Kamistad teething gel for children instructions

Contraindications and side effects

The drug is not a potent drug, but the presence of lidocaine in its composition imposes some restrictions on its use. Contraindications include:

  • children under 3 months of age;
  • period of pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • liver and kidney pathologies;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  • hypertension;
  • disturbance of sinus rhythm of the heart.

Since the drug includes honey or mint flavoring, it is not recommended for allergy sufferers. Babies will not be able to cope with the increased salivation that the drug causes, they will begin to choke and cough, so the instructions also prohibit use for children under 3 months.

Anti-inflammatory toothpastes for children –

In the arsenal of oral hygiene products for young children, there are several toothpastes that have an anti-inflammatory effect and reduce gum sensitivity during teething. Their use on an ongoing basis for child oral hygiene will increase the effectiveness of the use of gels for topical use or systemic homeopathic preparations (24stoma.ru).

  • Weleda children's toothpaste-gel (from 0 to 3 years)

    contains the following active components - calendula extract, alginate, esculin, essential oils of mint and fennel, which have an anti-inflammatory effect. Does not contain sodium lauryl sulfate, preservatives, dyes, fluorine. Price for a 50 ml tube – from 350 rubles (made in Germany).

  • SPLAT “BABY Vanilla” paste (from 0 to 3 years) is made in Russia, and the active ingredients are licorice extract, prickly pear extract, arginine, a complex of lactic enzymes (lysozyme, lactoferrin, glucose oxidase, lactoperoxidase). Most of these components have an anti-inflammatory effect and reduce the sensitivity of the gums during teething. Price per tube 40 ml from 150 rubles.
  • Foam SPLAT “Junior Magic Foam” (any age) – this foam for cleansing teeth contains licorice extract, a complex of lactic enzymes, as well as creatine and dipotassium glycyrrhizinate. All these components have an anti-inflammatory effect on the oral mucosa during teething. The cost will be starting from 260 rubles (per 50 ml tube).

Instructions for use of the children's drug Kamistad

Applying Kamistad Baby according to the instructions will reduce the risk of adverse reactions to a minimum. It is important to follow the dosage. You can use a ball with a diameter of no more than 5 ml at a time. The frequency of application for children is no more than 3 times a day.

The drug is applied locally, in the place where there is inflammation. The gel is rubbed in in a circular motion and begins to act within 1 minute. When applying the medicine, follow the instructions:

  1. wash your hands thoroughly;
  2. For a child over 3 years old, ask him to rinse his mouth with warm water; for an infant, wipe his gums with a handkerchief dipped in warm boiled water;
  3. squeeze out a little product and apply it to the gums;
  4. do not feed or water the child until the gel is absorbed;
  5. do not put the baby to the breast immediately (there may be a feeling of numbness in the chest);
  6. After applying the drug, rinse your hands well, do not allow the substance to get into your eyes.

When wearing leveling plates and braces, the product can be applied up to 5 times a day in agreement with the dentist. When using other medications, consult your doctor, as there is no data on the interaction of Kamistad with medications.

Please note that children's Kamistad stimulates salivation, so it should be used with caution in infants. Lidocaine can also cause gradual numbness of the tongue and gums, which leads to biting.

An important point in the instructions is storage. The shelf life of the medicine is 5 years from the date of release, but after opening the package it is reduced to 1 year. Store the gel in a dark, dry place out of reach of children. The air temperature should not exceed 25 degrees.

Gel for teething Kamistad Baby - reviews


I bought Kamistad gel on the advice of a dentist after ultrasonic teeth cleaning. The fact is that I had a lot of stones inside my gums, which caused bleeding and slight inflammation. When using it, I liked, first of all, the analgesic effect and only then the anti-inflammatory effect. The negative side was a slight headache on the third day, but perhaps it was I who overdid it with the dosage




Allowed from birth, effective




Hello everybody! I think many mothers know what it’s like when a baby’s first teeth are cut. These are tears, whims, hysterics, the baby’s gums are swollen and inflamed, it hurts and he rubs, scratches, he loses his appetite, even his temperature has always been high. Almost 39 degrees. It’s rare that someone’s teeth come out without such symptoms. And this magical gel comes to the aid of mothers and the baby himself. It relieves inflammation and relieves pain, soothes. You can smear up to 4 times a day, this is just enough for a day. The baby begins to feel better. This gel has always helped us out. I want to say be careful with reconciliation, as it can cause an allergic reaction! And of course the price is a little expensive. But I want to say I don’t mind the effect.

