is worth thinking about the width of the smile - sometimes it is appropriate to expose only the top row of teeth.
  3. Uneven rows or missing units can be hidden by turning or tilting your head. Changing the angle will not allow the interlocutor to notice the flaw.
  4. When opening your mouth, you need to make sure that your gums are not exposed.

If your teeth are fairly straight, but have become yellowed due to smoking, eating dyes, or plaque buildup, you can have them professionally cleaned by your dentist. You can create a dazzlingly beautiful smile at home - special whitening gels, trays, strips and a diet will lighten the enamel by 1-2 tones. Malocclusion can also be corrected - today even adults are given braces.

Dental question: show or hide

If everything is fine with your teeth, then there is absolutely no point in hiding them, holding back joyful emotions. It has been proven that a person who laughs at least 30 minutes a day improves immunity by 85% and increases resistance to various diseases. How to learn to smile beautifully with teeth?

  1. Don't expose your gums when laughing.
  2. Don't open your mouth too wide.
  3. Keep your mouth clean, regularly whiten your teeth at home or undergo special cleanings at the dentist.

Only people with perfect teeth can smile from ear to ear. You can carry out comprehensive oral hygiene and teeth whitening at Dentistry in Moscow.

What is a smile from a physiological point of view?

These are contractions of the facial muscles, in particular the cheeks, lips and eyes, and when you smile, the number of muscles involved is less than when you frown. A smile expresses a good mood, pleasure, an ironic state, fun, and also a greeting. Have you noticed that it is difficult for you not to start smiling when you notice that a friend is coming towards you? :) Also, a smile is the best way to fill an awkward pause in a conversation or avoid answering a stupid question.

So a smile is a multifunctional facial and social tool, and every social person should learn to smile beautifully. Usually this is developed naturally, but we are ready to give you some practical tips that really work.

Smile with uneven teeth or no teeth

Not everyone has been blessed by nature with beautiful and straight teeth. And some lost them during their lives. But expressing joyful emotions, everyone smiles. Even toothless ones. Not everyone has the financial opportunity to get their mouth in order, or maybe you are terrified of dentists? Then a closed smile will suit you, without exposing your teeth.

If the natural color of your enamel is yellowish and you are unable to cope with this, you will need to visit a dentist and undergo a hardware whitening procedure. This is the only way you will achieve the desired whiteness. And all the tricks with toothpastes remain just a successful advertising ploy.

Practical advice

  • Train your facial muscles. In front of the mirror, try to smile so that symmetry appears on your face. It may not work the first time. When you achieve the desired result, fix the symmetrical smile for a minute or two. If you do this regularly, your facial expressions will get used to it and your muscles will obey you more clearly.
  • Only a sincere smile can attract and charm. If you smile with bad intentions, it will look like a grin and is unlikely to please others. Your eyes should also laugh, because they are called the mirror of the soul.
  • Find the time, finances and courage to get your teeth in order. The most fervent laughter involves opening your mouth wide and exposing your teeth. Otherwise, you will constantly have to cover yourself with your palm.
  • Take care of your lips. If you do not use decorative cosmetics, then use hygienic lipstick and give up the bad habit of constantly licking your lips.

How to smile beautifully in a photo

It's hard to get a good shot if you're in a bad mood. While posing in front of the camera, remember a funny incident. Your eyes will immediately sparkle and transform beautifully.

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Before taking a photo, practice in front of a mirror.

Rules for beautiful photography:

  • Never say “cheese”, rather say “panda”.
  • Smile with your eyes, just remember something funny or the face of a loved one.
  • Open your mouth slightly. Don't show all your teeth, just a little bit.
  • Do not take photos strictly from the front, so as not to end up with a flat face in the photo. Turn your face slightly to the side.
  • Do not lower your face down so that your chin does not become massive.
  • Choose a lipstick that will make your teeth appear much whiter.
  • Moisturize your lips with Vaseline or glitter.
  • Smile in the mirror first, then take pictures.
  • Before shooting, moisten your teeth and run your tongue over them.
  • Take the tension off your face and don’t think about how you’ll turn out in the photo.

And then there’s aesthetics

Aesthetic procedures include those that do not affect the functions of teeth, but simply make them attractive. Let's take a closer look at what you can do to improve the appearance of your teeth.

Artistic restoration

This includes masking small cracks, chips, and scratches in the enamel with filling material, if the tooth root is not damaged. Artistic restoration, or, as it is sometimes called, “extension,” is a good way to hide small defects for those who are satisfied with the natural color of the enamel. The color of the aesthetic filling is matched to the color of the remaining teeth, the filling looks natural. But it will no longer be possible to bleach it, so after such a restoration, bleaching is not recommended - the natural enamel will become lighter, and the filling may begin to stand out.


If you like the shape of your teeth, there is no fluorosis or other stains on the enamel, but you want to lighten it, whitening is ideal. In a clinical setting, it is completely safe, since all drugs are certified, have been used for a long time and are well studied.

Whitening has virtually no risks; it is a simple and harmless procedure.

Installation of veneers

If the teeth are healthy, the bite is correct, but the patient does not like the natural shape of the teeth (for example, they are too small) or there are noticeable defects in the enamel, then installing veneers will be the solution.

The modern trend in installing veneers is a white, but natural shade and imitation of the texture of natural enamel, so that the teeth do not look “made.”

Veneers that are too white look unnatural

The size of the veneers is selected taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient’s appearance. By selecting the thickness of the plates, you can adjust the shape of the lips (veneers on the front incisors slightly raise the lips, but here it is important to observe the measure, otherwise the result will not be natural), and with the help of the form - the gum line.

There are generally accepted standards for the shape and proportions of veneers, but in each case the doctor selects them individually.

You can literally install from one piece, if this is justified, in order to hide some shortcomings. But the best results are obtained when veneers are installed over the entire smile area (10–12 teeth on top and the same number on the bottom).

Veneers are the best way to hide all dental imperfections

Consistently using all these technologies, anyone can get a perfect smile, regardless of the initial data.

Exercises for a beautiful smile

Yes! And you can train your smile too! After all, muscles also work here, the same red fibers that make the cubes on your stomach, biceps, triceps, and so on.

These exercises must be done systematically to get good results:

  1. In front of the mirror, determine which facial expression gives you the most beautiful smile. Hold it for 10 seconds, then relax your face. Return to the smiling expression for another 10 seconds, then relax. Do this 7-10 times.
  2. Purse your lips tightly, then stretch them forward, as if you decided to express everything to a nasty person from the distant past. Do this up to 15 times. Here we are working on lip flexibility.
  3. Take in as much air as your lungs can, exhale gradually through tightly compressed lips. Repeat 20 times. Here we work on the flexibility and symmetry of the lips.
  4. If the bottom row of teeth is a little weak, try to hide them a little behind a happy smile. Smile “from ear to ear”, then return your lips to the ideal position and hold. Relax your face, then repeat the same thing again. Here we are working on the topic of how to make your smile wider.
  5. Close your lips tightly, stretch them forward, and try to draw the number “eight” in the air with your lips. Then relax. Repeat up to 5 times.
  6. Smile really, really hard. Then relax. Repeat this 10 times.

You will definitely succeed and in the photo your smile will shine with new colors!

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