10 reasons why you should get braces as an adult

Excursion into history | Ligature and self-ligating constructions | Biomechanics of tooth movement | System installation | Stages of treatment | Lingual and vestibular structures

Braces are locks fixed to the teeth with a groove and “wings”. The principle of operation of the system is the ability of the orthodontic arch to return to its original position. The straightening archwire puts pressure on the braces, causing the teeth to move. Fixed retainers and aligners stabilize the results obtained at the final stage of treatment.

The material was verified by Anna Rimkevich, senior product manager at Ormco Russia.

The basis of bite correction is the mechanism of action of weak forces and the movement of teeth in accordance with the bends and shape of the arch. The metal arch has “shape memory”: it straightens, pulls the braces along with it and moves the teeth in the desired direction. The formation and destruction of bone tissue is part of the natural process of tooth movement. The principle of operation of braces allows you to achieve the goal of orthodontic treatment - to create the best balance of occlusion, facial aesthetics and dentition.

Damon Clear with orthodontic arch

What are braces?

Braces, or rather brace systems, are dental structures for eliminating malocclusions and problems with incorrect position of teeth.
Alignment with orthodontic braces began to be practiced back in 1776 in France, but the heavy structures used then interfered with speech and extended beyond the mouth. More than a hundred years later, the device was radically improved in America. Today, the classic system looks different and consists of three main elements:
braces - clasps that are attached to the teeth

orthodontic arch

fastenings (ligatures) for coupling the arch with the clasps

Excursion into history

At the beginning of the 20th century, the American doctor Edward Engle created the first prototype of the braces system and called it the Engle apparatus. Angle's apparatus consisted of an elastic stainless steel arc and ligature elements. The arc was tightly fixed in the tubes. The tubes were soldered to orthodontic rings placed on the first molars. Each tooth was tied to an arch curved in the shape of the dentition with a ligature wire.

Subsequently, the scientist significantly changed the original design and developed the edgewise technique. Orthodontic locks, edgewise, were a rectangular piece with a groove. An arc was inserted into the groove and the lock was locked with a pin. Subsequently, the design of braces was modified: orthodontic arches with a square and rectangular cross-section profile, with sharp and rounded edges, appeared.

Later, the edgewise technique was further modified by doctors. Thanks to the active development of orthodontics in the 20th century, the modern operating principle of braces was formed. Today, the doctor is offered various options for torque and angulation. Torque (or inclination) is the deviation of a tooth from its axis in the vestibulo-oral direction. Angulation is the deviation of the tooth in the mesio-distal direction. Taking into account torque and angulation allows, based on a specific clinical case, to individually select the optimal brace option for each tooth.

Main types of braces

Previously, when it was necessary to straighten with braces, for many patients the stopping factor was the aesthetic side of the issue - the structures were made exclusively of metal and were fixed on the outside of the teeth. Now there are many types of orthodontic systems to suit every taste. The main differences between braces are the installation methods and materials of manufacture.

External and internal braces

A frequent question from patients is whether it is possible to place braces on crooked teeth without others noticing. Internal, or lingual, braces allow you not to worry about the aesthetic aspect. Unlike external ones, lingual systems are fixed on the back of the teeth and are completely invisible to others. True, the patient takes longer to get used to the lingual system. But it is not always suitable for people with allergies, since it is made of metal, which can provoke an allergic reaction.

Ligature and non-ligature braces

Ligature and non-ligature systems differ in the method of attachment to the arch. The first ones are attached using clamps (ligatures), while the second ones are devices of a more advanced level that do not require additional fastenings. Ligature-free braces allow you to adjust the position of the arch once every 2-3 months. However, many specialists prefer monthly treatment monitoring. Despite their more advanced structure, it is difficult to say that non-ligature dental braces are more effective than traditional ones.

Comparison of lingual and vestibular constructions

Based on their location in the dental cavity, they are divided into lingual and vestibular systems. The vestibular position on the outer side of the dentition is classic and is used in the vast majority of cases.