(lekunchik) Elena



Convenient small tube


quickly washed off with shuna


When the tummy stopped hurting, the next test came - teething. Here came the entrance to various rubber toys, ointments, gels. Kamistad is one of these gels. The composition of children's Kamistad includes the painkiller Lidocaine in children's concentration and an auxiliary chamomile extract as an anti-inflammatory agent. The gel is light brown in color, placed in a small tube with a pointed end. Made in Germany. The price is very high - approximately 400 rubles. Prices are different everywhere and this is for 10 grams of cheap Lidocaine and excipients. It should be smeared by rubbing into the gums no more than 3 times a day for 6 months. In my opinion, the gel relieves pain, but not for long, since if there is excessive salivation, it is immediately swallowed. I tried it on myself, but didn’t feel anything, probably due to the low concentration of lidocaine. I smear the child to at least somehow help him.

Oksana Sakharova


After treating pulpitis, on about the 2nd day, my tooth and gum, which was adjacent to the tooth, began to ache very much. There was such severe pain that I had a headache from the pain to the point of tears. And it was simply impossible to do without additional drugs. At first I took Ibuprofen, but I think such drugs often cannot be used either.

Fortunately, Kamistad

, we rarely used it due to the fact that the composition, or rather the active ingredient, was lidocaine, which is not really recommended for use for children.

But in the anesthesia of my tooth Kamistad

Helped me a lot,
a good remedy for toothache
. I alternated it with Ibuprofen. Its effect was felt after 10 minutes and lasted 1-3 hours, in different ways. It’s not a bad drug for adults, but I give it to a child in extreme cases, with caution.



really helps!!!!! I was even shocked how quickly it helps!!!!!


Kamistad gel is one of the most important innovative developments for children. When a child starts teething, and he cries all the time in pain, and you don’t know how to help him. I think all parents have gone through this, and no one would want to go through those sleepless nights again. This gel is the only thing that saves my child. It really numbs the gums well for a while, thanks to the ice-caine in the gel. You can smear it several times a day, and it tastes very pleasant, I tried it on myself before giving it to my child. I recommend it to everyone - it's a good thing.



Kamistad helped us with gum irritation that developed while wearing braces.



When your teeth hurt, it is very important to have a good numbing agent on hand.

Tatiana Cherkasova

Holisal is beyond competition... the rest is a waste of time and money




Helps soothe gums, has an antibacterial effect, reasonable cost



So we touched upon the topic of teeth. Terrible screams... Irritability... Temperature... At first they smeared Kalgel on my daughter’s gums, but the pediatrician said that it was better not to get carried away with it, since it contains lidocaine, there could be an overdose of this component. The doctor advised me to take Kamistad Baby. This gel is made in Germany. The composition is very long and not entirely clear. It contains chamomile extract, which has an antibacterial and soothing effect, it also heals and relieves inflammation. The package contains a tube with a narrow spout, thanks to which you can easily dispense the required amount of gel. The instructions indicate that you need a pea-sized amount of gel. You can apply it 2-3 times a day with a cotton swab or your finger. I apply it to my finger after washing my hands thoroughly. It’s more convenient to apply this way, although the child bites his finger, but it doesn’t hurt yet. You can smell honey and a little chamomile. My daughter likes the sweetish taste of the gel, so she tries to lick it off my finger. After use, the child really becomes calmer and stops crying. Of course, like any product, the composition of the gel can cause allergic reactions. It didn’t cause any problems in my daughter and that makes me very happy.




