Smile from a psychological point of view. How to learn to smile beautifully and master the art of smiling

A smile always works for you - a smiling person is always more pleasant to deal with. But what if you are not one of the “eternal smilers” - is it possible to train yourself to “wear” a smile? The site is sure that this is possible - we will tell you how a girl can learn to smile naturally.

Question: How can a woman learn to smile naturally with teeth?

Answer: the best and absolutely correct smile is the one you get on its own. You can practice exercises in front of a mirror to learn to smile, but this is more about removing the complex before smiling, and not about some tricky cinematic “smile” technique.

What is a smile?

A smile is the revitalization of the facial muscles, which shows a person’s good mood. It is a human emotion displayed on the face, in which up to fifty-three facial muscles participate.

First of all, smiling is a process that occurs in the brain. When a person smiles, certain processes are triggered in his brain. The left frontal lobe is activated, which is responsible for the emotions of happiness and joy. That is, when we smile, we feel joy and this joy is felt by the people around us, and when we rejoice, a smile appears. Its absence can become a serious barrier to communication. As a result, you need to learn to smile beautifully.

To learn to smile beautifully, first of all, you need to evaluate your own appearance.

In this video, Evgenia Bobrovskaya will show you what exercises you can use to achieve a beautiful smile:

How a smile improves our lives: 6 facts

Most of us want to be happy. It’s unlikely that anyone sets a goal for the next year: “Do everything to remain unemployed, lose relationships and be as unhappy as possible!” It even sounds absurd. However, none of us is immune from painful experiences and difficult episodes.

Life, one way or another, sometimes presents us with not the most joyful surprises. There is something that does not depend on us. But there is something that can make our lives better - a simple smile. And that's why.

  1. Smiling prolongs life
  2. Scientists from Wayne State University conducted a study: they studied 320 photographs of baseball players in the 1952 championship league. It turned out that those young people who smiled widely in the photographs lived on average 80 years. But the life of gloomy students was 7–8 years shorter. Of course, life expectancy depends not only on a smile, but a smile is considered a marker of a positive outlook on life. It is difficult to make an inherently gloomy person smile on camera.

  3. A smile helps you make contacts and be a socially desirable person.
  4. The market for goods and services in all areas today is saturated. There is a choice, and everyone chooses according to their pocket, needs and spirit. And in any business we want to interact with positive people. We want to be with those who are friendly. And if we ourselves are not only good specialists, but also pleasant people, then our chances increase. It’s more comfortable to start a dialogue, do a project and consume services where people smile at you. If we smile, they smile back at us, and we find like-minded people. A study was conducted at Uppsala University that showed that people have difficulty not returning a smile. This is how we “probe” another person, observing how comfortable and sincere he is in communication. Others also “probe” us.

Appearance rating

  1. Smile in front of the mirror;
  2. Assess the condition of your teeth;
  3. If the condition of your teeth is not satisfactory, try to limit your smile to your lips, without showing your teeth;
  4. If the number of teeth is not enough, restore them. To straighten teeth, you can use braces;
  5. Lips should not have peeling or cracks;
  6. To make your lips look good, you need to watch your diet and drink a complex of vitamins.

Purpose of a smile

The main purpose of a smile is to express emotions. Its absence causes mistrust, since it is a means of non-verbal communication.

Basic functions of a smile:

  • It inspires mutual trust;
  • Smiling can convey information that cannot be conveyed in words;
  • It is contagious, so you can direct the person to communicate positively with you.

When a person smiles, “fun” hormones are produced - serotonin and dopamine. He becomes more confident and calmer. A smile makes a person more resistant to stress, helps relax muscles and speeds up recovery, and if a person is sick, speeds up his recovery.

Smiling promotes the production of endorphins. Endorphins are substances that are responsible for feelings of happiness and euphoria. This substance allows you to normalize blood pressure and defeat depression.

Unlike people who frown, a person who smiles is more attractive. And people communicate with such a person, and stay away from gloomy people. Usually when you smile, your interlocutor smiles back at you. Smiling improves interaction between people, attracts positive people and increases self-confidence.

Regulatory and psychotherapeutic functions

A smile in psychology is often used as a means of combating a number of mental problems. This is expressed in the following manifestations.

The brain perceives a smile on your face as a sign of joy, and even if there is no reason to be happy, the body begins to produce happiness hormones. Due to this reaction, a person gains peace, confidence and elation.

The endorphins produced by smiling put the body into a state of euphoria and block substances that cause negative emotions. Thus, even if you feel as depressed as possible, smiling can ease your worries and help you cope with stress.

