Quality oral care with dental floss from Oral-B

Dental floss (another name for floss) can be an excellent additional tool for hygienic oral care procedures. With its help, a more thorough cleaning of the space between the teeth from food particles and bacterial plaque remaining there is possible.

The Oral-B brand represents a whole line of these oral health care products. Where exactly to choose, what are the differences between them and what are the features of a particular brand - we will look at these questions further.

How to choose dental floss –

There are a huge number of brands of dental floss, and as a dentist I have tried almost all of them. Unfortunately, very often you remain dissatisfied with the quality of dental floss, namely the fact that it may be too thin or thick, or it may become unfibered, tear and get stuck in the interdental spaces, or it may be uneconomical or simply poorly clean the interdental spaces. I will share my personal experience in this article, but I must say right away that the best dental floss does not exist, because... Different types of threads may be optimal for different patients.

Dental floss was invented in 1819 by a dentist from New Orleans (USA), who recommended his patients to clean the interdental spaces with waxed silk floss. The use of dental floss was not commercial at first, and it was not until 1898 that Johnson & Johnson received the first patent for dental floss made from silk. Around 1943, dental floss began to be made from nylon due to the greater strength of this material.

Modern dental floss is made from 2 materials: firstly, still from nylon, and less often, using polytetrafluoroethylene. An important point when choosing a floss is that the quality of dental floss made from the same nylon varies greatly. Unfortunately, threads made from inexpensive nylon options begin to tear during the cleaning process and quickly become unfibered, as a result - a piece of thread can sometimes get stuck between the teeth (and will have to be removed with a new fragment of thread).

Some manufacturers, in addition to the fact that dental floss is made of high-quality woven nylon, also have a thin polymer film on top (for even greater strength), and with waxed floss, there is also a thin layer of wax on top of the polymer film. It will be very difficult to break such a thread. This technology is used by Oral-B. However, the same company also has so-called monofilaments, which are made not from braided, but from a single solid fiber.

The second main difference is that threads can be produced waxed or unwaxed. Waxed dental floss is coated on the outside with a thin layer of wax, which makes it easier to glide between teeth and also gives the mouth a cleaner feel due to the fact that the wax may be impregnated with fluoride or menthol.

Waxed and unwaxed dental floss: which is better?

A study published by the Journal of Periodontology found that 79% of those surveyed preferred waxed floss. Moreover, patients were given a choice only after they had tried both types of thread. Unwaxed floss was preferred only by those patients who had crowded teeth and very narrow interdental spaces (this type of floss is somewhat thinner due to the absence of a wax layer).

If there are no Russian names on the packaging of the thread, then the package with waxed thread will additionally indicate “Waxed”, and the package with unwaxed thread will indicate “Unwaxed”. Oral-b's packages of waxed and unwaxed threads look almost identical, so don't get confused. In the photo below you can see the same dental floss “Oral-B Essential Floss” - Russian and European production, and both options can be found in Russian online stores. Pay attention to the “Waxed” marking.

The advantage of waxed threads is that the wax can be additionally impregnated with fluorides, which makes it possible to further protect the interdental spaces from caries. In this case, the packaging of the dental floss will say “contains fluoride” (Fluorid). Typically, for these purposes, manufacturers use a compound such as sodium fluoride (at a concentration of 200 ppm), which will additionally inhibit the growth of bacteria and protect tooth enamel from destruction.

Also, many patients noticed that waxed threads become less filamentous and tear during the cleaning process. This is also due to the fact that they are coated with a layer of wax, which further protects the interwoven nylon fibers. Unwaxed threads disintegrate much faster, and therefore many patients complained that they had to tear off the dental floss not once per brushing, but twice (thus increasing its consumption).

Important: Clinical studies conducted by the American Dental Association (ADA) have shown that there is no statistically significant difference between waxed and unwaxed floss in terms of interdental cleaning performance. And the choice between them lies solely in the sphere of your preferences. The most important thing here is that you do this procedure regularly after each meal, and not periodically on occasion (24stoma.ru).

