"Ketanov" for headaches: instructions for use, dosage, reviews


The classification of side effects is presented: often - 1-10%; infrequently - 0.1-1%; rarely - 0.01-0.1%; very rarely - less than 0.001%, including isolated cases.

From the digestive system

: often (especially in elderly patients over 65 years of age with a history of erosive and ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract) - gastralgia, diarrhea; infrequently - stomatitis, flatulence, constipation, vomiting, feeling of fullness of the stomach; rarely - nausea, erosive and ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract (including with perforation and/or bleeding - abdominal pain, spasm or burning in the epigastric region, melena, vomiting like “coffee grounds”, nausea, heartburn, etc. .), cholestatic jaundice, hepatitis, hepatomegaly, acute pancreatitis.

From the urinary system

: rarely - acute renal failure, lower back pain with or without hematuria and/or azotemia, hemolytic uremic syndrome (hemolytic anemia, renal failure, thrombocytopenia, purpura), frequent urination, increased or decreased urine volume, nephritis, edema of renal origin.

From the senses

: rarely - hearing loss, ringing in the ears, visual impairment (including blurred vision).

From the respiratory system

: rarely - bronchospasm or dyspnea, rhinitis, laryngeal edema (shortness of breath, difficulty breathing).

From the side of the central nervous system

: often - headache, dizziness, drowsiness; rarely - aseptic meningitis (fever, severe headache, convulsions, stiffness of the neck and/or back muscles), hyperactivity (mood changes, anxiety), hallucinations, depression, psychosis.

From the cardiovascular system:

infrequently - increased blood pressure; rarely - pulmonary edema, fainting.

From the hematopoietic organs

: rarely - anemia, eosinophilia, leukopenia.

From the hemostasis system

: rarely - bleeding from a postoperative wound, nosebleeds, rectal bleeding.

From the skin:

uncommon - skin rash (including maculopapular rash), purpura; rarely - exfoliative dermatitis (fever with or without chills, redness, thickening or peeling of the skin, swelling and/or tenderness of the tonsils), urticaria, Stevens-Johnson syndrome, Lyell's syndrome.

Allergic reactions

: rarely - anaphylaxis or anaphylactoid reactions (change in facial skin color, skin rash, urticaria, skin itching, tachypnea or dyspnea, swelling of the eyelids, periorbital edema, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, heaviness in the chest, wheezing).


: often - swelling (face, legs, ankles, fingers, feet, weight gain); less often - increased sweating; rarely - swelling of the tongue, fever.

What kind of drug is this?

The drug "Ketanov" helps people with headaches very quickly and well. But it is better to use it in the case when a serious traumatic brain injury has been received, which causes severe pain, and in other more standard situations it is best to use analgin.

There are a lot of jokes about this drug among doctors because of its name. Patients easily remember it because the name of the drug is similar to their last name. In fact, it is an extremely powerful pain reliever. Its influence on the body is carried out at the deepest level. The medicine blocks the production of acids, which trigger the processes of pain, inflammation and heat.

"Ketanov" is taken very often for headaches.

Contraindications to the use of the medicine

So, as you can already see, such an effective drug as Ketanov can also be dangerous at the same time due to the large number of various side effects and the general negative impact on the human body. In addition to this, it should be borne in mind that this medicine should never be used if you have the following diseases:

  • In case of exacerbation of a stomach ulcer.
  • In case of bleeding and hemorrhages in the stomach.
  • If there is bleeding in the brain.
  • If you have poor blood clotting.
  • In case of blood diseases.
  • Against the background of diathesis.
  • If there is damage to the liver or kidneys.
  • If a person has bronchial asthma.
  • If the patient has polyps or swelling.
  • During pregnancy, childbirth or breastfeeding.
  • If the patient develops an allergic reaction to aspirin.

Will Ketanov help with headaches after alcohol?

Alcohol is one of the strongest toxic substances that disrupts the activity of all organic structures. Alcohol is especially dangerous for the liver, the filter of our body. "Ketanov" also harms the liver. If you take these substances together, the toxic effect on liver activity will be significantly higher. In addition, when taking Ketanov with alcohol, the therapeutic effect of the tablets is annulled, and if the patient increases the dosage, the severity of the drug’s adverse reactions increases.

Combining alcohol with the drug "Ketanov" often provokes damage to the mucous tissues of the stomach, which is dangerous due to the occurrence of ulcerative formations.


