Vestibular plate for children: types, purpose, result

A vestibular plate is a type of apparatus for correcting malocclusion. It appeared in the 70s, when Professor R. Hinz seriously began studying the causes of abnormal dental growth in children. Studies have shown that most of the patients were initially quite healthy; their bite changed under the influence of external factors.

The fact is that the child’s dental system is still mobile and labile; it can be easily corrected or damaged. The habit of sucking fingers and pacifiers often distorts teeth, leading to long-term treatment consequences. Orthodontic plates for children simultaneously correct the bite and help the child wean himself from harmful actions.

General overview

The vestibular orthodontic plate is a product made of safe plastic or silicone that the child places in his mouth. It has a fastening that makes the plate look like a regular pacifier. But, unlike pacifiers, the device does not affect the bite and does not prevent the teeth from closing.

The records are produced specifically for children and are supplied in hygienic, convenient packaging. Most kids willingly learn to wear them and exercise with them, because there is a playful aspect to the activities. In addition to its main purpose - getting rid of the pacifier - the vestibular plate can solve a number of other issues of children's health.

How to teach a child

So that the baby does not resist wearing the structure, you need to offer it to him unobtrusively. It is best to offer to play his favorite game or watch cartoons with him during this time.

If the child is older, you can try to talk to him, explaining in an accessible form the need for such a procedure. It would be wise to use the services of a psychologist, which is available at many children's orthodontic clinics.

They recruit groups of children with similar problems, where appropriate classes will be conducted with the children in a collective form. At such trainings, children willingly spend time - playing, drawing, and at the same time correction takes place.

Having developed the habit of wearing the device there, the child is unlikely to resist using it at home.

For general information about the purpose and indications for the use of orthopedic vestibular plates, see the video.

Indications for use

Whether children need a record should be decided by the doctor at the appointment. Parents need to point out the problem if there is one: the child sucks his finger, chews something, sleeps with his mouth open, etc. After an examination, the doctor recommends the product for use or not - depends on the situation.

Considering that vestibular plates are completely safe, you can safely ask for their appointment. But it is important to use them under the supervision of a specialist: you need to choose the right model, put it on correctly, etc. Errors in wearing can cause a crooked bite.

The main situations when doctors recommend purchasing a record for children :

  • the child constantly chews or sucks fingers or foreign objects;
  • the baby cannot refuse the pacifier, is capricious, replaces it with his finger;
  • there is a habit of sleeping with the mouth open, nasal breathing is poorly developed;
  • malocclusions were detected (especially the open type), etc.

Rules of care

Hygienic care of orthodontic plates is simple:

  • If the design of the device allows, it should be removed during meals. Then you need to rinse your mouth thoroughly and only after that fix the plate again;
  • Teeth should be brushed as usual - morning and evening with a brush and toothpaste;
  • The devices can be cleaned with a regular toothbrush. But sometimes (about once a week) it is recommended to carry out more thorough cleaning using special products sold in pharmacies.

Sizes and types. What are they made of?

Most plates are made either from food-safe plastic, which provides a rigid frame, or from soft silicone. The choice of material depends on the doctor's decision. Children's plates are made in two sizes:

  • first (I) for children with primary malocclusion. Its radius is 22.5 mm. The product can be distinguished by the characteristic red color of the ring;
  • the second (II) for children with mixed dentition. Its radius is 30 mm. She has a dark blue ring.

There are several varieties of vestibular plates . All of them appeared later than the standard one and, in addition to the development of nasal breathing, help to cope with the problems of a “flaccid” tongue, eliminate speech defects, correct swallowing, etc. The three most popular models are: classic, with a bead, with a flap and with a visor.

Model with visor

The visor appeared on vestibular orthodontic plates when doctors realized that it was difficult for children with underdeveloped jaws and protrusion of the upper frontal teeth to hold the classic model in their mouth. For them, it constantly deviated above the sagittal protrusion, and at night it completely fell out. The presence of a visor solves this problem.

The vestibular plate with a soft or hard visor is ideal for the treatment of all class II abnormalities. It also stops the development of class III anomalies if worn with the visor up. Due to the fact that the product pushes the upper jaw forward, wearing it normalizes the position of the jaws relative to each other.

Model with damper

The tongue deflector plate is designed for those children who are accustomed to placing their tongue between their teeth when swallowing and speaking. This habit interferes with the normal growth of teeth and leads to the formation of an “open” bite. The flap pushes the tongue back and forces it into the correct position.

In addition, a vestibular plate with a tongue flap helps:

  • eliminate the habit of breathing through your mouth;
  • teach the child to correctly position the tongue in the mouth during speech;
  • strengthen the circular muscle of the tongue, normalize lip closure.

Because the model is often used with speech therapists to demonstrate proper tongue placement, it is made transparent.

