The uniqueness and effectiveness of mouthwash CB12

Bad breath causes discomfort not only to its owner, but also to others. Sometimes, symptoms are caused not only by lack of oral hygiene, but also by diseases of internal organs or pathogenic microflora.

In the latter case, CB12 mouthwash is an excellent assistant in the fight against unpleasant odors.

Not only does it keep your breath fresh throughout the day, but it also serves as an oral antiseptic, eliminating harmful bacteria.

General information

Specialists from one of the oldest universities in Oslo worked to create a unique composition. The patented formula of the rinse aid is used in production in Switzerland.

Today, the refreshing product has no analogues throughout the world, despite the fact that the market for dental additional products is crowded.

Pathogenic microflora of the oral cavity contributes to the formation of plaque on the tongue - an excellent environment for its own habitat. As mentioned above, the unique formula not only freshens breath, but eliminates the original source of the problem - bacteria.

Those who have experienced the effects of CB12 mouthwash can compare the duration and quality of the effect of other products. Most compounds only mask the smell, while it is necessary to fight its cause.

Internal problems

Speaking about what internal diseases cause an unpleasant odor, it is worth saying that they provoke it:

  • respiratory tract infections such as bronchiectasis and abscesses of the lungs and throat area;
  • problems associated with the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract , in particular, in this case we are talking about diagnosing diseases such as gastritis and gastroduodenitis, stomach ulcers and so on;
  • chronic disease of the nasopharynx - tonsillitis and rhinitis, when pathogenic microflora makes itself felt with an unpleasant odor;
  • liver and kidney failure , as well as azotemia, diabetes, when the smell takes on a sweetish-musty shade of decay or fishy.


Today, the Swiss company produces a series of two rinses: CB12 Mild-Menthor Flavor and CB12 Mint-Menthor Mouthwash. The listed products have an identical composition, the second product differs only in the presence of menthol flavor. Familiarize yourself with the main active ingredients of the rinse aid.


The component is included in many antiseptics and is universal due to the fact that not a single class of microorganisms has yet appeared that it could not cope with.

Chrorgexidine was developed back in 1950, but it was first used only 4 years after its discovery.

Another distinctive feature of it is the ability to linger on the surface of the oral mucosa for some time after use.

The antiseptic is suitable for everyone without exception, as it does not cause an allergic reaction and has no smell or taste.

The standard concentration of the component in the solution is 20%, but for disinfection of premises it is diluted to 0.05%. Medical instruments are treated with 1% chlorhexidine; in the CB12 rinse aid it is used in a ratio of 0.025%.

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Zinc acetate

This component is used in the chemical industry to speed up the reaction. Pharmacists use zinc acetate to combat the manifestations of nosopharyngitis (inflammation of the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx). The component is included in the composition of absorbable lollipops.

In addition, the food additive E650, which is the name under which zinc acetate is registered, is used in the production of many filters, as it is capable of trapping sulfur. In dentistry, the component is often included in special filling cements.

Sodium fluoride

The component is found in every second toothpaste, as researchers note that it is the lack of sodium fluoride that leads to the destruction of tooth enamel.

Accordingly, by using CB12 mouthwash, you not only take care of fresh breath, but also, to some extent, strengthen the enamel structure.


The component in the rinse aid acts as a solvent and is present in relation to other ingredients in a dosage of 1.7%. Therefore, despite the fact that ethyl alcohol can be absorbed by the mucous membrane of the oral cavity, when rinsing it will enter the body in microscopic quantities.

However, experts recommend using the product no earlier than 20 minutes before driving. It is unlikely that a traffic police inspector will believe the story about the breath freshener.

Mint fragrance

The mint flavor has a fairly low degree of severity, which many users of the product like.

In cheap products with this component, manufacturers simply try to drown out the taste of other components, thereby creating unpleasant conditions for people who take care of oral hygiene.

How does it work?

The composition is selected so that after rinsing, chlorhexidine and zinc acetate are retained on the surface of the mucous membranes. These substances themselves do not have a noticeable taste, so their presence is practically not felt.

You can only feel the taste of the mint flavor added specifically for this purpose.

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Here you will find reviews from those who already use Listerine mouth rinse.

If the air contains sulfur compounds that cause an unpleasant odor, chlorhexidine “intercepts” them when breathing. Zinc acetate is immediately connected.

