Hepilor solution for strips. mouth. floor. in fl. 100ml per pack. No. 1


Active ingredients: hexetidine , chlorobutanol and choline salicylate .
100 ml of solution contains hexetidine - 0.1 g, choline salicylate - 0.5 g, chlorobutanol hemihydrate - 0.25 g, as well as auxiliary components: ethanol, eucalyptol, sodium saccharin, polysorbate 20, lemon and anise oil, propionic acid, menthol, clean water.

50 ml of spray contains hexetidine - 0.05 g, choline salicylate - 0.25 g, chlorobutanol hemihydrate - 0.125 g, as well as auxiliary components.


Name: Hepilor (Happylor) Pharmacological action: Hepilor is an antiseptic and analgesic drug used for throat diseases. The therapeutic effect of the drug is due to the three active components included in its composition.

Hexetidine is a substance with antifungal and antibacterial activity. The substance is effective against both anaerobes and aerobes, both gram-negative and gram-positive microorganisms. Hexetidine has a pronounced bactericidal effect on anaerobic strains. In relation to aerobic strains, a bacteriostatic effect is manifested; the bactericidal effect is weaker. Hexetidine is close in chemical structure to thiamine, which is necessary for the growth of microorganisms. The mechanism of the antimicrobial action of hexetidine is the competitive replacement of thiamine, which leads to disruption of the growth and development of microorganisms.

Choline salicylate exhibits anti-inflammatory, antipyretic and analgesic effects in the treatment of oral diseases. Chlorobutanol is a substance with analgesic activity. Chlorobutanol is widely used in dental practice (irrigation, applications) and in otolaryngology (rinses, nasal drops) as an anesthetic. The active components of Hepilor are retained on the oral mucosa, and their gradual release provides a long-lasting therapeutic effect.

Indications for use: Hepilor is used in the treatment of infectious diseases of the pharynx and oral cavity: laryngitis, pharyngitis, chronic and acute tonsillitis, tonsillitis, stomatitis, gingivitis, aphthae. The drug is well suited for hygienic oral care after dental procedures.

Directions for use: Hepilor is intended for topical use. Avoid contact of the drug with the eyes. After using the drug, you should refrain from eating and drinking for 30 minutes. The duration of therapy and the regimen for using the drug Hepilor are determined by the doctor. The rinse solution is measured in an amount of 10 ml (2 teaspoons) using a measuring cup and dissolved in 50 ml of warm water. Perform 2-4 rinses per day. The course of treatment is 5 days. The drug should not be swallowed.

Adults use Hepilor spray 1 spray 4-6 times a day. Children over 12 years old - 1 spray 2-3 times a day. The recommended duration of treatment is no more than 5 days. If symptoms of the disease persist for more than 5 days or if body temperature rises, treatment tactics should be changed.

Side effects: When using the drug Hepilor, patients may develop allergic reactions, including minor irritation of the oral mucosa and skin reactions. There is a risk of hypersensitivity to the components of the drug. Smell and taste disturbances are possible. Long-term use may cause disruption of the natural flora of the mouth and throat.

Contraindications: Hepilor is not used to treat patients with known hypersensitivity to the components of the spray or solution. Hepilor solution is contraindicated in children under 6 years of age. Hepilor spray is contraindicated in children under 12 years of age.

Pregnancy: During pregnancy and lactation, Hepilor is allowed to be used strictly as prescribed by a doctor and only in cases where the risk to the fetus does not outweigh the benefit to the mother.

Interaction with other drugs: Hepilor is not recommended for use simultaneously with other drugs containing antiseptic drugs.

Overdose: Cases of overdose with Hepilor have not been reported.

Release form: Hepilor spray 50 ml in bottles with a sprayer, 1 bottle included in a cardboard box. Hepilor solution 100 ml in bottles, 1 bottle is included in a cardboard box complete with a measuring cap.

