The drug Dekasan: main characteristics and application features

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Dekasan for inhalation with a nebulizer is prescribed for the treatment and prevention of colds and viral diseases. It is used as an independent remedy, as well as as part of complex therapy. It is combined with many medications prescribed for the treatment of dry, wet cough, runny nose, and sore throat. Refers to combination products. Produced by YURIA PHARM LLC, Ukraine.

Features of the action

The medication is a combination drug, although according to the instructions it is classified as an antiseptic drug. Intended for topical use. For diseases of the respiratory system it is prescribed by inhalation.

Properties of the medicine:

  • antiseptic;
  • antiviral;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antifungal;
  • antimicrobial;
  • antibacterial.

Indications for use are:

  • flu;
  • acute respiratory infections;
  • ARVI;
  • COPD;
  • bronchitis;
  • pneumonia.

The drug can be used at home after consultation with specialists.

Pharmacological properties

an antimicrobial antifungal drug that concentrates on the cytoplasmic membrane (CPM) of a microbial cell and combines with the phosphatidic groups of membrane lipids, disrupting the permeability of the CMP of microorganisms. decamethoxin has a pronounced bactericidal effect against staphylococci, streptococci, diphtheria and Pseudomonas aeruginosa, capsular bacteria and a fungicidal effect against yeast, yeast-like fungi, pathogens of epidermophytosis, trichophytosis, microsporia, erythrasma, some types of mold fungi (Aspergillus, penicillium), protistocidal effect against trichomonas, lamblia, viruscidal effect. highly active against microorganisms resistant to antibiotics. the formation of decamethoxin-resistant forms with long-term use occurs slowly and does not exceed the effective concentrations of the drug. bacteriostatic (fungistatic) concentrations are similar to its bactericidal (fungicidal), virusicidal, protistocidal concentrations. During treatment with the drug, the sensitivity of antibiotic-resistant microorganisms to antibiotics increases. Pharmacokinetics. The drug is practically not absorbed by mucous membranes, intact skin and wound surfaces.

Instructions for inhalation for adults

Treatment begins at the first signs of the disease. The standard dosage is 2 ml at a time. If there is a clear clinical picture, the dose is increased to 5 ml. The duration of inhalation for adults is no more than 20 minutes.

How to breathe Dekasan through a nebulizer

  • pour the required amount of the drug into the chamber - 2-5 ml;
  • take a comfortable sitting position;
  • put on a mask or insert a mouthpiece into your mouth;
  • turn on the inhaler;
  • inhale through your mouth or nose, hold your breath for 2 seconds, exhale;
  • finish inhalation after 15-20 minutes;
  • for 1 hour do not drink, do not eat, do not go outside in any weather.

Use the product up to 3 times a day. The duration of the course depends on the severity of the disease. On average, breathing procedures are carried out for 7 days.

Composition and release forms

Decamethoxin is the main active ingredient in the composition. Additionally, sodium chloride and water for injection are included. Dekasan is supplied to pharmacies in a clear solution. Capacity:

  • bottles (glass, plastic), dosage – 50, 100, 200, 250, 400, 1000 ml;
  • nebulas (plastic bottles) 2 ml.

Packaging – polymer bags or containers.

Dekasan for inhalation for children

According to the instructions, it is prohibited to use the drug through a nebulizer for children under 12 years of age. However, under the strict supervision of specialists, the medicine is prescribed at an earlier age. Inhalations with Decasan for children last no longer than 15 minutes. On average, the procedure lasts 5 minutes. The regimen and dosage are selected individually. In the first days of the disease, breathing through a nebulizer is allowed 3 times a day. After feeling better, leave 1 procedure in the first half of the day.

Dosage for children

Age Dekasan (ml) Saline solution (ml) Number of procedures per day
1-6 1 2 1
7-12 2 2 2
Over 12 2 0 3

The drug is available in pharmacies without a prescription, but before use you should consult a specialist.


The description of the drug Decasan on this page is a simplified author’s version of the apteka911 website, created on the basis of the instructions for use.
Before purchasing or using the drug, you should consult your doctor and read the manufacturer's original instructions (attached to each package of the drug). Information about the drug is provided for informational purposes only and should not be used as a guide to self-medication. Only a doctor can decide to prescribe the drug, as well as determine the dose and methods of its use.

Treatment of various diseases through a nebulizer

The combined remedy is used for various diseases of the respiratory system. The rules for carrying out the breathing procedure are identical in all cases.

Inhalation of Decasan for cough

The product dries out the mucous membranes and may cause increased coughing. Not recommended for tracheitis, laryngotracheitis with severe attacks of dry cough. Decasan inhalations are prescribed for bronchitis. Breathing procedures should be done in between the administration of other medications. First, mucolytics are used, after 1 hour an antiseptic is administered.

Treatments for a runny nose

Common colds and mild runny nose are treated with steam procedures, sprays, and aerosols . However, if you have a nebulizer at home with the ability to regulate aerosol particles, you can use an antiseptic. The drug is poured into the chamber of the inhaler. Cannulas or a mask are used. Inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth. Inhalation of Decasan for a runny nose is done for at least 15 minutes. You cannot drink or eat for 30 minutes after the procedure.

For sinusitis

Severe sinusitis is treated comprehensively. Inhalation procedures with a nebulizer are prescribed as an additional method. Antiseptics help destroy pathogenic microflora. When breathing through a nebulizer, the active substances penetrate into the deep parts of the nasal cavity. Cannulas or a mask are used as a nozzle. It is prohibited to carry out treatment in the presence of purulent discharge.