Vestibular Mini Diamond

Lingual appliances are installed by patients with the highest aesthetic requirements. Adaptation to internal systems is more difficult compared to vestibular structures. The principle of operation of lingual and vestibular braces is not fundamentally different: in both cases, the arch is straightened and exerts a force on the braces, leading to the movement of teeth. If there is excessive crowding, the use of a lingual system is not recommended. The duration of treatment on the lingual structure is slightly longer than on the vestibular one. The patient sometimes experiences additional discomfort due to the interaction of the tongue with the brace system.

lingual braces STb

Types of bracket systems

Some people don’t attach importance to the presence of a metal device in the mouth - back in the 90s, Cindy Crawford not only wore dental braces, but even starred in them in an advertising campaign for Pepsi Cola. For those who have chosen external orthodontic braces, but prefer not to advertise the treatment, there are other options.

Types of braces depending on material

  • Plastic: the most budget braces - from 20,000 rubles. It is the plastic design that has become not just a device for dental treatment, but also an accessory that complements the image. Unfortunately, it also has many disadvantages: plastic is not the most durable material, in addition, such dental braces change color under the influence of coloring products.
  • Metal: The most durable of all braces for straightening teeth, but they are not suitable for people with metal allergies. A steel system will cost 60,000 - 80,000 rubles, a titanium system - from 80,000 to 100,000 rubles. In terms of aesthetics, this is not the most advantageous design.
  • Ceramic: highly aesthetic, matched to the color of the enamel, does not cause allergies, but is less durable than metal. In Moscow, the cost of ceramic braces is 40,000 - 70,000 rubles.
  • Sapphire: the most aesthetic of all options. They look very impressive in the light, but if the patient’s teeth have a yellowish tint, you should carefully consider whether sapphire braces are needed, as they will stand out strongly. Also quite fragile. The cost of sapphire structures is 100,000 - 150,000 rubles.

Reaching a new goal

Perhaps you are faced with a difficult choice: on the one hand, you are embarrassed about your smile, on the other, you do not want to wear braces for 1 to 3 years. But the faster you start, the faster you finish. As they say, the best time to do this is yesterday, the second best time is today. Moreover, you will experience great joy as you systematically move towards your goal, seeing how your teeth are straightened month after month, and in the end you will get the long-awaited result - a beautiful smile. This experience will certainly be useful in other areas of life.

How do braces differ from each other?

Type of bracesMaterialsDifferencesPrice
Metalmetal alloyreliable and cheapfrom 50,000 rubles*
Ceramicceramicsthe most inexpensive of aestheticfrom 70,000 rubles*
Sapphireartificial sapphirebeautiful and relatively inexpensivefrom 100,000 rubles*
Lingualgold + metalcompletely invisibleFrom 150,000 rubles*

*Prices are indicative in Moscow and only for the bracket system.

How do braces straighten teeth?

It is designed by nature that our teeth can change position - independently or under the influence of external forces. Thanks to this property, orthodontic treatment with braces becomes possible. Its principle is the following.

  1. Based on the patient’s clinical picture, the doctor plans a trajectory of movement for each tooth; one bracket is responsible for one dental unit.
  2. During the process of fixing the braces, the clasps are connected to each other by an arch with shape memory, which it tends to take over time.
  3. Under the influence of the arc, the dentition begins to take the desired position.
  4. During treatment, the archwire is replaced with a more rigid one to increase the impact.

Indications and contraindications for installation

Problems that alignment with braces can help solve:

  • crooked teeth due to improper growth
  • displacement of the dentition as a result of the removal of dental units
  • jaw development disorder

When there is crowding and gaps between teeth, braces are the optimal solution. In the latter case, it will not be possible to manage with orthodontic treatment alone; complex procedures with the participation of a surgeon will be required.


  1. Who is recommended for teeth straightening with braces?
  2. Preparing to align rows with braces
  3. Installation of braces
  4. Wearing braces during teeth straightening
  5. Removing the leveling device
  6. How long to wear braces
  7. When alignment with braces is not possible

How do braces straighten teeth? They do not do this by themselves, since in reality they play only a secondary role. After all, the term “braces” hides tiny locks that are responsible for holding the metal arch. It is the latter that does all the leveling work - moves the curved units and forces them to take the correct positions. But it just so happened that the entire orthodontic structure was named after the miniature locks.