Storage conditions: The drug Hepilor, regardless of the form of release, can be used for 2 years after manufacture, provided it is stored in rooms with a temperature not exceeding 25 degrees Celsius.

Synonyms: Givalex, Angilex.

Composition: 100 ml of Hepilor solution contains: Hexetidine (in terms of 100% substance) - 0.1 g; Chlorobutanol hemihydrate (in terms of 100% anhydrous substance) - 0.25 g; Choline salicylate (calculated as 100% substance) - 0.5 g; Additional ingredients including ethyl alcohol and menthol.

100 ml of Hepilor spray contains: Hexetidine (in terms of 100% substance) - 0.1 g; Chlorobutanol hemihydrate (in terms of 100% anhydrous substance) - 0.25 g; Choline salicylate (calculated as 100% substance) - 0.5 g; Additional ingredients including ethyl alcohol and menthol.

Attention! The description of the drug " Hepilor " on this page is a simplified and expanded version of the official instructions for use. Before purchasing or using the drug, you should consult your doctor and read the instructions approved by the manufacturer. Information about the drug is provided for informational purposes only and should not be used as a guide to self-medication. Only a doctor can decide to prescribe the drug, as well as determine the dose and methods of its use.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

The therapeutic effect is achieved by the complex effect of three active substances at once.

Hexetidine has fungicidal and antimicrobial effects. Affects gram-positive cocci, gram-negative flora, aerobes (bacteriostatic effect) and anaerobes (pronounced bactericidal effect). The chemical structure of hexetidine is close to thiamine, which is required for the growth and development of microorganisms. The death of bacteria is achieved through the replacement of thiamine at a competitive level.

Chlorobutanol has an analgesic effect. The anesthetic is widely used in otorhinolaryngology (nasal drops, rinses) and dental practice (in the form of solution application and spray irrigation).

Choline salicylate has analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects and is actively used in the treatment of oral diseases.

The active components of the drug are retained on the mucous walls, providing gradual release and a long-lasting therapeutic effect.

Miraseptin, solution for external use with screw cap / spray nozzle

Pharmacodynamics. Miraseptin is an antiseptic agent that has antiviral, antifungal and bactericidal effects (hydrophobic interaction with the membranes of microorganisms leads to their destruction). Active against gram-positive and gram-negative, aerobic and anaerobic, spore-forming and asporogenous bacteria in the form of monocultures and microbial associations, including hospital strains with multidrug resistance to antibiotics. The drug is more effective against gram-positive bacteria (Staphylococcus spp., Streptococcus spp., Bacillus anthracoides., Bacillus subtilis). Acts on gram-negative microorganisms (Neisseria spp., Shigella spp., Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Escherichia coli, Klebsiella spp., Salmonella spp., Vibrio spp.).

Miraseptin has an antifungal effect on ascomycetes of the genus Aspergillus and the genus Penicillium, yeast (Rhodotorula rubra, Torulopsis gabrata, etc.) and yeast-like fungi (Candida albicans, Candida tropicalis, Candidakrusei, Pityrosporum orbiculare (Malassezia furfur), etc.), Dermatophytes (Trichophyton Rubrum, TrichophytonMentagrophytes, Trichophyton Verrucosum, Trichophyton Schoenleini, Trichophyton Violament, Epidermophytonkaufman-Wolf, Epiderman-Wolf, Epiderman-Epiderman-Epiderman-Epiderman-Epiderman-Epiderman-Epiderman-Epiderman, Epiderman-Epiderman-Epiderman-Epiderman OPHYTON FLOCCOSUM, Microsporum Gypseum, Microsporum Canis, etc.), as well as on other pathogenic mushrooms, in the form of monocultures and microbial associations, including fungal microflora with resistance to chemotherapy drugs.

It should also be noted that miraseptin has an antiviral effect, is active against complex viruses (herpes viruses, human immunodeficiency virus, etc.) and acts on pathogens of sexually transmitted diseases (Chlamydia spp., Treponema spp., Trichomonas vaginalis, Neisseriagonorrhoeae).

