Silver spoon for a child: a gift for christening or first tooth

A newborn baby is joy and happiness. From the first minutes of his life, he is cared for, loved and cherished by his parents. Every event in a child’s life is a real holiday. But naturally, every Christian understands that the main Sacrament for a newborn and his parents is the rite of Baptism. The little man finds his godparents, who will be responsible for his spiritual development. They must present the child with several gifts, among which the obligatory attribute is a silver spoon. The tradition is so ancient that it is impossible to understand where this gift option came from; there are only a few assumptions. But the fact that the significance of the silver spoon is great is evidenced by the spread of such a tradition beyond the borders of Orthodox countries. So, in England, about a person who has escaped troubles, they say that he was born with a silver spoon in his mouth. We can also give you this attribute when cutting your first tooth. Let's understand the meaning of such a tradition.

  • Tradition
  • Why are silver spoons given to newborns?
  • What should be the spoon for christening?
  • Kinds
  • Where can I buy

Why and why do they give a silver spoon for the first tooth?

There is an opinion that this tradition first originated in England, and then migrated to Russia. It is believed that a silver gift attracts favor from fate. Moreover, there are definitely reasons to believe in this.

If, when teething, you lightly tap on it with a silver device and wish the baby to grow up healthy and prosperous, it is believed that this will definitely come true, and the spoon itself will become a real talisman for the baby. In addition, such a valuable gift will remain as a memory for many years. After all, money is spent, clothes will outgrow, toys will become a thing of the past, but such a gift will last for many years.

What else do you give a baby besides silver?

If the tradition of giving a child a silver spoon for his first tooth seems old-fashioned, you can modernize it and order a spoon engraved with the name or date of birth. Or order it with a modern style design applied to the enamel. You can choose another useful gift for your baby. There is no shortage of choice; when you go to a children's store, everyone will choose the best option:

  • You can give toys and rodents. They will always come in handy, any child will be happy with them. You don’t have to worry about making a mistake with such a gift—you can never have too many toys.
  • Clothing and children's cosmetics are the most relevant and necessary gifts. The choice in the store is very large, you can choose something for every taste, and parents will be grateful, because this is the first item of expenditure for a young family.

An interesting solution would be handmade products. You can order them online with home delivery or go to a special store:

  • A diaper cake with a surprise inside, especially one made by yourself, will be a great gift. Inside you can put baby cosmetics, diapers or anything else your baby needs.
  • Parents will be pleased to receive a handmade photo album made by a master especially for their child.

If you don't know how to create your own creations, that's okay. Buying such original items is not a problem; now on the Internet there is a large selection of craftsmen working to order.

How much does a silver spoon cost, price

Knowing about the healing properties of this metal, it has become popular to give newborns a spoon made of silver. In Tsarist Russia, from the first days of life, children were given a silver present, which accompanied them throughout their entire journey of growing up. Usually it was a coffee spoon so that the child could easily put it in his mouth.

On the first day of school, the gift was already larger - a dessert spoon, and at the end, for graduation - a dining room. Children who received a gift from this noble metal were successful in all their endeavors. Prices for such cutlery vary.

What does the cost depend on:

  • from metal sample;
  • on the size of the device;
  • from exclusive execution (engraving, insertion of precious stones, decoration);
  • from the price category on the silver exchange.

The higher the standard, the higher the price, because there is more metal in the alloy. The best option for a tableware is 875 standard. Compared, for example, with 830 sample, alloy 875 oxidizes less in air, that is, the metal darkens less.

Silver spoons can be decorated as desired. You can buy a simple one, then engrave it or order your own design. Also, when doing handmade work, silver is often combined with gold or bright enamel.

In terms of price category, tableware ranges from 1800 rubles and above. All this depends on what and how the product is made.

Types of spoons for godchildren

You can now find a huge number of silver spoons for baptism or for the first tooth. The variety makes your eyes wide open and it is very difficult to choose something specific right away. To make your choice easier, we will tell you what types there are and their differences.

