Gel Kamistad: instructions for use

Kamistad: composition and release form

Kamistad is a modern drug for the treatment of dental diseases. This drug effectively reduces pain and inflammation in the mouth and lips. The German company produces the drug in children's and adult forms, 10 g each in an aluminum tube. Kamistad gel has an anti-inflammatory and strong analgesic effect due to the content of the following components:

1. Kamistad for adults 2% (content per 100 g of gel):

  • lidocaine (monohydrate) – 2 g;
  • chamomile flower extract – 18.5 g.

Auxiliary components: 200 mg of 50% benzalkonium chloride solution, 100 mg of camphor cinnamon oil, 100 mg of sodium saccharinate, 1.5 g of carbomer, 40 mg of 98% formic acid, 2.81 g of trometamol, 820 mg of 96% ethanol, 73.93 g distilled water.

2. Kamistad for children:

  • polidocanol;
  • extract from chamomile flowers.

Auxiliary components: carbomer, glycerol, water, propylene glycol and other components. The excipients also include flavors (mint and honey), they give the gel a pleasant smell and taste, which children especially like.

Gel Kamistad (composition analysis)

For Kamistad gel, the price in the pharmacy starts from 280 rubles (the price is indicated for 2022). The drug has only one release form - a yellow-brown gel in a 10 g tube. The drug is approved for use in adults and children from 12 years of age. Available without a prescription.

Gel Kamistad: composition

The content of active substances in 1 g of gel is → lidocaine hydrochloride 20 mg, → chamomile flower extract 185 mg.
Excipients - benzalkonium chloride, cinnamon essential oil (camphor oil), sodium saccharinate, carbomer, trometamol, formic acid, ethanol (ethyl alcohol), water.

Composition analysis - the main component of the drug is the anesthetic lidocaine hydrochloride (lidocaine), the content of which in 1 g of gel is 20 mg. In percentage terms, this corresponds to a 2% lidocaine solution. Thus, the latter provides an analgesic effect, and chamomile flower extract has a slight anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and wound-healing effect.

For Kamistad gel, the instructions for use also contain information about the presence of the antiseptic benzalkonium chloride in the composition of the drug. The manufacturer added this component to increase the antiseptic effect of chamomile extract. According to research: when benzalkonium chloride is applied to a damaged mucous membrane, it can cause irritation and also slow down healing.

Photo of the composition on the packaging –

Why is this composition so good?

The gel quickly relieves pain and effectively relieves inflammation due to the content of antiseptics and anesthetics in the composition. Chamomile extract acts as an antiseptic, which has an anti-inflammatory and healing effect. Anesthetics (lidocaine and polidocanol) relieve itching, cool, soothe the mucous membrane, and also block pain impulses from the first seconds of applying the gel.

Gel Kamistad Baby (composition analysis)

For Kamistad Baby gel, the price in the pharmacy starts from 300 rubles (the price is indicated for 2022). This is a transparent gel with a yellow-brown tint, available in 10 g tubes. The drug has no age restrictions and is available without a prescription. As we said above, the drug is intended to relieve minor pain during the eruption of the first teeth, and is suitable only for the youngest children.

For Kamistad Baby, the instructions for use contain the following information about the composition of the drug -

The content of active substances in 1 g of gel is → chamomile flower extract, → polidocanol.
Excipients – propylene glycol, carion (sorbitol), glycerin 85%, monopolsprit, trometamol, carbomer, honey flavor, acesufulfame potassium, cooling flavor, disodium EDTA, water.

Composition analysis - the main component of this drug is certainly not chamomile flower extract, which has only a slight anti-inflammatory effect and does not have analgesic properties, but polidocanol. In turn, this component already works by reducing the sensitivity of sensory receptors, and also interrupts the transmission of nerve impulses along sensory (afferent) nerve fibers and, thus, leads to a decrease in pain.

The drug has a high safety profile, but the downside is a rather weak and moderate analgesic effect, which the manufacturer tried to compensate for with the anti-inflammatory effect of chamomile extract, as well as a special cooling flavor that distracts the child’s attention from the discomfort in the area of ​​the teething tooth. The drug does not have a very pronounced taste of honey.