They are the ones who convert sulfur-containing vapors or gases into odorless substances. When used correctly, the amount of medicine that remains in the mouth does nothing else.

Has virtually no effect on microflora.

Let's summarize: the drug simply catches molecules of an unpleasant odor, does not treat teeth, and does not kill germs. Strictly chemical blocking, without affecting enamel, bacteria, or the oral cavity.


The composition of the CB12 mouthwash does not have any medical indications as such. Therefore, users use it to improve breath freshness and eliminate bad breath.

However, based on the consideration of the components included in the composition, it can be argued that the product strengthens the enamel and is able to prevent the development of many oral diseases caused by bacteria.

A word to ordinary people

Reviews from ordinary people about the use of CB12 mouthwash to eliminate bad breath help to clarify the situation completely.

After watching the advertisement, I purchased the CB12 product - chewing gum, of course, but it does not always save me from bad breath, and my stomach does not react to it in the best way.

I can personally say that the mouthwash itself is easy to use, and the mint flavor cools the mouth, making your breath fresh and pleasant.

But among the disadvantages - it stings the oral cavity somewhat after use, leaving a bitter aftertaste after use. In addition, its cost is quite high, it does not last long, especially when used in the morning and evening. Therefore, I use this product as needed, saving.

Svetlana, 29 years old

As far as I know from myself and heard from friends, CB12 is the only remedy that can eliminate bad breath. Those that I used earlier simply did not cope with the task, but this drug helps in this matter, while at the same time strengthening tooth enamel, providing protection against caries.

The only thing that confuses me is the cost of the rinse aid, despite the fact that its components cost pennies, and in the end the price is unacceptably high. The funds are not enough even for a month, despite all the economical spending.

Anna, 46 years old

Due to the fact that my work is directly related to communication with people - fresh breath for me, this is part of the image and therefore SV12 has become a kind of lifesaver for me.

It provides fresh breath and is very convenient to use, but I’ll say right away that if you have a stomach problem, using the product will not have any effect. It is necessary to visit a gastroenterologist and treat the problem itself, and not eliminate the primary symptoms.

In all other respects, I really liked CB12, it gives an effect that really lasts for 12 hours, so I’m happy to share my positive experience in using it.

Igor, 22 years old


Among the contraindications to the use of CB12 mouthwash, experts include age under 14 years and individual intolerance to individual components of the composition.

It is worth noting that, despite the presence of ethyl alcohol, the product is not contraindicated for pregnant and nursing mothers.

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This address describes in detail the composition of Parodontax toothpaste and indications for its use .

Price issue

Depending on the outlet, be it a pharmacy or a store, the price of CB12 mouthwash can vary from 780 to 870 rubles.

At the same time, it is worth saying that there are no analogues, and therefore it is unlikely that you will be able to find a worthy replacement when you have to choose from less effective, but more affordable ones.

It is necessary to choose between quality and quantity, giving preference to either a positive result in the form of fresh breath for a long time or less expensive, but with results for only a couple of hours.


The creators of the unique formula for the mouthwash managed to discover an indisputable fact - the reaction products of the interaction of zinc acetate and chlorheskidine are able to eliminate sulfur dioxide gases, which are the source of bad breath, for 12 hours.

Scientists have proven that these active ingredients alone cannot achieve a similar result.

In significant concentrations, chlorhexidine can destroy not only harmful microflora, but also beneficial ones. However, the minimum amount of active ingredient in the mouthwash has only positive aspects.

The antiseptic destroys the sulfur shell, while zinc acetate fights sulfurous substances formed as a result of the decomposition of food debris.

The uniqueness of the product also ensures deep penetration of the components into the layers of the oral mucosa and the structure of the tongue. To increase the effectiveness of use, it is recommended to use the mouthwash in combination with toothpaste containing fluoride.

Watch the video about the action, application and effectiveness of the product.

Expert opinion

Without pretending to be the ultimate truth, we recommend studying the dentist’s opinion about the CB 12 mouthwash.

The composition of the presented mouthwash itself is quite good - CB12 eliminates unpleasant odor longer than others, and this effect is determined by the presence of zinc acetate in it. Although the product only masks the odor and if the patient stops using it, the bad breath returns.

