A child is teething: how to help with teething, how to relieve and relieve pain

How to help your child with medicine when teething

For some children, homemade recipes and other non-drug methods do not help. This is due to the different sensitivity and susceptibility of the body of small patients. All medications should be selected exclusively by a doctor. It is likely that the infant has a history of chronic and other diseases for which drug therapy is strictly contraindicated. Self-prescription of pharmaceutical products can lead to allergic reactions and other side effects, so it is better not to rely on reviews on the Internet and advice from other mothers. Let's look at how to help a child teething with the help of medications.


The combined gel has an anesthetic and anti-inflammatory effect. The active ingredient is lidocaine, that is, inflamed and swollen gums seem to be “frozen.” Sold exclusively with a doctor's prescription. It is necessary to observe the exact dosage and avoid excessive use. The effect lasts for a long time.


Produced in Germany. The principle is almost identical to the previous drug, but the composition contains harmless polidocanol and tincture of chamomile flowers. Herbal components help eliminate pain, itching, inflammation, swelling and redness. The composition is sweet, so the little patient will not spit it out and will be happy to open his mouth. It is often prescribed by doctors for diseases of the oral cavity.


The gel-like substance contains choline salicylate and auxiliary components. Prescribed also for adults. Allowed for use over six months of age. It acts quickly and relieves a wide range of dental problems. This is one of the best remedies for pain relief when a child is teething badly. The disadvantage is the higher cost compared to analogues.


A paste based on lidocaine and chamomile extract disinfects treated surfaces of the oral cavity, relieves pain and swelling of soft tissues. Unpleasant sensations are eliminated in a short period of time, the baby sleeps soundly, does not cry for no reason, and happily eats mother's milk or an adapted formula from a bottle. Since the gel is applied externally, it is completely safe when used in moderation.

How to protect a baby from damage

Magic conspiracy No. 1

The spell against the evil eye must be done at dawn. To protect the baby from the evil eye, you should take 3 small gray stones, water and 3 spoons.

Then pour some water into the plate so that it flows by spoonfuls. You need to wash your baby with this water: wet the chest, crown, and then give him a sip to drink. After the procedure, go outside, pour out the remaining water and say 3 times:

“It came from the forest, go there, it came with the wind, it came to the wind and go away, it came from the people, it came to the people and go away.”

Magic plot No. 2

While bathing in the bathroom say:

“Grandmother Solomonida hovered, washed, and spoke conspiracies - from one they lived into another, into a single vein. So that no lessons, no supervision, and no slander will bother you. It didn’t take its own thought, and it didn’t take its own – not the lingual and not the ear, not the spot and not the heel, not the plantar and not the infraplantar. Amen".

Folk remedies

Medicines are effective for teething, but what should you give a child when teeth are cutting and you don’t want to use synthetic drugs? Home methods are auxiliary because they cannot always completely eliminate pain. However, for some children, these options are the most preferable and really help cope with pain. Doctors sometimes advise using:

  • Compresses with chamomile. It is necessary to moisten a bandage or cotton pad in chamomile infusion and then apply it to the painful cheek. To relieve inflammation and swelling, dentists recommend giving several teaspoons of herbal tea.
  • Honey. If the baby is not prone to allergic reactions, you can lubricate the inflamed mucous membranes with a honey substance. You should rub the substance in carefully, otherwise the baby will simply swallow it, and all manipulations will be useless.
  • Soda solution. It is recommended to dissolve 1 tsp. soda in a glass of clean warm boiled water, dip a gauze cloth and wipe the gums. This product helps not only relieve pain, but also disinfect the surface.

Before using traditional methods, you must always consult a doctor, even if the herbal substances used are considered completely safe. Sign up for a consultation at the dental office, our specialists will recommend effective formulations that will not harm the little patient.

Conspiracies from fear

Magic conspiracy No. 1

Say words over a sleeping child at any time of the day.

“Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on us. Just as the damp earth does not shake, does not get scared, does not turn back, so our baby (name) will not be scared and will never shake off. Amen".

Magic plot No. 2

To say in the evening over the baby's crib:

“Across wide fields, and across wide valleys, across green meadows, and along golden sands, along fast rivers, the servant of God (name) walked.

How fast rivers overflow, how golden sands flow, how water rolls off green grass,

How to calm your baby

Many young mothers worry about what to do and how to alleviate the condition when the child is teething, because he screams loudly and cannot sleep or eat normally. The best way to help a newborn is to breastfeed frequently. During the sucking process, the baby calms down, feeling maternal protection and love.

Parents may notice that regurgitation has become a common occurrence at this time. This feature is associated with abundant salivation and is quite natural. It is important not to confuse the periodic passage of air and food with vomiting, which is dangerous to life and health due to the high risk of dehydration.

How to avoid diseases

Magic conspiracy No. 1

Magic words must be spoken over the child after he is born:

“I will get up, blessing myself, leave the house, crossing myself - I will go from the first doors to the second, from one gate to another, I will go out into an open field and go far, far to the sea-ocean. In the ocean-sea there is a white cast stone, and on it there is no alder, no blood, no tumor. So my child (name) would not have any pain, no pain, neither in the joints, nor in the veins, nor in the bones, nor in the head, nor in the brain, nor in the hot blood. Amen".

Magic plot No. 2

As in the previous plot, these words must be pronounced immediately after the birth of the baby.

“33 crows are flying, flying, carrying, carrying 33 stones. The crows sat on a hill, on a hill, under a fir tree, under a leaf, under a hot stove, under a steam bath. They took and removed any illness from the servant of God (child's name). Fly crows into an open field, go down into the blue sea, like the key to the bottom.”

