How to learn to smile beautifully: exercises and techniques

A smile is your business card

A smile can decide the outcome of a business meeting or a first date, so you need to learn to naturally and beautifully bloom all over your face. Let's look at effective techniques for getting into a smiling state.

  1. Go to the mirror, smile, then freeze, take a good look at yourself, assessing the flaws in your appearance.
  2. Look how visible the teeth and gums are, what the curvature of the lips is.
  3. Next, try to blur without exposing your gums.
  4. If your teeth are yellow, get them in order.
  5. Pay attention to the lips. They should not have repulsive cracks or unpleasant peeling. If your lips are peeling, start treating them immediately. Perhaps you are lacking vitamins.
  6. If your lips are thin, do not try to enlarge them with lipstick. Upon closer inspection, they will not look aesthetically pleasing.
  7. Use chapstick or lipstick in natural shades.
  8. If you are talking to someone, imagine that a camera is watching you and you need to look charming. A light smile must “glide” across your lips.

Causes of anomalies

Let's look at the main reasons why defects occur:

  • Genetic factor. Mesial and distal occlusion are most often inherited. For parents, knowing about the high risk of such a defect occurring in their child, it is easier to control treatment in childhood, during the formation of the maxillofacial system.
  • Developmental anomalies in the prenatal period. Various pregnancy pathologies can often affect the formation of the fetal dental system.
  • Birth injury. Mesial occlusion is caused by displacement or dislocation of the baby's lower jaw during difficult childbirth.
  • “Wrong” habits in childhood. These include constant pacifier or finger sucking, improper nipple latching, and improper sucking during bottle feeding. If the hole in the nipple is too large, the child’s lower jaw practically does not work when sucking and remains undeveloped.
  • Frequent sinusitis and rhinitis, due to which the child constantly breathes through his mouth. With such breathing, the development of facial bones is disrupted.
  • Violation of tooth change. Early removal of baby teeth often causes abnormal maxillofacial development.
  • Incorrect prosthetics, lack of prosthetics.
  • Hypertonicity of the masticatory muscles due to stress provokes abrasion of the incisors and displacement of the jaws.
  • Various injuries of the maxillofacial area.

How to smile beautifully in a photo

It's hard to get a good shot if you're in a bad mood. While posing in front of the camera, remember a funny incident. Your eyes will immediately sparkle and transform beautifully.

Before taking a photo, practice in front of a mirror.

Rules for beautiful photography:

  • Never say “cheese”, rather say “panda”.
  • Smile with your eyes, just remember something funny or the face of a loved one.
  • Open your mouth slightly. Don't show all your teeth, just a little bit.
  • Do not take photos strictly from the front, so as not to end up with a flat face in the photo. Turn your face slightly to the side.
  • Do not lower your face down so that your chin does not become massive.
  • Choose a lipstick that will make your teeth appear much whiter.
  • Moisturize your lips with Vaseline or glitter.
  • Smile in the mirror first, then take pictures.
  • Before shooting, moisten your teeth and run your tongue over them.
  • Take the tension off your face and don’t think about how you’ll turn out in the photo.

How to learn to smile?

  • Start right now - when you read these lines: imagine a picture that causes you joy, uplifting spirit, and smile openly.
  • Associate a smile with an action: say, smile every time you see yourself in a mirror or glass display case. Or when a notification about something comes to your phone.
  • Try practicing metta meditation of kindness and love. It helps to awaken warm feelings towards yourself and people. This practice is done with a big smile.
  • Take care of your oral and dental health so you don’t feel embarrassed to smile. By the way, chewing gum reduces stress during the working day - this has been repeatedly confirmed by scientific research.

Well, in order not just to smile, but also to communicate productively, take the Vikium online intensive “Effective Communication”. It will help you begin to better understand yourself and people, avoid misunderstandings, and succeed in establishing useful connections.


How to smile beautifully with teeth

To break into a smile with teeth, first of all you need to have well-groomed teeth. If your teeth are uneven, then consult a dentist, today they work real miracles.

You can learn not to open your teeth, but to show a cheerful mood with just your lips. If you want to learn to smile naturally, then do exercises every day that will help strengthen your facial muscles.

  1. Fold your lips into a tube, stretch them forward, twist them in a circle with 5 movements in one direction and the other. Relax your muscles.
  2. Smile as wide as you can and hold for 15-20 seconds. Return to i.p. Perform 10-15 repetitions.
  3. Extend your tongue far forward and press your lips together, holding for 5 seconds. Repeat 10 times.
  4. Purse your lips as tightly as possible and extend them forward, as if you were about to whistle. Do 15 times.
  5. Take a deep breath, closing your lips tightly, fill your lungs, then exhale in thrusts through closed lips. Repeat 20 times.

Teeth: hiding or showing?

