How much does a tooth crown cost: prices, before and after photos, reviews

A dental crown is a separate type of orthopedic structure used in dentistry to restore the shape, aesthetics and functional functions of a dental unit. Single crowns are used in the process of restoring severely damaged teeth: for example, if due to illness or injury the natural crown has been destroyed by more than fifty percent, it is more correct to restore it not with filling composites, but by installing a dental crown. Dental crowns are also actively used in prosthetics, for the restoration of missing units. Most often, a dental bridge is used for this purpose - a structure in which several dental crowns are connected. The finished prosthesis is fixed in the oral cavity on the supporting teeth, previously prepared to the thickness of the crowns. Bridges are used when there is a defect in a row with the absence of no more than two dental units in a row.

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Do not delay your treatment, because in this matter time plays against us.

Photos of a single crown and dental bridge will help you get an idea of ​​what the structures look like.

Before restoration with crowns, not only preliminary grinding of the supporting teeth is required: the teeth should be treated for carious damage, restored with a filling, and sometimes endodontic treatment may be required. Professional sanitation of the oral cavity is also recommended. All of the above measures allow restoration with crowns to be carried out with the highest possible quality, without the risk of complications in the future.

Dental crowns in our clinic

Specialists from the Beryozka clinic will help you place strong dental crowns based on an individual impression. Our doctors work according to the most modern treatment protocols, which ensures maximum similarity of the artificial crown with the real one. High-tech materials ensure long-lasting wear even with intensive use of the crown.

Making a crown based on an individual impression ensures the most comfortable use. And budget prices allow you to restore the beauty and functionality of the jaws to a person with any income.

Free consultation!

You can get acquainted with the specialists of the Beryozka clinic and decide on the need to install a crown at a free consultation. Our doctors are confident that the patient, once in their hands, will definitely return for treatment. This is facilitated by the beautiful and comfortable environment in the offices, friendly and polite staff, as well as the high professionalism of the dentists.

What is a dental crown

The visible part of a natural tooth is the crown. It is most often destroyed due to caries, trauma or the process of demineralization. It can be restored with an artificial prosthesis - a dental crown. It can be temporary - for the period of treatment, or permanent - for every day. In some cases, crowns are used to correct the shape of implants when they are damaged.


Like any medical procedure, the installation of crowns has contraindications. Cases in which the procedure is not performed:

  • advanced periodontitis;
  • bruxism - teeth grinding;
  • fragile enamel;
  • teeth are small and poorly positioned;
  • pathological bite, when the incisors overlap one another.

Sometimes the age of the patient may be a contraindication to installing a crown made of a certain material. Then he is offered another way to restore the integrity of the dentition.

The need for depulpation

The question of the need for mandatory extraction of the neurovascular bundle from root canals is controversial among dentists today, due to the frequent occurrence of complications.

Therefore, pulp removal before prosthetics is not a mandatory manipulation and is performed only if the following indications are identified:

  • anatomically incorrect position;
  • deep advanced caries;
  • carious process at the very root;
  • partial exposure of nerves;
  • hypersensitivity;
  • low landing of the crown;
  • inability to treat the tooth after opening the pulp chamber;
  • anatomical features - large size of the pulp chamber, large inclination (over 10 degrees) of the tooth;
  • mechanical trauma to the tooth, in which there is a high probability of nerve death;
  • inflammation of the periodontium or pulp.

In all other situations, the issue of depulpation is resolved individually, taking into account the condition of the problem element, the anatomical features of adjacent teeth and the age of the patient.

Important! Special consideration is required for units that will serve as supports for prosthetics with bridge-type prostheses.

It follows that the dentist’s insistence on depulpation in the absence of clear indications is a gross violation.

What are they: materials

Crowns are made from different materials: some are more durable, others are only suitable as a temporary measure. Their cost, complexity of manufacturing and installation also depend on this.

Metal ceramics

The product has a metal frame and is covered with ceramics on top.

