Nimesil for toothache: instructions for use, how to take, apply and drink the powder, how long it takes to act and whether it will help

A high-quality and rapid wound healing process after tooth extraction depends not only on the professionalism of the doctor who performed the extraction (removal) of the tooth, but on the correct behavior of the patient after the procedure, who must strictly follow the recommendations given by the doctor for the period of healing of the wound surface. If you correctly and clearly follow the advice of a specialist, the recovery process occurs quickly and as painlessly as possible.

For example, patients who do not listen to the recommendations given to them make rinsing movements in the area of ​​the healing wound; this washes out the blood clot, which performs a protective function against the entry of bacteria and microbes, as a result of which there is a high risk of wound suppuration.

In this article we want to give recommendations on what should and can be done after tooth extraction, and what should not be done.

1. A gauze swab on the hole. When can it be taken out?

As a rule, the doctor does not immediately release the patient after removal, but asks him to wait for 15-20 minutes within the clinic to then examine and make sure that everything is in order with blood clotting and the tampon can be removed without fear. In rare cases, keeping the tampon in your mouth may take 30-40 minutes, usually 10-20 minutes. There is no need to keep it longer and it is even dangerous, because bacteria accumulate on it and there is a possibility of infection. There are exceptions, when the wound continues to bleed a little, then the old tampon is replaced with a new sterile one and kept for some time.

For some time, saliva may still be pinkish due to staining with secreted ichor, this should not be alarming, this situation can be distinguished from bleeding. At this moment, saliva can be easily swallowed; there is no need to accumulate it in the mouth.

Painkillers Powder Nimesil Laboratories Menarini S.A. - review

This will probably be my shortest review????

I decided to get rid of my wisdom teeth. They started to shift all the teeth (10 years ago, but I, like a true Estonian, pulled as hard as I could????).

A week after removal

I read dozens of reviews about how THIS happens. Complete horrors and fears. Most reported terrible pain for at least a week after tooth extraction.

In the morning at the appointment, the surgeon “reassured”: “Come back after lunch, you have a difficult case, there’s work for two or three hours.”

I wrote out a prescription for antibiotics. At the pharmacy I immediately bought antibiotics, prebiotics, and painkillers. Well, I definitely did. The doctor said it was impossible because I was breastfeeding, but I’m impressionable, so I decided to play it safe and buy strong painkillers.

Assortment of medications after tooth extraction. There is also not enough cream for skin irritation under a child’s diaper caused by one of the drugs

I bought three expensive and three cheap Nimesil.

I took it individually. Imported, from Berlin Hemi, they only give 3 pieces. I don’t know how much is in the box, I initially only wanted 3 bags.

Nimesil after wisdom tooth removal

Nimesil for toothache

  • And this is the Russian nimesil:

Cheap nimesil

They don't give instructions; they remain in the box at the pharmacy. I read the instructions on the Internet.

Price 27 rubles for 1 sachet.

Price for nimesil

All in all.

They pulled out one of my wisdom teeth at 3 pm. They stitched up the wound and released him in peace???? the surgeon warned that the anesthesia would last for 4 hours.

6 hours passed and there was still no pain. The tongue, lips, everything remained “frozen”.

I put the children to bed.

And so, just enchantingly quickly, instantly, in a couple of minutes, the anesthesia wore off. I started to become afraid of the pain.

Really shivered and shook, precisely from the pain.

She quickly stirred the contents of the bag and drank.

Damn. How painful. I frantically began to search for information about when it would begin to let go.

Me - about 7 minutes later. The pain began to dull slightly. The chills stopped.

After 20 minutes the pain was rated 2 out of 10.

???????????? In general, with acute pain after wisdom tooth removal, Nimesil helped me within 20 minutes . I fell asleep peacefully. In the morning the pain was not so severe, it was saved by keterol and ibuprofen, they are allowed during breastfeeding.

By the way, about this. I showed selfishness by drinking this drug. On the eve of the removal, I spoke with a guardianship consultant, who strictly did not recommend Nimesil. But I thought that enduring such pain was unbearable. But Nurofen and similar drugs are much weaker.

The price of my selfishness is irritation on the child’s bottom. Maybe from anesthesia, maybe from a.b., maybe in combination. But it was nimesil that the consultant asked not to use.

Conclusion: it relieves pain quickly and powerfully, but when breastfeeding it is better to do without it!