The rinse itself does not eliminate the main causes - CB12 is a symptomatic remedy, eliminating one or another manifestation of the disease, the root cause. It's like paracetamol for fever - the latter lowers it, but does not fight what caused it to rise.

Along with this, the content of the antiseptic chlorhexidine in its composition does not allow its use for a long time - it is optimal to use the rinse for no more than 2-3 weeks .

According to the manufacturers, the percentage of chlorhexidine in the composition of the drug is negligible and will not lead to dysbacteriosis in the mouth. Although this is not true, since it is recommended to use this component for rinsing and eliminating pathogenic microflora in the mouth for no more than 10 days.

A smaller percentage of concentration will not produce results, and longer use will lead to the fact that bacteria will simply get used to this antiseptic and, as a result, there will be a decrease in its effectiveness.

Anatoly, 43 years old, practicing dentist, with 12 years of experience


Rinse aid CB12 is available in tubes of 250 ml. The use of the product with a dispenser should be carried out as follows:

  • it is necessary to remove the cover and protective ring in case of first use;
  • then the bottle is tilted towards the oral cavity at an angle of 45ᵒ;
  • then you should press the red button and hold it until the dispenser automatically gives you the volume of 10 ml fixed by the manufacturers;
  • When the oral cavity is filled with liquid, rinse for 30-60 seconds;
  • At the end of the procedure, the composition is spat out.

If you purchased a rinse aid without an automatic dispenser, the algorithm of actions remains the same. Just instead of pressing the red button, you will have to measure 10 ml of the substance yourself using a measuring cap.

According to the advertisement, the CB12 mouthwash is effective for 12 hours. However, you should not adhere to this statement, since the effectiveness of its use largely depends on the individual characteristics of the body and the severity of the unpleasant odor.

In addition, the indicated duration of action does not take into account the consumption of food products that have their own strong aroma, which is retained in the micropores of the oral cavity.

Be that as it may, experts recommend using mouthwash no more than 2 times a day.

Considering the produced volume and expert advice, one bottle lasts the user about 12 days.

In a dry and pleasant-smelling residue

It is worth noting that SV12 is very effective, but it should be used very carefully. In this case, the rinse aid is best used in courses - use it for no more than 3 weeks, then you should take a break for a month.

It can also be used periodically - before important business meetings or a date, when it is important to make a good impression. It is also very convenient to use on the road, when it is not possible to brush your teeth, but you need to refresh your oral cavity.

If we talk about the constant use of rinses, it is optimal to choose those that do not contain antiseptics, but will contain more natural essential oils, sodium fluoride, and menthol.


Among the shortcomings of the creators of the product, users note the lack of a therapeutic effect. No matter how much you use the mouthwash, the problem of bad odor will return as soon as you stop using it.

However, this is not surprising, because the lack of freshness in this case is caused by pathogenic bacteria that need constant exposure.

Unfortunately, scientists on our planet have not yet invented a composition that gives a person immunity against harmful microflora.

Rinse aid users note the relatively high cost of the composition.

Dentist review

The opinion of practicing specialists is divided into two directions: some recommend a unique composition for constant use, others advise dealing with unpleasant odor in courses of 2-3 weeks with a break of 2-3 months.

Experienced dentists believe that the presence of even a minimal amount of chlorhexidine in the composition can lead to dysbiosis of the oral cavity, which in the future can result in many serious problems.

Mouthwash CB12 - reviews

Olga Schastlivaya
https://flap.rf/Medicine/Oral rinse_SV12/Reviews/7321324

I think at least once each of us has encountered such a problem when an unpleasant odor suddenly appears in the mouth. And it is often said that those who have bad breath do not notice it. I don’t know about anyone, but I’m very suspicious in this matter. And my sense of smell is well developed enough to react very quickly to such a nuisance. For me, the cause of the unpleasant odor turned out to be the appearance of tartar and, as a rule, bleeding gums. To be honest, at first I didn’t understand the reason for the smell. I brush my teeth every day in the morning and evening, use mouthwash, and suddenly there’s an unpleasant smell. She attributed the bleeding gums to the fact that she didn’t clean it carefully with a new brush and injured the gums.

