Dream Interpretation Caries on a child's tooth. Why do you dream about caries on a child’s tooth?

Sometimes people dream about such an unpleasant phenomenon as tooth decay. Does this mean that the dreamer will soon have to go to the dentist? Some of us take this vision literally and are not aware that the dream has a completely different meaning. What this symbol means and what the subconscious is trying to warn us about can be found out in our article.

Caries on teeth according to the dream book

Sometimes it is difficult to say why this or that dream is happening. It happens that images seen in a dream have a double interpretation. But it also happens that the plot itself gives a completely clear answer to all questions. For example, most dream books consider dreaming of dental caries to be a symbol of troubles and problems. Why? Yes, because rotten teeth are always unpleasant, whether in a dream or in reality.

Briefly about the main thing

If you remember what you dreamed about - this is an impossible task, then this is not at all a hopeless situation. Even one single image can be interpreted by omniscient dream books. Here, for example, is what to expect if you dream of dental caries.

  • A small black dot on a snow-white tooth is a harbinger of misunderstanding or worsening relations.
  • Half-rotten stumps in the mouth are a symbol of big troubles.
  • We turned to the dentist for help - to try to correct the unstable situation.
  • The carious “spot” turned out to be fake - expect some surprises, both funny and not so funny.

What Miller's dream book warns about

Having opened Miller’s dream book, you will find the following interpretation of the dream: illnesses and troubles await the one who suffered in a dream due to dental caries. However, it should be clarified that the problems that Dr. Miller promised concerned mainly the dreamer’s health condition

A well-known American psychologist believed that proper rest and increased attention to the signals of your body are what you should do after such a dream.

A white-toothed smile with a wormhole as a symbol of hypocrisy and betrayal

Have you seen carious formations on your snow-white teeth in a dream? Such a dream means that a hypocrite has gained your trust. And if you dreamed that you saw black dots on your teeth, which on closer inspection turned out to be food remains, then be prepared for the fact that you will be able to expose the one who is plotting intrigues against you, hiding behind your good attitude.

But dreaming of caries on a friend’s teeth means betrayal of a loved one. But most likely, he will not do this on purpose, predicts Pastor Loff’s dream book.

“Depleted” dentition is a sign of trouble

Do you dream about how, looking at the caries on your teeth in your mouth, you see that one molar has fallen out? The vision warns of impending difficulties. If it falls out with blood, a relative will bring problems. And if you feel real pain after it falls out, this is a sign of illness.

A tooth lost due to caries in a child promises unpleasant troubles. If the child had a milk tooth, then you will have to plunge headlong into worries. But a permanent tooth that falls out of a child’s mouth is a sign that you need to learn to make decisions on your own, suggests the Lunar Dream Book.

Dentistry, or Victory is already near...

Would you like to know why you dreamed that you came to the clinic to treat dental caries? Most dream books will give the same interpretation: you are ready to complete your unfinished business both morally and financially.

The plot of the dream that you came to treat caries, but on the threshold of dentistry you suddenly changed your mind, speaks of the dreamer’s indecision and fears of someone or something. And if one of your friends brought you to have your teeth treated, then in reality this person will be able to help you cope with all the difficulties.


Features of the dream

Rotten teeth seen in a dream do not bode well. Where, from where and for whom to expect trouble depends on the details and circumstances of the dream. The interpretation of what you saw can be found in numerous dream books and reference books. It is important to remember what the main points were, who had the disease, to what extent, whether incisors or molars were removed, whether there was blood.

See caries in yourself

Often people forget dreams, but remember the main message, image, feeling. Very little information can be interpreted in detail, because if it is remembered, then it is important for the subconscious. If the main plot is caries on your teeth, then this could mean the following:

  • a small black spot on a healthy tooth means that there has been a slight disagreement and a deterioration in relations with someone, but this is easily corrected,
  • the dental tissue has rotted, only a stump remains - a harbinger of big troubles,
  • Seeing a doctor for treatment means correcting mistakes, restoring relationships,
  • the caries seen turned out to be an innocent spot - a harbinger of unexpected surprises,
  • own teeth contain holes - there are insincere people around, ill-wishers,
  • If in a dream you were admiring your smile in the mirror and suddenly saw a speck, but when checked it turned out to be a piece of stuck food, then you will soon find out who is plotting intrigues around you.