Pros: Minuses:
High strength. Contraindicated for people under 18 years of age.
Aesthetics. Not suitable for gum recession.

Metal-ceramic crowns are suitable for installation only in adult patients.

Metal composite

The crown frame is made of an alloy of chromium and cobalt. From above it is covered with a photopolymer composite: while it is soft, it is given a shape, after which it is fixed with UV rays.

Pros: Minuses:
High strength. Coloring from products with pigment.
Thin and invisible edges.

People with metal-composite crowns need to follow a diet to prevent artificial teeth from changing color. It is not recommended to consume drinks with dyes and foods with a high pigment content.


The oldest material for making crowns is gold.

Pros: Minuses:
Hypoallergenic. Lack of aesthetics.
They do not damage neighboring healthy teeth. Rapid abrasion due to the softness of the metal.

It is best to install gold crowns on the back teeth, where they will be almost invisible.

Zirconium dioxide

Modern material for crowns is zirconium dioxide. It is durable, aesthetic, does not cause allergies and lasts a long time. But it has a fairly high cost, so it’s not suitable for everyone’s budget.


Modern synthetic materials can completely replace metal in the composition of the crown. They are no less durable, and look as close as possible to natural teeth.


The best way to choose the color of a crown is when it is made of ceramic. They do not look artificial, as they are quite transparent.

They are great for replacing incisors. But for chewing teeth, ceramic crowns are too fragile and cannot withstand such a load.


Porcelain crowns are not so popular, but are gradually becoming more and more in demand. They are easily and firmly fixed, which reduces the risk of loosening. Porcelain products last a long time, do not deteriorate due to temperature changes and are not stained by food. In this case, the crown can be made in an anatomical shape, repeating the relief of the tooth as accurately as possible, which ensures comfortable wearing. They look very aesthetically pleasing and are also hypoallergenic.

One of the disadvantages is their loose fit to the tooth, which can cause cervical caries. Crowns are quite fragile and can destroy adjacent healthy teeth. The product is not suitable for patients with thin enamel. In addition, the cost of such crowns is quite high, which is not affordable for everyone.


By combining several materials, it is possible to create crowns that combine their best properties. The product is suitable for use on front and back teeth: they look aesthetically pleasing and can withstand chewing loads. But such crowns are short-lived because they quickly wear out and sometimes become deformed. But their installation does not cause a blow to the budget.


Plastic crowns are used as a temporary measure. They are manufactured on site and installed on the same day in place of the extracted or treated tooth. The cost of such crowns is low. But it is impossible to use them as permanent ones, since they cannot withstand prolonged chewing load.

Metal-ceramic crowns: features, cost of prosthetics

The basis of this type of crown is a solid metal alloy frame, the average thickness of which is about 0.5 millimeters. From the outside, the metal base is covered with several layers of ceramic mass, which allows you to obtain an aesthetic appearance of the prosthesis, visually indistinguishable from natural teeth. The base can be made from both inexpensive metals and precious metals - gold and platinum.

USEFUL TO KNOW: In terms of price, a platinum crown is only slightly cheaper than a metal-free product, but at the same time its aesthetic indicators are lower, since even the precious metal will shine through the ceramics.

The advantages of metal-ceramic crowns include: reliability and durability, good aesthetics, affordable price (if we are not talking about products made of platinum or gold). The disadvantages of metal-ceramic crowns will be the following: before prosthetics, a significant amount of tissue is removed from the supporting teeth, teeth often need to be depulped first, and the gum tissue around the crown can acquire an unsightly bluish tint. This defect in metal-ceramic crowns is especially noticeable and critical when performing prosthetics in the smile area.

USEFUL TO KNOW: The defect of cyanosis of the gums occurs due to contact of the crown with soft tissues. To avoid the occurrence of such an unpleasant phenomenon, you can order in advance the production of a prosthesis with a shoulder mass, in which the lower part of the base of the product is also covered with a layer of ceramics. Prostheses with shoulder mass have a more complex production technology, and therefore their price is higher than for conventional crowns.

