Relieving pain during teething (Viburkol - suppositories for children). Instructions for use. Indications and contraindications

From this article you will learn:
  • the best remedy for teething in children,
  • Will homeopathy be effective?
  • When can you use Panadol or Nurofen?

To relieve symptoms during the eruption of the first teeth, not only special pain-relieving gels for gums, but also systemic drugs can be used. The latter also include a group of homeopathic medications, among which the most popular are oral medications – “Dantinorm Baby” and “Dentokind”, as well as Viburkol suppositories for rectal use.

The big advantage of such drugs is that they not only soothe the gums during teething, but also help cope with the baby’s nervousness and help restore healthy sleep. In addition to homeopathic remedies, more serious drugs can be used, such as Panadol and Nurofen (based on paracetamol and ibuprofen, respectively). They are used from 3 months, and the optimal indication for their use is the presence of a child with fever or severe pain due to teething.

What does the eruption of baby teeth look like?

Thus, depending on the severity of the symptoms, you can - 1) either use an anesthetic gel for local use in the oral cavity (they are also available only with herbal components), 2) use one of the systemic drugs, 3) or combine an anesthetic gel with the drug for oral or rectal use.

As you will see below, the latter option makes sense, because... Systemic homeopathic preparations, although they do not have a pronounced analgesic or anti-inflammatory effect, nevertheless, they can reduce nervousness and normalize the child’s sleep (due to the inclusion of herbal components with a sedative effect). In addition, one of these drugs can, among other things, reduce salivation in an infant, preventing choking on saliva and drooling from the mouth.

Indications for use

They are used as part of complex therapy as an antipyretic and anti-inflammatory agent for the treatment of respiratory diseases in children, and also Viburkol suppositories during teething relieve clinical manifestations of effects, for the symptomatic treatment of dyspepsia syndrome in children with flatulence , in of convulsive readiness and nervous excitement .

In addition, it is used in adults - for inflammatory processes of the female genital organs.

"Viburkol" - what kind of drug is it?

The drug in question belongs to the class of homeopathic remedies, produced by a German company. These are rectal suppositories, which are often used for young children during the eruption of their first milk teeth. However, this remedy helps relieve similar symptoms of many other childhood diseases.

According to experts in the field of pediatrics, this form of administration, namely suppositories, is the most preferable. This is a painless option for transferring medicinal substances into the body of a small child. Unlike tablets and capsules, suppositories do not provoke a gag reflex, and the active components of the drug are absorbed through the intestines much faster. In addition, “Viburkol” is a product created on the basis of plant components, so the harmful side effects are virtually reduced to zero.

Viburkol suppositories, instructions for use (Method and dosage)

Method of application: rectal. Prescribed for ARVI (acute respiratory viral infections) and for painful teething of baby teeth. The instructions for Viburkol suppositories for children under 6 months suggest 2 suppositories per day, from 6 months (if the body temperature is above 37.5°C) 4 suppositories per day, (above 38°C) - 6 suppositories per day. When the body temperature has returned to normal, the dose is reduced to 1 suppository 1-2 times a day for another 3-4 days.

Viburkol as suppositories for pregnant women is the best option for inflammatory processes of the genitourinary system , as they are of plant origin. During pregnancy, the course of treatment and frequency of use is determined by the doctor depending on the nature and course of the disease. Usually one course lasts from 3 days to 2 weeks.

What happens in a baby's body when teeth begin to cut?

As mentioned above, the period of growth of the first milk teeth is associated with a certain stress for the child and is accompanied by some changes in his body. Obviously, there is a violation of the integrity of the gingival tissue, and this process, in turn, entails symptoms such as pain and burning in the area of ​​eruption. Also, the child’s soft tissues of the oral cavity may become slightly red, and in some cases the cheeks may become slightly swollen. In addition, the body’s defenses are weakened, so many children simultaneously suffer from various infectious diseases.

Erupting the first teeth is a big challenge for a child.