Thus, the presented medicinal product is very effective and powerful in its effect, therefore it perfectly helps to cope with headaches. But, as noted by many people in reviews, it is also capable of causing certain unwanted side reactions. Therefore, it can hardly be said that this medication has a gentle effect on the patient’s body. But, despite these or those shortcomings, as many people note in the comments, Ketanov is an excellent pain reliever with an affordable and attractive price. People drink it for a wide variety of pain, be it migraines, serious bruises, injuries, and so on.

We looked at what Ketanov helps with.

Drug price

Intramuscular injections of "Ketanov" act very quickly. Ampoules of this drug are cheaper than other similar products, but in no case can they be treated for a long time. As a rule, the maximum course lasts only two days, which is why the packages of this drug are so small.

An ordinary pack of twenty tablets can cost from sixty to two hundred rubles. In the pharmacy chain you can also purchase packs of one hundred tablets. Such a medicine will cost an average of two hundred to three hundred rubles. Injection solutions are much cheaper. For example, for one package with ten ampoules the price for “Ketanov” will be only one hundred rubles.

Now let’s find out what people write in their comments about this drug.

How does this drug affect the body for headaches?

After taking the pill, the drug is absorbed into the blood from the digestive system and immediately begins to act. When the solution is administered, the active components immediately penetrate into the blood, which is why the effect of the drug on the human body begins very quickly and occurs with greater intensity than when taking other similar drugs. True, the duration of its effect is shorter compared to other tablets. When taking the drug, you can eat any food, as this will in no way affect the speed of action of the medicine. This is confirmed by the instructions for use of Ketanov. It helps quickly with headaches.

Indications for use

The medicine is suitable for relieving various types of pain. Acts as a symptomatic remedy. A few hours after the cessation of action, the patient's pain returns. The instructions talk about some conditions in which you need to take Ketanov:

  • Toothache, pulpitis, surgery.

  • Flux, pathological condition of the gums.
  • Renal colic, stone in the ureter.
  • Cystitis, gynecological inflammation.
  • Otitis.
  • Hepatic colic.
  • Sinusitis.
  • Angina.
  • Migraine.

Taking the drug will help with problems with the musculoskeletal system. It copes well with arthritis, arthrosis, gout, and osteochondrosis. The tablets will reduce the pain of injured soft tissues in the absence of bleeding, in case of bruise.

Interaction with other medications

This medicine should be taken with great caution when taking medications that thin the blood, as such measures may cause bleeding. “Ketanov” also interacts very poorly with medications intended to treat kidney failure and has a negative impact on the condition of the body. This drug also neutralizes diuretics and reduces the dosage of other analgesics.

Many people are interested in whether Ketanov helps with headaches and whether it is safe.

Dosing the medication

This drug is strictly contraindicated for children under the age of sixteen, and in addition, for pregnant and lactating women. The only exception is the risk of death due to painful shock.

For adult patients, the maximum dosage of Ketanov for headaches is nine tablets per day. As for normal dosages, they should not exceed more than one pill every five hours. If necessary, take two tablets three times. The course of treatment is only two days. It is worth noting that this anesthetic is used only to relieve pain until the patient reaches the attending physician.

If the patient is over sixty-five years old and weighs less than fifty kilograms, plus he has impaired renal function or there are other indications for particularly careful use of this medicine, then the maximum dose per day for such a patient should be a maximum of six tablets. In case of overdose, regular gastric lavage is used.

Is it possible to combine Ketanov for headaches with other medications?

Reviews of "Ketanov" for headaches

A drug called Ketanov, according to consumers leaving their reviews on the Internet, is an excellent pain reliever. People write about it that this medicine is very powerful and fast-acting.

Many patients say that they drink it for migraines. It is noted that in this case, after half an hour there is a significant improvement in well-being. Thanks to the use of the drug "Ketanov", people are able to forget about pain for several hours, which allows them to continue to do their usual activities, instead of suffering from an attack. Consumers also praise this drug for its help with pain that occurs due to fractures. It is reported that “Ketanov” very quickly and effectively helps eliminate it.

In addition, in general, according to reviews, it can be said that the price of this drug is becoming outdated for people. In addition, patients report that they notice few side effects when using this drug. But nevertheless they exist, for example, consumers complain of nausea and irresistible dry mouth. And besides, some people say that after taking Ketanov, everything floats before their eyes, their blood pressure drops, and the like.

There are also many reviews in which people write about the drug "Ketanov" that it is a very strong and at the same time harmful medicine. In this regard, doctors advise their patients to take this drug only if something really seriously hurts and worries the person. And in other more harmless situations, it is better to seek help from other less powerful and safer medications.

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