Miramistin is an antiseptic for local (external) use.

Miramistin is an unremarkable bottle with a spray nozzle. But he can do so many things! If you look at the list of indications, we can say that the drug helps with literally everything. From anything that is infectious in nature. Or is about to become one. Burns, wounds, viruses, operations and much more are the scope of application of Miramistin. It relieves inflammation and has an antimicrobial effect. It is especially pleasant that the simple composition is characterized by a virtual absence of contraindications or adverse reactions, and the drug can be prescribed from birth.

Miramistin copes well with burns

Release form

The medicine is available in the form of a solution that is applied topically. It is a clear, colorless liquid that foams when shaken.

Miramistin solution is contained in polyethylene bottles of 50 ml, 100 ml, 150 ml or 200 ml, which are placed in cardboard boxes. The kit also includes a spray nozzle or spray pump.

The release form for use in a hospital setting is 500 ml bottles.

Miramistin suppositories and tablets are not available.

Grand total

The main advantages of Chlorhexidine over Miramistin:

  • Low price.
  • The presence of solutions of different concentrations, which allows you to choose the optimal one for each specific situation.
  • Wider range of application as a PREVENTIVE agent.


  • Lots of side effects.
  • Children, pregnant women and nursing mothers - with caution.
  • Bitter taste.
  • Most release forms do not have a nozzle - it is inconvenient to use.

The main advantages of Miramistin over Chlorhexidine:

  • Wider spectrum of action.
  • More indications as a MEDICAL agent.
  • Suitable for children from birth, pregnant women and nursing mothers.
  • Neutral in taste.
  • Few side effects.
  • As a rule, a convenient nozzle is included.


  1. High price.
  2. Does not meet the requirements of evidence-based medicine.

pharmachologic effect

The abstract indicates that Miramistin has an antimicrobial effect, including on hospital strains that are resistant to antibiotics .

The product provides a bactericidal effect against some gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, both aerobic and anaerobic. It also acts on hospital strains that are multiresistant to antibiotics.

The antiseptic also provides an antifungal effect, influencing ascomycetes, which belong to the genus Aspergillus and Penicillium , it also affects yeast and yeast-like fungi, dermatophytes, and a number of other pathogenic fungi, including fungal microflora, which is resistant to chemotherapy means.

Wikipedia testifies that Miramistin has an antiviral effect, showing activity against complex viruses, namely the human immunodeficiency virus, herpes , etc.

The product is also active against pathogens that are sexually transmitted to humans.

The use of Miramistin helps prevent the process of infection of burns and wounds, accelerates the process of tissue restoration, stimulates the manifestation of protective reactions when applied topically, activating the absorption and digestive function of phagocytes. The drug increases the activity of the monocyte-macrophage system. There is also pronounced hyperosmolar activity, due to which wound and perifocal inflammatory processes are effectively stopped. When treated with Miramistin, rapid adsorption of purulent exudate occurs, which contributes to the active formation of a dry scab. In this case, granulation and viable cells of the skin are not damaged, and marginal epithelialization is not inhibited.

Does not have any allergenic or local irritant effect.

Active ingredients

Sometimes I hear that they are one and the same.

It’s not just pharmacy employees who visit the blog, so I tell everyone:

No, they have different active ingredients.

In Chlorhexidine, the active substance is called "chlorhexidine bigluconate".

Already from the name it is clear that the composition contains chlorine.

Let us remember bleach and chloramine, which have long been used for disinfection, since they mercilessly deal with microbial cells.

Chlorhexidine is from the same opera. I mean, it's just as strong an antiseptic.

It was synthesized in Great Britain in 1950, and then, having demonstrated its antimicrobial properties in clinical studies, it spread to different countries and continents.

Miramistin. The active ingredient sounds quite simple: benzyldimethyl (3-(myristoylamino) propyl) ammonium chloride monohydrate.

Its history dates back to the 70s of the last century in the USSR.

It was originally conceived for astronauts. Already during the first space flights, alarming news began to arrive from orbit: in the cabins of ships, it was not apple and pear trees that bloomed lushly, but colonies of bacteria and fungi.

This was predisposed to a confined space, a constant temperature of 22-23 degrees and microorganisms that normally live on the skin and hair of astronauts. And those antiseptics with which they were supplied on their journey turned out to be powerless.