READ ALSO: Why do you dream about holes in teeth: interpretations

Seeing caries in a loved one

According to Loff’s dream book, if you dreamed about dental disease in a loved one, it means that the sleeper will have to experience betrayal or meanness from him. This may happen unintentionally as a result of circumstances and events beyond his control. The degree and depth of trouble depends on how damaged your loved one’s teeth are in the dream.

A stranger's teeth with caries

Such a dream contains two images at once - a stranger and caries. A dream about an unknown person is a reflection of your own alter ego. If he is handsome, and damaged teeth are the only drawback, then the sleeper is now all right, but troubles are coming, which the subconscious is already afraid of.

A stranger's caries is a reflection of the dreamer's own fears. If a stranger has a repulsive appearance, and also rotten teeth, then you should take a closer look at yourself, which of your traits and actions can predetermine big troubles. A male stranger in a dream always warns against reckless actions that you may commit.

Doctors' opinion

Psychologists are also of the opinion that dreams are signals from our subconscious, which, penetrating into consciousness, should motivate action.

Famous doctors give their interpretations of caries in a dream. For example, Sigmund Freud wrote in his dream book that the appearance of a tooth damaged by caries or its loss is explained by the presence of a hidden fear of one’s inferiority, the fear of not meeting expectations. Pain in teeth symbolizes the desire for self-satisfaction, and shaky teeth are a sign of fear of entering into an intimate relationship.

Gustav Müller considered caries in a dream to be a bad omen, foreshadowing illness and trouble. He recommended understanding such a dream as a call for the need to rest and gain strength, and take care of your health. Losing teeth in a dream, in his opinion, indicates the presence in the dreamer’s life of ill-wishers who are weaving intrigues.

And, of course, long procedures at the dentist, fear in the chair before tooth extraction, pain due to pulpitis or deep caries can have such a strong impact on the psyche, especially in impressionable people, that after such procedures and sensations teeth are simply seen as an attempt by the brain to digest what happened during the day . Perhaps you shouldn’t look for the hidden meaning of such a dream.

If a tooth hurts so much that it makes itself felt even in your sleep, you just need to go to the dental clinic and solve the problem

If you've spent the whole day at the dentist, you're nervous and don't feel well - rest and relax.

Be attentive to yourself and your health, and then bad teeth will not appear in your dreams!

Interesting video about prophetic dreams and their interpretation

Dreams and their interpretation

Types of caries in baby teeth

Depending on the location where caries appears in primary teeth, it can be:

  1. Fissure - located in the recesses and grooves of the chewing teeth.
  2. Approximal - in the space between adjacent teeth.
  3. Cervical - in case of destruction of the enamel on the neck of the tooth, next to the gum.
  4. Root - an exciting tooth root under the gum with severe destruction of the dental unit.

By stages of development:

  • elementary;
  • surface;
  • average;
  • deep.

Caries is diagnosed:

  • upon visual inspection;
  • when probing with a special instrument with a pointed end;
  • for tooth staining when applying a special dye;
  • by radiography.

What else to think about

The fortuneteller Vanga in her interpretations is close to most of the sources described above. If you had to lose your teeth, then health problems will arise. Procedures that were accompanied by a large amount of blood are a symbol that a person close to your heart will turn away from you. You must think about every word you say, otherwise you will be left alone. The psychological dream interpreter draws a parallel between close relatives and teeth, and therefore caries is an alarm bell about the health of loved ones.

To summarize the above, we can say that caries is one of the unpleasant images that makes you think, and therefore you should not panic ahead of time.