→ Kamistad original instructions (PDF) → Kamistad Baby instructions (PDF)

Purpose of Kamistad gel

Dentists recommend using Kamistad for diseases such as:

  • stomatitis of any etiology;
  • gingivitis;
  • cheilitis (inflammation of the lips);
  • erythema of the lips.

Dental gel can also be used in the following cases:

  • in case of injury to the oral mucosa (from the use of dentures, after operations);
  • with irritation from wearing braces;
  • during teething


  • during orthodontic and dental procedures.

Kamistad gel is an immediate local anesthesia; the drug effectively eliminates inflammation, regenerating the tissue of the lips and oral mucosa.

Kamistad baby

A serious test for children, and adults as well, is the appearance of the baby’s first teeth.
Often, the child’s temperature rises, he is in pain, he is capricious and becomes irritable. Medicines will help relieve suffering. Due to the lidocaine it contains, traditional Kamistad is not recommended for use at this age. But a Kamistad baby is suitable for a child, it will reduce pain.

However, you will need to consult a doctor in advance, who can, in principle, prescribe another medicine, although Kamistad Baby is sold in pharmacies without a prescription. Often the doctor recommends Kamistad baby - many mothers and fathers speak well of the gel. If prescribed, the gums are lubricated with the drug, this will relieve the child of pain and help him fall asleep faster. As a rule, children's first teeth appear around the 6th month. The baby is gradually learning to chew.


Medicines for stomatitis - TOP-11 drugs for treatment

Correct teething is as follows: first the lower teeth, then the upper teeth. The gums in this case contain knob-shaped formations. It is during this period that the baby does not feel well, the gums become inflamed and hurt. Refusal to eat, poor sleep and poor mood are possible, but the child is not yet able to talk about this. This is where Kamistad Baby will help, the gel form of which will be very convenient for placing the drug on the mucous membrane. The gel must be applied pointwise. It also soothes the gums by cooling them.

Contraindications of the drug

As experts note, Kamistad gel is very well tolerated by patients, however, due to the specific composition, the product is not recommended for use in the following cases:

  • with arterial hypertension;
  • with heart failure;
  • with bradycardia (slow heartbeat);
  • with renal failure;
  • during lactation and pregnancy;
  • with liver failure;
  • if the child's age is less than 3 months.

It is also not recommended to use the gel in patients who have hypersensitivity to lidocaine, chamomile or auxiliary components of the drug.

Does Kamistad help with stomatitis?

Stomatitis can appear due to various factors - hormonal problems, allergies, unhealthy foods, physical damage. First of all, it is necessary to determine the cause of stomatitis; then, as a rule, a change in diet is made. You will need to include foods with the required percentage of selenium, folic acid and zinc in your daily diet.

Herpetic stomatitis in children, the symptoms of which are expressed in white ulcers, is transmitted through the air. This disease is often acquired in a garden or school, and is sometimes mistaken for a respiratory infection. External signs are as follows: blisters in the mouth, swelling of the gums (painful), possible erosion of the oral cavity covering the mucous membrane. Such symptoms are called aphthous.

It should be understood that stomatitis of this kind (aphthous) must be treated comprehensively, otherwise a relapse is possible. Painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs are applied to the mucous membrane.

Camistad gel is especially effective for the primary symptoms of herpetic stomatitis - often in this way it is possible to prevent erosion.

Use of the gel in adults and children

Kamistad is used only for external treatment. Before this, it is necessary to ensure oral hygiene. Application is carried out only on dried areas of the mucous membrane with a gauze or cotton swab, gradually rubbing literally a drop of the medicine onto the painful surface.

Kamistad can be applied to a child under 2 years of age no more than 3 times a day, for adults - up to 6 years. If a child is teething, the gel must be used very carefully, because after application the tongue and oral mucosa become completely numb, salivation increases and a small child may choke due to improper swallowing. Also, drooling causes irritation of the baby's skin, in addition, the baby may accidentally bite his lips, which also become numb.


Kamistad should not be used by pregnant women or while breastfeeding; children under 3 months in case of increased sensitivity to the constituent substances of the gel (chamomile, lidocaine, benzalkonium chloride, various oils, carbomer, etc.).

