Dentures without palate: types, advantages and cost

In the world of dental prosthetics, an ultra-modern novelty recently appeared - a miniature, comfortable and natural sandwich denture. It suits almost everyone, is easy to clean, and installs quickly and without any problems. Its advantages can be listed endlessly, but it is better to see everything with your own eyes.

Dentistry does not stand still. Specialists are developing new designs and materials that meet modern requirements for aesthetics, comfort, convenience and functionality. This is especially true for implants and dentures, the task of which is to completely replace real teeth. Dental inventions of the new generation include a removable sandwich denture, which is superior to other orthodontic structures in many respects .

Newest dentures without palate

According to studies conducted among hundreds of people who use traditional dentures, approximately 70% of respondents cannot eat properly and more than 30% suffer from inflammation in the oral cavity. It has also been proven that the use of structures that cover the palate leads to blocking up to 40% of taste buds, that is, the patient cannot fully enjoy the taste of food.

To avoid such unpleasant restrictions, a new generation of removable dentures - without a palate - was developed. These are special designs with a reduced base, the peculiarity of which is that the palate remains open while the structure is worn, and the load on the jaw is distributed more evenly than with classic products.

How it is made

The manufacturing process of a denture of this model is very complex, so the devices are used only in high-level clinics.

The production of the prosthesis is carried out in special laboratories, according to a previously made impression of the jaw of the patient who is undergoing the procedure of replacing teeth with prostheses. The technology for performing the process is unknown, since it is protected by a patent and has not been declassified. After the design is made, the patient is invited to the dentist for a fitting.

During the visit, the finished product is tried on for the patient. If shortcomings and inconveniences in wearing the design are found, it is sent for revision. If the design is ideal in size and shape, the patient is given a form with advice on caring for the dentures to ensure a longer service life.

Advantages and disadvantages

New generation dentures without a palate have a number of obvious advantages:

  • No nausea due to a foreign body in the mouth
  • Correct distribution of chewing load
  • No need to remove the prosthesis at night
  • Comfort in use
  • Excellent hold
  • No increased salivation
  • Opportunity to eat well
  • No speech problems
  • Reasonable price
  • Universal design
  • Good level of aesthetics
  • Splinting effect (allows people with periodontitis to wear the structure)

Modern removable dentures without a palate also have disadvantages: they can only be fixed to abutment teeth, and this will require their preparation; after installation, they require careful daily oral hygiene - you need to clean the structure with a special brush and paste 2 times a day, and rinse your mouth after every meal. Please also note that new generation palateless dentures are more expensive than traditional ones.

Butterfly dentures

If one or two teeth are missing in a row, butterfly dentures made of acrylic plastic are suitable:

  • are installed on the sides of missing teeth and do not require grinding of supports;
  • easy to use, ensure uniform distribution of chewing load;
  • strong and durable;
  • easy to take off and put on;
  • imitate natural fabrics and are invisible.

For replacing 1-2 units, these are undoubtedly one of the best removable dentures.

They are not suitable for restoring the outermost units in a row, since fixation requires two supports on either side of the defect.

Indications and contraindications

List of indications for installation of upper removable dentures without palate:

  • the presence of at least two healthy teeth or roots (supporting crowns can be placed on them, on which the prosthesis will be fixed);
  • lack of bone tissue, diabetes mellitus, blood diseases, etc.;
  • increased gag reflex;
  • Correction of the bite during the period of change of baby teeth.

Among the limitations of using prosthetic teeth without a palate are allergies to the materials included in the structure and mental illness. In addition, it is impossible to install a removable denture without a palate in the absence of teeth.

Is it possible to install a denture without a palate in the absence of teeth in the upper jaw?

Orthopedic devices without a plate are not installed in completely edentulous patients. It is necessary to have a jumper that will hold the device.

An alternative to removable prosthetics is implantation with the installation of a bridge. The most popular technology is All-on-4. The design is completely devoid of a bulky base. Attached to implants fixed in the bone. Implants transfer the load to the bone tissue, which slows down atrophic processes. Prostheses on implants function for 15 years. When using quality materials, the results last a lifetime.

What types of dentures exist without a palate?

Dentures without a palate vary in materials and design. According to the first indicator, they are divided into acrylic, nylon and polyurethane.

