Lip care after lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid - rules and recommendations

Lip augmentation allows you to make them attractive and beautiful. Additionally, you can correct asymmetry, restore contour and even somewhat rejuvenate your face. Typically, injection methods are used for lip augmentation. They are safe and are not associated with excessive injury. However, they still involve intervention in the human body. Therefore, the final result largely depends on post-injection care. If you strictly follow the recommendations, you can significantly speed up the process and also minimize the likelihood of side effects.

What results can you expect after lip augmentation?

Lip augmentation by injection of fillers based on hyaluronic acid allows you to solve several aesthetic problems in a matter of minutes:

  • Increase volume.
  • Eliminate dryness and flaking.
  • Correct asymmetry.

Here it is important to understand how long it takes for lips to heal after augmentation: on average 5-10 days. It is recommended to finally evaluate the result after 2 weeks.

When the recovery period passes, the lips will become moisturized and attractive, while maintaining their natural mobility and sensitivity.

Lip augmentation: about the procedure

Lip augmentation using contouring and intramuscular injection of hyaluronic acid is a popular procedure that helps make the appearance more attractive. The natural drug is well absorbed by the body and is not rejected when administered. Hyaluronic acid injections add volume to the lips depending on the injection site and change their shape. Using this method, you can easily correct any defects, including asymmetry, adhesions and scars in the mouth area.

Possible consequences of lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid

To enlarge the lips, the cosmetologist injects the drug to a depth of approximately 3-4 ml. Fillers based on hyaluronic acid are biocompatible and absolutely safe, because... it is produced by our body. The risk of any complications is minimal.

What you might encounter:

  • Individual intolerance and allergic reactions.
  • Edema.
    This is a normal reaction of the body to intervention. It goes away within a few days.
  • Bruise.
    It is not dangerous and also goes away within a few days.
  • Lumps in the lips.
    They may arise if the patient does not comply with the recommendations of the cosmetologist after the procedure. Less often due to a specialist error during the procedure.

Knowing what you can and cannot do after lip augmentation , you will avoid unpleasant consequences and shorten the recovery period.


Heat or extreme cold negatively affects the structure of the gel, which is only absorbed by the body during the first seven days. Because of this, punctures on the skin do not heal well, and minor damage occurs inside the soft tissues of the lips. Such wounds can become an excellent environment for the appearance of pathogenic bacteria.

Under the influence of inflammatory mediators, blood vessels dilate, and blood flows more and more to the soft tissues. The already existing swelling can become much greater due to the characteristics of hyaluronic acid. It attracts water molecules to itself, causing lymph to accumulate.

Low temperatures affect the gel itself. Because of them, it is distributed unevenly, and the skin itself becomes excessively dry. Lack of water stimulates the healing process to slow down. The edges of injection wounds may crack.

The elimination of the drug can be slowed down by maintaining the correct temperature. Do not overheat in the sun, go to the solarium or bathhouse. Additionally, refrain from drinking hot or cold drinks, as well as any food, for at least the first 4-10 hours after lip contouring.

Too spicy and salty foods can stimulate blood circulation and cause fluid retention in the skin.

What not to do after lip augmentation

A cosmetologist will definitely tell you how to care for your lips after the procedure. Compliance with the recommendations is especially important during the first two weeks, because... this greatly affects the result.

It is forbidden:

  • Take a hot bath, shower.
  • Visit the sauna, bathhouse, solarium.
  • Drink hot drinks.
  • Take medications that affect blood clotting.
  • Drink alcohol and smoke.
  • Paint.
  • Apply creams and ointments. Exception: those recommended by the cosmetologist after the procedure.
  • Actively move your lips - stretch, press, stretch, strain, open your mouth wide, etc.
  • Visit the dentist.
  • Press on lips.
  • Engage in sports and heavy physical activity.
  • Touch surfaces with your lips that you are not sure are clean, because... high risk of infection.
  • Kiss.

Post-procedure care

One of the most frequently asked questions is whether it is possible to use special healing ointments or creams that will help relieve discomfort. This is indeed allowed, but it is important to pay attention to the composition.

The list of approved medications includes:

  • D-Panthenol - relieves irritation and bruises;
  • Dolobene gel - heals the skin, softens it;
  • Traumeel ointment is a homeopathic remedy that contains arnica extract.

Before use, you should consult your doctor. During this period, you should not self-medicate and take medications that reduce blood clotting. Because of this, hematomas may occur at the injection sites. If the pain or discomfort is too unpleasant, the safest painkiller is paracetamol. In addition, it reduces the temperature, which can rise in the first days after contouring. If you took antibiotics during the period of lip augmentation, then there is no need to worry. They do not affect the removal of hyaluronic acid from the body.

After the filler is injected, it is allowed to use hygiene products to soften the lips. Avoid touching your lips with dirty hands to avoid introducing infection and bacteria into the punctures.

There is no need to use scrubbing agents until the soft tissues are completely restored and the gel is distributed inside. You should not apply decorative makeup or use any cosmetics with pigments until the swelling subsides and the former sensitivity of the tissue returns.