And then the following happens: in order to minimize the risk of infection, the body begins to stimulate the production of saliva and interferon, which protects the child’s body and repels the attack of pathogenic bacteria1. This process is often accompanied by an increase in body temperature. Due to excessive salivation, slight irritation may appear on the chin and neck, and some disruptions in the functioning of the digestive system may occur - you should not be afraid of this, since all the child’s internal systems will normalize on their own as soon as teeth appear.

Experts do not recommend lowering the temperature during this period, but parents should still stock up on antipyretics in case of emergency. Currently, pharmacy shelves offer a wide range of drugs that help alleviate the baby’s condition during teething. According to reviews of Viburkol, this natural-based product really helps relieve severe inflammation and normalize the functioning of the digestive system.


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At the moment, there are no structural analogues of Viburkol suppositories (identical active substances).

Contraindications to the use of homeopathic suppositories and their side effects

To date, no side effects of Viburkol suppositories have been described. The only thing that may occur is an allergic reaction to one of the components of the drug.

For the same reason, it is better to refrain from using it if there is a suspicion that the child has hypersensitivity to the active substances that are part of the drug or to its base.

It is not recommended to use Viburkol for a long time at elevated temperatures. Often, malaise may occur not due to teething, but to infection, and in this case, treatment should be prescribed by a pediatrician. But you can put a candle in order to alleviate the child’s condition before being examined by a doctor.

Viburkol price, where to buy

The price of Viburkol suppositories for children in Ukraine ranges from 88 to 115 UAH. You can buy candles in Kyiv at the nearest pharmacy, since more than 150 pharmacies in the city have the drug in stock.

  • Online pharmacies in RussiaRussia
  • Online pharmacies in UkraineUkraine
  • Online pharmacies in KazakhstanKazakhstan


  • Viburcol suppositories rectal.
    12 pcsBiologische Heilmittel Heel GmbH RUR 472 order

Pharmacy Dialogue

  • Viburkol rectal suppositories No. 12Biologische Heilmittel Hell

    RUB 453 order

show more


  • Viburkol No. 12 suppositories Biologische Heilmittel Heel GmbH, Nimechchina
    169 UAH.order


  • Viburkol suppository Viburkol supp. (blister) No. 12 Germany, Heel

    186 UAH order

show more

Dantinorm Baby - reviews for teething

Dantinorm Baby is a homeopathic preparation of plant origin, which is produced in the form of an oral solution (the package contains 10 sachets of 1 ml each). The drug is produced by the French company, which is better known for its homeopathic drug from duck liver - called “Ocillococcinum”. The cost of Dantinorm Baby is from 400 rubles.

Composition of active ingredients (per 1 dose) –

  • Chamomilla vulgaris (wild chamomile),
  • Phytolacca decandra (American grape leaves),
  • Rheum officinale (rhubarb).

The drug can be used from birth. Chamomile extract has a weak anti-inflammatory, weak antiseptic, and weak analgesic effect. American grape leaf extract in small doses acts as a sedative and also has a mild laxative and antibacterial effect. Rhubarb extract – has a weak anti-inflammatory effect, improves appetite.

Reviews of Dantinorm Baby for teething in a child indicate that this drug is effective only when the symptoms are mild. If your child's main symptoms are nervousness, poor sleep, lack of appetite, then this drug will be effective. However, if the child’s main symptoms are pain and inflammation of the gums at the site of eruption, fever, then this drug will not be able to significantly improve the situation.

List of used literature

1. Kramarev S.A., Palatnaya L.A., Shamugiya B.K. Alternative methods of treatment and prevention of influenza and ARVI in children // Methodological recommendations of the Ministry of Health, 2006.

2. Yaroshchuk L.B. Possibilities of antihomotoxic therapy in the prevention and treatment of acute respiratory viral infections and influenza // Family medicine. - 2004. - No. 4. - P. 28–32.

3. Klimenko L.V. The use of antihomotoxic drugs to correct immuno-energy deficiency in the treatment of children with frequent and long-term acute respiratory viral infections // Biological therapy. - 2009. - No. 1. - P. 46–48.

