Miramistin is an antiseptic for local (external) use.

Miramistin is an unremarkable bottle with a spray nozzle. But he can do so many things! If you look at the list of indications, we can say that the drug helps with literally everything. From anything that is infectious in nature. Or is about to become one. Burns, wounds, viruses, operations and much more are the scope of application of Miramistin. It relieves inflammation and has an antimicrobial effect. It is especially pleasant that the simple composition is characterized by a virtual absence of contraindications or adverse reactions, and the drug can be prescribed from birth.

Miramistin copes well with burns


Miramistin is a domestic broad-spectrum antiseptic drug that is used for the prevention and treatment of bacterial, fungal and viral infections. Initially, the drug was intended to disinfect compartments on Soviet spaceships and stations. And now Miramistin has shown itself to be excellent in the prevention and therapeutic treatment of wounds, purulent-septic processes, the appearance of which accompanies surgery and traumatology. Miramistin effectively fights pathogenic microorganisms, therefore it is applicable in gynecology, urology, dentistry, otolaryngology and other branches of medicine.

But you should not think that Miramistin simply has an antimicrobial effect; it is quite strong and fights even those strains that are insensitive to other antibiotics. Miramistin interacts with ascomycetes, yeast and yeast-like fungi, dermatophytes, and some other pathogenic fungi. And what is especially important, Miramistin is able to influence human immunodeficiency viruses, herpes, etc. That is, demonstrate an antiviral effect. The medicine is also quite active against pathogens that cause sexually transmitted diseases (STDs).

Miramistin prevents infection of burns and wounds, as it accelerates the absorption of purulent secretions, stimulates the process of tissue regeneration and the manifestation of the body's protective reactions.

And all these wonderful properties practically do not cause allergic reactions or irritation to the skin. This is what it means that the product was developed for the space industry.

Questions for the doctor regarding the use of the drug

Patients often have misunderstandings regarding antimicrobial spray. To understand them, let's look at frequently asked questions.

Is it possible to swallow Miramistin when irrigating the throat? No, it is intended for external use. If it enters the gastrointestinal tract, it causes stomach irritation. If a person cannot irrigate correctly without swallowing liquid, then it is advisable to buy a spray. Miramistin or Chlorhexidine for the throat, which is better? There is no clear answer. The antimicrobial properties of both products are very high. An important difference between Chlorhexidine is that it does not affect the Herpes virus and has a bitter taste. Also, when using it to rinse the larynx, a person’s plaque and tongue may temporarily darken due to staining of the bacterial flora. Chlorhexidine leaves a film on the surface of secretory tissue, which allows it to maintain its antimicrobial property for a long time. Miramistin or Hexoral, which is better for the throat? These are comparable substances, but Hexoral has a slight analgesic effect due to the menthol content. It only needs to be administered twice a day, one spray at a time. But its cost is also much higher. Is it possible to burn a throat with Miramistin? A burn is indeed possible with a strong concentration of the active ingredient or prolonged retention in the mouth. It is important to follow the ENT recommendations so as not to burn the mucous membrane, especially when used by small children. Does your throat dry out? After irrigation, patients experience a burning sensation. This is a temporary effect that goes away quickly. To avoid dryness of the cell layer, it is recommended to alternate washing the inflamed areas with a bactericide with herbal decoctions that have a softening effect. to the content?


The range of uses of Miramistin is quite wide. So, the attending physician may prescribe the use of Miramistin in the following cases:

  • In traumatology and surgery: prevention of suppuration, treatment of purulent wounds. Used in the treatment of purulent-inflammatory diseases of the musculoskeletal system.
  • In obstetrics and gynecology: treatment and prevention of suppuration of wounds and injuries received during childbirth, treatment of inflammatory and infectious processes of the genital organs (vulvovaginitis, endometritis).
  • In venereology and dermatology: treatment and prevention of dermatomycosis, pyoderma, also used for mycoses of the feet, candidiasis of the skin and mucous membranes, in particular, for thrush.
  • In urology: treatment of urethritis (acute and chronic forms) and urethroprostatitis.
  • In dentistry: prevention of infectious and inflammatory processes occurring in the oral cavity. Treatment of stomatitis, gingivitis, periodontitis. Miramistin also carries out hygienic treatment of removable dentures.
  • In otorhinolaryngology: used for sinusitis, otitis, laryngitis, pharyngitis, chronic tonsillitis. Miramistin is prescribed for sore throat. In particular, the drug is used in complex therapy for pharyngitis, chronic tonsillitis, as well as for sore throat in children from the age of three.
  • Combustiology: treatment of superficial and deep burns of II and IIIA degrees, preparation of burn wounds for dermatoplasty.
  • The solution is used for individual prevention of the development of diseases that are sexually transmitted to humans (syphilis, gonorrhea, chlamydia, trichomoniasis, genital herpes, genital candidiasis, etc.).