It should be noted that waxed threads from different manufacturers have slightly different thicknesses. Therefore, if you have crowded teeth or very narrow spaces between teeth, then you are better off choosing either completely unwaxed or thin waxed floss. If you have poorly placed fillings in some interdental spaces that can loosen or tear the dental floss during the cleaning process, it is also better for you to choose waxed floss, because... this type of thread is stronger (and it’s even better to replace such fillings).

If you have wide interdental spaces, then thin threads will not suit you a priori. You need to buy thicker, bulky floss - Sensodyne or Elmex, or dental floss such as Oral-B Super Floss. The latter is designed specifically for braces, fixed dentures, as well as for wide interdental spaces.

Super Floss

  • Material: nylon.
  • Feature: three working parts of thread, 50 individual pieces per package.
  • Taste: mint.

Super Floss is a convenient solution for regular hygiene procedures for cleaning teeth - it comes with threads already cut to the optimal length.

Recommended for cleaning the oral cavity for people with wide dental gaps, as well as for caring for braces, crowns and bridges.

Each piece of floss has three specialized sections that allow for maximum effect from use:

  • Floss holder (sharp elastic tip) – it is necessary for easily threading the floss between the teeth, as well as for effective care of the orthodontic structure;
  • The spongy area is slightly thicker than the other parts, provides delicate and gentle cleaning of plaque from even wide interdental spaces, protects against caries and diseases, as well as inflammation of soft tissues;
  • Regular floss is also effective in removing plaque and remaining food particles from the normal spaces between teeth and the gum line.

The floss is equipped with a specialized anti-caries impregnation - this helps preserve the beauty and health of teeth, protect and strengthen the enamel.

Oral-B Super Floss has a pleasant, refreshing mint flavor and aroma that provides a long-lasting clean feeling.

The cost of one package (50 pieces of 60 centimeters each) varies around 360-400 rubles.

Dental floss Elmex (Elmex) –

Elmex dental floss is a so-called “bulk floss”, i.e. it becomes more voluminous in the process of cleaning the interdental spaces and wetting with saliva. Due to this, the quality of cleaning the interdental spaces increases, but a limitation also appears - this thread is suitable for patients with normal and wide interdental spaces. If your teeth are very close to each other, it is better to opt for Oral-b Essential Floss.

Dental floss Elmex (Elmex) –

Elmex waxed thread consists of 144 thin nylon fibers coated with a polymer sheath. The thread is very resistant to tearing, and can break or become loose only in one case - if there are incorrectly placed fillings in the interdental spaces. The thread is impregnated with the most effective anti-caries agent - amino fluoride, which provides additional protection against the occurrence of so-called interdental caries. The thread has a pleasant minty taste.

In principle, Elmex dental floss in its properties, thickness, and manufacturing technology is almost completely similar to Sensodyne dental floss (see below). The price for Elmex thread starts from 250 rubles, and the package contains 50 meters of thread, and not 30 meters - like Sensodyne. In general, this is a very worthy thread, which we recommend (although here I would like to make a small remark - if you already have the skill of using dental floss; if not, then it is better to start with thinner Oral-B threads).

Essential Floss

  • Material: nylon.
  • Length per skein: 50 meters.
  • Feature: waxed/unwaxed.
  • Flavor: Mint/no flavor.

This dental floss from Oral-B can be presented in two types: waxed or plain, as well as with or without mint impregnation. We have already discussed the differences between waxed and unwaxed products earlier; each user must select the product individually, based on the requested criteria and the sensation of use.

The floss has increased strength, does not delaminate or break during use, the polymer coating ensures easy glide in the most difficult to reach places.

The length of the skein is 50 meters - this ensures economical and long-term consumption of the product.

The cost of one package varies around 250 rubles.