Research suggests that even for a barely noticeable smile a person uses about 20 muscles, and if he stretches his lips wider, then all 40. The facial muscles need training, which ensures a smile. You shouldn’t hide your teeth and hold back your emotions for several reasons:

  • a smile lifts your spirits;
  • 70% of men believe that the fair sex is more beautiful with a smile than with makeup;
  • in a laughing person, the production of growth hormone, which is responsible for immunity, resistance to stress and provides an analgesic effect, increases by 85%.

Not all people have been blessed by nature with white and straight teeth, and some have lost their teeth due to disease. However, you can smile naturally and beautifully even without teeth - in this case, a closed smile that does not expose the dentition is suitable.

To make a person look attractive while smiling, you need to follow the following rules:

  1. If your teeth are crooked, the problem can be hidden by partially opening your mouth. This technique will add mystery to the image.
  2. It is worth thinking about the width of the smile - sometimes it is appropriate to expose only the top row of teeth.
  3. Uneven rows or missing units can be hidden by turning or tilting your head. Changing the angle will not allow the interlocutor to notice the flaw.
  4. When opening your mouth, you need to make sure that your gums are not exposed.

If your teeth are fairly straight, but have become yellowed due to smoking, eating dyes, or plaque buildup, you can have them professionally cleaned by your dentist. You can create a dazzlingly beautiful smile at home - special whitening gels, trays, strips and a diet will lighten the enamel by 1-2 tones. Malocclusion can also be corrected - today even adults are given braces.

Why do you need to do exercises?

By strengthening your facial muscles, you will be able to freely use your facial expressions and create a sincere smile.

And sincerity can disarm any enemy, improve relations with a strict boss, and quickly conclude a business agreement.

When you feel like crying out of despair, blur out from your heart and you will feel much better. You will soon feel that your sadness is not so terrible, you will want to have fun and laugh. If you made a mistake, a shy smile will help smooth it out. Children use this technique and everything is forgiven for them.

If a person has grief or sadness, try to help him by simply smiling, encouraging, helping with advice.

Secrets and mysteries of a smile

Among the variety of non-verbal means of communication, the smile occupies a special place. This is due not only to the role it plays in communication, but also to its amazing features.

A smile is a facial movement that can involve up to 53 facial muscles. And if you remember that there are 57 facial facial muscles, you understand how complex this movement is and how diverse a smile can be. In addition, the eyes are involved in this facial reaction - their expression is very important for understanding the essence of a smile.

It is traditionally believed that it expresses positive emotions: joy, pleasure, happiness. However, in the process of long evolution, the smile has acquired many types and meanings, and in modern man it often expresses rather contradictory emotions. For example, it is difficult to describe in a few words what feelings a sad, mocking, angry or tragic smile conveys. What does a person feel when he smiles doomedly? Hardly positive emotions. A person’s ability to convey through a smile a variety of feelings that are difficult to describe is one of the mysteries of this complex facial reaction.

Considering the complexity, you might think that learning to smile is very difficult and requires years of practice. But that's not true. Children begin to smile literally in the first weeks after birth, although, of course, many types of this facial reaction are mastered only by adults. Fortunately, our kids are incapable of sarcastic, contemptuous, or evil smiles.

Smiling does not need to be learned, because it is an innate expressive reaction. Even higher animals can smile: dogs, horses, dolphins, monkeys, etc. Expressive reactions arise as a manifestation of experienced emotions. A person has many of them, for example, redness of the skin, dilation and constriction of the pupils, tremors - trembling of the limbs, goosebumps on the skin, etc.

Expressive reactions are reflexive in nature, and a person cannot control them, voluntarily evoke or suppress them. So, we are not able to sweat or blush at our own request; our pupils also completely involuntarily dilate from fear and constrict from anger.

But the smile is unique. It is so important for a person that he has learned to control this reflex reaction. The importance of a smile in a person’s life is confirmed by the variety of its functions.

Secrets of a charming smile

In addition to exercises, there are other techniques.

  1. Training in front of a mirror will help consolidate the results, because your face will gradually get used to the new position.
  2. Once you put on a radiant smile, you will see the friendly attitude of the people around you. You'll love it!
  3. Stop smoking and drinking coffee often to avoid damaging your teeth.
  4. Use whitening at least once a month.
  5. Maintain facial symmetry. You will never be able to smile sweetly if your face is distorted. Achieving symmetry is difficult, but it is necessary. Go to the mirror, smile, maintaining symmetry. Remember this state!
  6. Approaching the mirror, press the corners of your lips with your fingers and make cute facial expressions. Practice, it will do you good.
  7. If after several trainings your fingers do not find the edges of your lips, repeat this exercise again until this facial expression begins to work out by itself.