As they say, there would be no happiness, but misfortune helped - the filling fell out of the tooth and I had to go to the dentist. It was there that they told me the news about tartar. And, of course, they explained the reasons for the unpleasant odor. While I was going for dental treatment, I was advised to replace my mouthwash with another CB12 mouthwash

The difference was explained as follows - this mouthwash does not mask the unpleasant odor, but neutralizes it, destroying the sulfur secretions of bacteria living in the mouth
. The explanation is quite convincing, I decided to try it. I bought myself a bottle of this rinse and started using it morning and evening. The unpleasant smell has really disappeared. Moreover, I was surprised that it turned out that my previous mouthwash was not suitable for removing bad breath.

The effect of CB12 rinse aid lasts throughout the entire working day

(until the evening) and the unpleasant smell does not appear.
This was great because when you communicate with a lot of people, you need to keep your breath fresh throughout the day. The manufacturer did not deceive here either - the effect of the rinse aid lasts 12 hours
I didn’t specifically track the time, but that’s roughly how it is. What else can I add - the CB12 mouthwash did its job - it saved me from the unpleasant odor
From me he gets 10 points for efficiency. It tastes not at all caustic or strong
(like my previous mouthwash).
I was satisfied with the application.
PS I didn’t describe the composition, it is in the topic description. Take care of your teeth!


I began to notice that my husband’s breath was not always fresh, so we went to the doctor and it turned out to be a stomach problem. It is being treated now, but while there is still an unpleasant smell, we didn’t think for a long time, my husband bought himself a mouthwash SV 12. It works very well, there is no trace of any smell. My husband no longer worries and feels much more confident. This mouthwash is a godsend for us.

Dear En

It’s a good product, I really don’t get the smell for about 12 hours. I rinse my mouth with it in the morning before work and then don’t bother. And there is no aftertaste from it, which is important for me, otherwise there are such remedies that then it is impossible to eat or drink.


I heard about this mouthwash from a friend. I have chronic tonsillitis, so bad breath is a very serious problem. For a long time I doubted whether it was worth spending the money, since I had already tried many rinses, but there was no effect. However, my friend persuaded me, and now I am very glad that I agreed. It completely neutralizes bad breath, the bottle lasts for 2 weeks.


There are no words - it completely removes bad breath. When I came to a new company as an HR manager, bad breath was my main fear. I'm conducting an interview and my breath stinks! Then the dentist recommended this mouthwash to me. Yes, it is expensive, the most expensive I have used, but it is 100% effective. I don’t know if it works for the entire 12 hours; morning rinsing is enough for me.

GalinaOsipova n0h3qU6MvUR89g%3d%3d&fa821dba_ipp_uid=1539508207383%2fthqjPEfaIiQwdd3n%2fSKk5OUpdocshll9sOiAHJw%3d%3d&fa821dba_ipp_uid2=thqjPEfaIiQwdd3n% 2fSKk5OUpdocshll9sOiAHJw%3d%3d&fa821dba_ipp_uid1=1539508207383

I was undergoing treatment for my gums, but the smell came as a surprise to me. I ran to the doctor because I also had to go to work. The doctor recommended me CB12 for the smell, it has a mild taste and I can go to work without worrying. I really liked it.



Some advantages



If anyone has ever encountered the problem of bad breath and does not know how to solve it, then my advice is to try this remedy. CB12 is a mouth rinse. It neutralizes substances that cause unpleasant odors. Its effect begins immediately after application. In addition, it is valid for up to 12 hours!!! It is sold in a 250 ml bottle, white with a blue cap. Very convenient dosing system. It’s just that the price is steep, about six hundred rubles per bottle, but it’s worth it!!! If you have such a problem, you definitely need to try, but don’t forget that this is not a panacea, you definitely need to go to the dentist!!!



Works for a long time! Really kills all odors!


The price is high

I recommend it to everyone! eliminates any unpleasant odors from food, cigarettes, coffee, etc. Whatever they come up with and advertise, forcing you to buy this product. If you haven't tried this rinse yet, you are missing out on a lot. I don’t know how it works, but it’s truly a miracle thing! I tried it a year ago and now I only buy it! True, the price is very high; for one bottle you will have to shell out 700 rubles from your wallet. The taste is just astringent, there is no particularly minty taste. The consumption is certainly not high, but I quickly ran out of the bottle (even if you rinse your mouth in the evening before going to bed, the effect remains in the morning!