Pleasant smell and taste. Does not cause irritation. Convenient packaging.


I didn't find any cons.

I am a mother of two children. Like many mothers of babies, I was very afraid of the beginning of the first teeth, and it was not in vain that I was worried. The first child somehow had an easier time with teething, but the youngest one had to suffer. What have I not tried when teething, especially fangs... Sleepless days and nights, whims, refusals of food, even from the most beloved, constant drooling, all the toys and hands are constantly in the mouth))) temperature under 40, until I tried the gel at teething Kamistad baby. I smeared it before daytime and nighttime sleep... And everyone began to get enough sleep)) The child became calmer and began to eat. An indispensable item in the first aid kit with small babies. I recommend to everyone!



I’ll say right away - I apologize for the appearance of the box, now we have teeth and gnaw on everything)

So, we didn’t have any problems with our teeth until we were 8 months old! Only at 8 months did the first lower teeth come in, and then our sleepless nights began. I sent my husband to the pharmacy for Dantinorm, but... it was not available, he took Kamistad Baby. We did everything according to the instructions, but... During the day we were very distracted by toys, then at night the teeth did their job, with rubbing movements I rubbed this miracle gel into the child’s gums. I must say, I did this only after the baby was fast asleep, otherwise he would squeeze his lips tightly, spin around and then lick his gums in every possible way, which was of little use, I think. And voila - on the first night we woke up only 1 time, instead of 6-7! The lower teeth appeared, the baby became calmer, but I didn’t stop smearing, one small drop of gel once a night was enough.

When our upper teeth came in, it really became a nightmare, just once a drop of gel at night was not enough... Most likely it’s just a short-term effect, or the body is already accustomed to this gel, I don’t know for sure. At night and in the middle of the night they began to smear the gums 2-3 times, and the nights were more or less calm.

After reading a similar review, I tried a little of the gel myself) My tongue was a little numb, light freshness, very pleasant to the taste.

In terms of consumption: I think it will last for a long time, we still use it, I won’t say that it really helps, but I won’t say that it’s bad, out of 5 it’s probably a solid 4.5! At least the child sleeps more peacefully, which means this action works.

For the price: I would say this is not a cheap thing. Although where can you find something cheap for children now?) In Kazakhstan, one tube cost us 2160 tenge. In rubles this is approximately 450 rubles.

Anastasia Filippovna


Now it's time for us to start teething. My daughter is 8 months old, she’s drooling like a river, her hands are in her mouth for 24 hours, everything that comes to hand is also in her mouth!

I'm actually a skeptical mom. In general, I don’t like to stuff my child with all sorts of medicines and herbs at the first opportunity. And the baby is very allergic, so everything that is given to her, smeared on, goes through my strict control.

But after a week of sleepless nights and equally capricious days, when neither silicone teethers nor anything else helped, I started thinking about a gel for such cases. I scoured the entire Internet looking for reviews, etc. After weighing everything, the pros and cons, I decided to buy.

A 10 gram tube at the nearest pharmacy cost me 320 rubles. Having opened the box, I began to read the instructions. I was pleased that there is no alcohol in it. But! Contains 2 flavorings and chamomile. T.K. The child is allergic, there could be a reaction. But there was nothing to do, I simply had no strength anymore, I walked around like a zombie and the child was suffering.

In general, I applied it during the day after meals to monitor the reaction until the evening. The only reaction I saw was that the child became calmer and slept for 2 hours, as expected!!! Hooray!!! My happiness knew no bounds.

The gel tastes very pleasant and sweet. The baby opens her mouth with pleasure for me to anoint))). No skin rashes or anything else were noticed.

I repeated the procedure at night. The baby slept peacefully for 5 hours straight before feeding.

All this, of course, is very individual, but this gel helped us a lot!!

Advantages and disadvantages of the product

Any drug has its advantages and disadvantages. Kamistad Baby is no exception. The benefits of the product include:

  • high efficiency;
  • fast action;
  • convenient application;
  • a small number of contraindications;
  • Can be used in babies up to one year old;
  • economical consumption.