So, firstly, the product differs in weight and size - you can roughly find:

  • small spoons (they play the role of a souvenir and do not exceed 6-8 cm in length; you won’t be able to eat with such a spoon);
  • medium, coffee spoons (their weight ranges from 11 to 19 g, this type is also more decorative than practical);
  • standard teaspoon size (weight more than 23-25 ​​cm, ideal for starting complementary feeding);
  • large spoons corresponding to a dessert spoon (weight more than 35 g, suitable for older people, can be considered as an option, but keep in mind that they will be heavy for a child; this can be given to an adult who has decided to be baptized).

Perhaps the most important thing is to decide on this criterion, which directly depends on the purpose of your gift - decorative or practical. After that, you can think about other characteristics.

Images of the faces of saints and other religious subjects

If you are a respectable Christian, then, of course, you will be attracted to silver spoons, the handles of which depict various Christian subjects. As a matter of fact, it is precisely the presence of symbolism that distinguishes ordinary silver spoons from those that are customary as gifts for baptism. As a rule, any subjects are depicted either by skillful embossing on silver, or by using enamel (enamel is allowed, provided that it is on the handle of a spoon - parents simply will not give it to the baby until they are sure that he understands where to bite it is forbidden).

On the spoon there can be the faces of patron saints (it’s usually not difficult to choose by name, but you need to use not the worldly, but what is given at Baptism), the Virgin Mary, Jesus Christ, scenes from the Bible, Angels, Apostles. From the simpler, but no less significant and beautiful - angels, Christian crosses, Christianity, bells, cathedrals and churches.

Decorations and engravings

The Church does not prohibit decorating silver spoons with any Christian designs. He even welcomes you, because the child will look at beautiful drawings and faces with his own eyes and cultivate respect for faith.

To prevent the spoons from seeming too serious, you can decorate them with skillful carvings, all sorts of decorations (flowers, birds of paradise, butterflies) and simply beautiful monograms. But you should give up inlaying with stones - no matter how hard the craftsmen strengthen the stone, children run the risk of simply picking it out.

You can also purchase a spoon without any decorations, or with minimal inclusions. But this spoon is more suitable for adults than for children.

Engraving is not prohibited. It is recommended to include the child's name and/or a simple prayer. Let the first words that the baby consciously sees be words of appeal to God.

For boys

Boys are dynamic and active; they cannot sit still. You should not give them spoons with complex, intricate patterns. It is better to choose something simple, without pretentiousness. A simple coinage in the form of an icon, a patron saint or a cross is the best option that is suitable for boys. Another interesting point: boys are more picky than girls. Therefore, you should not choose options for them in which the design is located on the concave part of the spoon - they may simply refuse to eat with it!

For girls

Girls love more detailed drawings; they can spend hours looking at a story from the Bible, or a delicate, skillful engraving. More monograms, birds, butterflies, hearts - this is what a grown-up baby will like. An option with a beautifully engraved name is a win-win for children of both sexes. Writing a name makes the item more personal and special, which kids love.

Important! If you are timing your gift to coincide with the Sacrament of Baptism, then it is still better to choose more traditional, canonical subjects and Orthodox saints. For the first tooth, you can move away from the topic and choose a more frivolous gift.

Who buys a silver personalized spoon for the first tooth?

The pleasant and useful tradition of a personalized gift allows you to bring a lot of benefits to your baby. Relatives and friends can give gifts. More often it is a godfather or godmother. Often grandparents prepare a gift for their beloved grandson or granddaughter in advance.

If previously it was believed that those who baptized should give gifts, today this is permissible for any relative. The main thing is to choose the right gift. For example, for a girl they buy a device with openwork weaving, butterflies, and bows. For boys, you can choose ones with images of stars and bears.


When darkening, a silver spoon can be easily cleaned with chalk or soda!

Who should give a spoon to a newborn?

Neither the church nor popular beliefs establish strict rules in this regard. In Western European countries, parents give their child a silver spoon. In our latitudes, it is customary that godparents must do this. Often, close relatives of the baby, for example, grandparents, aunts, uncles and even older brothers, present the product.

