How to avoid giving rise to rumors, or is it possible to straighten crooked teeth?

Most orthodontic problems begin due to improper jaw development. The child’s myofunctional habits lead to malocclusion. Crooked teeth are difficult to clean properly and can ruin your smile. In hard-to-reach areas where the brush cannot reach, tartar forms, which leads to caries and sometimes to periodontitis. The unevenness affects the mandibular joint.

Correcting crooked teeth can be done not only in childhood or adolescence. In the Propricus network of clinics, appointments are conducted by orthopedic dentists and orthodontists, who have been restoring a beautiful smile to patients for many years. The clinic's doctors develop an orthodontic treatment plan for each patient. This problem can and should be dealt with by both adults and children. The sooner treatment begins, the better.

What types of crooked teeth are there?

In the understanding of most people, crooked teeth are those that are very different in position, shape or size from those next to them, which is, in principle, true. However, curvatures are different and form at several levels. So, there are anomalies of teeth, dentition and their relationship, that is, bite. The first group includes free-standing teeth, noticeably different from the rest in shape, size and location. The second includes dentition that has formed incorrectly as a result of the abnormal eruption of several teeth at once. The third group includes curvatures at the jaw level, which lead to improper closure of the dentition. The smile of people with an abnormal bite is also far from ideal. Now let's try to figure out why people grow crooked teeth.

Why does a child grow crooked teeth?

There are plenty of reasons why teeth become crooked, and the main one is genetics. Take a close look at the smiles of your parents and grandparents - it is quite possible that you or your baby inherited uneven teeth from one of them.

Another factor that contributes to malocclusion and crooked teeth is the use of incorrect pacifiers and feeding bottles. The hole in the bottle should be located not in the center, but at the bottom of the nipple, so that the baby’s tongue remains in a natural position while eating. Otherwise, the lower jaw will develop incorrectly. As for the pacifier, it should be as thin as possible at the base, otherwise the baby’s teeth will always be in an open position, which will lead to their non-closing. Remember also one more rule - the pacifier should be abandoned before the child turns one year old. Due to prolonged use of a pacifier, a baby may develop an infantile type of swallowing - when the tongue, while swallowing saliva, rests on the teeth and thereby puts strong pressure on them. As a result, the child develops an open bite, which will require a lot of time and effort to correct.

Let us separately highlight another reason for the development of curvature, namely, the lack of proper care for baby teeth. Sooner or later, bottle caries will form on uncleaned teeth, which, as you know, develops quite quickly. If you notice a carious cavity in your baby, immediately take the child to the doctor, otherwise the disease will not only destroy the baby tooth, but also damage the germ of the permanent one. And, as you know, the absence of at least one tooth or its improper eruption can lead to changes in the bite.

In addition, teeth become crooked due to mouth breathing, which develops as a result of frequent rhinitis and other ENT diseases, bad childhood habits such as biting cheeks and lips, constantly holding foreign objects in the mouth, thumb sucking and putting the tongue between the teeth, as well as due to rickets, diseases of the nervous system and maternal diseases during pregnancy.

Sixth method. Orthodontic plates for children and adults

Many people have heard that bite treatment with removable plates, consisting of an arch, a plastic base, various hooks and springs, is prescribed mainly for children. Therefore, for adults, it is a revelation that plates can be worn at 25 and even at 30 years old. Especially when it comes to how to straighten 1 crooked tooth (or 2). Or, for example, to correct a diastema, or to overcome minor crowding of the anterior units. Or at the stage of preparation for treatment with braces.

If we consider different malocclusions, then most often the “eye” teeth or fangs are crooked. They may bulge like a vampire's or be angled at the wrong angle. They may not cut through completely or overlap their neighbors.

Dental plates are also used to correct bites.

How to fix fangs without braces? Depending on the clinical situation, the doctor may recommend installing veneers, wearing aligners and trainers. Sometimes, before correcting the bite, it is necessary to remove some teeth to free up space in the jaw.

