Silver spoons for the first tooth - who should give

Silver is often given to babies. This is a long-standing custom that has taken root in different countries of the world, including Russia. It was customary to bring a silver spoon as a gift to a baby at a baby’s “teeth” or birth or christening.

Some believed that a silver spoon given as a gift would bring prosperity and wealth, others believed that it should be lightly tapped on the tooth, and then the rest would grow up healthy and strong, and others were sure that silver would help protect the baby from evil spirits.

Nowadays, a silver spoon is given to children according to tradition, and few people know where this custom came from and why such a gift is needed. Let’s figure out why you should give a silver spoon for a “tooth” and how to choose one for a baby.

Why are silver spoons given as gifts for the first tooth?

The baby’s body develops from the first minutes of birth and by the 4-7th month of birth the first tooth appears. Typically these are the lower central incisors. Some people get teeth at three months, others at one year. It is during this time period that the baby is given a silver spoon for his tooth. Why does this precious metal item deserve special attention?

There are many objective and subjective reasons for this: from purely everyday to magical.

The stage of baby development associated with the eruption of the first teeth coincides with the beginning of feeding the baby. In addition to mother's milk, the baby receives the necessary beneficial compounds from special mixtures, cereals, etc. Therefore, the baby simply cannot do without a small individual spoon.

On the other hand, it is believed that silver acts as a metal that repels all kinds of evil spirits and evil forces, and protects the owner from damage and the evil eye. Therefore, a silver spoon in this case is a kind of talisman-amulet that protects the child from negative energy.

Silver baby spoon with puppy

The stage of baby development associated with the eruption of the first teeth coincides with the beginning of feeding the baby. In addition to mother's milk, the baby receives the necessary beneficial compounds from special mixtures, cereals, etc. Therefore, the baby simply cannot do without a small individual spoon.

On the other hand, it is believed that silver acts as a metal that repels all kinds of evil spirits and evil forces, and protects the owner from damage and the evil eye. Therefore, a silver spoon in this case is a kind of talisman-amulet that protects the child from negative energy.

The disinfecting properties of silver are also known. It is not without reason that objects made of high-grade silver are used to purify water. It is believed that ions of the silvery-white metal neutralize pathogenic microflora.

Therefore, a silver spoon given at this moment in life will come in handy.

A gift is a symbol of growing up

Another important reason for giving is a new stage in the life of a little person. The appearance of the first tooth is considered a signal to start complementary feeding and add solid food to the diet. To feed baby purees and porridge, you will need a spoon, and the gift will become an indispensable item for the child.

An important factor why a silver spoon is given as a gift for the first tooth is its ability to kill germs. The baby's first cutlery will constantly disinfect the oral cavity, where the child constantly sends various surrounding objects, which are not always clean.

Who should give the spoon?

In modern impulsive and active life, strict adherence to all the rules for performing a particular ritual is often neglected. This is partly due to ignorance and lack of necessary knowledge, partly - deliberately, since this or that event is not given the appropriate significance.

Therefore, if we talk about the gift of a spoon for the first tooth, any relative can give it, including parents, godparents, friends or colleagues. It often happens that different people present the baby with several silver spoons at once. There is nothing reprehensible in this, the main thing is that the gifts are made sincerely, from the heart, with love and care for the little man.

If you strictly follow the canons and traditions, the godparents (mother or father) should present the spoon for the first tooth.

Modern traditions

Over time, the tradition has changed somewhat. Nowadays, it is more common to give a silver spoon to a baby when his first tooth appears. Basically, the event occurs at 4-6 months, so not only parents and grandmothers, but also other people close to the family join the donor-godparents.

You can have different attitudes towards the signs and customs of your ancestors, adhere to traditions or not - everyone makes their own decision. But a nice cutlery, medicinal, precious, perhaps with a name engraved. In any case, it will remain a memory for a lifetime.

What are the traditions and signs associated with gifts?

A silver spoon can be given not only at the time of the appearance of the first tooth, but also at the birth or baptism of a baby.

According to existing traditions, parents themselves can make a gift for the birth of a baby. Moreover, this is identified not only with the good health of the little man, but also with his future well-being and prosperity. The saying “I was born with a silver spoon in my mouth” has survived. The child was born into a family with good income, since in past times silver was a sign of financial stability and prosperity. Family silver was the lot of fairly rich, wealthy people.

After the baby was baptized, the godparents presented him with a silver spoon. This ritual was identified with the future happy and successful life of the ward. A baptized baby fell under “God’s wing,” which protected him from all kinds of sins and temptations, and the gift of a spoon further strengthened his protection from negative energy.

Baptism set with spoon for a boy

Baptism set with spoon for girls

And for the “first tooth” in the modern version of existing traditions, everyone can give a valuable gift: parents, relatives, godparents, friends.

Regardless of what stage of life a child receives a gift, it is important to present it, sincerely wishing the child health, success, well-being, and prosperity.

If the spoon is placed on the first tooth, you need to knock on it with the spoon several times. There is a belief that in this case the teeth will be strong and healthy.

We must not forget that the spoon should be kept by the owner throughout his life. It does not have to be used for its intended purpose, since the item is a personal talisman-amulet.

Benefits of a silver spoon for a newborn

Silver is not only a noble and precious metal, but also useful. Its properties to destroy germs and bacteria and disinfect water have attracted people since ancient times. For this, the metal was credited with healing powers and a magical effect on the human body and soul.