The drug enhances the functional activity of immune cells, stimulating local (nonspecific) immunity, accelerates the wound healing process, while reducing the resistance of pathogenic microorganisms to antibacterial therapy. Effectively prevents infection of wounds and burns. Does not damage granulations and viable skin cells, does not inhibit marginal epithelialization.

Does not have a local irritant effect.

Pharmacokinetics. When applied topically, it is practically not adsorbed into the local bloodstream and is not absorbed through the skin and mucous membranes.

Indications for use

Hepilor spray is prescribed for sore throat , pharyngitis , canker sores , gingivitis , stomatitis , tonsillitis (acute and chronic forms), and laryngitis .

The medication is effectively used in the treatment of diseases of the oropharynx of infectious origin.

Instructions for use of Hepilor recommend the drug for hygienic care of the oral cavity after dental procedures.

Instructions for Hepilor (Method and dosage)

The duration of therapy with Hepilor is determined by the attending physician. The medication is used only locally. Avoid getting the solution into your eyes. It is recommended to refrain from drinking and eating for 30 minutes after applying the drug.

Spray Hepilor, instructions for use

The spray is used 4-6 times a day (1 spray per session). The duration of treatment is no more than 5 days.


Hepilor solution is diluted in warm water: 2 teaspoons (10 ml) per 50 ml of water. Every day you need to do 2-4 rinses. Duration of therapy – 5 days.

The spray and solution should not be swallowed. If body temperature rises and there is no positive dynamics within 5 days, it is recommended to reconsider the treatment regimen (identify the pathogen, clarify the diagnosis).

Hepilor spray 20ml No. 1


Hepilor spray for oral mucosa in bottle. 20ml per pack. No. 1


a clear or slightly opalescent liquid with a specific aromatic odor and alcohol-anise taste, located in a bottle with a pump valve equipped with a sprayer. The drug is removed from the bottle through a sprayer in the form of an aerosol stream.

Main active ingredient

hexetidine, choline salicylate, chlorobutanol hemihydrate

Release form

Spray for the oral mucosa



Pharmacological properties

The effect of the drug Hepilor is due to the combination of three active components included in its composition - hexetidine, choline salicylate and chlorobutanol. Hexetidine is an antiseptic with bactericidal and bacteriostatic effects, active against pathogenic microorganisms of the oral cavity, such as Streptococcus, Candida albicans, Bacteroides sp., Klebsiella aerobacter, Staphylococcus sp. The antimicrobial activity of hexetidine is based on the oxidation of glucose in the absence of phosphorylation. Choline salicylate is an anti-inflammatory agent. Chlorobutanol belongs to the group of analgesics, but also has anti-inflammatory effects. Chlorobutanol, like choline salicylate, prolongs the effect of hexetidine. This interaction of active substances helps to suppress the growth of pathogenic microorganisms in the oral cavity for a long time: 6 hours after using the drug, suppression of the growth of pathogenic microorganisms is observed in 70%.


The active substances are fixed on the oral mucosa, from where they are gradually released without having a systemic effect on the patient’s body.

Indications for use

Symptomatic treatment of infectious and inflammatory diseases of the mouth and throat.

Directions for use and doses

Used locally for irrigation of the oral cavity. 1 spray 4–6 times a day (each spray releases approximately 0.5 ml). This medicine is intended for symptomatic treatment and cannot be used for a long time. Special Populations There are no dosing recommendations for elderly patients or patients with impaired renal function. Patients with impaired liver function Use with caution in patients with liver disease, since the drug contains ethanol. Children Hepilor spray should not be used in children under 12 years of age.