Dental floss Sensodyne (Sensodyne) –

Sensodyne waxed dental floss has a fresh mint flavor and is additionally impregnated with sodium fluoride - at a concentration of 200 ppm. The peculiarity of this thread is that in the process of cleaning and wetting the thread with saliva, the thread becomes voluminous, which makes it possible to perfectly clean the interdental spaces. However, this floss may not be suitable for those who have very narrow interdental spaces. According to the personal experience of the author of the article, the quality of Sensodyne floss is slightly higher than that of Elmex dental floss (for example, Elmex still sometimes breaks in the interdental spaces).

Bulk dental floss Sensodyne –

Well, this dental floss has the best reviews. During all the time of use, the Sensodyne thread has never broken (but the author of the article does not have overhanging edges of fillings in the interdental spaces, so how it will behave in the presence of them is unknown). This thread gives an excellent clean feel and again, we only ranked it #2 because of its high price. On Sensodyne, dental floss costs an average of 250 rubles, but the package contains only 30 meters of floss.

By the way, Sensodyne dental floss (as well as Elmex floss) is an analogue of the famous Swiss dental floss, but only at a much more affordable price. It was the Curaprox company that invented the technology for making bulky dental floss, but the original Curaprox dental floss will cost you about 2,500 rubles.

Sensodyne bulk dental floss: video

Types of products

An important feature of Oral-B dental floss is its versatility and wide range. Based on the shape of the surface, waxed and unwaxed flosses from this manufacturer are distinguished.

Waxed products are recommended for use by those who are experiencing this type of teeth cleaning for the first time. They are durable, have a gentle effect on the gums, easily penetrate into the interdental space and do not require effort for proper gliding.

Dentists recommend using waxed floss for people with dense teeth and tight spaces between them.

Unwaxed threads do not have a wax coating, which causes slight separation of the fibers during use. This helps to increase the contact area.

The friction force of these products is quite high, due to which plaque is cleaned more effectively.

Based on the cross-sectional shape, there are three types of threads present in the Oral-B product range:

  1. Flat flosses are preferably used for small gaps between teeth. This ensures safety during cleaning.
  2. If there are large gaps in the interdental space, floss with a round cross-section will most effectively cope with plaque .
  3. Gaps between teeth, trema or diastema require the use of special threads in the form of a tape with a wide surface .

The described structural features are found in a number of the company’s models, which are especially popular.

Watch the video about the rules for choosing products.

Satin Floss

Oral-B Satin Floss is made of natural silk and presented in the form of a flat tape, thanks to which it penetrates into the narrow spaces of the interdental space, effectively eliminating plaque.

The structural features of the floss, developed and tested by manufacturers, guarantee a lot of advantages when using this device:

  • thanks to the increased flexibility of silk, the thread fits tightly to the neck of the crown, removing deposits and without injuring the gums;
  • the polymer coating of the tape protects it from fiber delamination and slipping in the hands during use;
  • the two-layer structure facilitates the movement of the product between the teeth, removing food debris and reducing the risk of developing caries;
  • due to its softness, floss is intended for use by people with hypersensitive gums;
  • The mint aroma with which the tape is saturated leaves fresh breath after use.

The thread is sold in a special foulard. Its length is 25 meters. The average cost of a product in pharmacies and stores ranges from 250-300 rubles.


The key feature of this type of floss is its minimal thickness. The floss penetrates into very small crevices, cleaning the tooth surface from the resulting plaque.

Due to its small thickness, floss removes deposits not only up to the line of contact with the gums, but also below it. This helps improve the condition of the gums and prevents the accumulation of microbes.

Dentists also note the following advantages that the use of this floss brings:

  • eliminating the possibility of injury to the delicate surface of the gums due to the easy sliding of the thread, which does not require additional effort;
  • the strength of the thread eliminates the possibility of it breaking and damaging the surface being treated;
  • thanks to the special coating, the possibility of the product accidentally slipping out of the fingers during cleaning of the oral cavity is minimized;
  • The mint aroma and taste with which the thread is impregnated guarantees a long-lasting feeling of freshness in the mouth after use.