At what age are braces placed?

The mobility of teeth in the jawbone persists throughout a person’s life, therefore, the answer to the question “Can braces be placed on crooked teeth in adulthood?” - positive. However, correcting a child’s bite with braces is much easier.

You can begin treatment as early as 9 years of age, even if not all baby teeth have been replaced by permanent teeth. The most optimal age for installing braces is 12 - 13 years old, but even at 30, braces will show good results. It will just take more time.

People around you start to envy you kindly

Not many people can boast of a perfect smile, but only a few take on this problem. However, braces on an adult are causing others to think about going to the dentist again. Yes, people around you will pay attention to you more often; friends and acquaintances will begin to be interested in the details of the treatment, the sensations, and the cost of the design. One thing is for sure - they will respect you, because you care about your health and did what many do not dare to do. In addition, not everyone is ready to shell out more than 100 thousand rubles to correct their smile.

Braces for crowns, veneers, implants

Crowns are not a contraindication to orthodontic treatment. The best option for installing braces on crowns is a metal system. It will provide reliable adhesion to the artificial material of the prosthesis. If you need to install a brace system on the teeth that serve as support for the bridge, the doctor will simply remove the prosthesis and put temporary plastic crowns on the patient for the period of treatment.

As for veneers, if they are already on the teeth, this will not be a contraindication to installing a brace system. However, it is still better not to install veneers before braces, especially taking into account that an incorrect bite is, in principle, a contraindication to veneering.

With an implant, it is already more difficult to correct the bite with braces - the artificial root sits firmly in the bone and is not able to move except upward. If possible, it is better to correct the curvature of the dentition before installing an artificial root. However, if implants are already in place, orthodontic treatment can still be planned and successfully carried out.

Caring for braces after installation

After installing braces, the patient's body must get used to them. At first, they can rub the inner surface of the lips or tongue, causing pain, problems with taste and diction. But if you follow all the doctor’s recommendations, within 1 – 2 weeks after installing braces, your teeth will not hurt, all discomfort and speech disorders will disappear. The patient will simply stop perceiving braces as something foreign. If braces irritate the inner surface of the cheeks or lips, erosions and ulcers form on the mucous membrane, then, as prescribed by the doctor, the clasps are covered with special wax or silicone. A piece of wax is lightly kneaded in your hands and pressed into the lock, after cleaning and drying your teeth and braces.

Diet restrictions

For the first few weeks after installation of braces, it is recommended to eat only liquid and mushy foods. Gradually, dishes can be diversified. But it is better to grind solid foods first in a blender. It is also better not to consume very cold or very hot food and drinks. The following products will need to be completely eliminated while wearing braces:

  1. anything that sticks to the teeth - chewing candies (taffy, soft caramel), Turkish delight, nougat, chewing gum;
  2. everything that stains teeth - beets, red wine, strong black tea, coffee, Coca-Cola.

Limit: sweets and baked goods, as they are an excellent breeding ground for microorganisms present in the mouth.

How to brush teeth with braces

When starting to brush teeth with braces with a regular brush, the patient notices that it is impossible to do this efficiently. Therefore the following are produced:

  • special toothbrushes with V-shaped bristles:
  • cone-shaped (mono-beam) toothbrushes:
  • interdental brushes:
  • dental floss (floss); They come in different types depending on how closely the teeth are arranged in the dentition.

Such devices perfectly clean both teeth and braces. You should consult your dentist about which toothpaste is best to use. He will recommend the most suitable toothpaste for the patient.

You can also use irrigators to clean hard-to-reach places with a water jet. These devices do not injure the gums at all:

But even this will not be enough. If you have had braces installed, you should visit a dental hygienist at least twice a year for professional teeth cleaning.