  • Acrylic dentures without a palate
    are the most popular and are superior in reliability to traditional plastic dentures.
  • Nylon ones
    are light and elastic, very comfortable, you can get used to them even faster than acrylic ones, and are hypoallergenic.
  • Soft dentures made from polyurethane
    are flexible and durable, like nylon ones, but at a lower price.

According to the design features, clasp, sandwich and Quadrotti prostheses are distinguished. Let's look at each type.


Unlike traditional dentures with a plate that completely covers the palate, an arch (clasp) is used here. A base with artificial teeth and fasteners that hold the structure in the mouth is fixed on it. The following can be used as fastenings for such a denture on the upper jaw without palate:

  • metal hooks - clasps;
  • clasps-attachments, one part of which is attached to the tooth, the other - to the prosthesis;
  • telescopic crowns, which are fixed on smaller crowns installed on abutment teeth.

The main advantages of clasp removable dentures without a palate are proper load distribution and excellent fixation. But in order to install an upper denture without a palate, it is necessary that at least 2-3 of your teeth are preserved in the upper jaw - otherwise you will have to install it on implants, and this will significantly increase the cost of the procedure.


The Italian Quadrotti palateless removable dentures from Quattro Ti also do not have a palatal plate, instead there is a narrow and thin overlap. In fact, this is a more advanced type of clasp structures. They are made of high quality nylon and do not contain any metal parts. The product consists of artificial gum - transparent or pink, teeth and fastening hooks to match their color.

Due to its aesthetics, Quadrotti is an excellent option for a removable denture for the upper jaw without a palate for those who primarily value the visual component. The products are practically indistinguishable from natural teeth. They are comfortable to use, they can be easily removed, cleaned and returned to their place; moreover, the design does not require turning of healthy tissues. But as a permanent solution, it is not recommended to use soft dentures for teeth without a palate, since they will not be able to withstand heavy loads.

Why do you need the palate in a removable denture with suction cups?

The simplest dental prosthesis for the upper jaw in the classic design has a palatal septum. The sky cover performs the function of fixation. During installation, air escapes from underneath the device. A rarefied space (vacuum) appears between the soft tissues and the device. The reliability of the fixation depends on the area and tightness of the contact surfaces - the larger they are, the better the hold. Conventional plate dentures without a palate do not hold up well and move during chewing or speaking. But the plate significantly increases the size of the device.

Side effects are:

  • diction disorders;
  • increased salivation;
  • deterioration of taste perception;
  • vomiting reflex.

Due to atrophic processes, the alveolar ridge of the jaw gradually sags. A discrepancy appears between the base of the device and the contours of the prosthetic bed. Dental jaws are less stable and the patient has to use special creams.

“Sandwich” - a new generation prosthesis without a palate

“Sandwich” is the latest in palateless dentures; the technology was only patented in 2014. A new generation dental prosthesis without a palate “sandwich” consists of an acrylic base with artificial teeth and fasteners. The design is conditionally removable rather than completely removable; it does not need to be removed from the mouth every day.

  • The prosthesis is securely attached not only to the gums, but also to the teeth - using a locking connection, so it should be removed at the doctor's appointment and for oral hygiene procedures.
  • The newest palateless sandwich denture differs from traditional removable structures in that it provides the most reliable fixation and prevents gum and bone tissue atrophy.
  • In terms of strength, sandwich dentures are not inferior to clasp dentures, but at the same time they are comfortable and elastic.

The main disadvantage of acrylic sandwich palateless dentures is their price, although it can hardly be compared with the cost of implantation. If the patient is missing all the teeth in a row, it is possible to get a removable full denture without a palate, but this will require implants first, in which case the cost will be even higher.

Regardless of which of the three types of dentures without a palate - clasp, quadrotti or sandwich dentures - you give preference, follow the general recommendations: clean the product only with a soft brush and paste without abrasive particles, in the first couple of weeks do not remove it at night so that the adaptation process was faster, and once a week soak the structure in a disinfectant solution. This will allow the product to last its maximum life and save you from premature expenses.


A removable sandwich denture is not a cheap pleasure. But you need to understand that the operational and aesthetic properties of the device are worth it. When talking or smiling, the attention of the interlocutor is always drawn to the front teeth, so they should look presentable, be it their teeth, veneers, implants or dentures.