The thread is available for sale in 25 meter lengths. It is packed in a special container that guarantees its integrity and undamage along its entire length.

The cost of Pro-Expert floss is 150-190 rubles, depending on the place of sale.

Essential Floss

The Essential Floss model is available for sale in two varieties - in the form of a waxed thread and an unwaxed product . Both floss options are made using the technology of weaving together many nylon threads.

This guarantees the strength of the product and the impossibility of its delamination or breakage during use. On top, such a mono-textured structure is covered with a polymer material, which facilitates the sliding of the thread in the interdental space.

Experts recommend using the waxed version of Essential Floss in case of closely spaced teeth.

The unwaxed option is suitable for normal crown spacing to clean the surface of the tooth above and below the gum line. This model is ideal for people with normal dental structure and no orthodontic structures.

By analogy with other models of the manufacturer, Essential Floss is impregnated with mint essence, however, there are also forms of thread on sale that have no taste or aroma.

The length of the floss, placed in an ergonomic case, is 50 meters, so one package is enough for a long time. The cost of this model is 180-200 rubles.

Find out whether it is possible to treat periodontal disease at home and patient reviews of traditional recipes. Click here to find out what can cause a crack on the tip of your tongue.

At this address https://dr-zubov.ru/ortopediya/nesemnye-protezy/mosty/xarakteristika-adgezivnogo-i-metody-krepleniya.html you are offered material about the adhesive bridge prosthesis and its disadvantages.

Super Floss

Super Floss dental floss has distinctive structural features that allow it to penetrate into areas of the interdental space that other models do not have access to.

It consists of three elements:

  • The hard fiber is located at the tip of the product . Thanks to it, the thread freely penetrates into the narrow gaps between the parts of the orthodontic structure.
  • Thanks to the sponge fiber, food debris and plaque that accumulate under the elements of braces are removed.
  • The conventional floss zone is designed to remove deposits in areas of the dentition that are free from the orthodontic product.

All three components of Super Floss interact with each other to help remove plaque when using braces and bridges.

The Super Floss model has the following advantages:

  • thanks to its special structure, it penetrates into hard-to-reach areas and effectively removes plaque;
  • convenient to use due to release in the form of measured sections necessary for one-time use;
  • special impregnation provides protection against caries and strengthens the enamel.

The length of the product, packed in a special container, is 50 measured pieces.

The cost of the model ranges from 300 to 350 rubles.

Dental floss Oral-B (Oral-B) –

There are several models of Oral Bee dental floss, each of which has its own advantages. For example, one model of thread is more suitable for thin interdental spaces, another does not break even if there are sharp edges of fillings hanging in the interdental spaces, the third is universal. Below we will look at several options for Oral-b dental floss.

  • Oral-B Essential Floss - consists of nylon fibers coated on the outside with a polymer film, which gives the floss additional strength and does not allow it to easily fray when brushing. This thread option can be waxed or unwaxed, and this information is usually written in Russian. However, on European-made packaging this information may be written in English - “Waxed” (on Polish-made packaging - “Woskowana”), and on packaging with unwaxed thread - “Unwaxed”.

    Keep in mind that the waxed version of Oral-B Essential Floss will be slightly thicker, while the unwaxed floss will be thinner and have a less menthol flavor. This is an excellent option for dental floss in terms of quality and price; they very rarely break or become loose. Their cost will be on average only about 200 rubles (in a package of 50 m), but the promotional price usually starts from 140 rubles. This makes this dental floss option the most attractive in price.

  • Oral-b PRO-EXPERT dental floss (Clinic Line) – this version of dental floss has the highest strength. This is due to the fact that this thread is made in the form of a monofilament (while most other threads are multifilament, i.e. they have a large number of nylon threads intertwined with each other). This makes this dental floss very convenient for patients in whom other floss often breaks and becomes loose in the interdental spaces.

