Hollywood smile: Volochkova should whiten her teeth, and Panina should straighten them

Whitening with the Air-Flow system ("Air-Flo")

The Air-Flow system (“Air-Flo”) is usually used after ultrasonic cleaning and is included in the complex of professional oral hygiene. The essence of Air-Flow is that an air stream mixed with particles of water and a special cleaning powder (soda-based) is supplied through a special nozzle. This removes the dark bacterial film from the enamel and polishes the enamel. As a result, teeth look 1-2 shades lighter (the original natural shade), acquire shine1 and also become more protected, because It is quite difficult for bacteria to attach to a polished surface.

ANNA Khilkevich, actress

Anna has microprosthetic veneers
Anna has microprosthetic veneers (crowns) 0.4-0.7 millimeters thick, which are installed only on the outer surface of the damaged tooth. This is usually done to visually correct the smile line. As a result, teeth acquire the correct anatomy and natural shade. The main thing here is to choose a good doctor and not to overdo it so that your smile doesn’t look like a horse’s. Anna has a dazzling wide smile that needs to be cared for by visiting the dentist once every six months for professional oral cleaning. I note that the actress had good and even teeth.

Whitening using enamel remineralization

Remineralization saturates tooth enamel with “building” elements – calcium, phosphorus, fluorine. As a result, it becomes stronger and lighter (but not by much, only 1-2 tones). In dentistry, a special two-phase system is used - deep fluoridation, suitable for adults and children with mixed dentition. At home, you can use pharmaceutical remineralizing gels (for example, ROCS), which are available for adults and for children from 2-3 years of age.

On a note! All of the above measures will not make the smile snow-white, like that of a screen star, but, nevertheless, they will lighten it a little - and this will still be noticeable from the outside. But to make your teeth truly white, i.e. To whiten them significantly (by 8-15 tones), you need to turn to professional bleaching.


Anna Khilkevich and Maria Gorban
Maria has veneers. Very natural teeth, nice to look at. As previously described, you need to look after the veneers as you would your own teeth, avoiding impacts and visiting your dentist for thorough cleaning of plaque and tartar that may occur.

Photobleaching – ZOOM technique and others

Why do stars have snow-white teeth? The answer is simple - to improve their appearance, they turn to specialists. For example, one of the most popular methods is photo-whitening ZOOM 3 and ZOOM 4. Its essence is that a gel containing bleaching substances - hydrogen peroxide and carbamide peroxide - is applied to the tooth enamel. Next, the doctor turns on a special lamp with ultraviolet light, under the rays of which a chemical reaction begins in the gel. Its components penetrate the enamel and lighten it by 10-15 tones, making it truly snow-white.

In addition to the ZOOM method, Amazing White and Beyond are widely used. But they have a slightly different concentration of active substances, there is no ultraviolet light in the lamp, and the brightening effect is less pronounced than that of Zoom.


Svetlana has straight, beautiful teeth by nature.
Svetlana is the owner of her straight, beautiful teeth. This can be seen in the natural color and shape. It is recommended to periodically have your teeth professionally cleaned at a dental clinic.

don’t miss Yuri Nikolaev: “Petya Chernyshev is next to his wife, and I’m just praying for Nastya”

How to whiten your smile with a laser

The principle of the technique is somewhat similar to photobleaching - a gel is also applied to the enamel, but it will be activated by a laser (diode or neodymium). The length of the laser beam is specially designed so as not to harm the teeth - not to overheat them and prevent injury. Dentists even note the fact that the laser not only perfectly whitens a smile by 10-15 tones, but also makes the enamel stronger, i.e. protects against caries.

“I finally decided to have laser whitening and it wasn’t a bad choice at all. Three years ago I did Zoom, but after it my teeth ached terribly, to the point of tears. The doctor said that this is a reaction of the body and this happens. But I didn’t need that anymore)) And after the laser, nothing bothered me at all, and my smile just became great.”

Alena, review from the women's forum woman.ru

Other secrets to a perfect beautiful smile

A beautiful smile is achieved not only by snow-white teeth.

It is recommended to do the following:

  • tidy up the skin of your lips - use moisturizing creams and other products to eliminate dry lips (pay special attention to the corners);
  • try to smile so that only the upper row of teeth is visible;
  • Brush your teeth regularly and use mouthwash to keep your breath fresh.

The ideal smile is sincere, no matter what it is: with only the top row exposed or both.