Reviews about the drug

It didn’t help me at all when treating a reddened and sore throat. It turns out that it just disinfects. Can be used as a means of preventing ARVI, colds, etc. For example, before visiting crowded places, or during the cold season, when there is a high probability of catching some kind of infection.

I also sometimes use it after epilation of the armpits and noticed that much fewer wounds and pustules began to appear after the manipulations. Copes very well with irritation. Elena, 35 years old

Our pediatrician prescribed Miramistin solution for redness of my daughter’s throat, and also to prevent the development of a sore throat. You just had to irrigate your throat three times a day. The advantage is that it has no color or smell, so the child was absolutely not capricious during treatment. As a result, the product helped, now I use it at the first symptoms of the disease. Svetlana, 28 years old

A friend recommended it for a sore throat. Yes, it helped me. Especially in the morning, when you wake up, it’s sore. I sleep in a drafty room, because I can’t sleep if the room is stuffy, so sometimes I have to open a larger window. I like the fact that it tastes like ordinary water, a few pumps and my throat softens and stops hurting. The bottle is large enough and lasts a long time. Julia, 30 years old

Broad-spectrum antiseptic, tasteless. Antimicrobial and antiviral drug. Used in surgery, otolaryngology, urology. I’ve been hearing about it lately, so I decided to buy it and try it to treat my throat. I have chronic tonsillitis.

Every morning there is a tickle and slight pain when swallowing, which can go away quickly, or it can hurt for half a day. I washed out my tonsils at the ENT specialist, but the treatment did not last long and the disease returned again.

It is probably necessary to undergo an operation to remove them, since the tonsils no longer perform their important function, but are themselves a source of infection. So far, for pain, I take Miramistin, it seems to help, soften it. Andrey, 33 years old

I use it not only for sore throats, but also as a nasal rinse. I also tried doing inhalations with it.

At the first symptoms of a sore throat, I irrigate my throat - the pain subsided even after a single use. Convenient nozzle. It is sprayed not with an aerosol, but with a spray gun, i.e. with a more targeted flow. Disinfects well. Alla Alexandrovna, 44 years old

My youngest son caught a cold from someone in kindergarten. It all started with the child’s complaints of a sore throat, and the temperature also rose in the evening.

They called a children's pediatrician, prescribed treatment, and also recommended Miramistin spray for irrigating the throat, since he still does not know how to gargle and would swallow everything.

After several uses, my son reported that his throat seemed to be better and stopped hurting a lot. But I’m not sure that it was only Miramistin that helped, since we were treated comprehensively. Tatyana, 38 years old

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How to use Miramistin

The use of Miramistin as an antiseptic drug is quite widespread. In addition to the areas listed in the table below, the medicine is prescribed for the treatment of acne, as a prevention of influenza and colds, and for diaper rash.

How to use Miramistin correctly

Please note that Miramistin may cause irritation of the nasal mucosa.

Any prescription of the drug, indication of the dosage and duration of the course are made by the attending physician.

Disease Course duration Reception
Purulent sinusitis.

Tonsillitis, pharyngitis and laryngitis.

From 4 to 10 days. The maxillary sinus is washed with a sufficient amount of the drug.

Gargling and/or irrigation (10-15 ml) 3-4 times a day is indicated.

Stomatitis, gingivitis, periodontitis. Until remission occurs. Rinse the mouth with 10-15 ml of the drug, 3-4 times a day.
Surgery, traumatology, combustiology. 3-5 days. 2-3 times/day. irrigate the surface of wounds and burns, loosely pack wounds and fistula tracts, fix gauze swabs soaked in the drug.
Prevention of postpartum infection.


5-7 days.

7 days.

Irrigation with a gynecological nozzle is indicated before childbirth, during childbirth, after each vaginal examination and in the postpartum period, 50 ml of the drug in the form of a tampon (2 hours).

Before the operation, the vagina is treated, during the operation - the uterine cavity and the incision on it, and in the postoperative period, tampons moistened with the drug are inserted into the vagina (2 hours).

Angina. Until remission occurs. Rinse 4-5 times/day.
Urethritis and urethroprostatitis. 10 days. Miramistin is injected using a urological applicator into the urethra 2-3 ml 1-2 times a day.
Prevention of sexually transmitted diseases. Miramistin is used no later than 2 hours after sexual intercourse. Using a urological applicator (gynecological attachment), insert Miramistin into the urethra for 2-3 minutes: for men (2-3 ml), for women (1-2 ml) and in the vagina (5-10 ml). Treat the skin of the inner thighs, pubis, and genitals. After the procedure, it is recommended not to urinate for 2 hours.
Thrush, inflammatory diseases of the genital organs. 7-14 days. A tampon is moistened with Miramistin and inserted intravaginally. Douching is indicated.
Purulent otitis. Until remission occurs. 2 ml of solution is injected into the external auditory canal.