“For many years I was worried that my two front teeth were slightly overlapping each other. Over the years, it seemed that the situation was getting worse. I went to the doctor because of a friend who got braces. Looking at her, I really wanted to change. Personally, at the age of 30, I was in the mood for braces, but the doctor conducted an examination and said: we can do without braces. How to correct crooked teeth without braces? It turns out that they are plates. This was news... I wore them for six months on the upper jaw and another six months on the lower jaw. Result: it became much better, the teeth moved apart. Cheap and effective."

Mouse, fragment of review from

Crooked front teeth in adults

Teeth can also become crooked in adulthood, for example, as a result of injury or the same bad habits. If you constantly hold a pencil in your mouth, bite your nails or seeds, then sooner or later chips and irregularities will appear on your teeth, and they will have to be corrected. Many patients at dental clinics also complain that their smile is ruined by crooked, that is, incorrectly erupted wisdom teeth. Let's say more, even evenly standing “eights” can change the shape of the dentition - for example, in the case when the patient does not have a very large jaw and there is simply not enough space for “wise” teeth.

However, most often dental anomalies in adulthood appear due to the long-term absence of one or more teeth. If they are not replaced in time with dental implants or at least temporary dentures, then the dentition will soon begin to move apart, trying to fill the gaps that have formed. You know the result of such movements - crooked teeth and their improper closure.

Surgical bite correction

Another way to correct the position of teeth in the jaw is to perform orthognathic surgery, during which the size and position of the jaws are changed. The operation is preceded by a period of wearing braces. The orthodontic structure will have to be worn for a certain time even after the intervention.

Surgery is indicated for patients only in extreme cases when braces as an independent method of correction cannot correct the patient’s anomaly. The intervention is performed in a hospital setting as planned after a period of preliminary preparation. You will have to spend several weeks in a hospital bed, since the recovery period is quite difficult and the patient requires constant medical supervision.

Crooked wisdom teeth

Crooked wisdom teeth are quite common. Due to lack of space in the dentition, they grow either inside the mouth, or to the side, pressing on a neighbor, or in the cheek. This, as a rule, does not lead to anything good - bleeding of the gums may occur, and when the wisdom tooth grows sideways, destruction of the roots and enamel of the neighboring, seventh tooth. As a result, caries will begin to develop on it, which will lead to a constant inflammatory process. All this can also be accompanied by damage to the soft tissues of the cheek, which is fraught with the appearance of benign or even malignant neoplasms. This is why timely removal of wisdom teeth is necessary. The consequences of crooked wisdom teeth will be too serious if left in place.

How to fix crooked teeth?

The method of correcting crooked teeth depends on the patient’s age and type of anomaly. Thus, orthodontic treatment for children is carried out using various removable devices, such as trainers and plates. They correct the location of not only the teeth, but also the jaws, and also normalize the functioning of the muscles of the maxillofacial system and remove excess pressure from the dentition from the cheeks and tongue. However, treatment with removable equipment is effective up to a certain age - up to 10, maximum 12 years. During this period, the child develops a permanent bite, which is corrected using braces or transparent removable aligners.

You can become the owner of a beautiful smile even as an adult. In order to straighten teeth and eliminate some malocclusions in adults, braces are most often used. There are a great variety of braces, ranging from economical but reliable metal ones, to expensive lingual ones, which are attached to the lingual side of the teeth - everyone can choose a design according to their taste and capabilities. Moreover, lower and upper crooked teeth can be corrected without braces; they have an excellent alternative - clear aligners.

An alternative to wearing braces is the restoration of crooked teeth with veneers and crowns, as well as composite materials. In the first case, the procedure does not take much time, but it has one serious drawback - the teeth are ground down before installing orthopedic structures, and wearing dentures becomes lifelong. As for artistic restoration, it involves changing the shape of a tooth using composite materials, which are also used to make fillings. This technique requires a high level of skill from the specialist, and further careful care from the patient, since the composite must be periodically polished in order for the teeth to look aesthetically pleasing. By the way, girls and boys with crooked teeth who have not yet turned 18 years old can also correct their teeth with the help of restoration and orthopedic structures. The only condition is that an adult must be present when signing the contract for the provision of these services.

It is worth noting that the above-mentioned services of Moscow dentists eliminate anomalies only at the level of the teeth and dentition; it is impossible to correct the bite with their help - for this there are orthodontic structures and maxillofacial surgery.