Precautionary measures

When using the drug, do not swallow and avoid contact with eyes; use caution in patients with liver disease, since the drug contains ethanol. The drug should be used with caution in patients with epilepsy. The drug may reduce the epileptic threshold and cause seizures in children. Use with caution in patients with a predisposition to allergic reactions, especially in patients allergic to salicylic acid. There is a risk of laryngospasm in children due to the presence of levomenthol. Long-term use is not recommended as it may alter the natural microbial balance of the mouth and throat, where there is a risk of bacterial or fungal spread. If general clinical signs of a bacterial infection appear, general antibacterial therapy should be provided. If symptoms persist for more than 5 days and/or body temperature increases, treatment should be stopped and treatment tactics reconsidered if inflammation increases. Use during pregnancy or lactation: There are no studies in humans on the possibility of hexetidine crossing the placenta and excretion into breast milk, therefore the drug should not be used during pregnancy or lactation. The ability to influence the reaction rate when driving vehicles or operating other mechanisms: The drug contains ethanol. Drivers are not recommended to drive for 30 minutes after using the drug.

Interaction with other drugs

Do not use together with drugs containing antiseptics (there may be interaction with other antiseptic drugs). Hexetidine can be inactivated by alkaline solutions.


Children under 12 years of age, as the drug contains alcohol (danger of swallowing). Hypersensitivity to salicylates (aspirin and its derivatives) or any of the components of Hepilor. Atrophic pharyngitis. Bronchial asthma or any other respiratory diseases associated with hypersensitivity.


active ingredients: hexetidine, choline salicylate, chlorobutanol hemihydrate; 1 ml of spray contains hexetidine - 1 mg, choline salicylate 80% - 5 mg, chlorobutanol hemihydrate - 2.5 mg; excipients: ethanol (96%), sodium saccharin, polysorbate 20, propionic acid, citric oil, anise oil, menthol (levomenthol), eucalyptol, purified water. Spray for the oral mucosa


If a sufficient amount of Hepilor oral spray is absorbed, alcohol intoxication may occur due to the ethyl alcohol content. The concentration of hexetidine contained in Hepilor, oral spray, is not toxic if the drug is used as directed. The occurrence of acute alcohol intoxication is extremely unlikely. If a child swallows a significant dose of the drug, alcohol intoxication may occur due to the ethyl alcohol content. There are no cases of excessive use of hexetidine, which led to hypersensitivity reactions. Treatment: symptomatic. If a child swallows the contents of the bottle, consult a doctor immediately. It is necessary to consider the possibility of performing gastric lavage within 2 hours after ingestion and direct efforts to eliminate signs of alcohol intoxication.

Side effect

From the immune system: hypersensitivity reactions, including urticaria, angioedema, laryngospasm, bronchospasm. From the nervous system: ageusia, dysgeusia, change in taste sensations within 48 hours (the sensation of “sweet” can change twice to the sensation of “bitter”). From the respiratory system, chest and mediastinal organs: cough, shortness of breath. From the digestive system: dry mouth, dysphagia, enlarged salivary glands, pain when swallowing. If the drug is accidentally ingested, gastrointestinal disorders may occur, primarily nausea and vomiting. From the skin and subcutaneous tissue: allergic contact dermatitis, skin reactions (rash). General disorders and disorders at the injection site: local reactions - reversible change in the color of teeth and tongue; sensitivity of the mucous membrane, namely burning, numbness; irritation (pain, feeling of heat, itching) of the tongue and/or oral mucosa; decreased sensitivity; paresthesia of the mucous membrane; inflammation; bubbles; the appearance of ulcers on the mucous membrane, a sore throat; swelling at the site of contact, dryness of the mucous membrane of the nose/throat.

Storage conditions

Store out of the reach of children at a temperature not exceeding 25 °C. Do not freeze.

Buy Hepilor spray 20ml No. 1 in the pharmacy

Price for Hepilor spray 20ml No. 1

Instructions for use for Hepilor spray 20ml No. 1


Level 4 ATC code matches: Falimint


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Analogs include the following drugs: Angilex , Givalex .

Hepilor price, where to buy

The price of Hepilor spray is 275 rubles. The solution costs about 240 rubles.

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