It is not without its drawbacks. Doctors and experienced mothers highlight the following weaknesses of the gel:

  • high cost relative to similar products;
  • lidocaine may cause allergic reactions;
  • short duration of action;
  • ethyl alcohol in the composition;
  • the content of benzalkonium chloride - an antiseptic that can slow down the healing process of ulcers and erosions;
  • fragrance in the composition, which is also a risk factor for allergies.


Kamistad is an original medicine from a German pharmaceutical company, used in dental practice to relieve pain due to inflammation of the mucous membrane of the mouth and lips. It has anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and local analgesic effects. The drug contains two pharmacologically active components: lidocaine and liquid extract from chamomile flowers. Lidocaine is a powerful local anesthetic whose action is based on suppressing the penetration of sodium ions into nerve fibers. Compared to novocaine, it acts longer and is better tolerated by patients. In addition, studies have confirmed the antimicrobial properties of lidocaine. Chamomile flower extract includes a complex of various substances of natural origin that provide effective disinfection, wound healing and reduction of inflammation. At the same time, the most important medicinal substances are sesquiterpenes, of which this extract contains almost half of the total amount.

Kamistad has proven itself well in clinical trials, some of which were carried out by domestic specialists. One such study was conducted at the Samara Medical Institute. It involved patients suffering from infectious-allergic diseases of the oral mucosa and developing erosive syndrome. The drug was prescribed in the form of a gel application. The gel was applied three times a day for 5-6 days.

During the study, all the undeniable advantages of kamistad were fully demonstrated. Thus, the drug quickly and for a long time had an analgesic effect. Persistent anesthesia was sufficient to perform all necessary dental procedures and significantly improve the patient's condition. In addition, the drug exhibited a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect, disinfected the wound surface well (against the background of its action, a 2-fold decrease in the microbial number was noted) and activated the restoration of the epithelium. The study participants showed a much faster disappearance of signs of inflammation (pain, swelling, hyperemia, unpleasant odor and fibrinolytic plaque) and normalization of the functions of the oral mucosa (salivation, epithelization and phagocytic reaction), which dentists abbreviate as " SOPR". The experience of using the drug Kamistad eloquently demonstrates its high effectiveness in the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the oral mucosa of infectious-allergic etiology and a favorable safety profile. Thus, the reliable analgesic effect of the drug, the natural antiseptic component, which eliminates the need for additional “chemicalization” of the body with drugs of synthetic origin, as well as good tolerability, allow it to be used both in an outpatient setting (for example, in a dental office) and independently.


This German gel contains chamomile flowers and lidocaine. This drug should be prescribed exclusively by a pediatrician, given the presence of a strong anesthetic in the composition. Dentinox effectively relieves inflammation and pain during teething in babies. The drug is indicated for children from 4 months of age if weaker drugs do not help reduce inflammation and pain. Among the disadvantages of Dentinox are the risks of allergic reactions, fructose in the composition and a contraindication for use in case of damage to the oral mucosa.

Dentinox, Germany

It is used to prevent and relieve pain and inflammation during the eruption of milk and permanent teeth.
from 276

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Baby Doctor First teeth

This Israeli teething gel contains plantain, marshmallow root, chamomile, calendula, and echinacea. This is an ideal drug for both infants and older children. “Baby Doctor First Teeth” quickly relieves inflammation of the gums, the drug is completely natural and hypoallergenic. The gel contains no anesthetics, so it is suitable for children. The product provides long-term relief from pain, itching and inflammation. It is also important that you can use “Baby Doctor First Teeth” as much as necessary per day. Many pediatricians and parents speak only positively about the drug.

Baby Doctor First teeth

Baby Doctor gel for gums First teeth is a transparent pinkish gel, tasteless and odorless.
The gel instantly soothes the gums and eliminates inflammation. With regular use of the gel, the teething period of an infant is greatly facilitated and the occurrence of complications is eliminated. from 279

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Teething by age

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