How much does a star smile cost? Sometimes less than you think

Have you always dreamed of a “Hollywood smile”? So you've come to the right place! At the Esthetic Classic Dent clinic, they know a lot about beautiful teeth and are ready to make any smile perfect. The clinic’s doctors are proficient in all modern methods of aesthetic dentistry, and their patients do not hesitate to smile widely and feel confident in any situation.

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What is a “Hollywood smile”?

In the first half of the last century, a beautiful, perfectly straight smile could only be seen on the movie screen. To create an attractive image, make-up artists glued special pads to the actors’ teeth, which were easily removed after filming. Over the years, the “on-screen” smile has become available not only to artists, and the technology for creating beautiful teeth has constantly improved.

Nowadays, a “Hollywood smile” means neat, perfectly straight, white teeth of the same length. Owners of such teeth look incredibly attractive and always smile with pleasure. The “Hollywood smile” creates the image of a healthy, successful and satisfied person.

4th place: Maria Gorban, 32 years old

What was done: ceramic veneers, lengthening of the upper teeth. While everyone was discussing the actress’s new breasts and face, Maria put on a gorgeous snow-white smile, even too snow-white. But she likes it, and her career is going uphill, which is what the bets were on.

Expert comment: Maria does not hide the fact that she has ceramic veneers on her teeth. Their cost varies from 16 to 25 thousand rubles per piece. In addition to a snow-white smile, onlays make teeth a little longer (the fact is that with age, natural teeth gradually wear down). This service is relatively inexpensive - from 5 thousand rubles.

Cost of a smile : minimum 610 thousand rubles.

Life hack: if you install veneers not on all teeth, but only in the smile area, you can save a lot and at the same time add charm to your image.

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1st place: Cristiano Ronaldo, 34 years old

What was done: braces on the upper and lower teeth, tooth restoration with composite filling materials, mouthguard. And although Cristiano earned an army of fans with his football play, and not with a snow-white smile, a star of this level has to keep his face.

Expert comment: The football player has come a long way to perfect teeth. It is worth adding that such problems arose due to heredity and unhealthy eating behavior. The braces cost Cristiano about 100 thousand rubles. Restoration of several teeth cost from 5 thousand rubles per tooth. For some time he wore aligners (transparent aligners) for 100-150 thousand rubles. And now he does in-office whitening.

Cost of a smile : minimum 1 million rubles + annual prevention.

Life hack: in order not to let your teeth get into such a state, you need professional dental hygiene at least once a year. This is a professional cleaning during which tartar and soft plaque are removed.

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Will bleaching alone help?

For a dazzling Hollywood smile, you will need a complex of procedures.

  • Diagnosis, prevention and treatment. If teeth are damaged, spoiled by caries, drinks, smoking, as a result of physical trauma, etc., this is corrected.
  • The teeth are adjusted to the desired shape (large, even).
  • If there are not enough teeth, a denture or implant is placed.
  • The final stage is whitening or installation of overlays that imitate a beautiful smile.

You need to be prepared for the fact that bleaching does not always help. In advanced cases, only an experienced dentist can save your smile.

How to create a “Hollywood smile”?

There are very few lucky people who received perfectly straight teeth from nature, and it is also extremely rare to preserve the natural whiteness of the enamel. In this case, dentists come to the rescue, who are able to completely transform the dentition, and with it the appearance of a person.

Before starting the procedures, the doctor discusses in detail with the patient what he would ultimately like to get, and also tells how much it costs to create a “Hollywood smile.”

At the preliminary consultation, they first decide what the shape and color of the teeth will be:

  • Is it necessary to straighten the length or create a smooth surface, will it be necessary to close interdental spaces or change the shape of teeth?
  • Which shade should you choose to make your teeth look natural? As a rule, dentists do not recommend making teeth snow-white; instead, they try to match the natural shade of the enamel. For these purposes, a special Vita scale is used.

After the patient has decided on the shape and color, the doctor can make a computer model of future teeth and “try it on” to the photograph. Then the methods of work are discussed again - and you can begin to create a real “Hollywood smile”!

3rd place: Miley Cyrus, 26 years old

What was done: veneers and alignment. Miley spent her very first salary on a dentist. Uneven teeth and a yellowish color irritated the singer so much that for many years she has been bringing her teeth to an unreal whiteness.

Expert Comment: Apparently she has ceramic or porcelain veneers installed. This is the highest class among veneers. Their approximate cost is 25-30 thousand rubles per tooth (Miley installed 16 pieces). The cost may vary depending on the installation method - with or without turning. These teeth will last 15-20 years with proper care. Miley straightened her teeth with braces and a plate (alignment), which must be worn for at least 20 hours a day; this could cost more than 50 thousand rubles.

Cost of a smile : minimum 750 thousand rubles.

Life hack: bonding, a procedure in which a special polymer gel of the desired shade is applied to the teeth, is several times cheaper than veneers. When it hardens, it becomes invisible. The effect lasts up to ten years.