Therefore, for a newborn, a gift in the form of a spoon became not just the first expensive product, but also the first necessary and useful thing. During the teething process, parents begin to feed the baby, and it is much safer to do this with a silver spoon. Silver destroys most harmful bacteria and has an antiseptic effect.

How to choose a spoon depending on the gender of the child

Jewelry retail chains and private workshops offer a wide range of silver spoons of different sizes and designs. You just need to choose a product to your liking. However, an individual gift looks more interesting and significant. Children's silver spoons and personalized engraving, patterns or symbols will not only decorate the gift, but will also transform it into an address one.

You can individually design a product intended for a boy or a girl. For future men, this is a strict pattern with the image of a bear, a car, and other things, and for the baby, the future lady, preference is given to ornate monograms, floral patterns, butterflies, and dolls. Some design the engraving in the form of a portrait of a baby.

It is important to note that if the child is baptized, it is desirable to have Christian attributes on the product (cross, face of Jesus, angel). The main thing is that the small spoon is not overloaded with an abundance of patterns, symbols, etc. Conciseness should be observed.

How to use

In many descriptions of the tradition of giving a child his first spoon, there is advice: tap the spoon on the first “hatched” baby tooth. The action is not entirely clear - why knock on the first tooth with a spoon, what is the meaning of such manipulation.

The belief says that if you touch the baby’s first tooth that appears with a silver spoon, all the teeth will grow strong and healthy, and the child will be accompanied throughout life not only by good health, but also by success and prosperity. Dentists do not approve of such “acquaintance” between the soft enamel of a baby tooth and a precious metal, but no direct harm from such a procedure has been recorded.

The benefits of silver for a baby

In addition to the ritual purpose of a valuable item, this is the first personal cutlery that serves its intended purpose. The spoon should not contain sharp edges or protrusions, and should be small in size so that it is convenient for the baby to use without injury. Subsequently, he will eat on his own, and a comfortable spoon will become an indispensable assistant during meals.

As mentioned earlier, silver is a metal with high bactericidal properties. Therefore, using this item, the mother maintains the baby’s health.

How to store

A silver spoon requires care, otherwise over time it will lose its shine and become unpresentable.

Silver tends to darken over time, so the device will need to be cleaned periodically. In order for the pristine beauty to be preserved for many years, you need to know what to do with the spoon, how to clean and store it.

  1. Modern cleaning products are made from aggressive substances to quickly clean dishes. You will need a special liquid that does not interact with silver - only under this condition will the surface remain undamaged.
  2. Dishwashing is completely excluded. You need to wash the spoon with a sponge with a non-abrasive surface - it will prevent scratches and small cracks. The washed device is dried with a soft cloth or a non-hard towel.
  3. If the spoon has turned a little yellow, it is polished to its original color immediately, without waiting for it to darken. It is easier and faster to remove a light coating right away than to spend a lot of effort polishing thick yellowness.
  4. If possible, it is advisable to store the baby silver spoon separately from other utensils - this will help avoid damage and prevent yellowing from appearing.

Silver requires careful treatment and care. If items made of precious metal are cleaned with soft substances and stored correctly, their unique properties will remain for many years.

A gift for the first tooth is often kept in the family along with the largest jewelry, passed on to subsequent generations as a family heirloom. It is not always clear to young parents why they should give a silver spoon for their first tooth, but with age and the appearance of grandchildren, they will understand the secret meaning of the gift. For family history, the first baby spoons forever remain especially valuable objects, long-term guardian angels of several generations of the family, a symbol of the continuity of generations.

Storage and proper care of a children's silver spoon

Caring for a baby spoon is no different from caring for items made of silver and cupronickel. To keep a valuable gift in good condition, you must:

  • Wash the product in warm, soft water, without using abrasives or steel wool.
  • When silver darkens (oxide forms on its surface), it is recommended to periodically wipe the spoon with a soft cloth with a few drops of ammonia solution (ammonia). Then rinse thoroughly.
  • You should wipe the product dry with a soft towel to give it shine and eliminate water stains.
  • It is not advisable to store a spoon together with other cutlery made of steel and other materials in order to avoid scratches and damage to the surface.
  • It is recommended to store the spoon in a special case with velvet or other fine-lint covering.

A silver spoon for a tooth is a kind and useful tradition that reminds the owner throughout his life of the wonderful and carefree time of infancy and the loved ones who love him.


How to find a quality spoon

Buying from dubious retail outlets or on street counters can result in more than just a waste of money on a counterfeit. A low-grade product can easily harm a child’s health—the so-called “silver” may contain completely unsafe “meltings.”

If the numbers “925” are clearly visible, you can safely purchase the product; a fake or dubious quality can be ruled out. Products from foreign companies must be marked in the accompanying documents: “Zinc free”. The inscription confirms the absence of impurities in the product.


Silver has certain properties - it darkens and tarnishes when it comes into contact with food, water and even air. Therefore, in order to return the product to its brilliant and festive appearance, you need to periodically perform simple manipulations:

  1. When cleaning, forget about using various sponges, brushes and other objects that can scratch the surface of the spoon. Washing and wiping it is allowed only with soft cloths and gentle products.
  2. For clarification, use a soda solution. Take a liter of clean water for 1 tablespoon of baking soda and boil the product in it for several minutes. To enhance the effect, you can add regular dishwashing detergent or salt to the liquid.
  3. Keep a clean spoon in a dry place.
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