Orthodontist visit schedule

The frequency of consultations depends on the type of braces installed. Classic ligature braces require a visit to the orthodontist to correct the tension of the arch once every 1.5 - 2 months. If ligature-free active braces are installed, the doctor may schedule less frequent visits. The easiest way to treat is with passive non-ligated Damon System braces. These are self-regulating systems, so recovery of disorders occurs faster and does not require frequent visits to the orthodontist.

If braces cause severe, increasing discomfort, you should immediately contact an orthodontist.

Braces for extracted teeth

It is possible to install an orthodontic structure in the absence of one or more teeth, but it depends on the specific clinical picture. For example, it is quite possible to straighten a slight curvature in the frontal zone, even if there are no molars in the row. But is it possible to use braces to close a void when supporting teeth are missing? In this case, installing a system makes sense only if we are talking about 6, 7 and 8 teeth. If the figure eight (wisdom tooth) is missing, movement is impossible, since the chewing teeth will not be enough for full functioning.

Braces for one jaw and several teeth

If the patient is concerned about the curvature of, for example, only the upper teeth, fair questions arise. For example, why do you need braces on two rows of teeth? And do they put braces on one jaw? Installing only upper braces or only lower braces is indeed possible in the absence of global problems. It is important that the treatment gives an effective result without affecting the function of the jaw.

If a patient has several crooked teeth in one area, the doctor may suggest partial dental braces. They are installed on a specific area of ​​the dentition for about six months.

Contraindications for installing braces

The installation of braces on teeth can be hampered by relative and absolute contraindications.

Relative contraindications to braces can be eliminated. These include:

  • low level of hygiene
  • caries
  • allergy to materials contained in braces
  • periodontitis, periodontal disease
  • bruxism

Absolute contraindications are serious health problems that make orthodontic treatment impossible. These include:

  • oncological diseases
  • epilepsy
  • psychiatric disorders
  • pathology of bone tissue
  • alcohol and drug addiction
  • venereal diseases
  • blood diseases
  • tuberculosis
  • diseases of the immune and endocrine systems

Can I wear braces during pregnancy?

During pregnancy, women's dental tissue becomes more fragile, and there is a risk of damage to it by orthodontic construction. Can braces be installed during this period? Yes, but ideally it is better to have orthodontic treatment before or after pregnancy. If you already have braces on your teeth, you should definitely inform the orthodontist about the changes in your body. The doctor will prescribe a detailed diagnosis and decide whether braces and pregnancy are compatible.

If everything is in order, treatment with dental braces can be continued as usual. If the effectiveness of orthodontic treatment is questioned, the specialist will recommend removing the system and using retainers until the process can be resumed.

Do braces make it difficult to eat?

Once installed, you will need to learn how to eat in them. This period takes on average 3-7 days.

At this time, give preference to soft and liquid foods. Cut fruits and vegetables into small pieces. Avoid fibrous and sticky foods.

Over time, you will be able to eat almost everything except Coca-Cola (can dissolve glue), hard foods (nuts, crackers, chocolate) and sticky sweets (chocolate, cookies or caramel bars). You should also not chew gum.

Result of wearing: before and after photos

The effect of wearing an orthodontic system is noticeable already in the first two months - gross violations are corrected. Next, the position of the teeth and roots is normalized. By about the eighth month, the entire dentition can be corrected with braces; the next stage begins—correction of the bite with braces. During the final stage, the teeth are “worked out” in detail so that they fit together perfectly.

The course of treatment does not end with removing braces. Next, the doctor uses special structures to stabilize teeth after braces - retainers. The device is installed on the inner side of the dentition for 2 - 4 years. The duration depends on the age of the patient (the younger he is, the shorter the period of wearing retainers) and the severity of the anomaly.

In some cases, orthodontic systems have a positive effect on more than just the position of teeth. After braces, the face becomes more toned and the cheekbones become more pronounced. While wearing the structure, other muscles begin to work, emphasizing what was not noticeable before.

How often should inspections be carried out?

Every 1-2 months, it all depends on the defect and the individual structure of the patient’s teeth. During the visit, the orthodontist checks the success of the treatment and sets a vector for the arch, which determines the movement of teeth in the right direction.