By smiling, a person contributes to his relaxation and quickly restores internal resources.

Exercises for a beautiful smile

The condition of your lips and teeth is of course very important, but you also need to ensure that your lips are positioned correctly and learn how to use your facial muscles correctly. For a smile, not only the position of the lips is important, but also how a person’s eyes look when smiling.

For a good smile, you need to perform simple exercises that will not only make it perfect, but also slow down aging and improve blood circulation.

Before performing the exercises, you need to wash your hands, as you will need to touch your face with your hands.

Five exercises to make your smile beautiful:

  1. Smile widely. Correct your smile and check its symmetry. Afterwards, fix your lips in this position for 15 seconds, you can hold the corners of your lips with your fingers. This exercise must be performed 10-15 times a day;
  2. Fold your lips into a tube and stretch them forward, you need to stay in this position for ten seconds. This exercise also needs to be done 10-15 times a day;
  3. Stretch your tongue forward and take it with your lips, holding your tongue for 5 seconds. Perform 10 repetitions per day;
  4. Place three fingers on your cheeks. Pull your cheeks down slightly and smile. Duration of execution is 10 seconds, it must be done 15 times a day;
  5. Inhale quite deeply and exhale through tightly pursed lips. Repeat this task 20 times.

By performing these exercises, your smile will become truly beautiful. Also, do not forget to monitor the condition of your teeth and lips.

Give up bad habits and try to drink less coffee, as it turns your teeth yellow, and the sugar contained in this drink causes tooth decay.

In this training video, Alexandra Possokhova will tell you how to become the owner of a beautiful smile, what exercises will help develop it:

A speaker speaking without a smile is an unrealized opportunity.

12/27/201908/20/2021 Elena LitvinenkoPosted in Oratory

“Smile, gentlemen, smile!” - who doesn’t know this famous phrase from the movie “That Same Munchausen”? It is a smile that creates a cozy atmosphere and a feeling of comfort. It allows you to establish an energy exchange between the audience and the speaker. And, if the speaker’s speech passes without a single smile, then it is very doubtful whether the speaker will be able to achieve the goal of his speech. But... there are different types of smiles. And most often we only use one or two.

The most obvious difference between smiles is the lips. The lips may be closed or open. Some people never open their lips, while others do it all the time. Psychologists distinguish more than 2 dozen types of smiles, which carry different emotions and have different effects on viewers and interlocutors.

What kind of smiles are suitable for public speaking?

In general, the type of smile depends on the speaker's temperament and the general atmosphere of the speech. Therefore, let's figure out which smiles are best perceived by the viewer:

  1. Smile with eyes;
  2. An understanding smile;
  3. Bold smile.

Smile with the eyes - this type of smile is characteristic of those who feel free and confident, reliably maintaining peace of mind and the attention of the audience.

An understanding smile - this smile expresses complicity, complicity. Therefore, it disarms, inspires confidence, captivates or excites the audience. Often accompanied by slight head nods.

A bold smile helps you maintain confidence, overcome fear, and highlight the main points of your speech. It is this smile that helps us cope better with stress, confront surprises and “uncomfortable questions” with greater calm.

Smiles that speakers should avoid using

  • Mechanical smile
  • taut
  • Distracted
  • Flawless

A mechanical smile - convulsively compresses the lips, emphasizes wrinkles and folds of bitterness in the corners of the mouth. The more often they resort to it, the more it becomes like a grimace. Therefore, sooner or later a mechanical smile turns into a frozen mask. She is devoid of any charm and provokes an unconscious reaction of rejection in the audience.

A tense smile - motionless, if not frozen. This smile looks more like a grimace than a friendly smile. It conveys a degree of skepticism and alienates the audience's attention.

Distracted smile - you address the audience with a slightly distant smile. However, this type of smile indicates a certain distance. You consider your viewers inferior, which you communicate condescendingly and non-verbally.

A flawless smile that shows off your upper teeth is a smile without a hint of nobility. This is how people who are confident in their rights smile. Therefore, the audience sees in front of them a person who is ready to go ahead.

How to learn to smile sincerely and attractively

A speaker's speech without a smile is a “cake without the cherry.” If you want to attract viewers, you need to learn to smile warmly and sincerely. Well, if:

— the mood is not right, and the smile turns out to be strained?

— Are you worried and not able to smile?

— is the reason for speaking very serious and there is no need for a smile?

Words of encouragement and support, even in the most difficult and sad cases, will not be spoiled by a smile with your eyes. It will emphasize empathy and understanding much better than a whiny or stony expression.