2. After what time can you eat and drink?

After removal, you can drink water. After two hours you can eat. The limiting condition is not to chew rough food on the side of the extracted tooth in the first few days. Hard food can damage the blood clot, which is located in the socket and is needed for wound healing. If the patient experiences an acute feeling of hunger, then no one forbids eating cool yogurt or kefir. In the first days of healing of the hole, it is better to completely avoid eating rough, hard, solid foods, so as not to make strong chewing movements, as well as spicy, salty foods, so as not to irritate the oral mucosa. It is also important to monitor the temperature of food and drinks; they should not be too hot.


Without adequate treatment, the dental cyst continues to grow and develop; in advanced stages, large neoplasms destroy the bone tissue of the skull, as a result it is replaced by connective tissue formations, which leads to the development of the following complications:

  • dissolution of the jaw bone, which depends on the growth of the cyst;
  • the formation of pus in the cyst, further purulent inflammation can lead to the development of an abscess;
  • inflammatory process of lymph nodes located near the source of infection;
  • development of osteomyelitis or periostitis;
  • development of chronic sinusitis when the cyst grows in the maxillary sinus;
  • pathological fracture of the jaw bones when the cyst reaches a large size;
  • development of phlegmon due to a long-term purulent inflammatory process in the cyst;
  • sepsis – blood poisoning;
  • degeneration of a cyst into a malignant tumor without timely treatment.

Many patients are interested in why a dental cyst appears in the maxillary sinus, how dangerous it is and its symptoms. The formation of a cyst of this type occurs as a result of untreated inflammation of the tooth root in the upper jaw. A granuloma forms at the root of the tooth, which increases in size and becomes a peri-radicular cyst, then takes a position in the maxillary sinus. The volume of such a cyst can reach 9-12 cubic centimeters.

The symptomatic picture includes painful sensations, the nature of which is similar to trigeminal neuralgia, pain in the occipital, temporal and parietal regions of the head. Externally, a dental cyst can be identified by the asymmetry of the face. Tooth cyst - photo shows a cyst in the maxillary sinus.

3.Applying ice.

After tooth extraction in our Center, a specialist will give you ice specially prepared for such procedures to apply in the first hours after extraction. Ice is applied for a certain time, at certain intervals, which the doctor will instruct you about. At home, this procedure will need to be continued for some time (the first few hours after removal). This is done in order to minimize or completely eliminate tissue swelling.

Under no circumstances should you heat the area in the area of ​​the extracted tooth; in this case, suppuration will develop.

6. Medications after removal.

After the procedure, the doctor prescribes a number of medications to take. Under no circumstances should you take any medications on your own, without consulting a doctor.

Painkillers should be taken in case of pain, at intervals and in the amount recommended by the doctor. Each case is individual; it happens that the patient does without taking painkillers.

Antibiotics. In some cases, after removal, antibiotics are prescribed for 5-7 days. As a rule, these are situations when the doctor removes a tooth in the stage of inflammation, complex extraction or removal of several units of teeth. Only a specialist surgeon decides whether to take antibiotics or not.

Antihistamines. Reduces the likelihood of swelling.

Antiseptics. Used as a rinse. BUT, remembering that rinsing movements are prohibited in the first days. A small amount of solution is taken into the mouth and simply held in the mouth, then calmly spit out. Such baths must be done if the tooth was removed during the inflammation phase, if the flux was exposed, if there are teeth affected by caries in the oral cavity.

Method of administration

Nimesil is used for tooth pain only after consultation with a doctor and with his direct participation. One of the main advantages that the medicine has is its release form.

The suspension is prepared from powder according to the instructions

Nimesil is produced in the form of a powder intended for the preparation of a suspension. This solution is quickly absorbed, resulting in relief within 30 minutes. During this period, the concentration of the active substance reaches 50% of the maximum possible.

Before you start using Nimesil, it is recommended that you read the attached instructions. The drug is approved for use subject to a number of conditions:

  • The patient's age is over 12 years
  • The product is taken only after meals
  • The prepared solution is not intended for long-term storage
  • The powder is dissolved in half a glass of warm water

The drug is taken daily no more than twice a day. At least 12 hours must pass between each dose.

7.High blood pressure.

In patients with high blood pressure, there is a risk that the wound may bleed longer than usual. In this case, you need to regulate the pressure by taking appropriate medications to reduce it. In our SDent dental medical center, even before the start of manipulations, the doctor always finds out the main points about the general health of the patient. If the patient has hypertension, the specialist knows about this problem in advance and then gives the necessary recommendations appropriate to the case.

