Dental technician - what he does and what is required from a specialist

Photo source senivpetro/freepik

A beautiful smile is an indicator not only of beauty, but also of health. Facial surgery can correct the effects of injuries, abnormal jaw structure and birth defects.

A dental technician is the one who deals with such issues. Back in the 7th century BC there were specialists who performed similar operations.

What does a dental technician do?

A dental technician is a medical professional whose work involves the repair and manufacture of dentures and appliances. The technician is not always a doctor; he often has a paramedic education. He works closely with orthodontists, oral surgeons and dentists.

For this reason, it is customary for representatives of the profession to identify narrower areas of activity. For example, there is a direction of orthodontic technician. His responsibility is to create removable jaws and dentures.

Another feature of the dental technician profession is the abundance of tools. In his work he uses:

  • device for stamping crowns;
  • anvils;
  • hammers;
  • jigsaws.

Dental technicians also actively use 3D printers and programs that help with computer modeling of three-dimensional models of dentures.

Orthopedics as a field of medicine

Orthopedics treats diseases of the musculoskeletal system as a whole. Orthopedists restore spinal curvatures and treat flat feet. An orthopedic dentist eliminates disorders and restores the chewing-speech apparatus. With the help of prosthetics, the doctor restores the integrity of the jaw, which allows a person to chew food normally and communicate with others.


You should consult an orthopedic dentist if:

  • absence (loss or removal) of one or more teeth;
  • partial or complete destruction of the dental walls;
  • mobility or increased sensitivity of teeth;
  • diseases of the gums or bones, for example, periodontal disease, periodontitis;
  • cosmetic defects in appearance: different size, irregular shape, enamel pigmentation, any other violations in terms of aesthetics;
  • detection of temporomandibular joint disease (TMJ);
  • recommendations from a therapist or other specialized specialist who issued such a referral after an examination.

Who is an orthopedic dentist and what does he treat?

This specialist specializes in restoring teeth. He is often confused with an orthodontist, however, there is a big difference between these doctors. An orthodontist straightens crooked teeth and corrects problematic bites using braces and removable plates. An orthopedist partially or completely restores teeth using dentures. He is often called a prosthetist.

An orthopedic dentist or prosthetist eliminates many problems, which makes the patients’ lives comfortable and of high quality:

Improves quality of life and restores psychological comfort.

Due to the absence of one or more teeth, the patient loses self-confidence and feels constant discomfort when communicating with others.

Please note : Psychological complexes and stress can also cause pronounced defects in the dentition, for example, large gaps or chips. The person stops smiling widely, speaking openly and constantly controlling the position of his lips. Such tension can provoke the development of side diseases of the nervous system.

Restores chewing function

Chewing food thoroughly is the key to a healthy digestive system. Chewing dysfunction disrupts the functioning of the entire dental system, reduces muscle tone and slows down blood circulation in soft and bone tissues. The faster the doctor fixes the problem, the faster the patient’s general condition will improve. If the situation is neglected, an inflammatory process may develop, which will lead to periodontitis or periodontal disease.

Saves teeth

Let's imagine a situation: a patient came with dental tissue almost destroyed to the ground, which makes it impossible to install a filling, but the roots remained healthy. Common causes are advanced caries or injury. You can try to stop the destruction process by preserving the roots and nerve endings. An orthopedic dentist also deals with such cases.

Treats edentia

Patients who are missing all their teeth also turn to an orthopedist. He makes removable or fixed dentures and places implants that replace natural teeth. This is not just an opportunity to chew, but a complete return of communication skills and a comfortable stay among others.

The medical practice of the orthopedic office includes:

  • restoration of tooth enamel and bone tissue while preserving its own root and nerve canals;
  • installing a protective crown on a decaying tooth to stop further shedding and delamination of tissue;
  • production and installation of prostheses;
  • elimination of aesthetic defects in the dentition, such as cracks, chips, irregularities, pigmentation.

Medical protocols are clearly defined, so orthopedic dentists in qualified clinics always follow established rules and treatment regimens. This allows you to avoid negative consequences and dangerous side effects.

What does an orthopedic dentist do?