Therefore, it was necessary to develop a drug that would act on bacteria, including antibiotic-resistant viruses, and fungi.

Preclinical trials took 10 long years.

And then hard times came for the country. Funding for many promising projects has ceased.

The new antiseptic might never have been published if it had not been for the Olympics in Moscow. It was expected that thousands of foreigners would come to the capital, and the USSR Ministry of Health was worried that there would be a surge in sexually transmitted diseases in a country where “there was no sex.”

Then the Minister of Health received information on Chlorhexidine and, just in case, on Miramistin (it was called differently in those years), which in studies showed itself to be unique in many respects.

The Minister of Health was impressed by the properties of the new antiseptic, and work on it continued.

In 1993, the first batch of the drug was released.

So if Chlorhexidine was originally a foreign creation, Miramistin is ours, ours.

Indications for use

The following indications for the use of Miramistin are determined:

  • In traumatology and surgery it is used to prevent suppuration and to treat purulent wounds. Used in the treatment of purulent-inflammatory diseases of the musculoskeletal system.
  • In obstetrics and gynecology, the indications for use are as follows: treatment and prevention of suppuration of wounds and injuries received during childbirth, treatment of inflammatory and infectious processes of the genital organs. The doctor explains in detail how to use Miramistin in gynecology when prescribing.
  • In venereology and dermatology, it is prescribed for the treatment and prevention of dermatomycosis, pyoderma, and is also used for candidiasis of the skin and mucous membranes, in particular, for thrush.
  • In urology, Miramistin is prescribed for urethritis and urethroprostatitis. Treatment with the drug is practiced for acute and chronic urethritis.
  • In dentistry, it is prescribed for the purpose of preventing the treatment of infectious and inflammatory processes occurring in the oral cavity. Treatment with Miramistin is practiced for stomatitis (possible use for stomatitis in children), gingivitis , periodontitis. The product is also used to treat removable dentures.
  • In otorhinolaryngology it is used for sinusitis , otitis, laryngitis , pharyngitis, chronic tonsillitis. Miramistin is prescribed for sore throat . In particular, the drug is used in complex therapy for pharyngitis, chronic tonsillitis, as well as for sore throat in children from the age of three.
  • The product is also used in the treatment of deep and superficial burns, in the process of preparing wounds resulting from burns for dermatoplasty.
  • The solution is used for individual prevention of the development of diseases that are sexually transmitted to humans.

Systemic effects


When applied topically the aqueous solution is not absorbed into the bloodstream and does not have a systemic effect. In case of accidental entry into the stomach, it is not absorbed.

BUT: nevertheless, the manufacturer warns:

In case of accidental ingestion of the solution, perform a gastric lavage and give a sorbent.

Apparently, this is why in the instructions for Chlorhexidine we do NOT see a clear recommendation to use it for sore throat and tonsillitis. Not everyone knows how to gargle correctly. This is especially true for children. They can easily swallow it.

The alcohol solution is partially absorbed through the skin and can cause depression of the central nervous system.

Special instructions:

If any Chlorhexidine solution accidentally gets into your eyes, rinse them quickly and thoroughly with water.

Avoid contact with the inner ear. This could be the case, for example, with perforated otitis media. Therefore, Chlorhexidine is not dripped into the ear.


When applied topically, it is not absorbed through the skin and mucous membranes.

Accidental ingestion does not pose a health hazard. The drug will come out naturally.


Miramistin is safer.

Instructions for use of Miramistin (Method and dosage)

If a patient is prescribed Miramistin, the instructions for use must be carefully followed. Before using the solution contained in the package with a spray nozzle, you must remove the cap and attach the spray nozzle to the bottle. The nozzle must be activated by pressing the nebulizer again, after which the medicine can be used.

When treating wounds and burns, the solution is used to irrigate burns and wounds; the drug is also used to wet gauze swabs.

In gynecology, during the postpartum days, vaginal irrigation is practiced, which is carried out for 5-7 days. If a child is born by cesarean section , the vagina is treated with Miramistin before the operation. During the operation, the uterine cavity, as well as the incision made on it, is treated with a solution. Next, after the operation, tampons with a solution are inserted into the vagina, like suppositories, for one week. Tampons should be kept in the vagina for two hours.