8.What happens to the sutures after removal.

After the tooth is removed, the surgeon places sutures on the wound surface. This promotes faster healing, reduced pain, less risk of inflammation, minimizes the risk of bleeding, and protects the blood clot from falling out.

At the SDent clinic we use the most modern and safe materials. The thread with which the surgeon sews the edges of the hole is self-absorbing. But during the process, the ends of the thread can cause discomfort to the patient and interfere with the oral cavity. Therefore, for the comfort and safety of the patient, the doctor always sets an appointment date for examination and removal of sutures in approximately 10 days.

Analogues of the product

There are dozens of types of drugs on the pharmaceutical market that are structural analogues of Nimesil. The similarity of the therapeutic effect and possible side effects on the body of these drugs is due to a single active component - nimesulide. According to reviews from many people, the result of using these drugs is no different from taking Nimesil. Moreover, many analogues are much cheaper than this analgesic.

Examples of medicines that can be used as a substitute for Nimesil:

  1. Coxtral tablets;
  2. Aponil tablets;
  3. Nimegesic tablets and suspension;
  4. granulate for preparing Mesulide suspension;
  5. Novolid tablets;
  6. Nimulid tablets;
  7. Prolid tablets;
  8. Ameolin tablets.

This is a partial list of pharmaceuticals. Every pharmacy has several types of structural analogues of Nimesil. Full information about available substitutes for this analgesic can be obtained from your pharmacist.

You cannot independently choose a drug to relieve pain after tooth extraction. Only a dentist can select an analgesic that will have the maximum therapeutic effect and will not cause harm to the body. In some cases (low pain threshold, strong inflammatory reaction), the doctor may prescribe the use of painkillers that contain another active substance, for example, Ketanov.

Category: Tooth extraction Published by Mister stomatolog

After tooth extraction, you should not do the following.

  • In the first couple of days, taking a hot bath is excluded, only a warm shower.
  • During sleep, you need to be careful not to lie on the side where the tooth was removed, this provokes the appearance of swelling.
  • Visiting the gym and active physical activity should be postponed in the first days.
  • Do not touch the wound with your tongue or foreign object.
  • Do not open your mouth very wide, do not use active chewing and facial movements to avoid the sutures coming apart.
  • Aspirin is not suitable as an anesthetic due to the fact that it has a thinning effect on the blood and may cause bleeding and hematoma.
  • Do not rinse during the first few days. This can negatively affect the loss of a blood clot from the socket and the occurrence of inflammation.

For more information and to make an appointment with a specialist, call:


How to take Nimesil

Usually a twice daily dose is prescribed. A single dose is equal to one sachet of Nimesil. The drug dissolves in about one hundred milliliters of warm water. The suspension is drunk all at once after meals. The prepared solution cannot be stored and consumed after some time. Based on the results of monitoring the effectiveness of treatment and the severity of the patient’s condition, the dose may be increased.

Nimesil and pregnancy

Nimesil is not prescribed during pregnancy or lactation; it is contraindicated for a number of reasons. The drug provokes pregnancy complications and significantly inhibits the development of the fetus. Even small doses of Nimesil can lead to miscarriage and abnormal development of the fetus with serious consequences for the future health of the mother.

Nimesil and childhood

The drug is also contraindicated for children under 12 years of age. After 12 years, Nimesil is prescribed in the same dosage as for adults.

Nimesil in the elderly

Nimesil is prescribed to elderly patients with extreme caution. This category of patients is more susceptible than others to side effects from taking medications. In addition, older patients often already have a number of serious diseases, and taking the drug can only worsen the condition. Therefore, Nimesil is prescribed to older people in individual dosages. The treatment takes place under the strict supervision of a doctor.

Nimesil and chronic diseases

In the presence of a number of chronic diseases (heart, liver and kidney diseases), Nimesil is contraindicated. In other cases, in the presence of chronic diseases and the need to take the drug, treatment also takes place under the strict supervision of a doctor and regular laboratory tests of blood parameters and others. Nimesil is regularly prescribed for chronic rheumatic diseases.

Nimesil is one of the most effective medicines today. In addition to a pronounced analgesic effect, the drug is actively used for colds and ARVI as an antipyretic. Plus, clinical studies have found that even with an impressive list of contraindications, Nimesil is easier to tolerate, and the risk of side effects is much lower than other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

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