Practical recommendations

  1. Practice in front of a mirror, achieving facial symmetry. Smile as much as possible, strengthening your muscles. After some time of intensive manipulation, the face will get used to it. The result will become obvious.
  2. Always try to show a radiant smile, charming those around you. Do it from the bottom of your heart with glowing eyes. Otherwise, the smile will look unnatural, implying malice.
  3. Try to allocate funds for dental defects. Ultimately, you will be able to laugh out loud without any embarrassment. You don’t have to try to hide your sincere laughter by turning to the side or covering yourself with your hand.
  4. After dental surgery, carefully monitor the condition of your teeth. Use whitening systematically and give up bad habits. Drink less coffee and black tea.
  5. Don't forget to keep your lips toned. Use nourishing cosmetics in your daily life. Give up the habit of licking your lips, especially in the wind.

To achieve a stunning smile, you have to work hard. Systematically perform facial exercises to strengthen your muscles. Identify all deficiencies and contact a dentist. Become a confident person, stop being shy. Having achieved a charming smile, do not stop practicing in front of the mirror, also do all the exercises.

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What to do if your bad mood won't let go

You don’t always have a good mood; how can you keep your face up if you want to cry? Try to have a slight smile on your face, not to glow like a copper teapot, but to “bloom” sweetly and easily.

Even if you are in a bad mood, there is no need to frown; cheerful, friendly facial expressions will act on others like hypnosis.

You will see that people will treat you with care and kindness. And this attitude will make your mood much better.

Try to remember a funny joke or a pleasant event, such as your baby's first steps. A kind smile will involuntarily play on your face.

The smile is from ear to ear, but the eyes are indifferent.

Sometimes you can see a photograph of a smiling person, but something about it confuses you. If you look closely, you can understand what exactly. It looks like a smile from all over the mouth, but it’s insincere. It is very easy to guess this. The lips laugh, but the eyes remain indifferent. A real smile affects them too. The look becomes warm and cheerful. If you can't laugh with your eyes, practice in front of a mirror. Pay attention to your eyes when you smile. The muscles around them should also be involved. Try smiling in different ways, and at the same time you will understand which smile suits you best. You can cover your mouth with a piece of paper, laugh only with your eyes. Here is one of the main secrets of how to learn to smile beautifully. A few workouts will help make your face look natural during a photo shoot.

What makes up the idea of ​​a person?

People like to smile not only in photographs. In everyday life, a smiling, charming person is conducive to communication, he is open to other people and has success in interpersonal relationships. Looking at a stranger, people notice how he is dressed, draw a psychological portrait in their imagination, translating sign language, and judge education and upbringing by the manner and style of dialogue.

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However, a positive image can be immediately ruined by an ugly smile. After all, in society it is important not only to look good and have good manners, but also to be able to smile beautifully. Thus, a smile is considered as the most important and final touch in the formation of self-image.

Lip condition, makeup

A beautiful smile does not mean flaky, dry, chapped lips. Remember regular moisturizing, hygiene products, masks and nourishing balms. Men can simply lubricate problem lips with cream. Moisturizing your lips is especially important during the frosty and windy season.

If a woman has naturally thin lips, then she will have to give up bright lipstick. In this case, the smile visually divides the mouth into two thin stripes, and this is not very beautiful. That is why ladies with thin lips need to use natural shades of lipstick or shimmering gloss. You can also use a little trick: use a contour pencil 2 shades darker than the main one, moving both the upper and lower borders of the lips 2-3 millimeters.

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How to find your angle?

First, find out how wide you can open your mouth. It all depends on the condition of your oral cavity and dental health. Smiling in front of the mirror will help you figure this out. You should have a natural and relaxed smile that can highlight your advantages. The mirror will help you with this like no other.

Pay attention to what your eyes are doing at this time. Squinting slightly, your eyes complement your smile with naturalness and sincerity. This is a great solution for those who want to divert attention from less than perfect teeth. “Duchenne smile” is a condition of the heart that cannot be faked. Be sincere.

Wear bright jewelry that can distract attention from your lips. Earrings with unusual stones are perfect for this purpose. Do an interesting hairstyle, wear a scarf or other fun accessory.

Ask a friend to take photos of you from different angles. In the finished photos it will be easier for you to understand which side and tilt is best to photograph in your case.

Be happy and give happiness to others!

Correct teeth defects

And, of course, in order to smile beautifully, you need to have an invaluable arsenal, consisting of two rows of straight and white teeth. Crooked teeth can be corrected with braces, and yellowness can be corrected with a special diet, whitening gels, strips or trays. If you are not satisfied with the condition of your teeth, visit a qualified dentist, he will select an effective method of correction and whitening. Of course, the help of a specialist will require considerable financial expenses, but investments in your own health and beauty will pay off handsomely in the future.

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