If Miramistin spray is prescribed for purulent sinusitis, the instructions for use stipulate that the drug should be used to rinse the maxillary sinus during the puncture. How to rinse your nose at home should be learned from the doctor who prescribes the drug.

For tonsillitis , purulent sinusitis, pharyngitis, you should either irrigate the throat using a special nozzle, or gargle. How to gargle with Miramistin depends on the intensity of the symptoms of the disease. As a rule, 10-15 ml of product is used per rinse. The product can also be used for inhalation.

Instructions for use of Miramistin for children with tonsillitis or acute pharyngitis include irrigation. For children 3-6 years of age, irrigation is carried out with a single press; irrigation is carried out 3 or 4 times per day. Children from 7 to 14 years old are irrigated by double pressing, the frequency is 3-4 times a day. Duration of treatment is from 4 to 10 days.

Miramistin for angina is used to treat both adults and children in the form of rinses and inhalations. For sore throat in children, rinsing is done 4-5 times. Miramistin for inhalation with a nebulizer can only be used if prescribed by a specialist. The fact is that inhalation with Miramistin through a nebulizer produces a very fine spray, which can sometimes cause an allergic reaction.

Miramistin can be instilled into the nose only after a doctor’s prescription. Whether this remedy can be dripped into the nose depends on the individual characteristics of the course of the disease. When using medicine for a runny nose, it should be borne in mind that this solution can irritate the nasal mucosa. You should use the product especially carefully when you have a runny nose in children, considering what Miramistin is and what properties the solution has.

Patients with stomatitis and other dental diseases should rinse their mouth 3 to 4 times a day. How to rinse your mouth depends on the disease, but generally 10-15 ml of product is used for one rinse.

The solution is used to treat affected surfaces if it is necessary to get rid of acne.

Miramistin packaging with a urological attachment is used in urology and venereology. How to do douching, and under what conditions it is advisable to use it, should be learned from your doctor.

Miramistin spray is injected into the urethra for the treatment of urethritis and urethroprostatitis. Injection is carried out 1-2 times a day in a dose of 2-3 ml of the product for 10 days.

It should be taken into account when using Miramistin that this remedy is also used for the prevention of sexually transmitted diseases. However, it is only effective if used no later than two hours after sex. You should clearly know how to use the solution for this purpose: you need to inject the drug into the urethra for 2-3 minutes: men inject 2-3 ml of the product, women - 1-2 ml into the urethra and another 5-10 ml into the vagina. It is also necessary to treat the skin on the genitals and thighs.

Miramistin for thrush , as well as for inflammatory diseases of the female genital organs, is administered intravaginally, for which a tampon is moistened with the solution. For thrush in women, douching is also done, which should be done for seven days.

Whether Miramistin can be dripped into the ear depends on the disease and the intensity of the symptoms. If the patient is diagnosed with purulent otitis media, 2 ml of solution must be injected into the external auditory canal.

special instructions

No mutagenic effects of the drugs were detected during the study.

Do not allow the product to come into contact with the eyes. Miramistin for eyes is used only after prescription by a specialist. At the same time, you should definitely ask your doctor about whether it is possible to wash your eyes with this solution and how to do it correctly. For the treatment of eye diseases, the drug Okomistin based on miramistin .

Since this remedy has a wide range of effects, it is prescribed for mixed fungal and bacterial infections. As a rule, this occurs at the first stage of therapy, before a diagnosis is made.

Analogues of Miramistin

Level 4 ATC code matches:

Miramistin Darnitsa


Analogues of Miramistin in Russia are the drugs Chlorhexidine , Decasan , Octenisept , etc. The price of analogues can be higher or lower. However, only a specialist can finally determine what can replace Miramistin in each specific case.

Which is better: Miramistin or Chlorhexidine?

Often, when looking for a drug that can replace Miramistin, this drug is compared with the drug Chlorhexidine. Answering the question of what is the difference between Chlorhexidine and Miramistin, experts note that Chlorhexidine is more toxic and also provokes the development of more pronounced side effects. These drugs have different compositions, although the indications for use are almost the same. But doctors consider Miramistin a safer and gentler remedy, which is why it can be prescribed for the treatment of children. At the same time, Chlorhexidine has more pronounced antimicrobial activity.

