New generation “Sandwich” dentures – features and advantages

Author: Brodsky Sergey Evgenievich Deputy Chief Physician, Candidate of Medical Sciences in the specialties: dentistry and medical microbiology
  • New generation dentures
  • New generation fixed denture
  • New generation removable dentures
  • New generation dentures, cost
  • New generation dentures, reviews

New generation dentures

Over the past 50 years, the results of scientific developments in the field of new materials and adhesion have been actively introduced into dental prosthetics. Thus, everything new in dental prosthetics has become possible, because today the latest dental prosthetic technologies are actively used.

Deputy Chief physician Sergey Evgenievich Brodsky

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New technologies in dental prosthetics have made it possible to create entire classes of qualitatively different denture structures. The most famous of them are the new palateless dentures, sandwich dentures, acetal, silicone and polyurethane removable soft dentures. New generation fixed dentures include veneers, ceramic tooth inlays, zirconium crowns, adhesive bridges without turning, titanium implants and titanium yoke dentures.

The adhesive strength of modern adhesives and the strength properties of prosthetic dental materials make it possible to preserve the hard tissues of teeth and ensure a long service life of the latest dentures.

Service life and care rules

The service life of a prosthesis on attachments largely depends on the initial condition of the supporting teeth. The longer they can withstand the load, the longer the life of artificial teeth will be. In general, sandwich dentures will last 7 years or more.

The patient also needs to remember to take careful care of both the gums and attachments in the roots of the teeth, and the “sandwich” itself. At the slightest inflammation of the mucous membrane, it is very important to carry out complex therapy (rinses, baths), otherwise there is a high risk of infection of the roots and gums.

The denture itself must be cleaned 2 times a day with a brush and paste, and after eating, be sure to rinse your mouth. No need to take it out! It is recommended to remove the prosthesis 2-3 times a month for detailed cleaning of the inner surface using special solutions that are sold in pharmacies. You should also visit your orthopedist 2-3 times a year for preventive measures (professional cleaning of the prosthesis and its adjustment if necessary).

New generation fixed denture

As mentioned above, fundamentally new properties associated with the characteristics of the latest materials in dental prosthetics have fully affected such structures as:

Zirconium teeth

  • Zirconium is actively used for crowns and bridges, root inlays, abutments, and implants. Due to the absence of metallic shine, this material makes the most aesthetically pleasing and durable dental bridges and abutments.

Pressed ceramic veneers, inlays and crowns

  • With the help of pressed porcelain and 4th generation adhesive systems, a revolution has occurred in dental microprosthetics. Veneers, lumineers, restoring ceramic inlays appeared.

New generation dentures, photo
In addition to excellent strength and high aesthetic performance, the latest dental prostheses have a long service life and practically do not cause allergies.

Acry-free removable prosthetics systems

When analyzing which removable dentures are better, one cannot help but consider the “Acry-free” designs based on improved acrylic plastic.

The material does not contain methyl methacrylate, therefore it is more flexible and soft than acrylic. Dentures are comfortable to wear and are used in cases of complete or partial absence of teeth.

Experts and patients note the high aesthetics of Acri-free systems - they perfectly imitate natural teeth and gums.

They are fastened with clasps made of translucent material, are invisible and do not cause inconvenience.

The main disadvantage is the high price.

New generation removable dentures

The new generation of partially removable dentures are made of flexible materials that have certain advantages:

  • It's easier to get used to them
  • They are lighter than acrylic counterparts
  • Do not cause allergies

Thanks to the flexibility of the base, the patient has the feeling that he has “removable teeth that are soft and very comfortable,” or in other words, soft dentures.

Separately, we need a new generation of removable dentures, the price of which in Moscow starts at 30,000 rubles. Structurally, it is a combination of removable silicone crowns connected to a base on which acrylic teeth are located. It is held on the gums by removable crowns, which are placed on your own remaining teeth.

Sandwich dentures photo

At the same time, almost every new generation nylon denture, the price of which is almost twice as high as its acrylic counterparts, is less durable and is most useful within 6-12 months. Due to the soft base, polyurethane and nylon removable structures contribute to accelerated bone tissue atrophy. This leads to the disappearance of the suction effect with complete edentia on the upper and lower jaw after 6-8 months. If this kind of structure holds on to the patient’s remaining teeth, then the periodontal retaining clasps of nylon dentures lead to bedsores and inflammation around the supporting teeth.

Today, when the technology for installing implants makes it possible to abandon prosthetics using suction cups, dentists recommend using new generation dentures without a palate. We are talking about a bridge-like prosthesis of 12 or 14 crowns, supported by 6 or 8 titanium implants, which are inserted into the upper jaw.

How does the installation work?

The process of installing the prosthesis and preparing for it is very simple.

At the first visit to the dentist, a specialist examines the oral cavity. This is done in order to prescribe treatment or implantation, if necessary. In the presence of any dental diseases (caries, pulpitis, gingivitis), treatment is carried out. The teeth that will become the frame of the prosthesis must be healthy . If there are no natural teeth, implantation is carried out: then the structure will be installed on crowns. If only roots are present, depulpation may be necessary followed by installation of a crown.

Photos of the measurement and installation process

Sometimes, in preparation for prosthetics, drug treatment is required to eliminate inflammatory processes in the mouth and strengthen the mucous membrane.

The next step is to take a panoramic photo. A sandwich prosthesis is created taking into account individual dental characteristics, therefore, to accurately reproduce a number of your own teeth in an artificial form, an image is required.

The dentist then makes an impression, which will be needed to create a custom prosthesis.

Casts for production

Production time usually does not exceed 7-10 days. Once the design is ready, the patient is contacted and a date for the next visit is set.

First, the prosthesis is tried on. If the patient is comfortable and the device is correctly positioned in the mouth, it is attached to his own teeth or prepared crowns. If necessary, the system is adjusted on the spot. After installation, the doctor gives recommendations on how to care for the product.

New generation dentures, cost

Prices for modern dentures, including removable dentures of the new generation, the cost of which is significantly higher than those made the old fashioned way, depend on a number of factors:

  • If you are getting new generation palateless dentures, they cost almost twice as much as standard artificial teeth. For example, the cost of a high-quality nylon or polyurethane removable denture without a palate, with partial edentia, in Moscow starts from 25,000 rubles, and the cost of an acrylic analogue will average about 15,000
  • If you want to make zirconium crowns for yourself in Moscow, then their turnkey cost starts from 25-30 thousand per one. The price of a ceramic veneer or a restorative inlay made of pressed porcelain starts from 15,000 rubles.
  • In addition, the cost of the latest dental prostheses depends on the availability of the necessary equipment and materials in the clinic, for example, the Cerek milling system.
  • Highly qualified dentists and dental technicians are a significant component of the price (up to 30-40%) for high-tech dentures.

Partial plastic prosthetic systems

For multiple missing teeth in a row, acrylic partial dentures are suitable. They are not fixed by vacuum, but by wire clasps that wrap around the support units. This ensures a strong hold, a tight fit and an even chewing load.

But when installed in the frontal area, the clasps will be visible, creating an aesthetic defect. Therefore, for the “smile zone”, nylon or clasp systems are preferable.


Markin Alexey Ivanovich. Moscow

Half a year ago, I placed 4 implants on my lower jaw in Kazakhstan, while they were taking root, in this clinic they made me a temporary nylon removable denture. I paid very little for it and wore it for 4 months until they put crowns on the implants. The prosthetist recommended me a good remedy for cleaning gums and crowns, for which I am very grateful to him, thank you.



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