Chemical enamel whitening

The chemical whitening method is more gentle than ZOOM, but also involves the application of a special active gel with hydrogen peroxide. Lamp activation is not used here, because the active components begin to “work” immediately after application. The most popular technique is called Opalescence Boost PF - here the active gel contains not only whitening, but also enamel remineralizing components (fluorides and trace elements).

Interesting fact! Before photo, laser or chemical whitening, dentists recommend taking a course of professional hygiene (ultrasound treatment and Air-Flow) in order to achieve maximum whitening effect. It is also necessary to strengthen the enamel with a course of remineralization, because chemical components can weaken it and increase tooth sensitivity.

other methods

There are other ways to quickly whiten your teeth at home - to do this you will have to use different whitening compounds in different forms. You will see results from them faster than using traditional methods.

The following methods can be considered for whitening at home with the help of preparations:

  • Teeth whitening with special strips

    Whitening pastes - sold in all specialized stores. Most people use them incorrectly because they use them like regular toothpaste. The whitening effect is achieved by including special abrasive substances in the composition, which, with constant use, destroy the enamel. You are allowed to use toothpaste with a whitening effect no more than 1-2 times a week.

  • Strips – whitening strips are used twice a day for 30 minutes for two weeks. They can achieve 4 tones of whitening. The use of strips has a side effect - burning of the gums due to the influence of the compound contained on the strips.
  • Pencils – whitening pencils help in whitening and cleaning teeth. For processing, you should use a specially attached brush, which is placed on the pencil and a separate processing is carried out.
  • gels are recommended for use with a mouth guard. They are applied in the morning and evening, the composition is washed off naturally with saliva.

When choosing a teeth whitening product, it is recommended to pay attention to ease of use.

Microprosthetics with veneers and lumineers

Often people who want to get really white teeth, like Hollywood stars, do not know what this whitening method is called. In fact, beautiful teeth among stars are not always the result of whitening procedures. Celebrities often resort to special coverings for their front teeth - veneers. Also very popular is a unique type of veneers called “Lumineers,” which are created in only one laboratory in the United States. Veneers not only give a whiter smile, but also “hide” minor defects (chips, cracks) and correct minor bite pathologies.

Veneers are permanent microprostheses, the thinnest plates that can be created from porcelain, ceramics, glass ceramics, and zirconium dioxide. Depending on the properties of the material, you can get truly beautiful and durable teeth that will delight their owner for 10-20 years or more. Popular brands of veneers are E.max, Empress, Prettau.

Interesting to know! Manufacturers make materials not only pure white - after all, “faience” whiteness looks unnatural. Veneers are painted in light but natural shades, which will look more advantageous than snow-white ones. By the way, according to experts, the optimal color of teeth should be only 3-4 shades lighter than the color of human skin.

Smile for a million!

Dmitry Nagiev.

Photo: Boris KUDRYAVOV

Dentist Yulia Selyutina told why Shnurov’s teeth are more beautiful than Nagiyev’s, and why the leader of the Mumiy Troll group, Ilya Lagutenko, faces a terrible future due to his underbite.

Our artists invest a lot of money in their image. Philip Kirkorov, for example, spends millions on his wardrobe. Anastasia Volochkova is always looking for the latest bikinis - well, she needs it for the splits. Tina Kandelaki shows how much effort you need to put in to have a beautiful young face. But there is another important part, which is somehow not very common to talk about, this is a smile, or more precisely, teeth. Unless Sergei Shnurov openly said that he had his teeth made for a fabulous $250,000 in America. At the same time, says Yulia Selyutina, there are many stars in our show business who urgently need to do “jaw repairs”, otherwise they will be in trouble.

Sergei Shnurov

- I won’t give you a tooth! I paid a quarter of a million dollars for them!

Photo: Valery ZVONAREV

Yes, the artist now really has some of the most beautiful teeth. As Shnur said, he made them in Los Angeles because the old ones were worn out: “I’ve bitten a lot of people in my life. Some teeth remained in the bodies of defeated enemies.” There was a photo of the artist without one tooth circulating online, but I don’t think anything was broken; most likely, it was some kind of clownery, but in reality the implant just didn’t take root. Now everything is fine with Sergei - both color and size. If he had not demonstrated the “ugliness” of his former teeth, then no one would have guessed, unlike the same Nagiyev.