Having understood the features, advantages, and disadvantages of metal-ceramic crowns, we can move on to considering their cost. On average, a crown of this type, made of high-quality alloy, will cost about 8,000 rubles. If expensive ceramic materials are used for veneering the crown, allowing for high aesthetics of the product, the price of the crown will be higher and can amount to 10 thousand rubles.

The price of crowns with shoulder mass will be even higher - from fourteen thousand. Prices for metal-ceramic crowns may be lower - 5-6 thousand rubles, but usually at this price they offer products in the production of which domestically produced materials were used. Let’s be honest, the domestic product does not meet European quality standards, and therefore the finished crowns will not be distinguished by high levels of aesthetics and reliability.

Crowns with a base of gold or platinum cost about 10 thousand rubles. But the indicated amount is the cost of manufacturing the prosthesis, to which should be added the price of the precious metal per gram of weight. As a result, the price of the crown is already a different amount - from 18 thousand rubles.

It is important to note: the price of crowns does not include pre-treatment services and the cost of a temporary prosthesis.

Types of crowns

The number of missing teeth, the presence of dentures and other individual characteristics of the patient determine what type of crown is suitable for him. It is impossible to determine this in absentia, since it requires an examination by a specialist.


Suitable for people who have lost more than one tooth. The prosthesis is made for all missing units, and its parts are connected by a metal bridge. To secure the crowns, you need healthy chewing teeth. Only complex prosthetics are performed in this way.

Implant supported crowns

If the patient has implants, the crown can be secured to them. This will prevent the destruction of healthy teeth, which can occur due to excess stress. But the method is only suitable for those who already have implants installed.

Crown for one tooth

If one tooth is destroyed, a crown can be installed only on it. This usually happens after deep caries or injuries. Before installing a crown, the condition of the periodontium, jaw and gum tissue is assessed. Sometimes additional operations are performed to build up the bone plate.

Fixation with a pin

The rarest method of prosthetics is installing a crown on a pin. It is quite traumatic and carries a risk of complications, so it is almost never used. If other methods of prosthetics are not available to the patient, the crown is installed on a pin, but this is done in several stages under the supervision of specialists at each of them.

Ceramic (metal-free) crowns: overview of types, performance properties and prices

The main difference between such crowns and metal-ceramic analogues is that they are produced without a cast metal alloy frame and this gives two advantages at once: high aesthetics and the possibility of using crowns in patients with allergies to metals. The aesthetic and most natural appearance is ensured by the translucency of the ceramic; according to this property, the material will be almost identical to natural tooth enamel.

USEFUL TO KNOW: Opaque ceramic masses are used for veneering metal-ceramic crowns, and therefore the finished crown will look somewhat unnatural.

Ceramic crowns can be made from zirconium dioxide or E.max glass ceramics. Both crown materials have high levels of transparency and therefore products made from them will look natural and visually indistinguishable from natural teeth.

Methods for making a crown

Orthodontic products can be manufactured using several methods. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Cast products

Strong and durable crowns are made using casting. For this, a single piece of metal is used. The method is not suitable for all materials.


More affordable, but less durable prostheses are made by stamping:

  • a mold is placed into the dental anvil;
  • using rubber rings a stamp is obtained;
  • the crown is made using special hammers that differ in shape and size;
  • The product is given its final shape using small tongs.

Such crowns last less than cast ones, but are much cheaper to produce.

What is the service life of a ceramic crown?

Metal-ceramic crowns are fixed with dental cement, which breaks down after about 5 to 7 years. However, ceramic dentures are attached to a particularly strong adhesive material, which increases their service life to 10 years.

As for strength, ceramic crowns can easily withstand the required chewing load. If a ceramic crown chips for some reason, it can be easily restored. Since the metal-free structure does not have a frame, almost any minor damage to it will be invisible. If more or less serious damage occurs, the all-ceramic crown can simply be polished.

Photos before and after installation of ceramic crowns at the Research Center. Works by Karneev A.N.

