Installation of positioners in dentistry "NIKA-MED"

An orthodontic positioner is a specialized functional device used in the final stages of correcting malocclusion. The materials used for the manufacture of this device are represented mainly by biocryl, durasoft, bioplast, PM-1 plastic - all of them have soft, bendable, elastic capabilities for changing shape and configuration.

Before removing braces, it is extremely important to assess the reaction of the dental-maxillary system to the removal of elastic arches, and also to ensure that the teeth are in a state of occlusion without assistance. They can help with this:

  • Replacing rectangular arches with light ones;
  • Using vertical elastic bands after removing braces;
  • Using an orthodontic positioner.

Advantages and disadvantages

Among the main advantages of wearing an orthodontic positioner are:

  1. Earlier possibility of removing braces, in contrast to the installed light arch;
  2. Active gum massage.

The disadvantages, in turn, are considered:

  1. Long time for individual production of the device;
  2. High price;
  3. Strengthening the incisal overlap negatively affects the deep bite;
  4. Expanded teeth can return to their original position.

Duration of use

Whether a patient needs a dental positioner will be determined by the attending physician, since he is familiar with all the nuances of the patient’s therapy. Typically, such devices are recommended to be worn after the end of the treatment process. How do they wear?

  • During the first 48 hours, the device should remain on the teeth as long as possible.
  • When 2 days have passed, the patient switches to constant wearing technology. This means that the device is not removed at all at night, and during the day it is on the chewing organs for at least 4 hours.
  • To consolidate the treatment, wearing the device is prescribed for at least 3 weeks. After this, the ego can be removed and used as a removable retention system.

It is important that immediately after removing the bite correction device, the device is ready. Before its installation, professional hygiene and enamel remineralization are carried out. The main thing is that the patient follows all the dentist’s instructions. This is the only way to achieve a good treatment effect. You should definitely visit the dentist twice every 12 months. This is necessary for sanitation of the oral cavity. Patients with problematic occlusion should periodically make appointments with orthodontists. This is necessary to regularly check units that have been adjusted.

How a positioner is manufactured and installed

Individual production of an orthodontic positioner should begin at least 1 month before the expected end of using braces. It is manufactured according to the following plan:

  • Taking impressions of teeth that will be corrected;
  • Making a plaster model;
  • Placing teeth in the desired position;
  • Removal of rings and braces;
  • Closing and eliminating free space;
  • Molding of rubber on models;
  • Direct fit to the teeth and installation in the oral cavity.

Only a specialist who is initially involved in correcting the bite of a particular patient and who knows all the details and nuances of the process can determine whether it is necessary to use such a technique or not.

Indications for use

The scope of use of this device is not extensive, since it is less effective than other systems. The device is used:

  • If there is an active process of inflammation of the mucous tissues after wearing devices to correct the bite.
  • When patients are at high risk of developing open occlusion.
  • If the device is recommended as a removable retainer.

With the help of the apparatus, the fangs and incisors move up to three millimeters in the oral direction. The design provides alveolar shortening of one millimeter, and in lateral units - up to two millimeters. The strip allows you to move the chewing organs of the upper jaw by no more than 2 millimeters, and on the lower jaw only by 1 mm. Transparency allows the dentist to identify those areas where compression of the mucous membrane and alveolar process occurs. In such cases, correction is carried out. As an independent therapy technology, this method is recommended for mild anomalies.

In modern orthodontics, ceramic structures and metal braces are most often used. The arc, that is, the power wire, is inserted into the slot hole. It is created from a titanium-nickel alloy. It is activated when it heats up in the patient's mouth, putting constant pressure on the units. This causes them to shift in a given direction. As a result of this impact, units move. The arc pressure is systematically adjusted by the dentist during the dentist's visit.

Positioner There are about 40 modifications of positioners, which depend on the size, shape of the jaws and teeth.

Standard positioners are made of soft polyurethane.

Positioners are very effective in restoring normal tissue tone and density in cases where gum hyperplasia develops.

Most often, positioners are used, so to speak, as finishing devices: at the adjustment stage for the final correction of the position of teeth, and also as retainers. Positioners are also used to correct minor tooth misalignments.

During the first weeks, the positioners are worn no more than 4-5 hours a day to get used to them. Later, most patients get used to the positioners and leave them even while sleeping.

Advantages of positioners:

  • positioners simultaneously maintain the positions of the teeth inside and the occlusal relationships of the arch
  • positioners are comfortable to wear (compared to individually manufactured two-jaw appliances)
  • positioners don't break
  • positioners are transparent
  • positioners hold or change the position of teeth
  • positioners stimulate tissue tone

Disadvantages of positioners:

  • The positioner is large in size, which makes it difficult to wear it all the time at the beginning of treatment
  • The positioner should be worn at all times so that it can secure the incisors against tilting and rotation.
  • there is a possibility of teeth becoming loose due to muscle balance forces
  • positioners are contraindicated in patients with nasal breathing problems