For children

Miramistin for children is prescribed for acute pharyngitis, as well as for exacerbation of chronic tonsillitis. The instructions for Miramistin spray for children stipulate that the product is prescribed to children under 3 years of age only according to indications. Children under one year of age should be treated with the solution under the supervision of a specialist.

You should be careful when dripping Miramistin into the nose of a child with a runny nose, as irritation of the mucous membrane is possible. Inhalations using this drug are rarely prescribed to children. For chickenpox in children, the affected skin surface can be treated with a solution. For conjunctivitis in children, it is advisable to use other drugs, since Miramistin can provoke the development of allergic reactions.

Miramistin for infants is used for irrigation using a spray nozzle. For infants, the product can also be used to treat surfaces that require disinfection.

Miramistin during pregnancy and lactation

Miramistin can be used during pregnancy , as well as during breastfeeding, if there are appropriate indications. If you gargle during pregnancy, or drop Miramistin into your nose during pregnancy, the likelihood of absorption of the active substance into the bloodstream is unlikely. Therefore, Miramistin can be used for the throat, as well as for disinfecting affected surfaces during pregnancy. You should ask your doctor in detail how to use the medicine. During pregnancy, during treatment with this drug, it is necessary to periodically observe a specialist.

Customer requests when it is possible to offer an antiseptic solution

  1. I need some antiseptic for the road.
  2. Irritation after epilation.
  3. Skin irritation after shaving.
  4. Wet (water) callus. (Treat the needle and skin with an antiseptic, carefully pierce the callus, treat the skin again with an antiseptic).
  5. How to disinfect the ear after a piercing?
  6. How to disinfect the skin after piercing/tattoo?
  7. How can you treat a trophic ulcer? (Offer an antiseptic in combination with other products).
  8. How to treat bedsores? (Offer an antiseptic in combination with other products).
  9. How to treat shoes with fungus so as not to become infected again?
  10. I need something for foot fungus. (Suggest antifungal plus Chlorhexidine for shoe treatment and healthy foot skin).
  11. I go to the pool/sauna. Is there anything to protect yourself from fungus?
  12. Mouth ulcers. (Offer an antiseptic in combination with other agents. If a child has , Miramistin is preferred).
  13. The gums are inflamed. (Offer an antiseptic in combination with other products).
  14. White plaque in my mouth, I took an antibiotic. a child has oral candidiasis, use Miramistin. Do not spray small children in the mouth! Wrap a bandage around your finger, wet it with Miramistin and treat the mouth).
  15. The tooth was removed. How can you rinse your mouth? The doctor didn't prescribe anything.
  16. I need alcohol for injections. – (Suggest 0.5% alcohol solution of Chlorhexidine).
  17. I have a sore throat. I need something to gargle. Only cheaper. (Chlorhexidine).

What else? Add!

Reviews about Miramistin

There are often positive reviews of Miramistin on the Internet. Patients note that this drug is indeed a very effective antiseptic. Women write about its use in gynecology, which made it possible to quickly cure infectious diseases of the genital organs.

Reviews of Miramistin for children indicate that the solution speeds up the healing process of wounds, it is effective for sore throat and other diseases. Reviews of the spray for children contain virtually no information about side effects. In rare cases, parents write about the manifestation of a short-term burning sensation. Many users also write that the solution helped them quickly get rid of acne and speed up the healing of burns.

Given the fact that the medicine is a universal antiseptic, Miramistin is often used for the throat. Using it to rinse with a sore throat, users note that after a few days there is a pronounced relief of the condition. A good effect also appears after spraying the solution into a child’s throat and even into an infant’s throat. Often, gargling provides some relief after the first use. Sometimes patients ask if they can swallow the solution, to which doctors warn them against such actions.

Miramistin price, where to buy

You can buy Miramistin (solution) at any pharmacy without a doctor's prescription. How much this product costs at the pharmacy depends on the volume of the package. The price of Miramistin in pharmacies averages 200-300 rubles per 50 ml. The price of Miramistin spray for children 150 ml is on average 370 rubles. A 500 ml bottle costs about 800-1000 rubles. How much a medicine costs in a pharmacy in Krasnoyarsk and in other cities of Russia should be found out at specific places where medicines are sold.