How a tooth crown is made

Before starting to make the prosthesis, the size and shape of the product are determined. To do this, the patient undergoes:

  • examination by a doctor;
  • general and targeted x-ray diagnostics;
  • 3D - visualization on a computer screen of the entire jaw and a specific tooth.

Then the doctor selects the material from which the crown will be made. It depends on which tooth needs to be replaced, the age of the patient and his financial capabilities.

To accurately manufacture the prosthesis, an impression of the jaw is taken. For this, gypsum or a similar synthetic material is used. The resulting model is sent to the laboratory.

Realities and myths

Most patients associate prosthetics, and especially if depulpation is excluded, with unpleasant sensations, pain and even fear.

This condition is explained by the need to remove part of the dental tissue, so many people refuse this method of tooth restoration, commenting on the following reasons:

  1. A tooth covered with a crown deteriorates and rots faster. This phenomenon does occur, but only if the procedure is carried out incorrectly and there is no proper care for the oral cavity.
    Destruction is also possible due to inadequate preparation of the tooth for prosthetics, poor quality of the prosthetic product, or refusal to install a temporary crown.
  2. To install a crown, a large amount of tissue will be removed from the tooth .
    Dentistry today is focused on maximizing the preservation of dentin layers. Modern equipment and tools make it possible to control the amount of fabric stitching, and to carry out this procedure more carefully and accurately. In addition, materials for prostheses have also changed. Thus, the metal-ceramics became thinner, which enabled more gentle grinding behavior.
  3. After the crown is removed, the tooth will need to be removed . If the border of the prosthetic product has not dropped, and the preliminary grinding of the tooth is done as carefully as possible, then repeated prosthetics will be successful in a few years, i.e. without the need for removal.
  4. Depulpation of a tooth that is to be covered with a crown is a mandatory procedure . Action is mandatory only if there are certain indications. Thanks to the introduction of innovative technologies in dentistry, attaching a prosthesis to a vital organ is not a problem.
  5. If caries has developed under the crown, the disease cannot be cured. It is possible, but the treatment method depends on the severity of the pathology.
    In most cases, removal of the prosthesis and its subsequent replacement after completion of treatment is required. Often, caries can be eliminated in another way - without removing the orthopedic structure, treatment is carried out through the hole on the chewing surface.
  6. Instead of a crown, it is better to put several fillings. From a financial point of view, filling is cheaper, but loses in efficiency. Fillings, even large ones, cannot withstand heavy chewing loads, which is why they split themselves and lead to the walls breaking off.

Important! The crown maintains uniform load distribution and protects tissue from destruction. If the tooth is severely damaged, fillings are not recommended.

All the considered reasons that underlie patients’ refusal to have crown prosthetics are misconceptions. It should be understood that only a dentist can offer the optimal treatment method, based on the results of the examination and visual examination.

From the video, find out the opinion of a specialist about whether it is necessary to kill the tooth under the crown.

Preparing for installation

A crown cannot be placed on an unprepared tooth. He must be completely healthy. If you have inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity, they need to be cured before installing a crown.

Then the teeth are ground down. It is performed under anesthesia, so the patient does not experience any discomfort. This procedure is carried out to ensure that the denture fits perfectly and no food remains get stuck under it. It also allows you to equalize the width of the neck and middle of the tooth. This way the prosthesis will be firmly fixed, which will prevent loosening.

Only 1-2 mm of enamel is removed. The depth of treatment depends on the selected crown material: metal-ceramics require more space, and ceramics are quite thin; a very thin layer is removed to install it.

In some cases, depulpation is performed. The patient is warned about its need in advance.

If the tooth is severely damaged, a core inlay is installed. It separates the internal tissues from the crown, allowing you to avoid pain while wearing it.

Upon completion of all manipulations, a temporary crown is installed on the tooth. It is made in the dentist's chair. The design protects the prepared area and restores its aesthetic appearance.

Optimal conditions for prosthetics

Depulpation in dentistry is the procedure for removing the neurovascular bundle (pulp) from the root canals.