General meaning of the symbol

Dreams about dental caries always warn of something unpleasant that may happen to a person in the near future. In most cases, dream books remind you that the dreamer should take care of his own health and that of his loved ones.

A detailed interpretation can be obtained by taking into account:

  • who had a dream;
  • emotions and sensations of the dreamer;
  • caries size;
  • what happened to the teeth, etc.

Visit to the dentist

What does a dream portend in which you went to the dentist to cure carious teeth? This is only confirmation that in reality you are determined enough to complete all the work you have started, sum up the results, pay off debts, and fulfill your obligations.

But if in a dream you suddenly got scared on the threshold of the dental office and backed out, then in reality you will act extremely indecisively, painfully afraid of the consequences of each step you take. One of your friends or relatives will help you overcome these fears and doubts if you dreamed that someone took you by the hand to an appointment with the dentist. Be sure that with support you will cope with any difficulties, overcome adversity and trials.

American dream book

Continuing to study the topic under consideration, it is worth looking into this interpreter. Here are some dream explanations worth considering:

  • Lost black teeth are a warning. A person wastes his energy on something in vain or talks a lot in vain.
  • If his teeth suddenly turn black and fall out, then there is a chance that he is losing his vitality in reality.
  • Were the fangs infected and therefore darkened? Such a vision is identified with lies, rumors and gossip.
  • Do black teeth fall out and your gums bleed heavily in your sleep? This means that it is time for a person to pay attention to his family and friends. This is the best he can do for them at the moment.
  • The black teeth fell out, and the man picked them up and held them in his hand for a long time, realizing what had happened? Such a vision promises him a complete collapse of his aspirations, hopes and plans.

The worst thing is the dream in which a black tooth cracked. The vision warns: a person is in a state of stress that needs to be dealt with urgently. But it is also important to maintain peace of mind. Then everything will work out.

Dream Interpretations by Seasons: Autumn, Summer, Spring

In these dream books, troubles with teeth are covered in great detail. For example, in the Autumn Dream Book it is said that treating caries in a dream means dental diseases. But seeing a snow-white smile (seemingly a good sign) is a sign of lying.

It also states here:

  • pulling teeth - foretells upcoming physical pain;
  • many spoiled and rotten - to a scandal, most often with your soulmate;
  • removing a nerve - to mental suffering, strong experiences in reality;
  • getting a filling from a doctor means completing an unpleasant task;
  • to see gaps means to become the subject of ridicule in reality.

The summer dream book also states: if you dreamed of teeth with caries, get ready to fight toothache in reality. Severe decay and deep carious cavities may portend the appearance of a serious illness in a relative, but their treatment means the need to make an attempt to prevent possible problems.

Inserting teeth in a dream means losing them, while knocking them out is a sign of confusion, loss of control over the situation. Removing a nerve means the presence in the dreamer’s life of an annoying person who gets on the nerves, installing a filling means constant turmoil in solving problems, and sparse teeth means stupid chatter.

In the Spring Dream Book, a carious tooth is a very bad sign; its appearance means the death of a sick person from the dreamer’s environment. But healthy teeth dream of prosperity. Dental prosthetics means the appearance of new relatives: such a dream can occur, for example, before a wedding or the birth of a child.

Teeth and blood, according to the Spring Dream Book, dream of a visit from blood relatives, and just a tooth - of the arrival of strangers. Pulling teeth in a dream means losses, removing nerves means fear for loved ones, seeing chips means lying. And treatment at the dentist means meeting your expectations.


Astrologers also recommend paying attention to such nuances during sleep as:

  • A dream about a prosthetic procedure can mean the appearance of new relatives, and this usually happens shortly before a wedding or before the birth of a baby;
  • Blood on teeth is usually interpreted in the spring dream book to indicate the arrival of close relatives;
  • The process of tooth extraction is a dream of loss;
  • Removal of nerve endings indicates fear for loved ones;
  • Gaps between teeth mean deception;
  • Treatment at the dentist is a sign that hopes will soon be realized.