Kills bacteria and eliminates excess odor


Expensive price (about 900 rubles)

About six months ago I encountered a problem with bad breath. I tried to brush my teeth often, then rinsed them with various balms (for example, forest balm or Colgate), but as soon as I walked around for half an hour, the smell returned. And somehow I decided to buy CB 12, I saw an advertisement, read reviews and many wrote that the result was obvious, that it was really enough for a day. The Cb 12 bottle is equipped with a special dispenser, when pressed it dispenses the dose required for one rinse. Having tried it in reality, I really saw the effect, the smell disappeared, of course not for 15 hours, but almost until the evening. I also use it at night, but as you know, bacteria multiply more strongly at night, and of course there is a smell in the morning, CB 12 does not cope. I would also recommend using everything together with an irrigator, first using a jet to clean out all the leftover food, and then rinsing, it’s more effective.

Britget Jones


Dispenser. Highly effective.


Expensive. Pungent for me.

For those who care about fresh breath, this is definitely the best product! Due to my duty I am forced to communicate a lot with people at close range. Naturally, the smell from your mouth should not only be pleasant, it should be completely absent. I tried various mouth rinses... For half an hour everything is fine, but after that I’m not so confident in myself. I tried the first of its kind, SV12. Expensive, cost about 1000 rubles. But they gave me a toothbrush as a gift. It's a small thing, but nice. So, here's a convenient dispenser. You need to tilt the bottle 45 degrees relative to the lid and press the button. The dispenser dispenses the required amount. Thanks to this, it is consumed, by the way, economically. While rinsing, I feel a nuclear war in my mouth, even my eyes water. Maybe it's because I'm a sissy... Every rinse is hell for me. But as a result, I always get the absence of any smell for a long time. I think we can be patient for this!



Fresh breath



Everyone will understand me - you brush your teeth in the morning, have breakfast and the freshness goes away, a peculiar smell appears from your mouth - this is the norm even for a healthy person. I came to visit a friend and saw the SB 12 mouthwash in the bathroom, my friend praised it and decided to try it too. I bought it at the pharmacy and used it in the morning before leaving the house. The result amazed me - my mouth feels fresh all day, there is no longer any discomfort when communicating with people (I work in the service sector, so I communicate a lot). I used other rinses throughout the day, but SB12 lasts for 12 hours. Another advantage of this mouthwash is that it kills germs, thereby reducing the appearance of tartar!



Helps fight bad breath


Costs quite a lot of money

Good afternoon CB12 is a mouth rinse that perfectly eliminates unpleasant odor for a long time, more precisely for 12 hours. Affinity neutralizes compounds that cause bad breath and prevents its occurrence. The formula of this rinse aid, according to the manufacturer, is patented and has a unique composition. The composition was developed in water from the universities of Oslo and has no analogues. The mouthwash copes with its task of neutralizing odor by forming chemical bonds with the oral mucosa. CB 12 contains fluoride, which will never harm teeth in the fight against caries. So everything is great and wonderful. Only the remedy does not treat the causes of the unpleasant odor, but only the consequence. Therefore, this is not a panacea. If the unpleasant smell bothers you greatly, then you need to contact a specialist. I think Seabee 12 is good to use for backup. So that you can feel comfortable all day when communicating with people and not worry that you might smell bad. After 12 hours the smell may appear again. The rinse aid works for this specific time and that’s it. There is no cumulative effect. The whole bottle is enough for me to rinse 20 times. And it costs about 850 rubles. Not cheap, but I haven't seen any analogues. And timidly I will buy it, because with fresh breath I feel much more confident.


As far as I know, CB 12 is so far the only remedy that combats not oral hygiene, but specifically bad breath. It is known that an unpleasant odor appears due to waste products of bacteria that inhabit our mouth. Those rinses to which we are accustomed cannot have any effect on these putrefactive, or as they are also called, sulfurous secretions. They are used to strengthen tooth enamel, treat gums, and protect against caries. But it is precisely against sulfurous secretions that they are powerless. They only slightly reduce the unpleasant odor due to the menthol in the composition, but it soon appears again. But SV12 destroys exactly what it smells.