Model with bead

The vestibular bead plate is used primarily to correct speech problems. It helps stimulate “flaccid tongue” in children with speech impediments. The standard plate itself aligns the position of the tongue, teeth, lips, helping to improve diction, and an additional design element enhances the effect.

There are two models of bead plate :

  • classical. It has an extended bead that stimulates the root of the tongue. This model helps with dysarthria, increased muscle tone, impaired pronunciation of hard and soft consonants, rhinolalia, tachylalia, as well as in the treatment of stuttering. It helps to train weakened tongue muscles;
  • new model. Her bead is moved closer to the plastic base and teeth. This model of plate is recommended for children with reduced tone of the tip of the tongue, various forms of sigmatism, lambdacism, and problems with the pronunciation of the “r” sound.

If for some reason a parent wants to buy a record without a doctor’s recommendation, it is advisable to purchase a standard model. It is universal, easy to use, and there is no negative effect when using it. All specialized models - with a bead, a visor, a flap - must be purchased exclusively on the recommendation of a doctor.

Advantages and disadvantages

Vestibular plates are prescribed to children quite often because they are very effective and have almost no contraindications. The advantages of records are:

  • ease of use and maintenance;
  • need to be worn overnight and for several hours during the day (does not require use all the time like braces);
  • low cost;
  • training in a playful way;
  • possibility of use from an early age;
  • presence of other effects (strengthening speech organs, etc.)

The disadvantages include, first of all, a narrow range of influences. Plates cannot cope with all problems. Also, due to the ability to remove the product, the treatment time is extended.

Corrective therapy algorithm

The plates are made according to the patient’s measurements after examination and impressions are taken. The doctor installs the device and explains to parents how to remove it for hygienic cleaning. The child then wears the device for a certain period. The duration of wearing is determined by the doctor individually for each patient, depending on the complexity of his clinical case. On average, the duration of therapy is 1.5 – 2 years.

Periodically, the doctor should examine the child, adjusting the size of the device by adjusting the arches, screws or springs. And about once every six months, replace the plate with a new one, since children grow quickly and the dental system also changes.

The process of adaptation of children to the device is individual; as a rule, it takes from several hours to several days. May be accompanied by increased salivation and changes in diction.

Important: parents should be aware that treatment will only be effective if the plates are worn constantly (both day and night). They can only be removed for proper hygienic cleaning of teeth and appliances. Failure to comply with wearing rules will not allow you to achieve the planned result.

Use for malocclusion in children

Often, plates are prescribed to young children when their malocclusion has already formed. There are indications for this: the product is not effective in all cases. Since plates are primarily preventive devices, they cannot cope with very severe disorders.

Plates can affect teeth that have either protruded forward, are not very straight, or can be corrected by influencing other elements in the dentition. If a child experiences incorrect eruption (the tooth has grown in the palate, is turned incorrectly, etc.), this cannot be corrected with plates. That is why these orthodontic products are used primarily for early treatment of malocclusion. At 6-7 years old, the orthodontist recommends trainers that have a wider range of capabilities.

Read more about trainers and treatment with their help in our article: “Trainers for straightening teeth: description, varieties, tips for use.”

Treatment with devices

The vestibular plate is primarily a therapeutic orthodontic device. It must be worn in accordance with the recommendations of doctors. Treatment can begin at 3 years of age, when the baby’s primary dentition is partially formed. Also, the plate can be worn throughout the entire mixed dentition. On a permanent bite, the device no longer has any effect.

Do not forget that there is a vestibular plate for the primary and secondary occlusions.

Vestibular plate Stoppi

The soft design of Stoppie fits comfortably in the baby's mouth. If an open bite is suspected, the device promotes its natural closure.

Stoppi's dimensions are smaller than standard plates - it fits comfortably in the oral cavity without interfering with tooth growth. This model is recommended for children aged 2 years and older as an alternative to a pacifier.

Conclusions. Expert advice

The vestibular plate is a simple and effective method for correcting malocclusion and speech problems at an early age. It helps get rid of the following problems:

  • mouth breathing and poor development of nasal breathing;
  • low tone of the orbicularis oris and lingual muscles;
  • speech defects, infantile type of swallowing, incorrect development of the jaws.

Wearing the product helps stimulate natural self-regulation processes, so the capabilities of the plates are limited. But choosing one of the modifications will help expand them. The following types of records exist:

  • standard,
  • with damper,
  • with a bead,
  • with a visor.

Each has additional capabilities and specifics. For example, a model with a bead is recommended mainly by speech therapists, and a plate with a visor is recommended to be worn for abnormalities in the development of the jaws.

You should not buy vestibular plates for children without a doctor’s recommendation. It is better to visit an orthodontist so that he can confirm the need for the product and that it will not cause harm. Also, be sure to keep the product clean: wash it regularly and treat it with an antibacterial agent.

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