Each dream book interprets a certain situation in its own way and you need to focus on details and internal sensations in order to understand what you are dreaming about, but it is best to just relax and take care of your health and then problems can pass by.

Loss of teeth

Why do you dream that while inspecting your oral cavity, in addition to caries, you noticed that one of the molars had fallen out? Such a dream predicts misfortunes and sorrows. If the loss of a tooth did not occur without bleeding, then one of the relatives will cause inconvenience and grief. A dream in which you also felt pain signals that your health is in danger.

Did you dream that your baby lost a carious tooth? Then get ready for a series of painful troubles. If it was a baby incisor, then things will completely take over you. In the Lunar Dream Book there is an interpretation of the vision that a child has lost a permanent tooth. This dream tells the dreamer that he needs to learn to take responsibility and make fateful decisions without outside help.

The most common interpretations of dreams

It is believed that a dream in which bad teeth are present often acts as a kind of reminder that it is time to take care of your health. Moreover, it often happens that such images are dreamed by a person who has suffered from caries for a long time or has not suffered at all. To better understand such dreams, let's turn to dream books.

In most cases, dream books interpret caries as unpleasant troubles associated with the health of the dreamer or his relatives. It is especially bad when the disease is accompanied by bleeding, since blood symbolizes the leakage of vital force.

There are also opinions that such images can indicate a person’s overwork. In this way, the body tries to communicate that a time out is needed. At the same time, dream books recommend thinking about going on vacation and spending time with health benefits.

Another common interpretation of why a healthy person with a white smile dreams of caries is that it foreshadows the appearance of imaginary friends or dishonest partners who will cause a lot of trouble.

However, if you see caries in a dream, you shouldn’t panic: this is just a warning about the possible appearance of ill-wishers or an impetus for action to improve your health: if there is a problem, go to the doctor, but if not, rest and just listen to your feelings, perhaps what your body is experiencing something is missing.

The dreamer has caries

When a person dreams of problems with his own teeth, he needs to remember in detail what they looked like. A small black dot on a practically healthy snow-white fang is a sign of conflicts that will soon begin in the family. The reason will be a misunderstanding between close people.

Seeing half-rotten stumps in your mouth is a sign of big trouble. These could be serious health problems or misunderstandings in the family. The more frightened the dreamer was by his problem teeth, the more difficult it will be for him to cope with his worries in reality. If he immediately turned to the dentist, it means he is trying to correct the situation .

A severely damaged molar due to deep caries warns that the dreamer’s relatives may have serious illnesses. If in a dream the dentist has already begun treatment, then in real life the person will have time to refer his relatives to specialist doctors in time.

If the carious point, after careful examination, turns out to be fake, you should expect surprises in the near future. They will turn out to be both pleasant and not so pleasant. It’s bad when blood flows from a carious cavity - it symbolizes a leak of vital energy .

Seeing your toothless mouth in a dream means some serious loss. Diligently brushing your molars means fighting for your well-being. If you manage to get rid of plaque, then in reality you will be able to overcome all obstacles.

According to the dream book, caries in a dream in a person who in reality has a beautiful white-toothed smile predicts the appearance of imaginary friends. These could be partners plotting behind the dreamer’s back.

Some predictors believe that such a plot may indicate a person is overworked. The body is trying to tell the sleeper that he has taken on too many responsibilities and cannot cope with them. A little rest will help restore both physical and mental health .

The relationship between dreams about caries and health status

Most dream books interpret dental problems in a dream as impending health troubles in reality.

And this is no coincidence: the subconscious often gives a hint about what a person needs to pay attention to. Dreams about any diseases, including caries, often mean that the dreamer is already anticipating problems, but is ignoring them for now

To avoid the consequences of unpleasant dreams, various publications usually recommend that you pay close attention to the images: do not ignore them, but do not become despondent. It is best to take such a dream as a sign that it is time to act, and try to deal with all the troubles with a cool head.

