Why and who gives a silver spoon for the first tooth?

Silver is often given to babies. This is a long-standing custom that has taken root in different countries of the world, including Russia. It was customary to bring a silver spoon as a gift to a baby at a baby’s “teeth” or birth or christening.

Some believed that a silver spoon given as a gift would bring prosperity and wealth, others believed that it should be lightly tapped on the tooth, and then the rest would grow up healthy and strong, and others were sure that silver would help protect the baby from evil spirits.

Nowadays, a silver spoon is given to children according to tradition, and few people know where this custom came from and why such a gift is needed. Let’s figure out why you should give a silver spoon for a “tooth” and how to choose one for a baby.

Why is a silver spoon given as a gift for the first tooth or Baptism?

Silver has always been considered a worthy noble metal, to which mystical properties were also attributed. Some believed that a silver object placed in a baby’s cradle would drive away evil spirits and other evil spirits. Others said that silver attracts good luck and wealth, and still others were confident in the healing power of silver. Be that as it may, in reality, various superstitions have formed into a tradition, according to which it has become customary to give a baby a silver spoon.

Historians find the origins of this custom in medieval England. This is where the famous expression “born with a silver spoon in his mouth” came from. This is what they said about children who were lucky enough to be born into a rich, prosperous family, who had more opportunities from birth. But previously, only rich families could afford to have silverware, and even more so children’s silverware. But the poor also wanted well-being for their children. Hence the custom to choose silver spoons as gifts for babies, regardless of the family into which they were born. People believed that such a gift would ensure a happy and comfortable life for the child.

In addition, they already knew about the “healing” power of metal, or more precisely about its ability to disinfect and kill pathogenic microbes. Therefore, a silver gift for a baby’s first tooth was also a concern for his health.

In Rus', it was customary to lightly tap the first tooth with a given silver spoon so that the rest would grow strong and healthy. Now this may seem a little pointless procedure, but then people believed in it and fed the child with a silver spoon.

What does this gift symbolize?

The meaning of the gift from the point of view of the Orthodox religion lies in the identification of the baby with Christ. After the birth of Jesus, the wise men brought him gifts, including precious metals. The silver spoon represents the child’s involvement in the church and the protection of higher powers throughout his life’s journey.

In many cultures that developed even before the birth of world religions, silver was filled with sacred meaning. People noticed that it was capable of disinfecting water, and the metal was used in various rituals and medicine.

In this regard, legends arose saying that this material is capable of driving away evil spirits. Even in modern literature and cinema, heroes often resort to making silver weapons to defeat otherworldly creatures.

That is, from a mystical point of view, products made from this metal are a kind of amulets for a child. It is believed that for some time after birth he is under the protection of his mother, but as he grows up he becomes increasingly susceptible to the influence of evil forces.

In esotericism, silver also has a special meaning. It is believed that this material is pure and filled with light energy by default. Products made from it are capable of taking on all the negativity. So some parents give their child a silver spoon in the hope that the product will protect him from energetic influences.

And finally, material value. This tradition originated at a time when the purchase of products made from this metal was significant for ordinary people. At the same time, representatives of noble aristocratic families used silver utensils on a daily basis.

Giving a child such a spoon means bringing him closer to wealth and success. Do not forget that such a product could become the beginning of the baby’s future capital, his first valuable property.

There is a saying “born with a silver spoon in your mouth.” It means that the child was provided for from an early age.

Who gives a silver spoon for a baby's first tooth?

Now anyone can give a silver spoon to a baby. And earlier, when the tradition was strictly observed, only godparents could present such a gift. In rare cases, this could be the mother, since she is the first to notice the erupted tooth.

Nowadays, the custom of choosing godparents and the rite of baptism itself is often neglected, considering it unnecessary. Therefore, anyone can give the child the first spoon at the parents’ choice - themselves, grandparents, close relatives and even family friends. Today this is not so important, the main thing is that the gift is given with love and from the heart.

When you give a silver spoon

For teething, birth and christening - on these holidays a spoon was given as a gift according to tradition.

  • At birth, a silver spoon is most often chosen and given by the parents themselves, wishing their child happiness and prosperity in life. At the same time, it was believed that it was necessary to say when donating “... so that this small silver spoon will serve as the beginning for a large family set of silver.”
  • The godparents presented the gift at the christening. In most cases, tea spoons with a religious theme were chosen, for example, with the image of Jesus, an angel or a cross. It is believed that the tradition of giving a spoon at christenings dates back to the Bible, when the wise men came to little Jesus with gifts. So our ancestors believed that a christening gift accustoms the child to accept holy gifts in the future.
  • Parents, godparents or close relatives gave gifts for the tooth. Thanks to its antibacterial properties, silver became a useful gift for a child. After all, as soon as the baby’s teeth erupt, the baby is fed, and for this he needs a separate, his personal spoon. A silver spoon, thanks to the bactericidal properties of the metal, helped to disinfect the baby’s oral cavity.