SV 12 completely dissolves and cleans out bacterial excrement stuck between the teeth that could not be removed when brushing the teeth. At the same time, it does not touch the bacteria themselves, i.e. the microflora of the oral cavity is not affected in any way (unlike mouth rinses with antibacterial components that fight bad breath, killing all necessary and unnecessary bacteria). It is also safe for tooth enamel. At least that's what some experts on the Internet say.

The advertisement states that CB12 is effective for 12 hours. They say that if after brushing your teeth you rinse your mouth with this product for a full minute, then using it twice a day will completely relieve you of the problem of bad breath. It seems to me that, in fact, not everything is so simple. After all, the smell of your mouth largely depends on the quality of the saliva of a particular person. It is known that it is saliva that fights all bacteria and germs in the mouth. To do this, there must be a lot of it, and it must have a certain composition. Once your mouth becomes dry, bacteria begin to multiply faster and the odor increases. In addition, with age, saliva not only becomes less, but it also loses the ability to fully perform its functions. In general, this is all very complex chemistry. But the point is that this is all very individual. For example, CB 12 really helps me throughout the day. But it doesn’t work in my mouth all night. I attribute this to the fact that some bacteria can only reproduce in the absence of oxygen. During the day this is impossible, but at night, when the mouth is closed, they are covered in chocolate. I also know people who, according to them, CB 12 really helps all 12 hours, both during harvest and at night, as well as friends who need to use CB12 4 times a day in order to completely eliminate problems with bad breath. By the way, this is not recommended. But it’s not clear why, if SV 12, according to experts, has no harmful effect.

Well, and, of course, the price outrages me. Everyone understands that the ingredients are cheap. The cost mainly consists of advertising on TV, which must be repaid, and the lack of analogues that could bring down the price. Until someone starts producing a product with a similar effect, we will pay 800 rubles per package, which, by the way, is not enough even for a month with daily use


Here is how it was..

Recently I began to notice that I began to have an unpleasant odor from my mouth. I have always carefully monitored this matter, but then, like a bolt from the blue, my husband asked: “Didn’t you brush your teeth this morning?” It turns out that I myself did not smell this smell, but my husband suggested it to me (for which I thank him very much!!).

And my ordeal began to find that very helping remedy.

First I resorted to traditional medicine. I decided to try rinsing my mouth with herbal infusions after brushing my teeth (oak bark, St. John's wort, nettle, birch leaf, chamomile flowers - mix in equal proportions, brew, infuse and rinse). But that was not the case... It didn’t help((

I tried to eat apples on an empty stomach, but I began to feel discomfort in my stomach.

Then I started looking among the rinses. At first I bought regular ones, but I couldn’t get rid of the smell for a long time. Then she began to look for special ones - she turned to dentistry for advice.

And now it’s finally happened!

The dentist advised me to use a special mouth rinse CB12, which really helps to get rid of unpleasant odor for a long time, while the beneficial microflora in the mouth is not destroyed.

The composition and release form of this rinse aid is as follows:

Bottle 250ml. Contains 0.05% sodium fluoride. Ingredients: Aqua, glycerine, sorbitol, alcohol, zinc acetate dihydrate, chlorhexdine deacetate, sodium fluoride, hydrogenated castor oil, citric acid, aroma.

I immediately noticed that this product contained alcohol, but the dentist reassured me that the alcohol content was very low (1.7%) and within a few minutes after use you could safely drive.

The next controversial point for me was the content of chlorhexidine (probably many people know that it is this that causes darkening of tooth enamel and dry mouth), but here again I was convinced that the content of this component is also minimal and will not harm the color of tooth enamel or microflora in the mouth.

In the end, I was pleased with this mouthwash. I used it after brushing my teeth twice a day and forgot about the unpleasant smell like a bad dream. The microflora turned out to be fine, the teeth not only did not darken, but also became stronger due to the sodium fluoride content.

This is what I understand, that it is truly a special product for removing bad breath, and for a long time (about 12 hours)!


Like experts, users of CB12 mouthwash do not have a clear opinion. Some consumers are satisfied with the quality effect, despite the limited duration of action, while others have had to deal with an allergic reaction.

Have you ever used such an expensive mouthwash? Is the product worth the investment? Leave your comment under the article by filling out a special form. We are always happy to hear the opinions of our readers.

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