4. Wemmer U. Recurrent upper respiratory tract infections in childhood // Biological therapy. - 2001. - No. 1. - P. 37–40.

5. Pharmaceutical care. Course of lectures // Edited by prof. Zupantsa I.A. - Kh.: Farmitek, 2006. - P. 105.

6. Instructions for medical treatment of VIBURCOL.

7. Kovtun O.V. First aid kit for newborns and infants // Biological therapy. - 2010. - No. 2. - P. 27.

8. Gottwald R., Weiser M. Antihomotoxic therapy of anxiety states with or without fever in children with Viburcol // Biological therapy. - 2000. - No. 4. - P.12–16.

9. Müller-Krampe B., Gottwald R., Weiser M. Comparison of the effectiveness and tolerability of Viburcol and paracetamol in the symptomatic treatment of acute febrile conditions in children // Biological Therapy. - 2002. - No. 4. - P. 3–9.

Pediatricians' opinions

The attitude of pediatricians towards homeopathic medicines is quite ambiguous. Regarding Viburcol, some doctors consider it effective, and some suggest that it works only due to the placebo effect.

There are also opinions that the drug does not affect the disease itself, but the child’s body, which gradually gets used to the effects of the destructive factor.

Many pediatricians agree that the drug is effective if prescribed specifically to eliminate specific symptoms.

It has been noticed that children actually become calmer after using this product. But it is difficult to instill in young children the idea of ​​the great benefits of the drug in order for the placebo effect to work for them.

If the child’s condition does not improve within two days after using Viburkol, it is necessary to use other drugs. Any medications should be taken only with the permission of a doctor.

It is important to remember that if a child has a very high fever, another pediatric fever-reducing medicine should be used.

Possible reasons for the appearance of a red spot on a child’s tongue and whether this symptom is dangerous.

In this article we will tell you how long it takes for permanent teeth to appear after baby teeth fall out.

Follow the link if you are interested in the stages of treatment of pulpitis of primary teeth in children.

Introduction rules

It is important not only to follow the recommended dosage, but also to be able to use suppositories correctly. The algorithm of actions looks like this:

  1. Before the procedure, the child’s intestines must be cleansed using a microenema. If the gastrointestinal tract is functioning stably and the baby has already emptied, you can skip this point.
  2. First, the child’s mother should thoroughly wash her hands with regular or antibacterial soap. You can also treat your hands with antiseptic gel. This is necessary in order to eliminate the risk of infection entering the baby’s colon during the procedure.
  3. After disinfecting your hands, you need to put the child (up to one year old) on his back and raise his legs. Children over one year old should be placed on their side with their legs bent towards their tummy.
  4. The suppository must be removed from the package and held in your hands for a while to warm it up.
  5. The baby's anus must be treated with any baby cream.
  6. Then you need to spread the buttocks with one hand, and with the other hand insert the candle into the anus so that it is completely immersed. The index finger should be on the notch of the suppository. After this, you need to close your buttocks for a few seconds so that the candle does not come back out.

After the procedure, the child must remain in a supine position for at least half an hour so that the active substances are better absorbed and bring him relief.

If the instructions are followed, the occurrence of unpleasant sensations is excluded.

Candles for children Viburkol - reviews



  • Plant composition
  • There were no allergic reactions


  • Rough surface, making it difficult to remove from the package and place it on the child
  • Zero effect
  • Price

We purchased these candles before the birth of our daughter, when we were collecting a first aid kit for a newborn. One of my friends highly recommended this drug as the one that should always be in a child’s medicine cabinet. After talking with her, I went online and read reviews. I must say that the reviews were very contradictory. Some write that this is all a scam and pure fraud, others - that this is simply a vital drug, others - that these suppositories are neither hot nor cold, but as they say, no one has yet canceled the “placebo” effect)

But nevertheless, I listened to my friend and decided to buy these candles. These suppositories lay idle for a year, since our daughter was not sick at all until she was one year old, and, thank God, we did not have any particularly violent reactions to the vaccinations. But at the end of October 2015, we caught ARVI and, of course, there was a fever. And then I remembered about these same candles.