Alla Pugacheva

Alla Pugacheva. Photo: Vitaly SOZINOV/TASS, Evgenia GUSEVA/KP - Moscow

Alla Borisovna had high tooth wear, which most likely happened due to bruxism - night grinding of teeth. Plus there are large gaps between the teeth, the so-called trema, and a diastema - that same gap. There is also a short frenulum of the upper lip, which provoked this slit. The teeth were not in good contact with each other. All this leads to gum problems. The only solution is prosthetics, which is what Pugacheva did. Orthopedic work was carried out, special crowns were made that are fixed on each tooth. And Prima Donna’s bite is fine.

Sofia Rotaru

Sofia Rotaru.

Photo: Evgenia GUSEVA

With age, no matter how you look at it, the natural physical wear of teeth goes away. If you have money and opportunities, then, of course, you can do like Sofia Mikhailovna. Her teeth are slightly ground down and ceramic onlays - veneers - are glued on top. They are very thin and very high quality. They say that the artist had her teeth done either in Switzerland or in the Baltic states and they cost her about $200,000.

Dmitry Nagiev

It’s immediately obvious that the famous actor and TV presenter’s teeth are made. They are too white and look completely unnatural. You could play with color. But, probably, he wanted everyone to see right away that he had new teeth, such a “hello to the dentist.” By the way, fashion blogger Anastasia Ivleeva has the same teeth.

Ilya Lagutenko

Ilya Lagutenko.

Photo: Andrey GREBNEV

At one time, it was his famous smile that millions of fans fell in love with. But it was formed... due to incorrect teeth placement. The artist has both a distal bite (the lower jaw is moved back relative to the upper jaw) and a crossbite. Both the upper and lower jaws are narrowed, tooth to tooth collides. And the lower jaw is shifted to the left side. Surely there were or are adenoids, nasal breathing is impaired. Purely aesthetically, this doesn’t bother Ilya.


An incorrect bite makes your face look older

It would seem like such a trifle, but due to an incorrect bite, a person’s face looks much older - nasolabial folds are formed, which become deeper the further they go. Disproportions of the face are observed - a particularly striking picture is that if the lower jaw is too small, this visually enlarges the nose.

“Actresses Maria Kozhevnikova, Keira Knightley, Alisa Grebenshchikova, singer Lyubov Uspenskaya have malocclusion,” says dentist Yulia Selyutina. — Alisa Grebenshchikova, for example, has to make an effort to close her mouth due to incorrect jaw positioning. Uspenskaya, apparently, also had a mesial bite. In almost all the photos she used to smile with her mouth closed. Now the situation seems to have changed. Of course, we judge solely by photos from the network and videos from Instagram, but judging by the latest photos, Lyubov has worked on her smile.

“Very often, people who for some reason do not want to correct it for their children say that malocclusion is a highlight,” explains Selyutina. - Like, I live, I got married. And they will succeed! Everything is much worse. Nasolabials are the least of the troubles. In the future, you will experience chronic migraine pain and pain in the spine. And these veneers will not solve the problem, it will just make your smile look better. So think about it and go to the dentist.

Prosthetics with crowns and bridges

In cases where teeth are severely damaged, have large fillings, or have had their canals treated many times, the optimal solution is to install crowns made from modern materials (ceramics, ceramic composite, zirconium dioxide). You can also install a whole bridge of several crowns if a large number of teeth are destroyed or some of them are missing.

However, dentists now recommend installing implants rather than bridges. Because bridges quickly fail under chewing load, but implants last forever - and provide the highest comfort and aesthetics of a smile.

Hollywood smile after veneers

What else can you do?

Prosthetics with crowns are carried out if there is severe tooth decay, as a result of which no more than 10% of the tissue remains. If you lose one or more teeth, the dream of a Hollywood smile may seem unattainable, because missing teeth is a serious problem that can lead to dentition displacement and even bone atrophy. However, in this case, a beautiful smile is only a matter of time and the professionalism of doctors. In such a situation, dental implantation comes to the rescue. Implants are almost impossible to distinguish from natural teeth; in addition, they fully perform the chewing function and can serve their owner for a lifetime.

Where to get the smile of your dreams?

How and where do you get snow-white teeth like stars? To carry out professional whitening, you need to contact a clinic that has the appropriate equipment and experienced specialists. Teeth are whitened by a dental hygienist, but this procedure can also be performed by a dental therapist - contacting any of these doctors will allow you to get teeth like a star.

The installation of veneers, lumineers and crowns is carried out by an orthopedic dentist, and implantation is carried out by an implantologist. If your bite needs correction with braces, you should first visit an orthodontist.