Autumn, summer, spring dream books

The autumn dream book says what to see in a dream, how dental caries is treated for pathologies in the oral cavity, and if the smile is completely healthy and snow-white, then this is a sign of deception

In addition, in the same collection it is recommended to pay attention to such details as:. If teeth are pulled, then this means severe pain, which will be received in real life; Seeing rotten teeth foreshadows quarrels between lovers; If the nerve was removed, then soon the dreamer will feel strong emotional experiences; When a doctor puts a filling in a dream, the work that has been started for a long time will soon finally be completed; Noticing a large space between the teeth is a sign of ridicule from strangers

  • If teeth are pulled, then this means severe pain, which will be received in real life;
  • Seeing rotten teeth foreshadows quarrels between lovers;
  • If the nerve was removed, then soon the dreamer will feel strong emotional experiences;
  • When a doctor puts a filling in a dream, the work that has been started for a long time will soon finally be completed;
  • Noticing a large space between the teeth is a sign of ridicule from strangers.

The summer collection has a slightly different interpretation. According to what is written in it, if you see teeth with caries in a dream, then you need to be prepared for severe toothache. In addition, there are other differences in it that relate to such details:

  • Deep caries and severe tooth decay indicate serious illnesses in the dreamer’s relatives, but if in a dream you could see how a doctor was treating him, then you can have time to warn your relatives so that they are examined by a doctor;
  • Inserting a tooth in a dream is usually interpreted as the loss of a loved one or loved one, and if it is knocked out, it means that the dreamer cannot control the situation and is confused;
  • Removal of a nerve usually indicates that the dreamer has a constantly annoying person next to him;
  • Filling is interpreted as turmoil while solving a problem;
  • Space between teeth is explained as useless talk.

Many experts note that the spring collection is the most accurate. This dream book interprets caries on the teeth as the death of someone around the dreamer, and if the smile is absolutely healthy, then this is a harbinger of well-being.

Another person has problems

Seeing your friend’s caries in a dream means betrayal of a loved one. Perhaps he will not do this on purpose, but the disappointment from this act will be very strong.

Seeing rotten things in your soulmate’s mouth is a sign of quarrels and misunderstandings. The couple may face divorce if they do not find common ground. A girl who saw her fiancé's caries should seriously think about whether she is ready to throw in her lot with this man. Perhaps he is not at all who he says he is.

To see in a dream how a dentist treats caries is a sign of deception. If a relative has a fang pulled out, he may experience health problems. We need to remind him of the need to conduct an examination.

Teeth in a dream

Astrologers call a dream about bad teeth a reminder that you need to take care of your health and at the same time a harbinger of trouble if you don’t do this. In addition, this can be seen by a person who does not even have caries and has never had one, and therefore it is worth turning to dream books for help. Often, dream interpreters interpret such a vision as troubles related to the health of the dreamer and his close relatives. If you dream of pathology with blood, then the interpretation changes and this means a leakage of power associated with internal illnesses or strong experiences that have developed into depression.

There are other opinions, for example, this may be a sign that a person is very tired and the body is communicating the need to rest. Dream books advise going on vacation to regain strength and think about your future life. Another equally common interpretation says that the dreamer has imaginary friends in his close circle, and there may be dishonest partners at work, but in both cases it is necessary to be vigilant and, if necessary, act firmly and decisively.

Regardless of the decoding, a dream in which there was dental caries is only a warning about the presence of ill-wishers among people close to the dreamer and about health problems. In such a situation, you can take a short vacation to take a closer look at your surroundings and at the same time do a full examination in the hospital. In addition, you can turn to other dream books, which may contain the necessary clues.