Correcting crooked teeth in childhood and adolescence is much easier and faster than in adulthood. Therefore, if you do not want your child to wear braces for many months, contact an orthodontist as soon as possible.

Who are aligners suitable for?

In their work, the clinic’s doctors use aligners from the American company Invisalign. They are made of safe polymer and are absolutely safe for the body. The mouthguards are comfortable to wear and effective. The results of Invisalign treatment are comparable to the use of braces. They cope with all malocclusions. Aligners are installed for all patients, regardless of how old the patient is.

The main rule for successful treatment is to wear a mouthguard at least 20 hours a day. Propricus dentistry has everything you need to carry out orthodontic treatment by any method.

How necessary is it to correct crooked teeth?

So, we figured out what to do if your teeth are crooked. But what happens if they are not corrected? At first, problems with hygiene will arise, since uneven teeth are quite difficult to clean. As a result, caries will quietly develop in hard-to-reach places, which after some time will penetrate deep into the tooth and then spread to the surrounding bone. The result of all the processes described above will be the loss of one or more teeth, the absence of which will lead to deformation of the bite and the appearance of the patient.

However, that’s not all - due to the abnormal arrangement of the teeth and jaws, the load on them will be distributed incorrectly, which will lead to abrasion, disruption of the temporomandibular joint and chewing muscles, and will also affect the respiratory and digestive systems. Thus, crooked teeth will ruin not only your appearance, but also your health. Therefore, you should not postpone your visit to the orthodontist.


Bruxism is a paroxysmal contraction of the masticatory muscles, or grinding of teeth during sleep. In most cases, this disorder occurs in children. Stress is considered the main cause of bruxism. In general, bruxism occurs to one degree or another in most people. But if severe, bruxism can cause a lot of dental problems, so you should definitely consult a doctor.

Bruxism is a reason to see a doctor

How to prevent the development of dental anomalies

The best way to solve the problem of crooked teeth is to avoid crooked teeth. If you want your baby to grow beautiful, straight teeth, carefully monitor his oral health, feed from orthodontic bottles and give him the right pacifiers, watch his posture and try to diversify his diet with solid foods, and also do not allow him to suck his thumb and chew foreign objects. items. As for adults, they should also give up bad habits that spoil their teeth and learn to restore lost ones in a timely manner. And most importantly, don’t forget to visit the dentist at least once every six months and be sure to bring your child to the appointment.



  1. Classic proven method

    leading to a positive result.

  2. Possible design variations makes metal braces invisible

    (lingual installation, sapphire vestibular).

  3. When using the simplest design, complete the cost will be relatively inexpensive


  4. Coping with different types of pathologies

    , up to serious ones.

  5. Many doctors can successfully work with braces



  1. Metal structure visible

    In most cases.

  2. Takes some time to get used to

    to the device in the oral cavity.

  3. Possible mucosal injury

    design details.

  4. Careful hygiene is required.
  5. Diet required

    , exclusion of hard and viscous foods.

  6. Wearing the structure for 1-2 years


  7. Painful sensations during placement

    and detail adjustments.

  8. In case of insufficient hygiene there is a risk of caries


  9. Arsenal of care products

    behind the teeth and structure.

  10. In the vast majority of cases eights need to be removed


Crooked teeth - BEFORE and AFTER photos

Most famous people could not boast of a perfect smile. Below are photos of crooked teeth BEFORE and AFTER orthodontic treatment.

Matthew Lewis

Straightening his teeth did nothing to diminish Matthew Lewis's masculine charisma, and his new smile added to his attractiveness.

Emma Watson

Actress Emma Watson did not retain the “charming childish irregularity” that delighted critics during the “Harry Potter” era and straightened her crooked teeth.

David Beckham

Long known as a style icon in the world of football, David Beckham simply couldn't give up his crooked front teeth.

Demmy Moor

It's hard to believe, but this is the same woman. Demi Moore's flawless smile is the most important feature of her radiant beauty.

Cristiano Ronaldo

Cristiano Ronaldo has decisively abandoned the gap between his teeth, which many consider just a funny feature that gives individuality. The football player preferred an even, beautiful smile to crooked teeth.

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