Dental care

The oral cavity needs high-quality hygiene, even if only one incisor has erupted. At first, it is enough to wipe the crowns and gums with a cotton pad or a piece of bandage soaked in clean water (necessarily boiled). You can do this once a day for up to a year.

In one-year-old children, plaque formed from food is removed with a special silicone brush, which is placed on the finger of mom or dad. At 1.5 years old, the baby will be able to clean himself. Two-year-olds pick up the usual children's brushes with soft bristles, suitable for a certain age category.

One of the most important skills is the ability to rinse your mouth. At the age of two, a little person can already learn to do this on his own. Don’t forget about preventive visits to the pediatric dentist. The first visit is indicated at 12-14 months.

Prayers for babies' first teeth

The prayer should be read after reading the “Our Father.” The best address here would be to Saint Antipus.

Prayer to Saint Antipas:

“Oh, glorious holy martyr Antipos and quick helper to Christians in illness! I believe with all my soul and thoughts that the Lord has given you the gift of healing the sick and strengthening the weakened, for this sake I come running to you, as the blessed physician of illnesses, as the weak (or: weak) and kiss your venerable image with reverence (or: kissing) , I pray: by your intercession from the Heavenly King, ask me, who is sick (or: sick), for healing from the dental disease that depresses me: even though you are unworthy (or: unworthy) of seven to you, my most gracious father and ever-present intercessor: but you, being an imitator of God’s love for mankind, make me worthy (or: worthy) of your intercession through my conversion from evil deeds to a good life; heal the ulcers and scabs of my soul and body with the grace abundantly given to you, grant me health and salvation and good haste in everything, so that, having lived a quiet and silent life (or: having lived) in all piety and purity, I will be worthy to glorify the All-Holy Name with all the saints Father and Son and Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen".

Effective rituals

For teeth growth

To increase the growth rate of primary molars in children after the loss of baby teeth, you can perform a ritual. But to carry it out, you need to be sure that you respect your brownie, otherwise he will not help you. This is an appeal to the invisible owner of the house. You will need a child's milk tooth, a silver tea spoon, a church candle and honey. Only a close relative of the child should carry out a conspiracy to grow new teeth.

Light a candle, let a milk tooth live on a teaspoon. Next, bring the spoon to the candle flame and heat it up a little. Take out the tooth and dip it in honey. Then take it out of the container with honey and hide it in a secret place, while saying a spell for new teeth:

“Brownie, you are the owner of my house, you protect us all from all evil, you keep the house clean and in order, you help us find what we have lost. Now I have a special request for you. I’ll give you my baby’s milk tooth, and you give him strong, strong and healthy teeth. May they never spoil, hurt, break or rot. Let it be so".

Repeat the spell on new teeth three times. All words must be pronounced clearly, without changing places. It is important to be alone in the room so that no one distracts or interferes. It is recommended to appease the brownie before performing the ritual and provide him with a treat for the night. In the morning, give food to dogs or birds. Perform magical actions at night.

Spells for tummy pain in a baby

Magic conspiracy No. 1

The ritual is performed any time the baby is bothered by abdominal pain. The person speaking crosses the baby’s tummy 3 times, then puts his palm on it and says the following words:

“I baptize God’s servant (name) with the cross, I want to relieve the pain in my tummy. Go to the little field, to your pure will, and don’t touch or disturb the baby (name). Forever and ever. Amen".

After the conspiracy, you again need to cross your tummy 3 times.

A spell that your mother or grandmother reads will definitely help

Magic plot No. 2

This plot, like the previous one, is done when a baby has a tummy ache. The speaker must take the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos, cross the child with it 3 times, then pronounce the spell words, applying the icon to the sore stomach:

“Most Holy Mary, mother of Jesus Christ, our God, you gave birth to your son, rocked him in a cradle, protected him from all pain. Place your hand on the tummy of God's baby servant (name) so that the pain disappears, goes away forever. Forever and ever. Amen".

Magic plot No. 3

The person speaking the spell needs to cross the child’s sore tummy 3 times, then bend over to him and say the spell words directly into the stomach and at the same time bite him with his lips. After the words have been spoken, you need to step back and cross yourself 3 times again:

“I bow to the sick belly of the servant of God’s child (name), I touch its pain, I bite it with strong teeth and spit over my left shoulder. There was severe pain - and there was none at all. Key, lock, tongue. Amen".

What assistance should be provided during teething?

A dentist can advise you on how to provide correct and effective assistance when teething in children. If there are signs of the appearance of the first teeth, it is recommended to show the baby to a specialist.

Simple Methods

Popular methods for relieving itching and pain in young children that parents should use.

  1. Gum massage. Hands are washed well. After this, the parent makes pressing and rubbing movements with his finger at the site of gum swelling. You can replace finger massage with a silicone brush, which is pre-disinfected.
  2. Cooling. Place the teether in the freezer for 10–15 minutes and then give it to the baby. You can also rub the toy along your child’s gums yourself. Cold constricts blood vessels, eliminates sensitivity, thereby reducing pain.

Both methods should be approached with caution to avoid injury or hypothermia of the gums.

Pharmacy products

To eliminate itching and pain, you can purchase a special product at the pharmacy. These can be powders for oral administration, or local agents that have an anesthetic effect.

Local pharmacies:

  • Kalgel;
  • Kamistad;
  • Holisal;
  • and others.

The use of any product is permissible only after consultation with a dentist and after a preliminary allergy test.

To reduce the temperature, it is recommended to give the child Nurofen. It is also possible to apply the syrup locally to the swollen area of ​​the gum.

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