The area of ​​competence of the prosthetist includes:

Installation of fixed dentures

Such structures include crowns, inlays, and veneers. These designs are securely fixed and are worn constantly.

Metal-ceramic crowns

The most common type of fixed prosthesis. At the base is a cap made of an alloy of cobalt, chromium and titanium, which is coated with a ceramic composition. This design imitates healthy teeth, lasts from 5 to 10 years and is quite affordable. Safety depends on the presence of impurities in the material, which can cause oxidation and inflammation of the gums.

Zirconium dioxide crowns

One of the most advanced techniques. The cap, shaped like a tooth, is made of zirconium dioxide, which is covered with ceramic on top.

This material does not cause allergic or oxidative reactions. It does not interact in any way with the soft tissues of the gums. When making prosthetics, computer modeling is used, which creates a crown of the most accurate shape and size. The number of possible shades is much greater compared to conventional metal ceramics, so the artificial tooth will not stand out among the natural dentition.

Solid ceramic crowns

There is no metal in such designs, which allows you to fully convey all the shades of the tooth. These crowns are placed on the front teeth.

Installation of removable dentures

Clasp prosthetics are suitable for cases where it is impossible to install fixed structures, and the patient does not have money for implantation. It is an arch with two supports that hold artificial teeth. The orthopedist fixes it to the upper jaw.

The undoubted advantages of clasp dentures are low prices and the absence of surgical intervention. There are quite a lot of disadvantages. Firstly, it takes a long time to get used to the prosthesis. Secondly, it must be removed and cleaned daily. Thirdly, the jaw does not receive full load when chewing food, the blood supply deteriorates and the bone gradually sags. Therefore, removable dentures need to be changed quite often.


This is the method that doctors recommend to all patients who have lost one or more teeth. Implants not only maintain a beautiful appearance, but also contribute to the health of the patient.

Regardless of the chosen method of prosthetics, all installed structures must be:

  • made taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient;
  • designed for long term use;
  • safe for health and solve aesthetic problems.

An integrated approach to treatment

Let us once again emphasize the important connection between the orthopedist and other specialized doctors. First, the therapist sanitizes the oral cavity, removes plaque and stones, and treats inflammatory processes in the gums and oral mucosa.

Surgeons remove the roots of teeth that are no longer subject to therapeutic treatment and implant an implant into the patient’s jaw for further manipulation by an orthopedist.

The orthopedic dentist works closely with dental technicians who are responsible for making dentures in the laboratory.

Patient reviews will help you choose a competent orthopedic dentist. It is important to establish complete trust and mutual understanding between the doctor and the patient. Your health and beautiful smile largely depend on this.

Responsibilities of dental technicians

Photo source prostooleh/freepik

The list of responsibilities of a representative of this profession can include:

  • working with patients;
  • creation of prototypes of prostheses or implants and real models;
  • repair and restoration of devices.

Also, a dental technician is someone who works with documents: draws up reports on materials, purchasing plans, etc.

To be able to competently and efficiently perform assigned tasks, a specialist must know:

  • features of the materials used;
  • purpose and characteristics of equipment;
  • principles of creating prostheses and devices.

Subtleties of specialization

During the course of their studies, a student at a dental prosthetic technology college gains skills in working with various materials. That is, the matter is not limited to one theory, no matter how necessary it is. Regular workshops allow you to get a feel for the materials you will have to work with in the future, master a wide range of tools, and get advice from experts in your field.

Yesterday's student graduating from college must have a technical minimum, consisting of:

  • Ability to create removable and fixed prostheses.
  • Manufacturing of orthodontic and maxillofacial structures.
  • Foundry business.
  • Modeling.

All this requires the skills of a welder, mechanic, milling machine, galvanizer, and knowledge at the intersection of physics, chemistry, and anatomy. You cannot do without knowledge of the most modern technologies in the form of 3D modeling, with knowledge and ability to use the appropriate computer programs.

After receiving a diploma, a newly minted dental technician can choose a type of activity that implies a special specialization in accordance with his inclinations, as well as taking into account the needs in the labor market.