    The thread is made in the form of a wide thin ribbon, impregnated with a strong menthol aroma, and there is no layer of wax on it. The cost will be from 250 to 280 rubles, and the package contains only 25 m (which makes it 1.5-2 times more expensive than most other dental floss).

  • Oral-B Satin Floss – this version of dental floss is also made in the form of a tape, very thin, but wide. This floss is most suitable for patients with crowded teeth and very narrow interdental spaces. The fiber of the floss is very smooth and it glides easily between the teeth. The thread has a pleasant menthol aroma. Please note that this is unwaxed thread, i.e. it comes without a layer of wax.

    We recommend its use only in patients with very narrow interdental spaces. In other cases, it is better to choose other types of threads (listed above). The cost is about 230 rubles, and the package contains only 25 meters of thread.

But, as you will understand below: the most difficult thing is not choosing dental floss, but how to use dental floss correctly. This skill is quite difficult, but with regular practice you can become reasonably proficient in just a few weeks. Moreover, it will be easiest for people who have well-developed fine motor skills.

→ Rating of the 2021 best toothpastes → Advantages of dental fluoridation


  • Material: nylon.
  • Length per skein: 25 meters.
  • Feature: waxed, tape, thin.
  • Taste: mint.

The professional product Oral-bi Pro Expert does an excellent job of cleaning the interdental space and the line around the gums. The durable mono-structural thread has a ribbon shape and does not delaminate or break during the cleaning procedure.

In addition, it is very convenient to use - due to the polymer coating, it can be easily wrapped around your fingers and does not slip.

The floss is quite thin and can be recommended even for people with crowded teeth, as it provides easy glide, penetration into the most difficult areas and effective removal of plaque and food particles.

Special protective technology and the soft structure of the floss protect the soft tissues of the oral cavity from the risk of traumatic effects.

The product has a pleasant invigorating taste and mint aroma, giving a long-lasting feeling of freshness.

The cost of one package varies around 170-200 rubles.

How to use dental floss correctly -

The most important thing is that floss should be used not 1-2 times a day, but after each meal.
Only in this case will you immediately feel a significant difference in the cleanliness of your oral cavity and significantly reduce the risk of developing caries and gingivitis. Unlike a toothbrush and paste, floss packaging takes up little space in your purse or pocket, so you should always carry it with you. You can easily use dental floss not only at home or at a party, but also in the restroom of a restaurant, and even on the street. At first you will need to do this only in front of a mirror, but over time, when you acquire good skill in using thread, you will be able to do this even without a mirror and only 1 minute will be enough for you (although at first you will need more time).

How to brush your teeth with dental floss: instructions

First you need to unwind a small piece of thread - about 35 cm long, and tear it off the skein. There is a special small metal protrusion for this purpose. Thus, you first need to unwind the thread, then put it behind the protrusion and pull sharply. Floss your teeth only in front of a mirror in a well-lit room so that you can watch the floss pass between the teeth and avoid putting it under the gum (to avoid injury to the gum).

The upper teeth are brushed first, then the lower teeth. To begin, you must wind the thread around the index finger on your right hand in such a way that the thread from it passes along the pad of the thumb of your right hand. The second end of the thread will remain tightly clamped between the thumb and forefinger of your left hand (there is no need to wind it). Holding the floss like this, you can clean all the teeth of the upper jaw, as well as the front and side teeth of the lower jaw.

But to clean several spaces between the teeth on the left side of the lower jaw, you will have to mirror the thread with your other hand. Moreover, in order to insert the thread into the interdental space, you need to clamp it in such a way that the length of the thread between the fingers of your left and right hands is initially no more than 2-4 cm. This is very important for the safe insertion of the thread into the interdental space. If the fragment of thread held between the fingers of both hands is too long, the thread will sag strongly at the moment of insertion, and then sharply go under the gum, injuring it.