Methods for creating a “Hollywood smile”

Dentists have many modern methods at their disposal to create perfect teeth. The choice of the appropriate one is made depending on the clinical picture, wishes and financial capabilities of the patient. Let's take a closer look at the most popular technologies for creating a “Hollywood smile”:

  1. Whitening and professional dental hygiene
  2. If a patient likes the shape of his own teeth, but is not satisfied with their color, he will most likely be offered professional oral hygiene and whitening. Using the first method, you can get rid of unsightly yellow deposits, and the second can lighten the entire tooth enamel. The main advantages of these methods are non-invasiveness and speed. Within just a few hours in the dental chair, the patient will receive beautiful white teeth.

  3. Veneers
  4. Veneers are ceramic plates that are attached to the surface of the patient’s own teeth. With their help, you can disguise any irregularities, chips and crevices, as well as completely change the color and shape of your teeth. The main disadvantage of creating a “Hollywood smile” with veneers is the need to grind down your own teeth before installing them.

  5. Crowns
  6. If the patient’s teeth are severely damaged, then the only way to get a “Hollywood smile” is to install crowns - artificial teeth/dental bridges made of ceramics or zirconium dioxide. There are two methods for installing crowns:

  • on your own tooth, which is previously ground to the desired shape;
  • on a titanium implant, which is implanted into the patient's jawbone.

5th place: Nastya Ivleeva, 28 years old

What was done: veneers. Finally, the topic of interference in the appearance of a popular TV presenter has been revealed. Nastya, in an interview with Yuri Dudu, explained that she really had her teeth done, but she was forced to do it, following the example of Hollywood stars, because “a public person is simply obliged to have a perfect smile.”

Expert comment : Ivleeva most likely has Lumineers. They are installed easily, without turning the tooth. Thin, light, easy to care for. The only downside of this procedure is the price: from 20 thousand rubles per tooth.

Cost of a smile : minimum 400 thousand rubles.

Life hack: if you have straight teeth, professional cleaning and whitening will be enough for you.

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How to maintain the results for a long time

  • Do not eat sweets with tea or coffee. Harmful bacteria adhere more easily to the surface of the enamel due to this amount of sugar.
  • Brushing your teeth for longer than two minutes.
  • Using an irrigator. Rinsing your mouth after eating gets rid of harmful bacteria and sticky food and drink residues. It is advisable to carry the irrigator with you.

Reviews from patients who have had their teeth whitened are positive. But, if you expect a positive result, trust doctors who will confirm their experience with successful work. Only procedures performed by an experienced dentist will make your smile white and even.

Reviews from our patients

Vladislav Topalov

I want to share a miracle with you. Yes Yes. MIRACLE. In 2022 I had my wisdom tooth removed. If anyone remembers, I wrote about it. Then I had to remove 3 more... and, as always happens, I gave up on it... a year and a half passed and I was told, as in the case of the first one, that I urgently needed to remove another one. And I decided that I was not ready to remove 3 more, one every year and a half. I called Kostya and asked him to delete 3 at once!!! Yes Yes! 3 at once! Under anesthesia. The operation was scheduled for 9.01. That is, yesterday. I’ll say it right away! Both then and now I PAID FOR EVERYTHING. I SHARE with YOU from the bottom of my heart, and not because they are doing something for me for free!!!! I, like 99% of us, am afraid of the dentist. I’m not afraid, of course, because I understand technology, anesthesia, etc.... but I'm afraid. Guys!!! I'M HAPPY! Yesterday, 3 teeth were removed in 15 minutes. Under sedation!!! I slept like a baby! Moreover - NOT A SINGLE SEAMLESS. Nothing hurts today. The face is NOT swollen. You can see it in the photo. I came today to see the doctor. If anyone needs to have their teeth removed - I PERSONALLY tell you - go to Konstantin Vladimirovich! He has GOLDEN hands!! Ahhh yes! I also DO NOT TAKE ANALGESICS!!! Yes, yes, you didn’t think so!!! He removed it so delicately that it doesn’t even hurt. Do you believe this? I'm not very... and all mine too. It is fantastic! Kostya, dear! God grant you health!!! Thank you so much!

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2nd place: Dmitry Nagiev, 52 years old

What has been done: ceramic crowns, dental restoration, veneers. Dmitry Nagiyev takes care of his figure, has developed his own style - he has brought his appearance to almost ideal. The teeth, of course, could have been made more modest, but he really wanted to keep his signature grin.

Expert comment: Dmitry lost almost all of his teeth, it took a long time to eliminate the consequences of caries, several teeth had to be restored or almost the entire outer part had to be restored. The chewing teeth are protected with crowns and have linings. All this cost Nagiyev a tidy sum, but it will last forever.

Cost of a smile : minimum 900 thousand rubles.

Life hack: regaining lost teeth is an expensive proposition. Good oral care can help prevent serious problems. A very wise and necessary investment in your health would be to purchase an electric toothbrush, dental floss, and a tongue scraper.