Miramistin during pregnancy and lactation

Miramistin can be used by pregnant women and nursing mothers, but, as is usually the case with this group of patients, use is possible after consulting the doctor supervising them. They can be used to gargle, rinse the nose and treat affected surfaces, since Miramistin does not enter the bloodstream. But in any case, an obstetrician-gynecologist should prescribe the drug during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Miramistin for children

Miramistin for children

If we touch on the issue of using Miramistin in pediatrics, the drug can be prescribed by a doctor for children during an exacerbation of pharyngitis or during the exacerbation stage of chronic tonsillitis. If such conditions are diagnosed, then most likely the pediatrician will prescribe irrigation of the child’s throat with Miramistin.

  • children 3-6 years old: press the head of the spray nozzle once (3-5 ml per irrigation), 3-4 times/day;
  • children 7-14 years old: press twice (5-7 ml per irrigation), 3-4 times/day;
  • children over 14 years old: 3-4 times pressing (10-15 ml per irrigation), 3-4 times/day.

As for the nose, care should be taken here, since Miramistin can have an irritating effect on the mucous membrane. Also, Miramistin is prescribed to young patients if they have chickenpox. The skin is treated with Miramistin in order to disinfect it. If the drug is prescribed to an infant, it is most likely for the treatment of surfaces that require disinfection. Miramistin, due to its composition, accelerates the regeneration of the epithelium. After the drug has dried naturally, you can use diaper rash cream or a special powder containing talc.

The instructions for use stipulate the age of the child from which the use of Miramistin is permissible. Thus, children under one year of age undergo therapy with Miramistin only under the supervision of a specialist; children up to three years of age can be prescribed the drug solely for indications. Remember that children's bodies are sensitive, and even such a safe drug as Miramistin can cause allergic reactions.



At the moment, one structural analogue of the drug Miramistin has been released on the pharmacological market:

  • Okomistin (eye drops).

If you do not take into account the composition, then in terms of therapeutic action the antiseptic Chlorhexidine is closest to the drug Miramistin. You can also note Octenisept.

Miramistin or Chlorhexidine?

Most often, when they talk about replacing the drug Miramistin, Chlorhexidine is cited as an example. What is the significant difference between these drugs? If you focus on the indications for use, they are almost identical. True, it is believed that Chlorhexidine has more side effects and is generally toxic. But this disadvantage has a downside. This “aggressiveness” is directed against microbes. Miramistin is a more gentle remedy, it is safe, so it is prescribed for the treatment even of infants. The drug Miramistin does not monitor negative reactions of the body to its use; it is less likely to cause a burning sensation and unpleasant consequences in the form of dysbacteriosis.

Use for children under one year old

Is it possible to buy a bactericidal composition for a one-year-old child? Since it does not contain any unpleasant odor or taste, it is recommended even for infants. It is allowed to spray the medicine in the form of a spray onto the tonsils of infants from 6 months, but only on the recommendation of a pediatrician.

Important to remember

You should not spray antiseptic on children more than 3 times a day. Hold your breath while injecting to avoid spasms of the respiratory tract.

In children, an antibacterial compound can provoke dysbiosis of the mucous membrane, which will lead to inhibition of beneficial microflora and the development of pathological ones.

Pediatricians prescribe the solution to newborns up to one year old, because it is not absorbed into the systemic circulation. Its action extends exclusively to the secretory and epithelial integument. If you treat the throat correctly, children will not experience any negative consequences.

If we talk about rinsing the throat, then such manipulation is prohibited in treating a one-year-old baby. Because there is a high risk that he will swallow the solution or choke on it. And spraying can provoke spasm of the trachea and bronchus.

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The cost of the drug in pharmacies depends on the type of packaging and location of the locality. For example:

Release formPackagePrice in Moscow/ManufacturerPrice in Ukraine/Manufacturer
Topical solution 0.01% spray bottle 150 ml330 RUR/Infamed100 UAH/Darnitsa
External solution. approx. 0.1 mg/ml vial. 50 ml, with urethral nozzle, No. 1 230 RUR/Infamed90 UAH/Darnitsa
Solution bottle 0.01%, 500 ml743 RUR/Infamed291 UAH/Darnitsa

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Level 4 ATC code matches:



Analogues of Miramistin Darnitsa ointment are the drugs Decamethoxin , Miramistin solution, Okomistin , etc. You can replace the drug with an analogue only after an appropriate prescription from a doctor.

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