Dream Interpretation - Teeth

Dreams about teeth and tooth loss are common. Often such a dream is disturbing, although it does not carry the same fear or ANXIETY as a NIGHTMARE. In a dream, teeth often concern only the dreamer. Other characters in the dream either do not notice the loss of teeth or do not attach any importance to it. A 19-year-old girl says: “I’m in the bedroom, combing my hair. A guy comes in and asks if I'm seeing anyone. I say no. Then he asks me out on a date. I agree. He's about to kiss me and I ask him to hold off for a second. I'm going to freshen up a bit. When I wipe my mouth, my teeth start falling out! Every one I touch falls out. No blood, just empty spaces in the mouth. I return from the bathroom preoccupied, but the guy doesn’t notice anything. Meanwhile, I feel like a wreck.” This girl reports that in real life she experienced internal discomfort due to the end of a relationship with a man. She would like to resume them. The possibility of getting into an awkward position keeps her from doing this. Dreams about losing teeth are often dreams about embarrassment or potentially embarrassing situations. A similar real-life experience can be summed up in the expression "losing face" in public. Another possible cause of dreams about losing teeth could be physical sensations such as teeth grinding or tooth sensitivity. Do your teeth get knocked out or do they fall out for no apparent reason?

Dream Interpretation - Teeth

Clean, white, beautiful teeth are dreamed of as a symbol of health and good luck. Sick, flawed teeth are a sign of all sorts of misfortunes. Pulling out a tooth means getting rid of an annoying acquaintance. Brushing your teeth or buying toothpaste means the appearance of long-awaited guests. If a tooth or teeth fall out, this means the death of a friend or relative. Knocked out teeth - to failure. Inserting - to profit. Spitting out teeth - to the threat of illness. Seeing artificial teeth in the mouth - to falsehood in a love relationship. If an enemy removes your tooth, this is a dream of a serious illness. Pushing out teeth tongue out of the mouth - to self-justification and happy deliverance from slander. Gold teeth in the mouth - a good dream for those people who earn their living by oratory.

Esoteric dream book

Did you see one of the incisors turn black for some reason? This means you need to prepare for the unexpected. We need to reconsider our affairs, get rid of unnecessary things, and also begin to take an interest in the affairs of our family and friends. It also doesn't hurt to be concerned about your health.

Have your teeth turned black under a filling? Such a vision promises deception. The terrible thing is that it will be veiled under something pleasant.

But if only one tooth has turned black, then you don’t have to worry. The dream book assures: such a vision portends good luck. The most important thing is not to miss the moment when she smiles at a person.

General interpretations

It is very difficult to restore in memory the chronology of events in a dream, but if you remember at least one fragment, then you should try to decipher it. Suppose you dreamed of a small black dot on a healthy, white tooth. It turns out that this is a sign of future conflicts based on misunderstandings. Who will you have to argue with? Alas, the dream book does not give any clue. But be prepared for such developments.

Even greater troubles are predicted by dreams in which you were horrified to notice almost nothing in your mouth. While you were sleeping, did you head to the dentist to get your mouth in order? This is not bad, because in reality you will do everything possible to find a way out of a difficult situation. What happens if the dreamed carious cavity turns out to be fake? In this case, expect the unexpected. It’s hard to say how pleasant they will be.

Dream Interpretation of the White Mage

This interpreter recommends remembering which teeth were affected. The following options are offered:

  • Blackened front teeth promise loneliness. Soon the person will need help, but he won’t have to count on it.
  • Have your fangs turned black? This means that the dreamer will soon feel defenseless and helpless. It is possible that the feeling of uselessness will lead him to depression.
  • Molar black teeth remind you: you need to spend time with your family and friends. They really need the dreamer's attention. In addition, by visiting them now, a person can receive valuable advice.
  • Black wisdom teeth represent a connection with ancient ancestors who are no longer alive. In this context, they hint: maybe a person shouldn’t neglect family traditions so much?

It is also important to remember the emotions experienced at the moment of the vision. Was the man afraid of his black teeth? This means that in reality he is completely unprepared for the difficulties ahead. The dreamer immediately began trying to get rid of them - began to pull them out, loosen them? This indicates his habit of not solving a problem, but getting rid of it.



I dreamed that I was standing near the mirror with my mouth open! and I see caries on my teeth! I’m very worried about this in my sleep!