Is it possible to give a spoon with engraving, gold elements, and colored inserts for a christening?

  • Gilding is allowed only on those parts of the spoon that will not come into contact with the child’s mouth. If the top of the handle is decorated with gold, that’s great, but if the entire surface of the device is covered with a layer of gold, it’s better to choose another model.
  • Engraving is permitted. The spoon is marked with the child's name, date and time of birth. Upon request, good wishes from relatives and parting words from godparents can be engraved. Traditionally, Christian symbols and apostles are depicted on spoons.
  • Colored inserts on handles are acceptable. They will not harm the baby, but will attract his attention and add elements of play to the eating process. Silver spoons are usually decorated with colored enamel.

A silver spoon given as a christening gift is usually kept in the family for many years. Sometimes the spoon is passed on to children and grandchildren, so it becomes a family heirloom. This tradition has been observed for several centuries and will probably remain important for many more centuries - the spiritual component of the people is reflected in good customs.

Give children silver spoons for christening! Let this gift symbolize the beginning of his healthy, prosperous and long life!

Recommendations for choosing a silver spoon for children

Nowadays it’s not difficult to choose a silver spoon for your baby. Jewelry stores and online stores are replete with various silver cutlery. And we’re not even talking about the workshops where they will make you a spoon of any shape and size to order.

But this is precisely what makes the choice so difficult. Those who have never chosen silverware for a baby often have no idea where to start or which spoon to choose.

Here are a few things to pay attention to:

  • When choosing, make sure that the device does not have sharp edges or small elements. It will be safe for the child.
  • Choose a silver coffee spoon or exclusively a souvenir item. Their size is small - 10-13 cm. You can feed your baby with a coffee spoon.
  • Choose only high-quality metal, silver of the highest standard, since the health of the child depends on your gift.
  • Buy only from trusted stores that are ready to provide the necessary certificates for the product.
  • Traditionally, it is customary to choose silver spoons of different designs for boys and girls.

Silver spoon for a girl

For a girl, you can choose interesting and original spoons. Usually these are products with a lace pattern, images of a butterfly, bows or a portrait of a girl. If a spoon is given as a gift for a christening, then an Orthodox theme is chosen - angels or images of the cross or the Mother of God.

Silver spoon for a boy

Boys also have their own designs on silver spoons. As a rule, these are classic images of bears and stars. For baptismal gifts, spoons with the ornament of a cross, chapel or image of Jesus are chosen.

Spoons for both boys and girls can be made of pure silver, gilded or decorated with precious stones.

Traditions and signs

The life of our ancestors was full of various traditions and peculiar signs. So, in ancient times, it was believed that if the first tooth “came out” too early, then there would be another baby in the family, but if, on the contrary, it was too late, the child would be talented. Well, when the process of teething was long and painful, they expected the baby to have a capricious character.

And, of course, according to tradition, they always tapped the first tooth with a donated silver spoon so that the rest would grow healthy.

How to choose?

You can buy a silver spoon for your baby’s first tooth in a church shop or in a jewelry store. The range of such products is quite large, so many parents, godparents and relatives have difficulty purchasing. When choosing a product, you need to consider what it will be used for.

If you plan to use it in the future for the first complementary feeding, then you should choose a coffee spoon no more than 13 cm in length.

The tea cutlery is suitable for the time when the baby grows up and can eat on his own. Such a product must have a length of up to 16 cm. If you plan to use a silver spoon for its intended purpose (for eating food), then you need to ask for a quality certificate for the product.

It is important to make sure that the device is suitable for feeding. You also need to pay attention to the coating material of the product. It happens that the device is treated with a composition that is harmful to children and adults. It is not recommended to buy a spoon coated with varnish, gold or rhodium. The varnish is harmful, it is more suitable for souvenirs and rare items.

Gold reduces the beneficial qualities of silver. Rhodium blocks the metal's ability to destroy pathogenic bacteria. It is necessary to choose the correct shape of the spoon handle. It should be comfortable for the baby to hold the product. A handle that is too wide and curly is not suitable. It is better to choose a rectangular shape.

Silver spoon with angel and date of birth

If a silver spoon will be used as a talisman or a family heirloom, then you should pay attention to its appearance. It is better to choose products with decor. You can order the name and date of birth of the baby, wishes of happiness and health, to be engraved on the cutlery.

You should choose a product from trusted manufacturers. The high quality of the product is confirmed by the 999 sample and documented. Baby spoons should not have sharp edges or strongly protruding decorative elements. It is important that the surface is well polished.

When choosing a gift, it is necessary to take into account the gender of the baby. For example, boys should buy cutlery with an image of an angel, stars or a bear. If you plan to present the product for a christening, it is better to put a drawing of a chapel or saints on it.

Spoons for girls are usually decorated with hearts, butterflies, and flowers. If this is a church attribute, then it may contain a cross, an image of the Virgin Mary.

The designs are applied with enamel and decorated with small stones (artificial or precious). The cost of silver spoons in jewelry stores and church shops varies between 3170-9220 rubles. The price depends on the size and decor of the product.