When brushing your teeth and other hygiene procedures, be sure to control your usual movements with a toothbrush.


Gymnastics is appropriate only after complete recovery. Not earlier than 2 weeks after the injection.

How to do:

  • Pull your lips out with a tube.
  • Stretch as wide as possible.
  • Compress.
  • Sing vowel sounds.

Gymnastics are performed 2-3 times a day for 3-4 minutes. A specialist will show you specific exercises.

Rehabilitation period

The rehabilitation period after lip augmentation lasts no more than three days. Immediately after the procedure, the following symptoms of discomfort may be observed:

  • flying, low-intensity pain at the injection site of hyaluronic acid, as a result of the reaction of the nerve endings of the skin to interaction with the filler;
  • the appearance of hematomas due to the patient’s very delicate and sensitive skin or due to excessive force during puncture on the part of the doctor;
  • redness - reaction of dermal vessels (dilation) to the injected filler;
  • small papules occur if the needle was too superficial when injecting hyaluronic acid into the skin;
  • swelling or puffiness is a natural reaction to the introduction of an “extra” volume of hyaluronic acid, which can attract moisture, under the skin;
  • a blurred contour after lip augmentation is a consequence of temporary lability (mobility) of the distributed gel (until it stably occupies all the subcutaneous voids of the main substance).

These phenomena are a natural response of the dermis to a violation of its integrity. They go away on their own and do not require treatment. Since an injection is a mini-injury, inflammation can, as a rule, be avoided, but swelling after the injection persists for about two or three days. You can minimize unpleasant consequences by choosing the right filler. Otherwise, after lip augmentation, you must follow the recommendations of a cosmetologist:

  • For the first time (2 weeks), you need to exclude decorative cosmetics from everyday use. It may be of poor quality or expired, causing allergies or secondary infection.
  • You should not lick your lips or constantly touch with your hands. Possible peeling can significantly spoil the visual effect of smooth lips and lead to cracks.
  • You should not actively move your lips: talk a lot, stretch your lips out, smile - this can lead to displacement of hyaluronic acid.
  • It is recommended to sleep only on your back, in no case on your side or stomach, face down (this provokes a mechanical shift of the filler).
  • It is not recommended to visit the sauna for two to three weeks, since profuse sweating can bring with it an inflammatory reaction to salts and other skin irritants (ammonia, urea) present in the secretion of the sweat glands. In addition, high temperatures promote a rush of blood to the facial skin, which can cause cracks in the mucous membrane of the lips, artificially enlarged with filler.
  • You cannot swim in the pool for a month. Chlorinated (disinfected with chemicals) water causes irritation and inflammation of the lips.
  • It is recommended to limit physical activity and sports. Sweating, risk of injury, secondary infection - all this can result from such activities.
  • You need to follow the correct diet. Nothing spicy, salty, or irritating to the lips, at least in the first two weeks.
  • For the same reason, you should not drink alcohol or smoke. Not only will the lips be attacked by toxic substances, but the human body will also react to intoxication, aggravating the course of the rehabilitation period (fever, dyspepsia with dehydration, nausea).
  • You cannot massage your lips yourself. By doing this, you can disrupt their shape, destroying the symmetry of the filler distribution.
  • You should not drink hot tea or coffee, as this can cause burns to the mucous membranes and damage their integrity.
  • Avoid flying during the first month after the intervention: pressure at altitude has an unpredictable effect on the gel filler.
  • It is advisable to minimize possible contacts with virus carriers or patients with influenza, acute respiratory viral infections, or acute respiratory infections.

If the rehabilitation period is delayed or there is no positive dynamics in the negative symptoms that appear after lip augmentation, you should consult a cosmetologist.

Recommendations after lip augmentation can be not only prohibitive, but also permissive. How can you help sponges recover faster?

  • Swelling is well relieved with cold compresses. In this case, you need to ensure the sterility of the surface that will come into contact with the lips.
  • In addition, the cosmetologist can prescribe you special masks to relieve discomfort.

How long does the result last?

The results last from several weeks to several years. On average from 4 to 18 months.

Duration depends on:

  • individual characteristics,
  • the chosen drug,
  • compliance with the recommendations of a cosmetologist,
  • number of procedures (the result of each subsequent procedure lasts longer).

What will you have to give up after the procedure?

There are a number of things that you will have to give up after injection with hyaluronic acid, so as not to spoil and maintain the result. What you should avoid after the injection:

  1. They exclude visiting the bathhouse, sauna, and swimming pool, but only for a couple of weeks. After this, visiting is allowed.
  2. You will have to give up physical activity so as not to worsen the result. At first it is better not to visit the gym. But physical activities will be allowed soon.
  3. It is recommended to stop using nicotine and alcohol for at least a few days. But since alcohol and nicotine have a detrimental effect on health and quickly distort the results, it is therefore worth giving up bad habits altogether.

In fact, seemingly simple rules can have a serious impact on the long-term maintenance of the result, and will also eliminate complications. It is worth paying attention to the fact that lip care after lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid is quite simple and easy. It has excellent results and will help maintain the results for a longer time.