Anya's veneers were made very high quality
. Anna's veneers were done with high quality. The result is a natural and beautiful smile. It is recommended to care for veneers as you would your own teeth. It is necessary to clean twice a day, use a thread and an irrigator - a device that washes away bacteria with a stream. Its price starts from 2 thousand rubles. Once every six months it is necessary to undergo a routine examination with a dentist. At least twice a year, have your teeth professionally cleaned to remove plaque and tartar at a dental clinic. The average cost is three to four thousand rubles.

Which star gave himself a snow-white smile?

It is quite difficult to get an answer to this question from the celebrities themselves. But if you carefully examine the smiles of the stars, it becomes clear that almost every famous person undergoes whitening on a regular basis. And if he doesn’t, then he gets veneers or lumineers to make his appearance even more attractive and not lose popularity. Only a few can boast of ideal white and naturally straight teeth.

If we turn to world stars with a “Hollywood” smile, which they acquired some time after they became very popular, then we can focus on the following personalities - Marilyn Monroe, Tom Cruise, Julia Roberts, Madonna, George Clooney, David Beckham , Emma Watson and many others.

How much does it cost?

We figured out how stars get their teeth done, but the most interesting question remains - what is the price of a Hollywood smile?

The cost of perfectly white teeth is usually the price of one veneer multiplied by the number of teeth that need to be covered. As a rule, we are talking about six front upper and lower teeth (i.e. 12 units). If the patient has a wide smile, during which more teeth are exposed, then the procedure will cost even more.

CityCost of 1 unit (“from”)Cost for 12 teeth (“from”)
MoscowFrom 30 thousand rublesFrom 360 thousand rubles
Saint PetersburgFrom 25 thousand rublesFrom 300 thousand rubles

*the given prices are not a public offer and are taken from open sources

In addition to the figures mentioned above, keep in mind that in addition to installing the restorations themselves, you will need to cure all caries in the mouth, as well as remove (if present) any other problems of the oral cavity, gums, etc.

Material tested by DI experts


Irina Krutikova, 36 years old, Moscow: “Before traveling abroad I decided to whiten my teeth. But I didn’t have time, so I went to the clinic and used laser treatment. The result was impressive, the teeth became significantly whiter. But then I had to deal with sensitivity. As a result, during my vacation I carefully selected my food items and ate practically nothing. Plus from bleaching – minus 6 kg in 10 days.”

Anatoly Filippov, 29 years old, Novosibirsk: “I noticed that a lot of plaque began to accumulate on my teeth. They became yellower, I couldn’t find the reason, but I didn’t go to the clinic. I decided to use lemon at home. Then I used baking soda along with lemon. Within a month, the plaque was gone, now I use the same products for whitening - no more than once a week.”

Philip Kirkorov

The recognized king of Russian pop music boasts a natural smile and no implants. Philip did not install veneers or crowns.

It only whitens teeth using the most modern technologies: Amazing White, Zoom 3, Beyond. Their essence is to coat the teeth with gel and then treat them with a special light. These painless procedures can be performed even on sensitive teeth .

Philip Kirkorov

A winning smile is an important part of your image. Therefore, all the stars choose the most suitable whitening option for themselves.

What teeth are considered beautiful?

How to understand which teeth are beautiful and which are not? Let's look at several criteria for a “Hollywood smile”.


It is generally accepted that enamel that has a snow-white tint is considered beautiful. Many people strive to bring the color of their teeth as close to ideal as possible. But here you also need to be careful, since overly bright white teeth will no longer look entirely natural. So the enamel should actually have a slight tint.


The shape of the teeth should look beautiful in appearance and be symmetrical to certain lines on a person’s face. The smile line along the lower row of teeth becomes a kind of smooth continuation when moving to the lips, and the teeth resemble perspective, from the nearest teeth to the farthest ones in the row. The cutting edge should be slightly transparent, this gives a natural look.

Healthy gums

Don't forget about your gums. After all, no matter how beautiful your smile is, if your gums are inflamed, it will not look aesthetically pleasing. Healthy gums are usually light pink in color, and the gums are symmetrically located on top of the teeth.

Ways to Improve the Appearance of Your Smile

There are many ways to improve your smile, make beautiful, straight teeth, and improve their condition.


One of the most popular ways to make teeth whiter today is whitening. This happens by removing unwanted plaque, after which the enamel is naturally lightened by one or two shades.

Especially if your teeth are naturally beautifully shaped, healthy and strong, but over time they have slightly lost the desired shade, for example, due to frequent coffee consumption, whitening is the ideal option for you to get whiter teeth.