The price of Miramistin in Ukraine (Kharkov, Odessa, other cities) ranges from 60 to 80 UAH. per bottle 50 ml. The cost of the product in Belarus is on average 50,000 rubles. per bottle 50 ml.

  • Online pharmacies in RussiaRussia
  • Online pharmacies in UkraineUkraine

LuxPharma* special offer

  • Miramistin ointment 5 mg/g tube 30 g
    RUB 1,380 order


  • Miramistin solution of places. approx. 500mlInfamed K

    RUB 873 order

  • Antimicrobial sterile plaster with miramistin Dokaplast 8cm x 15cm 25 pcs. LLC New Dressing materials

    RUR 431 order

  • Miramistin solution of places. approx. 0.01% 150mlInfamed K

    426 rub. order

  • Miramistin solution of places. approx. 0.01% 50ml with spray nozzle Infamed K

    RUB 278 order

  • Miramistin solution of places. approx. 0.01% 50ml with urological applicatorInfamed K

    RUB 235 order

Pharmacy Dialogue

  • Miramistin bottle 0.01% 150ml with spray Infamed

    RUB 401 order

  • Miramistin (vial 0.01% 50ml with spray) Infamed

    RUB 257 order

  • Miramistin bottle 0.01% 500mlInfamed

    RUR 879 order

  • Miramistin (vial 0.01% 50ml + gynecologist attachment) Infamed

    RUB 314 order

  • Miramistin (vial 0.01% 150ml with spray) Infamed

    RUB 447 order

show more


  • Miramistin-Darnitsa 5 mg/g 30 g ointment PrAT" Pharmaceutical company "Darnitsa", Ukraine
    65 UAH. order
  • Miramistin-Darnitsa 0.5% 15 g ointment PrAT" Pharmaceutical company "Darnitsa", Ukraine

    32 UAH order

  • Miramistin 50 ml solution PrAT" Pharmaceutical company "Darnitsa", Ukraine

    80 UAH order

  • Methyluracil with miramistin 30 g ointment PrAT” Pharmaceutical company “Darnitsa”, Ukraine

    68 UAH order


Compositions with a pronounced bactericidal effect:

  1. Chlorhexidine. A solution with high antimicrobial activity, concentration - 0.05%. Detrimental to many gram-negative and gram-positive pathogenic microorganisms, pathogens of viral infections, and yeast-like fungi. Powerful broad-spectrum antiseptic. Chlorhexidine is used to disinfect objects in the treatment of tuberculosis patients and to eliminate nosocomial infections. The inexpensive product is bottled, the volume is 70 ml or more, the cost is from 20 rubles.
  2. Dekasan. A solution for combating a wide range of bacterial and fungal infections of the skin and mucous membranes. A pronounced bactericidal effect is provided by the combination of decamethoxin and an auxiliary substance - saline solution. The drug is harmful to streptococci, staphylococci, and pathogenic fungi. The solution is used for microsporia, candidiasis, stomatitis, gynecological and urological pathologies, suppuration in the bronchi. A powerful antiseptic is used to treat the hands of medical personnel. The volume of liquid in a bottle is from 50 to 400 ml, in polymer bags: 50 ml - 5 liters. The cost depends on the amount of the drug in the container.
  3. Okomistin. The disinfectant composition contains miramistin 0.01%. The drug is used to treat otitis media, inflammation of the conjunctiva, and maxillary sinuses. The antiseptic Okomistin is effective in suppressing the infectious and inflammatory process in acute rhinitis and sinusitis. The volume of the solution in the bottle is 10 ml, the cost is 140 rubles. For long-term use, it is more profitable to purchase Miramistin: 50 ml of the bactericidal agent costs 220 rubles.
  4. Miramidesis. Inexpensive drug from the Kyiv pharmaceutical factory. The concentration of miramistin is higher - 0.1%. Treatment of the affected areas gives a good antimycotic and antimicrobial effect. The drug Miramidez is prescribed for the appearance of bedsores, acne, dermatitis, and the proliferation of pathogenic fungi and bacteria. Minimal list of contraindications, high effectiveness of therapy. The volume of the disinfectant solution is 100 ml, the cost is 95 rubles.
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