Cost of orthodontic treatment at DejaVu dentistry. ORTHODONTICS

11.1.1.orthodontist consultation600
11.1.2.monitoring the progress of treatment with a removable device (one visit)1100
11.1.3.monitoring the progress of treatment with a non-removable metal device (one visit)1800 the progress of treatment with a non-removable aesthetic device (one visit)2100 impression with alginate impression material300 impression with two-layer impression material500 dental plaster model300 model made of orthodontic plaster500
11.1.8.analysis of one targeted Ro-image100
11.1.9.calculation and analysis of one OPTG of jaws500
11.1.10.calculation and analysis of one TRG of the head3000
11.1.11.calculation and analysis of jaw models1500
11.1.12.calculation and analysis of 3D models3000 photo of the face, teeth, etc.100
11.2.Removable equipment
11.2.1.trainer fitting9300
11.2.2.mechanically operating apparatus manufacturing, fitting15000
11.2.3.functional apparatus (Andresen, etc.) manufacturing, fitting25000
11.2.4.functional guiding apparatus (FR - I, II, III, etc.) manufacturing, fitting32000
11.2.5.elastopositioner manufacturing, fitting75000
11.2.6.Invisioline mouthguard manufacturing, fitting5000
11.2.7.mouthguard for remotherapy manufacturing, fitting10000
11.2.8.protective mouthguard manufacturing, fitting12000
11.2.9.restoration of the therapeutic functions of a removable device6000
11.2.10.additional element to the removable device (Bertni screw, etc.)5000
11.3.Fixed equipment
11.3.1.fixation of one bracket (without bracket cost)2300
11.3.2.fixation of metal braces on one row of teeth41000
11.3.3.fixation of aesthetic braces on one row of teeth51000
11.3.4.fixation of non-ligature braces on one row of teeth54000
11.3.5.fixation of lingual braces on one row of teeth59500
11.3.6.fixation of lingual braces on one row of teeth “INCOGNITO”170000
11.3.7.fixation of the dental arch is simple with a metal device1900 of the dental arch is simple with an aesthetic apparatus2200
11.3.8.fixation of a complex dental arch with the vestibular apparatus (with loops, etc.)2800
11.3.9.formation of one bend on the dental arch1300
11.3.10.formation of one loop on the dental arch1900
11.3.11.formation of a complex arc (utility, etc.)6900
11.3.12.fixing 1 additional non-removable element (button, tube, etc.)2100
11.3.13.fixation of 1 additional removable element (spring, stopper, etc.)1950
11.3.14.removing metal braces from one row of teeth4900
11.3.15.removal of aesthetic braces from one row of teeth6900
11.3.16.removal of lingual braces from one row of teeth7900
11.3.17.installation of an individual retention device on one row of teeth (removable or fixed)15500
11.3.18.removal of the retention apparatus from one row of teeth (cleaning, grinding and polishing of teeth)11000
11.3.18.restoration of retention functions of one retainer4900
11.4.Treatment using additional devices and devices
11.4.1.grinding the cusps of one tooth200
11.4.2.aproskimal separation of one tooth260
11.4.3.facebow fitting18700
11.4.4.fitting the lower lip bumper15600
11.4.5.fitting of a non-removable simple dilation apparatus (quadhelix, etc.)18000
11.4.6.fitting of a complex non-removable dilating apparatus (Derichsweiler, etc.)27000
11.4.7.fitting of a non-removable extension device (first class, etc.)37000
11.4.8.fitting of a non-removable functional apparatus (Herbst, etc.)37000
11.4.9.fitting a simple face mask (chin sling, etc.)18000
11.4.10.fitting a complex face mask (Tubinger, etc.)27000
11.4.11.hygiene of one dentition after removal of the metal appliance4600
11.4.12.hygiene of one dentition after removal of an aesthetic device5200
11.4.13.hygiene of one dentition after removal of the lingual appliance5600
11.4.14.remotherapy for one row of teeth2000
11.4.15.installation of a mini-implant “VECTORTAS”18000

Orthodontic patients are treated by an orthodontist: Bednyakov Alexander Alexandrovich, more than 20 years of experience as an orthodontist

You can obtain more detailed information on orthodontic treatment in Innovative during your initial consultation at our dental clinic.

You can sign up for orthodontics in Moscow by calling: and orthodontics in Zhulebino

Removable devices - what are they?

Removable appliances can correct pathologies in the development of teeth and jaws. And they have been doing this for many years. The child grows, and such devices stimulate the natural processes that occur in the body. And you shouldn’t delay treatment, because the sooner it starts, the more effective it will be - this way you can achieve results faster.

The list of removable devices includes mouthguards and trainers. With their help, you can get rid of minor pathology - when there is no need to carry out complex procedures to correct the dentition. We will also highlight Hintz plates and positioners, which also belong to removable devices.

They can be used by people of all ages. Most often they are installed on children, since their jaw anomalies are reversible, therefore, the installation of corrective braces, which must be worn constantly, is not required. Also, such devices are used after serious procedures designed to correct the bite so that the dentition does not shift back.

Removable devices are divided into:

  • Single jawed. A person must wear them around the clock, otherwise the treatment will not bring any results. You can take them off while eating, but it’s not necessary. You just need to rinse your mouth after eating so that no food remains remain.
  • Double jawed. They must be used at least 12 hours a day during sleep and wear at home.

Features of use

Removable orthodontic appliances are used during treatment and correction on removable orthodontic appliances. Any orthodontic devices are selected individually for each patient, taking into account his wishes and anatomical features of the jaw structure. Melting removable orthodontic units is not an easy task and requires a professional and knowledgeable approach.

Removable and non-removable orthodontic appliances can be made from a variety of materials, both ceramics and high-quality plastic are used for the manufacture of orthodontic appliances, as well as special wire for orthodontic appliances. All such dental equipment is equipped with clasps for orthodontic appliances for strong and reliable fixation. Clasps are fixing elements that hold braces and plates on the teeth.

Depending on individual requirements and the curvature of the dentition, the orthodontist may suggest you install a double-jaw orthodontic appliance or a single-jaw orthodontic appliance, i.e. with simultaneous correction of the position of the dentition on two or one jaws, respectively.

Currently, as dental practice shows, removable orthodontic equipment is often used to correct dental occlusion, both among children and adults.

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