Missing follow-up visits may negate the effect of previous treatment. You are also required to visit a hygienist every six months.

Braces, whether external or internal, need to be worn for an average of 1.5 years. But determining more precise timing depends on the initial situation and age of the patient. Sometimes it takes 2 years to eliminate a defect.

Teeth after braces

Many patients fear the negative consequences of braces. It is known that dental braces complicate oral hygiene procedures. However, following the doctor’s instructions for dental care during the treatment period will help avoid exposure to carious bacteria. If caries does appear, in most cases the specialist will be able to carry out treatment without disturbing the braces.

When removing sapphire or ceramic braces, damage to the enamel is possible - during the procedure they can crumble, which significantly complicates the orthodontist’s work. If damage occurs, the defect can be easily corrected with a small restoration.

How to fix crooked teeth without braces?

Today, dentistry offers several alternative solutions that allow you to straighten teeth without braces:

  • Restoration: correction of defects in the dental crown using composite materials. Provides quick results at an affordable price, but will last about five years, and the color of the material will change over time.
  • Veneering: fixation of plates on teeth that are almost indistinguishable from natural enamel. The method is used instead of braces for small curvatures or large gaps and is not suitable if the patient has complex dental curvature or malocclusion.
  • Installation of removable braces. Essentially, these are orthodontic structures that do not need to be worn constantly. However, calling them braces is not entirely correct; these are completely different systems.

Removing the leveling device

When day “x” arrives, the patient can’t wait to see his new beautiful smile.
But you won’t be able to enjoy her appearance for long. The fact is that after removing the braces you will have to wear retainers for some time. These are thin wires that prevent a healthy bite from becoming abnormal again. Afterwards, you may need to use a mouth guard. Only when the risk of the curvature returning disappears will the doctor allow you to permanently abandon all corrective mechanisms.

Are there removable dental braces?

Removable orthodontic systems are divided into trainers, plates and aligners. However, only the latter can be considered an alternative to braces.

Aligners are special aligners made of plastic material that are invisible to others. They are able to quickly and comfortably correct almost any dental defect. The aligners are removed when eating and brushing your teeth, which is very convenient. The Invisalign® system is considered the best today - it allows you to cope with defects that previously could not be straightened without braces. The design is made individually for each patient, so its cost is quite high and amounts to about 250,000 rubles.

Despite the many positive qualities of removable systems, the patient should make the decision about whether to install braces or use other correction methods only together with the attending physician.

Advantages and disadvantages of ligature systems

The operating principle of this type of braces makes it possible to achieve high efficiency in the correction process. However, their pros and cons should be considered. Here are the advantages of ligature bracket systems:

  • Good results in bite correction.
  • A wide range of pathologies that they can correct.
  • Possibility to diversify the external design by changing the color of ligatures and locks.
  • Budget cost.

The ligature system also has its own features:

  • Frequent visits to the orthodontist to replace ligatures.
  • Elements that are too hard may cause discomfort when worn.
  • Light-colored rubber ligatures may become stained from contact with food.

Despite these disadvantages, ligature braces are used much more often to correct dental pathologies.

Do's and don'ts when straightening teeth with braces

Orthodontic treatment is a long and responsible process. At home, braces require compliance with a number of rules.

  • Hard and sticky foods should be excluded from your diet to avoid damaging your dental braces or getting food stuck in them.
  • Sudden changes in temperature in the oral cavity should not be allowed (that is, ice cream should not be washed down with hot tea). This affects the elasticity of the orthodontic arch and can lead to the clasp coming off.
  • To prevent ceramic or plastic braces on your teeth from staining, you should avoid coffee, jam, wine and drinks with dyes. Smoking also causes the system to change color.
  • The oral hygiene procedure should be carried out using an irrigator, floss (dental floss) and a special brush with V-shaped bristles. Oral care is necessary after every meal.
  • If the braces are loose or come off, there is no need to worry - just consult a doctor, and he will easily and quickly correct the situation.