The package contains 12 candles. The candles themselves feel somewhat rough to the touch and don’t slide, which I didn’t like anymore. This roughness makes it quite difficult to remove them from the packaging.

And what did we get as a result of using this drug? According to the instructions, with symptoms of acute respiratory viral infection and the eruption of baby teeth for children from 6 months. It is permissible to use up to 6 suppositories per day at a temperature above 38. In our case, even after these same 6 suppositories, the temperature remained 38.5 until the evening, until my daughter was given Tsefekon suppositories.

Many also write that these suppositories caused allergic reactions in children. Thank God we didn't have that.


Definitely not recommended! In my opinion, it is better to use conventional, proven children’s remedies to lower fever and relieve pain than to conduct such experiments. Perhaps these suppositories have their effectiveness, but as part of complex therapy. But they are not effective as an independent medicinal drug. At least in our case.



  • Didn't find it


  • This is homeopathy

While scrolling through my friends’ feeds, over the past few days I have read several reviews about Viburkol suppositories.

I also want to speak out about this drug. Our first pediatrician recommended these suppositories, when our eldest daughter was a baby. Recommendations for use concerned two points - the use of suppositories after vaccination as an antipyretic and during teething as a pain reliever.

Then, due to my youth and my maternal inexperience, I blindly followed all the instructions and prescriptions of the doctors. We wrote it out, so we’ll use it. Nowadays I “use my brain” more often and after each visit to the doctor I carefully study the instructions for the new drug on the Internet, and then I buy it or use “proven” remedies.

Well, regarding Viburkol. This is a homeopathic medicine. Available in the form of rectal suppositories. The composition is ala natural - some herbs (chamomile, belladonna, nightshade, plantain, sleep grass), calcium carbonate and fat.

At first glance, there is nothing criminal. But the effect of some herbs on the body is confusing. Okay, chamomile - I love it very much, children enjoy drinking chamomile tea and gargling with it for sore throats. But, for example, nightshade causes inflammation of the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract, the membranes of the respiratory and genitourinary systems, and can cause excessive salivation and convulsions. Here homeopaths say that if a certain substance has a negative effect on the body, then small doses of this substance have the opposite effect.

I don’t really understand these “infinitesimal doses” of medicine, which are repeatedly diluted with water, thereby supposedly charging it (the water) with the energies of the diluted substance.

Also, one of the postulates of homeopathy is to treat not the disease as such, but the specific patient, taking into account his eye color, hair color and body constitution. Somehow, the mass production of homeopathic remedies, which are now widely available in pharmacies, does not fit in well with such targeted individual treatment. Maybe Viburkol helps brown-eyed brunettes?:)

I used suppositories for the first time after DTP vaccination. The doctor recommended inserting a suppository at night without waiting for the temperature to rise. Supposedly this way the body will tolerate the vaccine more easily. I remember then Viburkol did not lower our temperature, we used Cefekon. With my second child after vaccination, I don’t use antipyretics at all, because in the current worldview I don’t understand why interfere with the development of immunity by lowering the temperature. Children do not suffer from seizures, so we alleviate the condition with bed rest, drinking plenty of fluids and wiping the body with warm water. This does not apply to unbreakable temperatures above 40 degrees; in such moments, I tremble violently and call an ambulance, or take Nimulid.

As for teeth, I didn’t use candles when teething. There were restless nights - we coped with topical gels, such as Kamistad, Kalgel... Therefore, I can’t say anything about the pain-relieving effect of the suppositories.

Recently I was sorting out the first aid kit here and found this Viburkol, which had already expired. I threw it away without regret, because I don’t see the point in this drug.

In conclusion, what I want to say is that I have a negative attitude towards mass-produced homeopathic medicines, and towards homeopathy itself as a method of non-traditional treatment - with suspicion and distrust. I know one mother who went to “bow” to a homeopath simply out of despair, when the child simply did not get out of severe ARVI and other infections. They drank something every 2 hours, a bunch of medicine in the form of sweet balls. The child generally stopped getting sick. But maybe he just “outgrew” all these sores???