Whitening is not a very complicated procedure; it can be done either at the dentist or at home, but for proper and competent consultation it is always better to first consult a specialist.


There is only one answer to the question why stars have such white teeth and how they whiten them: veneers. Getting veneers is a more serious and expensive procedure than regular whitening. Veneers are special coverings that cover the outer surface of teeth for a more beautiful appearance. After installing veneers, the smile visually looks more aesthetically pleasing.

Veneers help correct many dental imperfections, such as:

  • curvature;
  • unevenness on the surface;
  • plaque;
  • bad enamel;
  • interdental gaps.


Another way to correct imperfections is braces. Wearing braces ultimately gives very good results, although they have to be worn for quite a long period of time.

Anyone can get braces, regardless of age: both children and adults. There are two options for installing braces – external and internal. In the first case, the device is installed on the inner surface of the teeth, in the second case - on the outer side of the dentition.

First of all, when installing braces, the patient undergoes a mandatory examination by an orthodontist. If there is caries, it is subject to mandatory treatment before installation. Also, great attention is paid to the presence of stone, since this can interfere with the correct installation of the bracket.

After treatment is completed, you can proceed to installing braces. This happens in this way: special clasps are placed on each of the teeth separately, which are then connected together by one orthodontic arch. On average, this procedure takes 1 – 1.5 hours.


In addition to braces, you can also install special plates; they can be removable or non-removable. The plate is made individually for each patient based on a cast of his jaw.

The plates are quite easy to use; sometimes, if particularly necessary, they can even be removed, for example, while brushing your teeth or eating. Plates are less noticeable than braces.

But there are also significant disadvantages of such a device: plates do not help in all difficult cases, especially in adults, since they cannot, like braces, shift the dentition over time, restoring the correct shape.

In children, it is sometimes difficult to track the dynamics of treatment, since the ability to remove the plate allows them to do this more often than the doctor recommends. In some cases, if the doctor’s recommendations are not followed, wearing such a plate may not give any positive results.


The next alternative option for teeth straightening is mouth guards. They are not as effective as braces, but they can correct minor defects in the dentition. Mouthguards do not damage the gums; they are also made individually for each patient and, importantly, are absolutely invisible to others.

The mouthguards are quite easy to wash, and a person gets used to the device within a few days. The disadvantages of using this method include only the high cost, as well as the fact that mouthguards cannot cope with serious cases of imperfect teeth. In more difficult situations, the patient will need braces.


Another way to solve the issue of oral appearance.

You can resort to a restoration procedure if chips or large stains appear on the surface of the teeth, the enamel is destroyed due to the appearance of caries, or there may be large distances between the teeth.

With the help of restoration, you can restore the aesthetic appearance of your teeth and make your smile more attractive.

This happens by placing a polymer mass into the dental cavity until it takes the desired shape and is restored to a smooth state. If there is severe tooth decay, preliminary installation of a pin will be required.


Dentures are usually used in cases where the patient is missing one or more teeth. Dentures can be removable or non-removable. It is best to discuss the method of prosthetics with your doctor, and then make a decision.

Removable dentures can be removed at will and put on again when needed. Fixed dentures are attached directly to the root or to an implant - an artificial root.

Dental decorations

One of the fashionable trends in the field of dentistry can be considered dental jewelry. Probably everyone, at least once in their life, has noticed rhinestones and other decorations on another person’s enamel that decorate a smile and attract attention.

But, if you suddenly want to install a rhinestone for beauty, this is not always possible: there are several contraindications for such a procedure. For example, if you have caries or any enamel damage, the procedure is contraindicated for you.

You may be allergic to the materials used for jewelry, so you also need to be careful. If you have bite pathology or diseases of the oral cavity, the orthodontist may also refuse you such a procedure. After eliminating all contraindications, you can safely choose the jewelry you like.

How to learn to smile “Hollywood style”?

Becoming the owner of a Hollywood smile is not just about whitening your teeth. If you are initially hesitant to smile with genuine joy, dental treatment will not help.

In order to start training, you need to stand in front of the mirror and do the following:

  • exhale through your mouth, after pursing your lips tightly;
  • then stretch out your lips, folding them into a tube, in this position make a figure eight;
  • in the same starting position, stretch your lips as far as possible;
  • loosen your lips, smile in the mirror so that you like your own reflection;
  • move away from the mirror and return to it after a while, smiling at the chosen option;
  • along with a smile, practice the look.

The presented exercises should be performed for as long as possible until the facial muscles remember the movements and perform them automatically.

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