At first, after you start correcting your teeth with braces, all these restrictions may seem quite burdensome and make you think: was it worth getting braces? However, the patient gets used to them very quickly. In addition, the result of the treatment definitely justifies all these not so pleasant nuances.


Is it possible to do an MRI with braces? If a patient with an orthodontic device is undergoing an MRI of the brain or jaw, the doctor should be informed about the presence of the system. Metal braces can distort diagnostic results. However, undergoing an MRI in braces does not pose any danger to the body.

Is it necessary to use additional products to clean braces?

On forums (and sometimes in the recommendations of “experts”!) there are numerous additional products that supposedly make oral hygiene easier in the presence of braces (rinses, ultrasonic brushes, etc.)

In fact, with a responsible approach, it is quite possible to get by with three basic tools (toothbrush, dental floss, brush). In this case, you should not rely on someone else’s opinion. The quality of care will be assessed by a doctor who conducts regular examinations, and he will also recommend additional remedies, if necessary.

Photos before and after

It is impossible to create a truly Hollywood smile without straightening your teeth and correcting your bite. Therefore, if a patient has orthodontic problems, braces are included in the mandatory treatment plan. Incorrect bite and crooked teeth are one of the main contraindications for the installation of aesthetic restorations. If you ignore orthodontic treatment and proceed straight to veneering, the veneers simply will not stick to the teeth. This fact is confirmed by personal example by many celebrities who, for the sake of a perfect smile, put braces on their teeth.

Tom Cruise decided to fix his teeth with braces only after 40 years.

After the breakup of the Spice Girls, Melanie Jane Chisholm had to seriously work on her image, and, above all, straighten her teeth.

Cristiano Ronaldo was not always handsome, as his impeccable smile might lead you to believe. According to rumors, he spent more than a million euros on teeth straightening and other procedures.

Price for braces in Moscow

As a rule, the cost of braces in Moscow is formed from the price of the system itself, as well as the total costs of installation and further treatment. The cheapest braces are, of course, metal. Their price starts from 50,000 rubles. Relatively inexpensive ceramic systems that cost about 75,000 rubles. The cost of a sapphire bracket system starts from 85,000 rubles. You need to be careful here, as ceramics are sometimes passed off as sapphire. The most expensive will be lingual systems, especially if they are made to order, their approximate price starts from 100,000 - 150,000 rubles. When figuring out the cost, be sure to ask what is included and what services will need to be paid additionally. It happens that the initially low price of braces increases significantly during the treatment process. However, when choosing an orthodontist and a braces system, you should not focus solely on cheaper or more expensive; remember that poor-quality orthodontic treatment is fraught with a lack of results and the occurrence of a number of complications.

A countryManufacturerManufacturing materialsPrice


3M UnitekMetal bracesfrom 25,000 rubles
Ceramic bracesfrom 70,000 rubles
Sapphire bracesfrom 80,000 rubles
OrmcoMetal bracesfrom 20,000 rubles
Ceramic bracesfrom 45,000 rubles
Sapphire bracesfrom 50,000 rubles
American OrthodonticsMetal bracesfrom 40,000 rubles
Ceramic bracesfrom 70,000 rubles
Sapphire bracesfrom 50,000 rubles
Ortho TechnologyMetal bracesfrom 15,000 rubles
Ceramic bracesfrom 35,000 rubles
Sapphire bracesfrom 40,000 rubles
The Dentsply GACMetal bracesfrom 20,000 rubles
Ceramic bracesfrom 30,000 rubles


TOP-Service für Lingualtechnik GmbHGold-platinum alloy braces (lingual only)from 175,000 rubles
ForestadentMetal bracesfrom 30,000 rubles
Ceramic bracesfrom 60,000 rubles
Sapphire bracesfrom 90,000 rubles


HT CorporationMetal bracesfrom 20,000 rubles
Sapphire bracesfrom 30,000 rubles


SIA OrthodonticMetal bracesfrom 20,000 rubles
Ceramic bracesfrom 25,000 rubles
( 1 rating, average 5 out of 5 )
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