After you have inserted the floss into the gap between your front teeth, you must pull the floss away from you with your right hand so that the rest of its length (held in your right hand) passes through the interdental space. It is important that you maintain tension on the thread with your left hand. The thread should not be thrown (by releasing it from the left hand) so that it dangles. The floss should be in constant tension as you pass it through the interdental space and slide along the neck of the tooth.

Because There are 2 tooth surfaces in each interdental space and you will need to clean each surface - the floss must be inserted into each interdental space twice. Teeth have an uneven rounded surface, so hold the floss with your hands so that the floss bends slightly around the tooth in the interdental space each time, while simultaneously pulling the floss through it. This is such a difficult skill. It will be difficult at first, but with constant use of thread you will quickly be able to adapt to this process.

Important: you need to brush all the interdental spaces, not just between the front teeth. In addition, you cannot insert the floss under the gum - the movement should only be along the neck of the tooth (barely touching the contour of the gum). If you have periodontal pockets, you still won’t be able to clean them with dental floss - you need to do this with the help of an oral irrigator.

Teeth brushing technique: video

Instructions for use

To properly and effectively clean your teeth using floss, it is recommended to rely on the following instructions:

  • Before starting the hygiene procedure, you must thoroughly wash your hands with soap and dry them completely (this is done so that the thread does not get excessively wet and does not slip in your hands);
  • Open the package/container and measure out the required amount of dental floss. For initial use, the recommended length is approximately thirty centimeters. In the future, as you use it, the user will be able to determine the length that is comfortable for themselves;
  • Cut the desired length of the product using the built-in knife;
  • Fix the floss with your index fingers at a distance of approximately five centimeters. For convenience, wrap the thread around your fingers and press the remaining tip with your thumb;
  • Carefully insert the floss between the teeth, bring it to the gum line and lightly grasp the base with sweeping movements to begin cleansing;
  • After this, you need to move the floss upward using zigzag movements back and forth - this is very important, you also need to remember to clean the back of the tooth;
  • Continue with the remaining areas of the mouth;
  • You need to start cleaning a new area with a previously unused thread; for this you need to remember to change the position of the floss piece.

We will talk about teeth whitening using tea tree oil in a separate article. And here is information on how to strengthen your gums at home, many different recipes are given.

At the following address: https://dentist-pro.ru/krasota-i-uxod/otbelivanie/professionalnoe/lazernoe-vsya-pravda-o-procedure-otzyvy.html - you can read reviews about laser teeth whitening and find out the price for this procedure.

Here you can watch a video instruction on how to properly use dental floss:

Floss toothpick with holder –

Pharmacies sell many rather unhelpful oral care products on the shelves, which cost much more than high-quality dental floss, but at the same time cannot compare with them in effectiveness. An example of such a useless product is toothpick floss (Fig. 17). Too short a length of dental floss, clamped in the holder, does not allow cleaning the interdental spaces as efficiently as can be done with a piece of regular dental floss 30-40 cm long.

A floss toothpick with a holder allows you to make almost only vertical movements in the interdental space. This leads to the fact that food from the interdental space, on the contrary, can be pushed under the gums (this will be especially pronounced in patients with periodontal pockets). In general, this is an ordinary marketing product, the demand for which is developed through advertising.

Summary -

When you dine out, dental floss and chewing gum become a salvation from tooth decay and bad breath. If you are embarrassed to go to the toilet to brush your teeth in front of your colleagues at work, then dental floss has a compact size, allowing you to discreetly brush your teeth almost anywhere. After brushing your teeth with floss, be sure to use chewing gum.

Remember that flossing and chewing gum are the bare minimum to maintain good oral hygiene if you don't have a toothbrush and toothpaste on hand. We hope that our article on the topic: How to use dental floss correctly was useful to you!


1. Dental education of the author of the article, 2. Based on personal experience of use, 3. National Library of Medicine (USA), 4. “Therapeutic dentistry. Textbook" (Borovsky E.), 5. Information resources of manufacturing companies.

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