Production and technological direction

This is work directly related to the production of individual prostheses, implants and other orthodontic structures for each patient, as well as monitoring the condition of finished products.

Although this type of activity does not involve any communication with patients, in the case of repairs or adjustments to dentures, the dentist communicates directly with his clients. In most cases, no contact with the patient is required, but the dentist should have close interaction with the dentist. In addition to purely professional skills related to the manufacture of products entrusted to him, the prosthetist must be a sociable person, capable of contact.

In large clinics, where the work of a dentist is associated with in-line production, it is possible to specialize in a particular area. This can be prosthetics using implants, manufacturing removable or fixed dentures, casting, modeling frames, metal processing, etc. Large laboratories, organized on the principle of manufactories or even conveyors, can employ from 3 to 10 or more technicians with strict specialization by process.

Treatment and prophylaxis

With this choice, the activity will be related to the provision of first aid, educational work on hygiene and preventive methods in dentistry. This is a path without the opportunity to become a full-fledged doctor.

Management courses

Yesterday's student will not choose this path - no one will simply trust him to manage a team in the absence of strong production skills and basic life experience. People with a certain life and professional background who have authority in the chosen field of management go into management activities.

What should a dental technician be able to do?

What a dental technician does requires high qualifications and compliance with certain requirements. Here are some of them:

  • presence of specialized higher or secondary specialized education in the field of dentistry;
  • a valid medical record;
  • no medical contraindications.

There are serious health requirements for representatives. In this regard, persons with the following types of diseases cannot work according to their profile:

  1. impaired finger motor skills;
  2. chronic infectious diseases;
  3. epilepsy;
  4. nervous disorders;
  5. mental illness;
  6. visual and hearing impairments;
  7. dermatological diseases.

What qualities should a specialist in this field have?

For a dental technician, as well as for other specialists in various fields, there is a list of professionally significant criteria that he must meet. Here are the main ones:

- highly developed motor skills of fingers and hands;

— high level of development of visual-motor coordination;

- having a good eye;

- the ability to clearly distinguish colors and their smallest shades;

- presence of aesthetic taste;

— presence of visual-figurative thinking and spatial imagination;

- accuracy and precision;

- a penchant for manual labor;

- perseverance.

Where to study to become a dental technician

You can get the necessary education at a medical college. And you can enroll in your chosen specialty only after the 11th grade of school. The duration of training is about three years. A dental technician can also study at a higher educational institution, where more in-depth training in the field will be offered.

Due to the fact that a dental technician is a medical professional, he needs to regularly improve his qualifications, master new working methods and the capabilities of innovative materials.

Remote learning after college

Distance learning after college implies a stage of advanced training for practicing specialists.

There is no need to visit the educational institution in person and take a workshop, since these courses include only theory:

  • various changes in the work of health workers at the legislative level;
  • familiarization with new technologies, equipment and materials;
  • innovations in the manufacturing process of maxillofacial devices.

Most often, a medical institution sends an employee to undergo advanced training courses if there are special prerequisites for this (mass training of personnel, lack of necessary skills and experience on the part of the employee, the emergence of new equipment).

The employee’s level of professionalism determines his work status and salary level.

The main advantage of distance learning in this case is a flexible educational schedule, allowing a specialist to combine work and taking advanced training courses without any damage or inconvenience.

Career growth of a dental technician

Photo source prostooleh/freepik

The profession of a dental technician is popular and relevant, so a qualified specialist will not have difficulty finding a job.

With the proper skills, a specialist can begin independent practice. This is the only option for his career growth, since the profession involves only internal (horizontal) development and improvement of skills.

Dental technician salary

The income of a private practice specialist differs from the salary of a technician who works in an organization. The amounts are individual, as they depend on the chosen pricing policy, client base and region of work of the dental technician.

At the same time, a dental technician at a hospital or clinic with an impressive work experience can earn up to 150,000 rubles.

According to online employee search services, a specialist can count on the following salary:

  • Minimum
    - 20 thousand rubles.
  • The maximum
    is more than 100 thousand rubles.

These salaries are for salaried employees. When working for yourself, a dental technician's salary can increase significantly.

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