  • Safe composition.


  • Expensive
  • ineffective
  • itching

Virbucol was prescribed to us by our pediatrician at an appointment when we complained of a cough in our 5 month old baby. The cough turned out to be excessive salivation.

The drug itself is safe for children, but useless, just as chamomile is useless in treating diarrhea. I am a supporter of Dr. Komarovsky; at the moment, all his recommendations have never let us down.

But here’s the question: when such drugs are prescribed, we rely on the doctor, shifting responsibility onto him! And the doctor’s goal is to support the sale of unnecessary drugs.

IMPORTANT! If your goal is to bring down the temperature and not to cause itching in the baby’s bottom, do not light candles. And it doesn’t matter which ones! If the temperature is very high, you need to act quickly and only oral ingestion of an antipyretic can help. In my opinion, ibuprofen is more effective than paracetamol.

Now about the teeth. My baby didn't sleep well until he was 11 months old for a single night. It was hell, and some days were better, some were worse. And every time I sinned on my teeth. But the teeth cannot be disturbed constantly, a maximum of 2-3 days of the acute period. After 11 months, we turned to sleepexpets, and lo and behold, the baby sleeps all night. And at most, when the teeth are cutting, the child will wake up, cry and fall asleep. I concluded that teeth do not affect sleep as much as bad habits (constant rocking, pacifier, etc.)

During daytime naps, I lubricate my gums with gel (when they are cutting). At night, I don’t smear anything, since the duration of action of gels is 1 hour maximum. Got distracted!

So, Virbucol suppositories are needed not by the baby, but by the mother, as an element of help. I did something. In my opinion, paying 500-600 for chamomile is nonsense.

Pharmaceutical companies profit from our ignorance, and we are desperate, ready to do anything.



  • Expensive
  • Does not help

We were prescribed this drug when we were vaccinated, as if for the future for post-immunization. To be honest, when we bought it we were dumbfounded by its cost. The first time we used it was when the child was teething, had a runny nose and was acting very capricious. there was no effect. Then they gave me more when my throat hurt and I had a fever. also had no effect. so what I can say about this medicine is that it is very expensive and ineffective. By the way, our pediatrician prescribes it to all children. and when I asked her how it works, the pediatrician told us that she didn’t really know. They allegedly brought her a brochure, so she prescribes it to everyone, they say there are no contraindications, so everyone can do it.

mom Karina


  • Does not help

These candles did not help us at all!!! rather the opposite!!! For the first time since the maternity hospital, my daughter and I didn’t sleep almost the whole night!!! She cried terribly, I no longer knew what to give her, just to make her feel better!!! I, too, on the advice of a doctor, bought these suppositories, and I read everything about them on the Internet, I was sure that since they were homeopathic, they were not harmful and would ease the suffering of my daughter (our teething is very painful). I put it in overnight and immediately regretted it. After 1.5 hours she woke up and screamed until the morning!!! We used to sleep restlessly, but at least we slept!!! and in the morning her butt was all red!!! I never used this Viburkol again. I only save myself with Nurofen and Kamistad. I do not exclude individual intolerance, I am sure that they help many people, otherwise doctors would not recommend them, I just want to warn mothers that there may be a completely different reaction!!! keep in mind!!! The baby suffered all night, and his bottom is red for the third day!


What kind of drug is this and what is it good for? More often it is produced in the form of suppositories, which must be used rectally. They contain the following herbal and natural ingredients:

  • chamomile;
  • belladonna, otherwise called belladonna;
  • bittersweet nightshade;
  • plantain;
  • meadow lumbago;
  • and calcium carbonate.

Thanks to this, the medicine is considered homeopathic and safe for the health of the child. To give the desired shape and size to the candles, pharmacologically inert solid fat is used as a base, which softens at normal body temperature.

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