In our country, it is customary to divide roles in this way:

  • For the birth of a child, the father or mother must buy a spoon.
  • At christenings - godparents.
  • And for the first tooth - other relatives.

The above division is more than conditional. In reality, even a family friend can give the baby a spoon. You just need to consult with your parents before doing this.

Who gives a silver spoon for a boy's first tooth?

There is an opinion that the first person to give cutlery is the one who notices the teething of a tooth. Often this is a grandmother or grandfather. Many parents prefer to choose a present for their baby themselves. Previously, godparents were at the origins of such a gift. That is, it was the godfather who chose the spoon for the boy.

Today, many parents prefer to hear the child’s opinion when he grows up, because not everyone wants to be baptized. Of course, this all depends on the individual. After all, the rite of baptism is a serious step. Therefore, they wait for the child to grow up and make a choice on his own.

Which spoon is best for a gift?

The choice of a silver spoon, like any other gift, must be done carefully if there is a desire to present a truly worthwhile item.

It makes sense when buying a silver spoon to pay attention to the following:

  • size;
  • quality;
  • Is it convenient to hold it in the handle?
  • aesthetic characteristics.

Considering that, as a rule, such a gift is presented to a very tiny child, the size of the spoon will matter.

There is no doubt that it should be small, so a tablespoon will definitely not work. When choosing a small spoon, it is recommended to give preference to a coffee spoon over a dessert spoon.

Starting with a small device, you will not have to worry about choosing a gift in the future. As the baby grows up, you can give him a teaspoon, a dessert spoon, and then a fork.

It is important to choose a product of proper quality. Products from a good manufacturer usually come with:

  • certificate;
  • legal address of the enterprise;
  • indication of alloy composition;
  • recommendations on how to properly care for and clean the product.

You should not purchase the cheapest product, as well as a product with a low standard. This means that a lot of impurities were used to make the spoon. Because of this, the spoon can quickly lose its appearance, which will upset both the child and the donor. After all, such a gift is presented for a long memory.

Spoon for christening

It is not recommended to choose a product with gilding, because it is known that gold and silver do not go well together. Gold can block the beneficial properties of silver, and this is a big disadvantage, since a very small child will use the spoon. In addition, although adding gold plating will look beautiful, over time it will wear off and the gift will lose its original appearance.

You should also pay attention to whether it will be comfortable for the child to hold the spoon, because sooner or later the baby himself will begin to pick it up. A spoon is suitable for a small hand:

  • with a wide stem;
  • and a deep ladle.

And finally, the gift should be beautiful. After all, the spoon will be kept as a memory of childhood and of the person who gave it. You can add engraving to the product and write the baby’s name on it.

It is best to buy silver with 925 purity. This means that the share of silver is 92.5% and copper is only 7.5%.

It is believed that a spoon should be given immediately at the moment when the baby’s very first tooth is born. Moreover, this should be done by the one who notices it first.

But considering that it is difficult to imagine a situation where it is not the mother who sees it first, but the grandmother, grandfather, aunt, uncle, godparents or friends, the gift can be given a little later.

The child and his parents will be pleased if they are given such a gift for their birthday.

The tradition of giving a baby a silver spoon is actually very good. Such a gift is pleasant and beautiful, and also speaks of the most tender manifestations towards a small child.

Attention is always nice

From the age of 4, a child can easily make simple crafts on his own. can be made from scrap materials - paper, plasticine and even cotton pads.

Who should give a silver spoon for a girl's first tooth?

It has long been believed that the godmother selects a gift for a girl. She chooses a silver device with Orthodox symbols and gives it as a christening gift. Today the tradition has changed a little and it is permissible to give such a gift to any relative.

The main thing is that the gift is safe for the baby. The characteristics of the device should not raise any doubts, so you can ask what type of metal it is and what the silver spoon’s scoop is coated with. After all, manufacturers often use special coatings on such items so that tarnishing is less noticeable.

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Children Protection Day
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