You should also not use the drug during the following illnesses:

  • - Bradycardia.
  • — Problems with the liver, heart, kidneys.
  • - Arterial hypertension.

Overdose/Side Effects

If the drug is used in accordance with the instructions and without violating the dosage, in the vast majority of cases no side effects are observed. If there is a personal intolerance (swelling, rashes, itching, redness, anaphylactic reactions, etc.) to some substances included in the gel, you will definitely need to consult a specialist. An overdose of a drug leads to the following phenomena:

  • — Respiratory failure (depression).
  • - Nausea.
  • - Bradycardia.
  • - Pallor of the skin.

It is necessary to immediately stop using the drug in case of overdose, after which symptomatic therapy will be required.

If the gel gets inside, emergency medical care is required - rinsing, taking enterosorbents.

Cost of Kamistad and similar products

Kamistad gel for stomatitis is sold in tubes of 10 g. The minimum cost of the drug is 200 rubles. "Kalgel" is an interchangeable drug; it is also a lidocaine gel and is widely used in dentistry as an anesthetic. Cetylpyridinium chloride, which is included in its composition, works as an antiseptic. The cost of such a medicine starts from 250 rubles, but it can also be used in the presence of erosion.

Another similar drug is Cholisal, which also has an analgesic effect. Cholisal also fights inflammatory processes and microbes for stomatitis and is used externally. Effective for combating erosions in stomatitis, it contains anise, which causes salivation - as a result, the drug is contraindicated for infants. If you think that Cholisal or Kamistad is better for stomatitis, pay attention to this. Also available in tubes, the cost of “Cholisal” starts from 300 rubles. On today's pharmaceutical market there are many drugs with similar effects, all of which may differ in composition, cost and form. Some of the most popular are “Anestezin”, “Alfacain”, “Novocain”, “Doctor Baby” (for children), etc.

You can also read our material - ointment against stomatitis. It contains all ointments with prices in pharmacies, and also their comparison. You will immediately understand which remedy to use for treatment.

special instructions

What do dentists recommend to their patients when they prescribe Kamistad?

Before use, you should always wash your hands thoroughly to avoid introducing infection into the oral cavity. Under no circumstances should the gel get into your eyes.

Benzalkonium chloride (antiseptic), which is part of the gel, can cause the formation of black pigment plaque on tooth enamel. Chromatogenic staining of enamel is a temporary and non-hazardous defect, but it does not go away on its own and must be removed in the dental office with professional teeth cleaning.


Kamistad: reviews and general disadvantages of the drug

Kamistad gel today is one of the most advanced drugs for eliminating pain syndromes in the oral cavity affected by a number of diseases, and is quite successfully used in dentistry. However, the range of its use is somewhat limited; the medicine itself is not without some disadvantages. Many patients note a short-term pain relief effect after applying this drug, although it is certainly present, and the drug itself acts very quickly. In addition, we can note weak antimicrobial activity, which will not help with severe gum inflammation.

Kamistad, in addition, includes an antiseptic, which is represented by benzalkonium chloride - the presence of such a substance requires the use of the drug only on the mucous membrane, provided there are no damage or ulcers on it (in the case of erosive formations, the healing process of such areas can significantly slow down). One can also note the spermatocidal effect that benzalkonium chloride has when it enters the human body, although the substance itself is not absorbed through the mucous membrane.

Kamistad: instructions for use

Kamistad is very easy to use, but before use it is necessary to carry out preparatory procedures: wash your hands thoroughly, dry the mucous membranes of the mouth and lips with a dry gauze swab.

To relieve pain, 1 drop of dental gel is enough. The gel is applied to the finger and gently rubbed into the problem area.

Children are allowed to use Kamistad Baby no more than 3 times a day; adults use Kamistad as needed, but no more than 6 times a day.

In the process of adaptation to dentures, the product is applied to the diseased area, and then the denture

installs immediately. If ulcers appear in your mouth, you should urgently contact a dental clinic for advice.