Post-procedure check-up

To create the structure, durable and high-quality Italian or German materials are used, which make it as natural as possible . The soft part has a natural pink tint that matches the color of the gums. If you don’t know that the patient has a prosthesis installed, no one will ever guess about it.

The weight of the structure reaches only 6-8 grams, which is half the weight of a regular toothbrush.

The cost of installation consists of several parameters. The price depends on the region, the pricing policy of the clinic, as well as the scale of preparatory procedures. That is, for example, if a patient has retained several of his own healthy teeth and no preliminary treatment is required, he will only have to pay for basic services:

  • the work of a specialist (regulated by the price list of the selected dentistry);
  • prosthesis comfort test;
  • taking a photo;
  • creating a cast;
  • production of prosthesis;
  • fitting of the design;
  • design correction (if required);
  • final installation.

If you don’t have your own teeth or need treatment with implants, the final cost will increase. Additionally, professional oral hygiene and x-rays may be needed. For all services, including the price of the prosthesis itself, you can pay about 100 thousand rubles for one jaw.

An individual sandwich prosthesis for one jaw costs, on average, 45 thousand rubles.

What are the best removable dentures without a palate?

Which dentures without a palate should you choose? You should consult a specialist about this, who will be able to draw a conclusion based on the diagnostic results, as well as by discussing priorities with you: some patients give preference to aesthetics, others choose reliability, and others are guided primarily by price. The best choice, of course, would be implant-supported dentures. However, the cost of such prosthetics is high. Thus, the price of “all on four” implantation starts at 120 thousand rubles. In any case, talking with a professional will help you take into account all the pros and cons to make the right decision.

Denture sandwich: price in Novosibirsk and post-procedure care

Another undeniable advantage is the lack of need for special care. To avoid damaging the product and maximize its service life, you should follow a few simple recommendations:

  • Once every 7 days, soak the system in a disinfection solution.
  • Purchase a soft-bristled brush to avoid damaging the system.
  • After eating, rinse the module to remove food debris and avoid rotting, which causes bad breath.
  • Once a year, as a preventative measure, give it for professional cleaning. The dentist will clean and polish the structure.

Such simple and uncomplicated techniques will help preserve the original appearance, elasticity and shape of the “sandwich” for as long as possible. Get examined by a professional dentist and ask him all your questions. We are waiting for you at the Aesthetics clinic.

The articles published on the site are for informational purposes only and the services described may not correspond to the list of services provided in the dental clinic. Please check with the administrator for the availability and cost of procedures.

What is the price?

Prices for palateless dentures vary greatly depending on various factors. The cheapest - clasp dentures with clasp attachments - cost from 35,000 rubles for installation (for one upper removable denture without a palate). Next come clasp dentures with telescopic crowns - from 45,000 rubles, and the most expensive of the clasp ones - products with fasteners on attachments, their price starts from 55,000 rubles. Prosthetics using a Quadrotti product will cost at least 30,000 rubles. And the cost of installing the latest sandwich-type dentures without a palate is already significantly higher. Installing such a prosthesis on attachments will cost at least 55,000 rubles for one removable upper denture of teeth without a palate. Prosthetics for both jaws will cost from 100 thousand rubles - the cost is not the smallest, on the other hand, a complete removable denture without a palate on implants will cost even more.

The indicated prices for prostheses include consultation with a specialist, diagnostics, taking impressions, preparing supporting teeth for prosthetics, manufacturing, fitting, fitting and fixation of the prosthesis.


During treatment, you may need to spend on additional services - for example, removal of damaged teeth or implantation, if prosthetics cannot be performed without it. Discuss all possible nuances with your doctor in advance in order to adequately assess the situation and plan expenses.

Design Features

The technology for manufacturing a “Sandwich” type prosthesis - the result of joint work between Russian and Italian scientists - involves the simultaneous use of several types of materials that differ in their physical properties. Hence the name “sandwich”.

The design itself, unlike clasp and other removable ones, has the advantage of a free palate and is securely attached in a special way to the supporting teeth. Even severely damaged teeth can act as supporting teeth - when only the roots remain. In case of complete edentia, implants can be installed that will serve as such a support.

The base adjacent to the gum is made of hypoallergenic material, which changes its properties in accordance with changes in the oral mucosa.

Such designs are especially in demand in cases where implantation is contraindicated for one reason or another and if there are natural teeth left that can serve as supports for artificial dentition.

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