Inhalation with Decasan for laryngitis

For sore throat and sore throat, lozenges and sprays are prescribed. Inhalation treatment with an antiseptic will be effective if an appropriate inhaler is available. The nebulizer should generate large aerosol particles - from 10 units. In this case, the active substances remain on the surface of the larynx. If the device produces small particles, they fall into the lower parts of the respiratory system. A similar situation occurs with inhalation of Decasan for angina. Procedures are strictly prohibited at high temperatures, purulent formations, and fungal infections.

Decasan for inhalation for adenoids

An antiseptic is prescribed as an additional medicine. Treatment begins after confirmation of the diagnosis and consultation with specialists. The drug does not directly affect the cause of the disease and reduces painful symptoms. Breathing procedures with a nebulizer are carried out if an appropriate apparatus is available.


Treatment of pustular bacterial and fungal skin diseases, microbial eczema, purulent-inflammatory lesions of soft tissues (abscess, carbuncle, phlegmon, boil, infected wounds, panaritium); dental diseases (stomatitis, ulcerative-necrotic gingivitis, dystrophic-inflammatory form of periodontal disease I–II degrees in the acute phase). indicated for lung abscess, bronchiectasis, cystic hypoplasia of the lungs, complicated by suppuration, chronic bronchitis in the acute phase, chronic tonsillitis, tonsillitis, carriage of staphylococci and diphtheria bacilli, ulcerative colitis, paraproctitis.

For surgical infectious and inflammatory diseases of the abdominal cavity (peritonitis of various etiologies) and in pulmonology, Decasan is used for washing the abdominal and pleural cavities.

In urology, the drug is used for urethritis (for instillations into the urethra), balanaposthitis (for baths), prostatitis (for microenemas), cystitis (for instillations into the bladder), and for irrigation of the bladder in the postoperative period.

In gynecological practice, Dekasan is used for the treatment of candidiasis of the vaginal mucosa, inflammatory diseases of the external genitalia of microbial etiology, prenatal sanitation of the birth canal, and treatment of postpartum endometritis.

Decasan is used to disinfect the skin of medical staff's hands and rubber gloves when examining patients and performing medical procedures, small-scale surgical interventions, pre-sterilization disinfection of medical instruments and diagnostic equipment made of metal, rubber, polymeric materials and glass.


The drug has no direct analogues. The active substance is decamethoxin. Means with similar effects:

  1. Miramistin;
  2. Saline solution;
  3. ACC;
  4. Dioxidine;
  5. Furacilin.

Each medicine has indications and contraindications. The issue of replacing one medication with another should be discussed with a specialist.

Interaction with other drugs

Decasan increases the sensitivity of resistant strains of bacteria to:

  • antibiotics;
  • antimicrobial drugs.

The antiseptic exhibits a cationic effect, therefore it is not combined with components that have cationic activity (soap).

Reference! Decasan is widely used in many areas of medicine. In particular, surgery. Indeed, even when combined with antibiotics, it significantly increases the sensitivity of resistant strains of microorganisms.


As a rule, patients who have undergone a course of conservative treatment with this pharmaceutical drug leave positive reviews on thematic forums. It is interesting that information about the medicine and reports on the completion of appropriate therapy can be found in various fields of medicine, because Decasan enjoys a good reputation in gynecology, surgery, urology, internal medicine and pediatrics.

Separately, it should be noted reviews related to the elimination of respiratory nosological entities using this pharmaceutical drug. Of course, most grateful patients advocate for the nebulizer form of the medicine, because in this way the course of conservative sanitation becomes much more convenient and takes less time. The period of manipulation itself is also characterized on the positive side; patients can calmly work at the computer or engage in other extraneous activities.

special instructions

Let's look at the special instructions you need to know before using Decasan. The instructions for use describe the following instructions:

  • Decasan is an absolutely non-toxic antiseptic. Does not affect concentration or speed of psychomotor reactions. Allowed for use when driving vehicles or complex mechanisms.
  • It is recommended to check the medicine for individual intolerance to the active substance, i.e. carry out skin tests before use in bronchial practice, for abdominal irrigation.
  • It is worth warming the solution before use to enhance the therapeutic effect.

For children

The nebula medicine gently and carefully eliminates diseases of the respiratory tract, envelops the mucous membrane, and protects against the onslaught of pathogenic microorganisms. This is why Decasan is often prescribed by pediatricians. The active components from the nebulizer solution, unlike other nasal drops for disinfection, will be delivered precisely to the affected layers of the bronchial tree. At the same time, children can do their usual activities and move actively during the procedures.

This method allows you to prevent possible adverse effects of therapy, because The mucous membrane in children up to a certain age is not fully developed. Of course, procedures should be carried out only after consulting a qualified pediatrician and the dosage should be observed.

Important! The solution for inhalation for children must be diluted more strongly than for adults, starting with 1/2 a single dosage.

How to rinse correctly

For a course of treatment to be effective, it is not enough to just calculate the dose. You also need to rinse correctly, following the instructions:

  • pour Dekasan into a glass ( it is important to choose a glass that you won’t mind using for a while only for rinsing and that no one else in the family will take - this is necessary to prevent the possibility of infection);
  • rinse your mouth thoroughly with it so as to wash away the infection from the tongue and cheeks from the inside;
  • take a little medicine into your mouth and tilt your head back;
  • open your mouth and, holding your throat so as not to accidentally swallow Dekasan, begin to pronounce some long vowel sound - “a-a-a”, “o-o-o”;
  • continue for about thirty seconds - in order to determine the time, you can count to yourself to thirty or sing a verse of your favorite song to yourself;
  • lower your head and spit out the medicine.

You need to continue until the Dekasan in the glass runs out.

It is very important not to do everything too quickly, otherwise the drug will not have time to have any beneficial effect.

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