I was sitting in the dentist’s chair and he told me that there was a small cavity and he would remove it now; in the mirror I could barely see the caries.


I dreamed that I saw on my tooth where they put a filling on me, like caries or as if the tooth was being destroyed! In fact, I have a tooth that is bad!


I saw a small caries on the front tooth on the left. Then I wanted to look. I started to touch it, and it broke off in half


I don't remember the whole dream. I remember the moment that I looked at my teeth, I saw a little black... with a dental instrument that is usually used to examine teeth, I ran it over the tooth a couple of times, the enamel fell off and I saw this caries all over the tooth. I remember being upset that I would have to treat ANOTHER tooth.

Why do you dream about caries?


Alexey Popov (Ocean)

Seeing teeth damaged by caries in a dream means a relative’s illness. But there is no need to attach any mystical meaning to dreams. It is quite possible that you had such a dream simply because in the dream your body picked up weak signals of pain from your teeth, which you do not feel when you are not sleeping. Keep an eye on those teeth of yours; their destruction may have begun. And in general, if you had a dream that made you feel anxious, turn the pillow over and say; “turn over a bad dream into a good one, like this pillow” Here are dream books for you, using them you can solve all your dreams https://www.sonnik.ru/ https://horo.mail.ru/dreambook.html https:// www.ezosite.ru/sonnik/ https://www.ezosite.ru/sonnik/sonnik_155.html https://horo.mail.ru/dreambook.html

Radiy Georgievich Radov

Teeth: -usually a dream in which you see teeth foreshadows an unpleasant encounter with illness and restless people who disturb you. - If you dream that you have lost your teeth, misfortune awaits you. — If in a dream a doctor pulled out your tooth, a terrible, protracted illness awaits you. — If in a dream you see the number of teeth a person should have in your mouth, it means that after numerous trials your lost jewelry will return to you. - If in a dream you brush or rinse your teeth, this means that a huge struggle will be required from you in order to preserve your happiness. — If you dream that you have artificial teeth in your mouth, it means you should expect severe trials that will befall you, and you will have to overcome them. — If you lose your teeth in a dream, a heavy burden awaits you, which will crush your pride and ruin your work. — If you dream that your teeth were knocked out, it means you should pay attention to your affairs, since your enemies do not sleep. — If in a dream your teeth are destroyed or broken, it means your work or health will suffer from excessive stress. — If you dream that you are spitting out your teeth, it means that a disease threatens you or your family. — Wrong teeth with some kind of flaws are the worst dream. He threatens many misfortunes to those who see him. This includes poverty, the collapse of personal plans and hopes, illness, and nervous exhaustion even in hitherto healthy people. — If one tooth falls out in your dream, this means sad news; if two, then a streak of bad luck into which the dreamer will be plunged due to his own negligence. If three teeth fall out, very serious disasters will follow. - If you see that all your teeth have fallen out, this means that misfortunes are coming. - If you dream that your teeth have deteriorated and you pulled them out, it means hunger and death await you. — If you dream that plaque is falling off your teeth, causing them to become healthy and white, it means your illness is temporary; when it passes, you will come to your senses, and the realization of your duty fulfilled will make you happy. - If in a dream you admire the whiteness and perfection of your teeth, friends dear to your heart await you and all the fullness of happiness that the fulfillment of desires can give. — If in a dream you, having pulled out one of your teeth, lose it, and then look for a cavity in your mouth with your tongue, not finding it, and you leave this riddle unsolved, then this means that you will meet with some person whom you you don’t want at all and which you want to ignore. And yet, this meeting will take place. And in the future you will continue to see this person and, despite the sidelong glances of your friends, receive exciting pleasure from these meetings. - If you dream that your dentist cleaned your teeth perfectly, and the next morning you find that they have turned yellow again, this means that you will entrust the protection of your interests to certain people, but you will soon find out that they will not resist the flattering promises of some then a clever deceiver.

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