Excessive anxiety and fear of performing cannot be hidden behind a smile. To do this, you need to learn how to transform a forced smile into a sincere one. To do this, you can use visualization: imagine or remember events that caused your involuntary smile. Most often, funny scenes with children and animals make us smile.

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A few special exercises to help you “find” the smile you want

Facial warm-up.

Eyes, lips and eyebrows take part in the formation of a smile on the face. So first, take a mirror and do a light massage of your entire face. Then warm up the muscles that move your eyebrows:

  • Vigorously raise your eyebrows up and after a second return to their normal position;
  • Alternate between frowning eyebrows and “house” eyebrows;
  • Raise one eyebrow at a time, then the other.

Then we complicate the task and train the eye muscles:

  • Make a simple, increasingly rapid blink of the eyelids;
  • Try closing your eyelids alternately. Make sure that the eyebrows do not participate in this movement and only one eye is closed.
  • While one eye is closed, blink the other eyelid. Then blink the other eyelid, and then alternately.

After that, work on the expression in your eyes. You can show more with just your eyes than with your whole body. Try to make eyes: loving, hating, kind and evil. Focus on the process, this will allow you to get the maximum effect from your training.

And finally - lip fitness:

  • Alternately stretch the lip muscles horizontally to the maximum position and pull forward with the proboscis.
  • While holding your lower lip, lift your upper lip so that your teeth are visible. Then do the same with your lower lip.
  • Massage your lips from the inside with your tongue. First right and left, and then in a circle.

Diversity of smiles.

A smile can have many shades. Try to picture:

  • Friendly attitude: just a smile;
  • Arrogance: a smile combined with lowered eyebrows;
  • Insincerity: a smile without lifting the eyelids;
  • Nervousness: smile slightly crooked;
  • Willingness to yield: a smile combined with raised eyebrows;
  • Threat: smiling and not blinking.

Your smile is a powerful weapon that helps you achieve success in your professional activities. A real smile illuminates the face, is read on the face, is noticed on the cheeks and is even visible under the waves of the eyebrows. So “smile, gentlemen, smile!”, and light up your public appearance with the “correct” smiles.

This may be useful to you too:

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Sincere smile

To prevent your smile from looking “tight,” you need to relax your facial muscles. Because only on a relaxed face can a beautiful and sincere smile appear.

The most sincere smile is when the muscles around the eyes contract while smiling. Smile in front of the mirror and pay attention to the muscles around the eyes; if the eye muscles remain unchanged, while smiling, try squinting your eyes a little and feeling the small pads under the eyes.

Once you learn to use your eyes when you smile, it will look more sincere.

Do the following three exercises to relax your face :

  1. Open your mouth wide so that the skin on your lips, chin and cheeks stretches. Freeze for 5 seconds and then relax. Do the exercise 5 times;
  2. Take a deep breath and stick your tongue out as far as possible. Then exhale sharply. Repeat the exercise ten times;
  3. And in the last exercise you need to lightly pinch your cheeks. This will improve blood circulation.

Also, to keep your smile looking natural, try to avoid negative thoughts. And if suddenly your interlocutor evokes negative thoughts, try to abstract yourself and think about something positive.

Doing all the above exercises and having a positive attitude will allow you to smile naturally and beautifully. Over time, you will achieve a perfect smile, but do not forget to monitor the condition of your teeth and consult your dentist from time to time, and also systematically do exercises and practice in front of the mirror.

Is it possible to smile without facial wrinkles?

Many women think about how to learn to smile with teeth without wrinkles near the eyes. “Beautiful and Successful” has information on this topic, but it is rather disappointing: it is impossible to fold the facial muscles into a natural smile without involving the area around the eyes. If you already have crow's feet, then with a wide smile they will become more noticeable.

However, this usually does not spoil the perception of the face as a whole: “smiling” wrinkles in most women look much better than a frozen face without expressive facial expressions.

By the way, the horror story that funny people prematurely develop wrinkles from the outer corners of their eyes is not entirely true: the skin is much more strongly affected by the internal processes of aging, dehydration and decreased collagen production due to diseases, poor nutrition, frequent exposure to the sun, etc. . It is unrealistic to “smile” your wrinkles – it’s just that existing skin folds, due to the anatomy of the face, deepen when you smile.

If the goal is not to emphasize these wrinkles (for example, in a photo or during a performance), then it is better not to simply smile from ear to ear.

Website – Beautiful and Successful. Author: Daria Blinova. Learn more about the site's authors.

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