This manipulation is performed before prosthetics, but is not always mandatory. The need for such a procedure is determined by the doctor after assessing the condition of the problem unit.

Prosthetics of a vital tooth is possible if the following indications are identified:

  1. The element is healthy, but its anatomical structure does not allow it to fully perform its functions (the tooth is excluded from the chewing process, or, on the contrary, it experiences excessive chewing load).
  2. Unaesthetic appearance due to any acquired or congenital anomaly.
  3. The enamel coating in a certain area is very sensitive and subject to rapid abrasion.
  4. There is a need to use a healthy organ as a support to secure the bridge.

Only with such indications is a decision made to preserve the neurovascular bundle. This allows you to fully preserve the nutrition of all tissues of the covered unit.

Depulpation is necessary if the crown will be fixed to a healthy element of the frontal section. All front teeth are single-rooted, and the nerves are located close to the surface, which means that when grinding it is easy to damage the pulp and cause tissue burns.

In multi-rooted teeth, the neurovascular bundle is located deep, and they can be left “alive”, since the likelihood of a burn is minimal.

Multi-rooted elements of the dentition may be left non-pulpless.

Let's figure out together which crowns are best placed on implants and why.

Come here if you are interested in the reasons for the appearance of blood from under the crown.

At this address we will explain what to do when the gums have risen above the crown.

Installation process

The crown is installed in several stages. The number of visits to the doctor depends on the condition of the teeth and the chosen prosthetic method.

Laboratory stage

A cast of the patient's jaw is sent to the laboratory to create a plaster model of the jaw. After complete drying, the desired part is cut out. Using it, a wax prototype is made.

The model is fixed on the base and filled with a special mixture. It goes into the oven for 4-5 hours. The resulting mold is immediately filled with the alloy while it is hot. The future crown is left in this form until it hardens completely. The piece is then polished and sanded to achieve the perfect shape.

Removing the temporary structure

When the permanent crown is ready, the temporary structure is removed. It only takes a few minutes, after which prosthetics can be applied.

Installing a crown on a tooth

Before fixing the crown, a fitting is performed. If it is uncomfortable or the enamel color is not suitable, it is sent for revision. When the crown is perfect, it is secured with cement. The strength of the fixation must be checked after the material has hardened.

Monitoring the situation after installation

After fixing the crown, the doctor checks how correctly it is installed. To do this, an x-ray is taken. Only after his assessment can the patient go home. If you experience strange sensations, you should call your dentist to clarify your condition and the need for a second visit.

Our advantages

At the Beryozka clinic, the material for the crown and its type are selected individually. Each patient is given an approximate treatment estimate so that he can clearly see what he is paying for. A transparent work system, professionals, the latest equipment and materials ensure the ideal result of prosthetics at the Beryozka clinic. A polite attitude and the ability to quickly get an appointment are the key to pleasant emotions from visiting a dentist.

Possible complications

Depends on how the crown is placed on the tooth. If all indications and contraindications for prosthetics are observed, the correct choice of dental material, prosthetic technique, and high-quality performance of all work, complications, as a rule, do not occur or are reduced to a minimum. Sometimes the cause of complications is the individual characteristics of the patient’s body.

Pain under the crown

After treatment and prosthetics, moderate pain may persist for some time (1–5 days), decreasing in intensity. But if the tooth under the crown hurts, and the pain does not decrease, but increases, tissue swelling appears, pus is released from the gums or the temperature rises, you should immediately consult a doctor - this is a sign of an inflammatory process. The cause of inflammation may be incompletely cured caries or incompletely removed pulp from the root canals. Another reason is violations during the installation of the prosthesis, its loose fit to the remains of the natural crown and infection getting under it.