The drug contains benzalkonium chloride; for this reason, the gel is not allowed to be used for stomatitis with erosions and ulcers in the mouth. It also makes sense to use a dental drug only as part of a complex treatment; Kamistad itself cannot cope with aphthous or herpetic stomatitis, since it does not have the necessary anti-inflammatory and antiviral properties.

Treatment of periodontitis in pregnant women

Periodontitis in pregnant women is treated as follows. First, soft and hard dental deposits are eliminated. This procedure is the basis of all treatment, since these deposits are the cause of periodontitis. Without removing plaque and tartar, all other medical procedures will not give the necessary therapeutic effect. Ultrasound is contraindicated for pregnant women, so tartar is removed using manual instruments. After the procedure is completed, the dentist polishes the tooth surface using special brushes and polishing pastes.

In the first months of pregnancy, dental procedures in the form of anesthesia, treatment of caries and periodontal disease are undesirable. However, this does not apply to the procedure for removing tartar. But even this procedure is postponed to a later date if possible. At the end of pregnancy, it is not forbidden to eliminate tartar. However, during this period the woman quickly gets tired and becomes a little nervous. Therefore, whenever possible, such manipulations are postponed until the postpartum period.

Anti-inflammatory therapy is also indicated for periodontitis. This therapy includes antiseptic rinses and special applications, during which anti-inflammatory gels are applied to the gums. The treatment course is ten days. If the inflammation is not too severe, then therapy is carried out at home. But the effect of such procedures can only be expected if plaque is removed.

The following antiseptics are used for rinsing:

  1. A solution of five percent chlorhexine (ten days);
  2. Herbal infusions of chamomile, St. John's wort, eucalyptus and elixirs that do not contain alcohol. There should not be any antibiotic called “triclosan” in these liquids;
  3. Fluoride rinses. Fluoride is necessary for teeth and gums, as it helps reduce inflammation and produces static caries effects.

Applications are carried out using a gel called “metrogil”. It cannot be used at the beginning of pregnancy, but in the middle and at the end its use is allowed. The use of cholisal gel requires permission from the dentist.

All these gel-like preparations cover the edge of the gums, as well as the papillae located between the teeth. The gel is applied to the frontal and lingual tooth surfaces. After treatment with the gel, you should not eat for a couple of hours. The procedure is carried out in the morning and before resting at night for ten days.

Toothpastes that have anti-inflammatory properties are also useful. A striking example of such products is Parodontax paste, which contains medicinal herbs with a high degree of concentration. The paste also contains salts, which draw out purulent exudate from the gingival tissue and periodontal pockets.

If a pregnant woman has problems with her teeth and gums, then she must not only be treated, but also taught about proper oral hygiene, since all her problems have a “hygienic” reason. The special hormonal status of such patients can provoke an inflammatory process even with a small amount of dental plaque, so they need to be very careful and scrupulous in caring for their teeth and gum tissues.

During this period of life, experts advise purchasing an irrigator, which can be used to wash the interdental space, gum pockets and other hard-to-reach areas of the oral cavity.

It is very important to maintain a correct and adequate diet. You should not have snacks, drink sweet carbonated water, or abuse sweet foods. After a woman enjoys a cake or candy, she must have her teeth brushed. Otherwise, the carbohydrates that make up all the “goodies” will increase the number of harmful microbes in the mouth many times over. If you do not follow all these rules, then the treatment will lose its effect, so it is pointless to carry out it.

Features of use during lactation and pregnancy

According to the original instructions, contraindications include lactation and pregnancy. However, this is not a strict contraindication; in practice, the dentist can recommend the drug to patients if absolutely necessary. However, during such an important period, it is better for women to give preference to alternative drugs such as Cholisal or Metrogyl Denta.

"Cholisal" relieves inflammation, pain and kills pathogenic microorganisms. According to the original instructions, it can be used by women both during pregnancy and lactation, but with caution, not exceeding the dose of the drug.

"Metrogid Dent" is only suitable for relieving inflammation; the drug cannot boast of an analgesic effect like Kamistad. This dental gel is only allowed to be used by pregnant women during the 2nd and 3rd trimesters. During lactation, the drug should not be used either; the active components easily pass into breast milk, but if necessary, breastfeeding can be stopped.