Benefits of a silver spoon for a newborn

Silver is not only a noble and precious metal, but also useful. Its properties to destroy germs and bacteria and disinfect water have attracted people since ancient times. For this, the metal was credited with healing powers and a magical effect on the human body and soul.

Therefore, for a newborn, a gift in the form of a spoon became not just the first expensive product, but also the first necessary and useful thing. During the teething process, parents begin to feed the baby, and it is much safer to do this with a silver spoon. Silver destroys most harmful bacteria and has an antiseptic effect.

What to give for the first tooth, besides a spoon?

The tradition of giving a silver spoon can be easily modernized. For example, engrave with the child's name, date and even birth weight. But many people don’t like the idea of ​​buying a spoon - it can be an expensive and sometimes useless gift. There are plenty of other options.

Teether. During teething, it becomes an absolute necessity. Teethers are needed to massage the gums, since the process of teeth appearing is accompanied by itching and unpleasant sensations. You should not neglect them: if you do not give your baby a rodent, he will put everything in his mouth and can damage his gums and cause infection.

Therefore, it is so important to choose a teether that is suitable for the child’s age, of high quality and made from safe materials. There is no need to worry that the baby’s parents have already bought one – there are never enough chewers for teeth


It will never be redundant. Small children grow before their eyes, so it has to be changed very often. Romper suits, baby vests, caps, socks and sandals will definitely come in handy around the house. “Perishable” items that need to be changed frequently, such as bibs and pacifiers, also make good gifts. If you know how to knit, you can make knitted booties or overalls for walking. Another option is to give your baby “going out” clothes, be it a formal suit or a festive dress.


Rattles, educational games and construction toys - the child will definitely need all this, and you will save parents from unnecessary expenses. Many, by the way, prefer to receive just such gifts - they are practical and useful.

Children's cosmetics.

An excellent solution would be a set of children's cosmetics. Choose only proven brands, don’t waste your time on trifles: the products usually last a long time, so their effect on delicate children’s skin will be long-lasting. If you know that your mother is a fan of organic cosmetics, then it would be a good idea to purchase organic baby products for the baby as well.

Proper care of a silver spoon

In order for a silver spoon to retain its original appearance for many years, it should be taken care of, just like any other silver item.

  • Store silver separately, especially from steel or other hard metals, to avoid scratching the surface.
  • Wash regularly with warm soapy water. If a dark coating appears on the spoon, you can remove it with ammonia.
  • Do not use any abrasive substances to clean your silverware or place it in the dishwasher. This will cause serious damage to the appearance of your silver items.
  • To store silverware, use a separate drawer, after placing a soft cloth there.

Final points

A silver spoon, presented on the first tooth, becomes not only a useful cutlery, but also a talisman.
An item that is given with good thoughts and charged with positive emotions will protect the child and symbolize a prosperous life. The first feeding is very important for the development of the child and is a whole event in the life of the baby. It is necessary to take care of the baby’s safety and do everything to ensure that the process is successful. The material of the first dishes and cutlery is also important. If silver is used, an additional barrier is created against the development of pathogenic bacteria in food and in the baby’s mouth.

What you should definitely pay attention to when buying a children's silver spoon

  1. Hygienic certificate.
    Be sure to check the availability of a hygiene certificate for the selected silver spoon. Otherwise, this spoon is a souvenir silver spoon and its use for a child to eat can simply be dangerous for his health. When obtaining a hygienic certificate, requirements apply not only to the alloy from which the silver spoon is made, but also to the production process and premises.
  2. Silver sample.

    Even the presence of the sample itself on a silver spoon already speaks of its noble origin. You should know that the sample value shows what percentage of silver is in the alloy from which the silver spoon is made. For example, 925 silver contains at least 92.5% silver and no more than 7.5% something else(?). The higher the grade, the slower your silver spoon will darken, but the easier it will be to break.

  3. Silver alloy composition.

    The composition of the alloy from which the silver spoon is made, and what chemicals were used in its manufacture. You will not find out this in a store; such information can only be obtained from the manufacturer of the silver spoon. When making silver spoons, Skoblinsky's Workshops use 999 standard silver in bullion from the Bank of the Russian Federation and oxygen-free edible copper. Accordingly, no less than 92.5% silver and no more than 7.5% copper. Souvenir silver spoons are most often allowed to be used only for dry bulk items, and this is probably no coincidence.

  4. What is the spoon scoop covered with?

    What is covered with the part of the spoon that you will place in your child’s mouth? After all, to prevent products made from low-grade silver from tarnishing longer, they are usually covered with protective coatings. The safest way is electroplating with pure 999 silver, that is, without violating the beneficial properties of silver. But there are useless decorative and even harmful coatings.

    • Gilding (gilding). Applying a thin layer of gold. Beautiful? But the beneficial properties of silver are lost.
    • Blackening and enamels. Applying original ornaments to souvenir products. Beautiful!

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