Pain under the prosthesis with irradiation into the jaw also occurs when the root canal is perforated with a pin or when a small part of the instrument used to clean the root canal is broken off. What to do: you should not try to treat a bad tooth on your own; this requires urgent help from a dentist. Usually the crown is removed, the pathological process is treated, and then the crown is reinstalled (new or old, if it is not destroyed). Sometimes pathology can be eliminated without removing the crown, simply by drilling a hole in it. The hole is then repaired using photo-curing filling materials.

If the toothache under the crown is very severe, before seeking medical help, you can take a painkiller: Paracetamol 500 mg tablet, Ketorol 10 mg or Naise 100 mg.

Unpleasant smell

Indicates the presence of an infection in the mouth. This may be a slow inflammatory process, or it may be an acute one, in which case the tooth also hurts. The cause of an unpleasant odor from a tooth under a crown can also be insufficient oral hygiene, smoking and eating a lot of sweets. What to do: consult a doctor; this symptom can only be eliminated in the dentist’s office.


Allergic reactions are most often associated with the installation of crowns made of non-precious alloys of metal and plastic (acrylic). Redness and swelling of the gums and pain appear. The allergic process is dangerous because it can quickly spread to surrounding tissues. At the same time, the tissues of the larynx swell, breathing is impaired (Quincke's edema). What to do: contact your dentist immediately. Help consists of replacing the prosthesis that has caused an allergy to a structure made of a different material. At home, the patient can take a tablet of any antihistamine: Zodak, Claritin, Tavegil, etc.


The cause of the development of dental caries under the crown is most often incompletely cured primary caries. But sometimes, even after careful treatment, caries develops again (secondary caries). This happens especially often when the crown does not fit tightly (an infection gets under it), poor oral hygiene, or consumption of large amounts of easily digestible carbohydrates. What to do: Contact your dentist as soon as possible. The product is removed, caries is treated, and then the structure is reinstalled. If it is worn out, install a new one.

Prosthetic stomatitis

The appearance of painful ulcers on the gums in the area of ​​prosthetics and their spread to the oral mucosa largely depends on how the crown is placed on the tooth. Prosthetic stomatitis is a consequence of improper design or installation of a crown, squeezing small blood vessels of the gums, leading to malnutrition and destruction of the mucous membrane. Sometimes the cause of stomatitis is the toxic effect of dental material (acrylic) on oral tissue. If an infection is added to the inflammation, stomatitis can be purulent. What to do: consult a dentist, find out and eliminate the cause of the complication.

Pros and cons of crowns

All medical procedures have both pros and cons. Before you decide to install crowns, you should compare the pros and cons.


The advantages of using this method of prosthetics are much greater than the disadvantages. The advantages of installing crowns include:

  • preventing the destruction of pulpless teeth;
  • preservation of a living tooth even with partial destruction;
  • restoration of the ability to chew food normally;
  • restoration of an aesthetic appearance while smiling;
  • prevention of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, which can be caused by insufficient chewing of food;
  • restoration of the ability to speak clearly.

Due to the large number of advantages, the procedure has become so popular among patients.


The procedure for installing crowns has its disadvantages. Flaws:

  • the need to grind healthy parts of the tooth;
  • limited period of wearing a prosthesis;
  • inability to carry out the procedure with a damaged root;
  • the need for regular visits to the dentist for monitoring.

The disadvantages of the procedure are offset by its advantages. Therefore, crowns remain the most popular way to restore the integrity of the dentition.

Glass-ceramic crowns E-max

Glass-ceramic crowns are an excellent option for those who want to get the most aesthetic results from prosthetics. The cost of one E-max crown is from twenty thousand rubles.

Despite all the advantages, glass-ceramic crowns have one significant disadvantage: they are applicable only in the case of single defects in the dentition. A bridge can also be made from glass-ceramics, but with no more than three crowns, and it is fixed in the area of ​​the front teeth. These limitations are associated with the strength of glass ceramics, which will be insufficient for a massive bridge, which will also be subject to significant load (during the restoration of chewing units).

Single glass-ceramic crowns can be used for prosthetics of any teeth - front and chewing. Such crowns can be monolithic or two-layer; any type of product is produced using computer modeling technology.

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