Try whitening strips

An alternative to home kits for the laziest. Here you don’t need to apply the gel anywhere, put on a mouth guard, sit “with a lamp in your mouth”, you just glue strips with a special gel on your teeth and wait 20 minutes. The result is promised after 5 days, and indeed, many note that the teeth have become lighter. But there is a risk of getting more sensitive teeth after whitening or gum irritation. Therefore, we advise you to first try a set of 2 strips to see how your teeth react. If you notice pain, it is better not to continue the course, because healthy teeth are more important than a snow-white smile.

Whitening strips Crest — 1900 UAH. for 28 pieces

Teeth whitening strips 3D White Teeth Whitening Strips. 350 UAH for 14 pieces

Preventing yellowing of teeth

No matter how much you whiten your teeth, it will be useless if you do not maintain the results. It's best to reduce your intake of coffee, soda, red wine and dark berries because they are notorious for staining your teeth.

If you can’t imagine even one morning without coffee, drink it through a straw to reduce the contact of this drink with your teeth... You can also drink wine this way, not paying attention to the aesthetics and the surprised looks of your friends :)

If you really want berries, eat plenty, and then rinse your mouth to immediately cleanse the tooth enamel of dyes.

Do not use acid bleaching methods

Many at-home “natural” teeth whitening methods use acidic or abrasive elements. Avoid them at all costs because their goal is to aggressively break down plaque and stains, which of course also affects tooth enamel. It is better not to try methods that use strawberries or apple cider vinegar, because they will quickly destroy the enamel, weaken the teeth and increase the likelihood of their aging.


Dentistry today uses various orthodontic systems that painlessly correct bites at any age - braces. There are many orthodontic corrective treatments available, with varying costs and severity. Classic metal braces can be replaced with ceramic, sapphire and lingual braces. The latter are completely invisible, because they are installed on the inside of the teeth. Such systems are made to order, and the cost of treatment will be considerable. Those who want to get a perfect open smile in this way should understand that at first they will encounter difficulties:

  • Problems with eating;
  • Difficulty pronunciation.

In what cases are veneers and lumineers installed?

The following indications exist for the installation of veneers and lumineers:

  • irregular shape and dark shade of enamel;
  • noticeable aesthetic defects;
  • hypersensitivity of enamel;
  • curvature of teeth.

The doctor decides how many veneers or lumineers need to be installed after analyzing how wide the person’s smile is. If it is closed, then it is enough to install four pads on the opening teeth.

Lumineers are successfully used to restore back and front teeth. When using them, you can correct color, shape, reduce sensitivity, and close small aesthetic defects. These plates have different transparency and many shades. If teeth are excessively worn out or have lost their volume, then lumineers will restore their normal appearance. In addition, worn teeth age a person, so installing plates will restore youth.

When correcting with lumineers, there is no need to grind down the teeth, as this is done when restoring with veneers. They are easily removed, leaving the teeth without any damage. Another important advantage is the long warranty: if a record is damaged, it is usually replaced free of charge. The only drawback of lumineers is their cost.

Indications and contraindications for the installation of Hollywood veneers

Lumineers – Hollywood veneers are recommended to be installed in the following cases:

  • aesthetically unattractive appearance of the front teeth,
  • yellowness or spots,
  • the inability to whiten enamel using other modern techniques, including at home,
  • thinness and sensitivity of enamel,
  • interdental spaces,

Photo: enlarged interdental spaces

  • chips, cracks,
  • slight curvature or change in the position of the teeth,
  • the presence of a small amount of old fillings on the outside.

But it is also worth remembering that in some situations you will have to abandon prosthetics:

  • untreated inflammation in the oral cavity: caries, gum disease, severe tooth decay,
  • bruxism or jaw clenching, which can lead to chipping of the lumineers,
  • significant change in the color of the enamel: the plates are ultra-thin, so they will be noticeable on teeth that are too dark,
  • bad habits: biting threads, opening bottles with teeth,
  • malocclusion or severe anomalies.

Why is the bite disturbed?

To create a perfect smile, you need to eliminate defects in the dental system. The most common of them include various malocclusion pathologies. Dental problems arise for various reasons.

For example, due to bad habits in childhood or adolescence. These include breathing through the mouth, sucking the tongue or finger, etc. As for adults, their bite is disturbed due to the loss of teeth.

Changes in the area of ​​posture, neck muscle tone or the so-called “shoulder girdle” also affect the maxillofacial system. Disorders of the musculoskeletal system change the bite. This is also true for the reverse situation.

When the lower jaw moves posteriorly, the tongue often moves into the larynx area. The volume of air inhaled decreases. As a result, the operation of vital systems becomes difficult.

Experts identify many reasons that lead to bite pathologies. Dentistry allows you to eliminate most problems and create a perfect smile, regardless of the condition of your teeth. The main thing is to choose the right clinic. If you are also looking for experienced specialists, our doctors are ready to provide any professional services!

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