How to disguise bruises and hematomas

No woman likes to walk around with bruises on her lips. Therefore, girls try to hide defects under foundation. A cosmetic pencil will help disguise a bruise.

When painting, it is worth considering the tone of the corrective agent and the color of the bruise. So, an orange tint will help against cyanosis, and green will hide red spots. Light purple hematomas are best tinted yellow. Upon completion, you should retouch the skin with powder.

How to care for lips after lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid?

Lip care after injection with hyaluronic acid is very important to maintain the results and health of the body. The first thing patients are interested in is what to smear their lips after increasing hyaluronic acid, and whether this is allowed to be done at all. Care activities include:

  • compresses;
  • special ointments;
  • massage;
  • special cosmetics.


  1. Lip massage should be done three days after the operation. It should be done with light massaging movements, after moistening the lips with warm water, hygienic lipstick or hygienic gel. Using gentle movements, distribute the gel evenly over the lips. It is worth doing a massage two or three times a day.
  2. Lip compresses help speed up recovery after surgery. The compress can be cold or warm. Has excellent results. For a cold compress you will need an ice cube or frozen meat. It is necessary to apply a cold object for 2-3 minutes so as not to overcool the lip area. For a warm compress, you need a decoction of walnut leaves or medicinal chamomile. After the broth has cooled a little, you need to apply a compress to your lips. Hold for 3 to 5 minutes. Decoctions that speed up the rehabilitation process are very useful and effective.
  3. They use special cosmetics and ointments that contain hyaluronic acid. This allows you to maintain the effect of the injection for a longer period.

If you follow these recommended lip care steps after lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid, you will be able to maintain the results for more than a year. The effect will amaze those around you. The sponges will be “tasty” for a long time.

Measures to prevent complications after hyaluronic acid for lips

It is much better to prevent the occurrence of complications after augmentation with hyaluronic acid than to treat them for a long time and difficultly. There are several particularly important points, when paying attention to which the risk of side effects is almost minimized:

  • The most important thing is to pay attention to the qualifications of the specialist. The instructions for each injection drug indicate that only a person who has a higher medical education has the right to administer the composition. You should not blindly trust certificates of completion of courses, because the most important thing is medical knowledge and skills, although updating knowledge also plays an important role.
  • An equally important matter is the choice of the drug that will be used for the increase. Regardless of how popular the product is, it is important to make sure that the patient does not develop intolerance to the components of the composition, and this can be done by conducting an allergic reaction test.

  • Before any surgical intervention, even if it is injections, the doctor is obliged to conduct a thorough examination of the visitor to the cosmetology salon in order to collect as much information as possible about his state of health. The necessary information will also include what characteristics arose in parents or other close relatives, since heredity is a decisive factor for drawing conclusions.
  • It is important to choose the time for injections that would be most optimal for the body. For example, women should consult a dermatologist about the period of the menstrual cycle, since hormonal levels and, as a consequence, the result obtained after the procedure depend on it.
  • The specialist is obliged to warn about what consequences may occur, how long the recovery period will be and what drugs treatment conflicts with injections. Only after this can you begin the procedure itself.

We recommend reading about how and when to massage after lip augmentation. From the article you will learn how to properly knead lumps in the lips after the procedure, effective lip massage techniques, and the effect of massage on the result. And here is more information about the methods of lip mesotherapy.

Enlarging the area around the mouth with hyaluronic acid can not only bring benefits, but also cause a number of side effects, including dryness and flaking. If this problem occurs, you should turn to the use of medications and increase the volume of fluid consumed, however, one way or another, full compliance with the recommendations given by the doctor can prevent the occurrence of painful consequences.

What to do to stop your lips from drying out

If your lips become dry after the lip augmentation procedure, it is important to change or supplement your usual lifestyle with some useful actions. Thus, increasing the amount of fluid consumed, using healing agents and taking vitamins will have a great impact on the body.

Ointments for peeling and dryness

Ointments and creams that combat dryness and flaking can reduce discomfort from this side effect. Hydrocortisone, which is part of medications, can improve the condition of the skin and its appearance, however, when using such assistants, you should know when to stop, because the active substance, if used thoughtlessly, may not restore, but only worsen the existing problems.

Along with pharmaceutical developments, it is important to use various hygiene lipsticks and balms that will help protect injured skin from the negative influence of the external environment.

Drinking regime

If there is a problem of dryness after hyaluronic acid, it is important to normalize the drinking regime, since dehydration of the body can increase the unpleasant phenomenon. The effect of the drug injected into the skin depends solely on the fluid contained in the body, since one molecule of sodium hyaluronate can bind up to 500 microparticles of water.

Thus, daily consumption of about eight glasses of clean water will help not only quickly restore comfort and activate inhibited regenerative processes in the body, but also enhance the results of injections.


Vitamins will help cope with the problem from the inside: it is important to increase the intake of tocopherol (vitamin E) and retinol (vitamin A). All fat-soluble substances can give a good result in the fight against flaking and dryness, and oils of plant and animal origin will make a particularly significant contribution.

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