Kamistad: reviews from specialists and patients

Dentists speak very positively about Kamistad and call it an emergency solution for toothache. Patients who used this product reported effectiveness and rapid action. You don't have to wait long, just a few seconds after application and the pain goes away. Some patients suffering from stomatitis used the gel a few minutes before meals - this reduced pain during meals and provided comfort.

For children who are teething, this drug is very necessary; the gel not only reduces pain, but also relieves irritation, inflammation and calms the child.

Kamistad gel: reviews

Reviews for Kamistad Baby will be far from enthusiastic - if your child experiences severe discomfort from teething. It makes sense to use it only for minor discomfort. The effect of the drug is not too long-lasting, but it can only be used no more than 3 times a day. Therefore, if the discomfort is more severe, you will probably have to use not only Kamistad, but one of the following drugs.

These could be Viburcol suppositories - this is a homeopathic herbal preparation for reducing irritability and relieving anxiety. Either children's Panadol in the form of suppositories or suspensions, or children's Nurofen in the form of a suspension. It is worth keeping in mind that sometimes parents mistake the symptoms of herpetic stomatitis in their child for symptoms of teething (read about how to recognize the herpetic form of stomatitis in children here ).

Gel Kamistad - reviews of the adult form of the drug

Advantages of the drug -

  • although not too long-lasting, it still has a pronounced analgesic effect (the pronounced effect lasts for 40-60 minutes, after which it decreases to moderate, and after about 1.5 hours the effect is no longer felt),
  • moderate anti-inflammatory effect,
  • The gel adheres well to the oral mucosa.

Disadvantages of the drug -

  • disgusting taste that you want to forget,
  • not too long-lasting pain relief,
  • the antimicrobial effect is too weak, which is provided by a small con (therefore, it makes no sense to use this drug for gum inflammation - in this case it is better to use gels that have both an analgesic and a more pronounced anti-inflammatory effect, for example Cholisal).

What benefits do dentists and patients report?

  • Versatility of use.

    The drug is available in two forms, which allows it to be used by both children and adults.

  • In
    normal doses, the drug is inert and does not react with other drugs
    , which makes it possible to include it in combination therapy.
  • No side effects or overdose

    , if you use the drug according to the instructions. Otherwise, redness, burning and itching may occur at the application site, and in severe cases, swelling of the oral mucosa may occur.

  • The gel contains sugar.
  • The gel form of the product allows the active components to penetrate quickly and deeply into the tissues

    , providing a strong and long-lasting analgesic effect.

  • Kamistad gel does not affect the psychomotor state of the patient

    , so it can be used while driving vehicles or working with complex mechanisms.

  • Children enjoy the taste and smell of Kamistad Baby


  • The gel is applied topically

    , the effect is instant.

  • Availability and popularity.

    Kamistad is sold without a prescription, so you can easily purchase it at any pharmacy.

  • There is no need to store the product in the refrigerator

    , besides, after opening the tube, Kamistad is suitable for up to 1 year.

Gel Kamistad: analogues and prices

Gel Kamistad - the price is about 250 rubles (data as of March 2017), there are no direct analogues at a lower price.

Analogues of Kamistad in terms of therapeutic effect:

  • Holisal.
  • Luan.
  • Dantol, Dentol baby.
  • Kalgel.
  • Lidocaine.
  • Lidoxor.
  • Dentagel.
  • Solcoseryl and others.

Comparison with other drugs

The properties of the drug “Kalgel” are very similar to Kamistad; it also contains lidocaine and a chemical antiseptic. The only difference between the Kalgel gel is that its anesthetic effect is weaker and can only be used by children from 5 months. However, “Kalgel” can be used even for ulcerative stomatitis; it also provokes less salivation, which is very good if it is necessary to numb the teeth of a one-year-old baby.

Cholisal gel has a wider spectrum of action than Kamistad, it relieves pain, relieves inflammation, and destroys pathogenic microorganisms. However, the anise oil included in the composition provokes strong salivation, so it is not recommended for use in infancy.

The article was written by a dentist with 12 years of experience!

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