Facial deformity in maxillofacial actinomycosis
“Atypical” actinomycosis – microbiological aspects and clinical manifestations
Actinomycosis - symptoms and treatment The clinical picture of actinomycosis depends on where the lesion is located
Pain in the back of the neck and radiates to the head
Pain in the neck and occipital part of the head. Causes and their treatment
Neck pain that radiates to the head is a common problem among people of any age.
7 oral problems that chamomile can help with
Dental diseases that are associated with gum inflammation are considered very common. To cope with discomfort
Peculiarities of age-related development of teeth in children
Peculiarities of age-related development of teeth in children
Author of the article: Soldatova Lyudmila Nikolaevna Candidate of Medical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Clinical Dentistry of the St. Petersburg Medical and Social
Using mouthwash CB12
The uniqueness and effectiveness of mouthwash CB12
Bad breath causes discomfort not only to its owner, but also to others. Sometimes,
Eruption of baby teeth. Symptoms.
Symptoms Pericoronitis is accompanied by a number of symptoms. Objective symptoms that can be seen by the patient or the dentist
Rice. 1. Animals play with odorous boards in different ways.
Taste of illness. How to determine your diagnosis by the taste in your mouth
Obsessive sweetness The sweetness that spreads in your mouth from just eating a cake is a very pleasant sensation.
how to use miramistin in venereology
Miramistin, 1 piece, 50 ml, 0.01%, solution for topical use
Sexually transmitted diseases are a group of infectious diseases that are transmitted primarily through sexual contact. Pathogens
Oral cavity of a baby: what should you pay attention to?
What is this disease Herpetic stomatitis is a pathological process that develops in the mucous membrane
Why does a baby's lower lip sometimes shake?
Shaking of the chin, hands, or feet (tremors) in an infant
The birth of a baby is always a joy for young parents. Naturally, all the attention of the mother and
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