Certificate of oral sanitation - why and when is it required?

Sanitation of the oral cavity is a rather important event, which, unfortunately, is underestimated by many. Although this procedure helps to promptly identify problems with teeth and gums and effectively eliminate them in the early stages. Sanitation can be planned (preventive), or prescribed in connection with other events. A certificate of oral hygiene may be needed in many situations. For example, it is necessary for pregnant women or people who are preparing for surgery.

For pregnant

In order to avoid problems with teeth and gums during pregnancy, it is necessary to take care of your dental health even before pregnancy, at the planning stage. If everything necessary to eliminate existing dental problems is carried out in a timely manner, the development of concomitant pathologies can be minimized. Some of the most common oral problems experienced by pregnant women include:

  • Development of caries due to disturbances in the acid-base balance.
  • Weakening of the protective properties of tooth enamel due to changes in the mineral composition of saliva.
  • Deterioration of enamel due to loss of calcium.
  • The development of gingivitis as a consequence of changes in hormonal levels.

In modern dental clinics, sanitation of the oral cavity in pregnant women is carried out extremely carefully in order to minimize possible risks. For a safe and successful outcome of this procedure during pregnancy, the dentist needs to know the current stage of pregnancy. This is important for the selection of therapeutic manipulations during this period. If there is an urgent need for tooth extraction, it is best to carry out this and other dental procedures in the second trimester, since it is during this period that the effect of medications on the fetus is minimal. After the examination, the specialist will give recommendations on the selection of individual hygiene products to maintain the oral cavity at a normal level. In case of inevitable tooth extraction, or treatment of advanced forms of caries, manipulations will be carried out using anesthesia, which is permitted during pregnancy. A conclusion on the sanitation of the oral cavity is required by a gynecologist during registration and before childbirth in order to eliminate possible risks of infection of internal organs and systems. Calcium deficiency, altered composition of saliva and hormonal disruptions in the body of a pregnant woman - all this makes teeth fragile, which is why they quickly decay. The presence of infections in the oral cavity is dangerous not only for the health of the expectant mother, but also for the baby. In this regard, the reorganization procedure is necessary.

When might a certificate be needed?

Oral sanitation is a procedure that absolutely everyone, young and old, undergoes. Therefore, it can be requested for various purposes.

  • Pregnancy. The antenatal clinic must refer you for examination to a dentist upon registration. This is done in order to prevent many unpleasant consequences that can happen to the oral cavity during pregnancy due to changes in hormonal levels.
  • Help before childbirth. I send the woman to the maternity hospital, the local gynecologist who managed the pregnancy again sends the patient for sanitation.
  • Without this certificate, the child will not be accepted into any educational institution, from preschool to higher and vocational.
  • Those who are about to have a planned operation will also have to visit the dentist to get the coveted opinion.
  • An annual medical examination is also not complete without a dentist’s note.
  • People who work in some kind of hazardous environment or in production where dental pathologies can develop. In other words, all employees of chemical plants, as well as in confectionery shops, must be regularly examined by a dentist.

For children and teenagers

Sanitation at the dentist is a mandatory event for children of preschool and school age; this procedure may also be required for students. The child will need a certificate of rehabilitation when registering for kindergarten, and then for school. During the sanitization process, a specialist can identify and voice all existing problems, as well as give recommendations on proper individual hygiene of teeth and gums. When sanitation of the mouth, the doctor may:

  • Detect the initial stages of development of carious processes.
  • If necessary, treat the affected teeth.
  • If malocclusion is detected, give recommendations for orthodontic treatment.
  • Carry out fluoridation of teeth to prevent the development of diseases.

A dental examination is required due to the thinness and weakening of children's enamel. It is most susceptible to destruction, so it is important to promptly detect problems and carry out the necessary treatment. Before school and upon admission to universities, it is necessary to undergo a medical examination, which may include a visit to the dental office.

Chronic periodontitis

An example of an entry in a medical record for chronic periodontitis at a dentist’s appointment. The template is made to be filled out, in some cases it is necessary to highlight only one required option.




no, for destruction of the crown(s) of the _________ tooth(s), permanent, periodic, weak,

moderate pain, feeling of heaviness, fullness, awkwardness in ____________________ tooth(s), applied for sanitation


: ____________ tooth(s) gradually deteriorated. Previously treated for caries. The filling was preserved, fell out (partially), the pain appeared __________________ ago, and recurs periodically. Accompanied by the appearance of a fistula. Didn't ask for help.


There are no external changes in the maxillofacial area, the lymph nodes are not enlarged, enlarged ______________, painful, painless, mobile, immobile, dense, soft, elastic. The crown (s) ______ of the tooth (s), changed in color, destroyed (s) by 1/2, 2/3, completely. On _____________________________________ surface(s) ___ of the tooth(s), deep carious cavity(s), the cavity of the tooth(s) is opened, not opened, probing is painless, percussion is painless, slightly painful. In the canal(s)___________ of the tooth(s) there is serous-hemorrhagic, purulent discharge, no discharge. The mucous membrane of the gums in the projection of the apex of the root ___________ of the tooth(s) is pale pink, hyperemic and edematous. Palpation along the transitional fold is painless, painful. The mouth of the fistula tract: no, yes. The discharge is scanty, serous-hemorrhagic, purulent, no.

R-graph: ______________________ of the tooth(s). The canal(s) is partially filled, the periodontal gap is widened;

the focus of bone tissue destruction in the area of ​​the apex(s) of the root(s)__________ of the tooth(s) of a regular, round shape with clear, indistinct boundaries, d _______ mm.; rarefied bone tissue of a flame-like shape with uneven edges, the cortical plate is preserved, destroyed on ______

GI = __________ EDI ________________


Chronic (fibrous, granulating, granulomatous) periodontitis ___________ tooth(s). ICD K04.5

Before surgery

To eliminate the risk of infection during surgical interventions, it is important to undergo sanitation with a dentist before the operation, which is part of the preparatory process. During sanitation, the dentist must examine the patient’s oral cavity to exclude the presence of an inflammatory process in the periodontal tissues and carious lesions. A certificate from a dentist is required before scheduled non-oral surgery, such as ophthalmological, cosmetic, gastroenterological and other operations. This procedure is necessary to prevent infection of other organs. If emergency intervention is required, the patient will not be referred to a dentist.

Certificate of oral sanitation

Certificate of oral sanitation

Sanitation of the oral cavity is a set of measures for the diagnosis and treatment of dental pathologies. It allows you to promptly detect problems with teeth and gums and effectively eliminate them in the early stages. Various institutions may require a certificate of oral sanitation, which can be purchased at the reliable A-Medic clinic. Let's take a closer look at how oral cavity sanitation is carried out and what the certificate is.

How to get a certificate

To do this, you should make an appointment at the dental clinic. After the examination, the dentist will tell you about the current state of the oral cavity and issue an appropriate medical document certified by a personal signature and seal of the institution. Sanitation of the oral cavity is an important measure that is required in many situations. A certificate from a dentist will be required during pregnancy and before childbirth, when entering kindergarten, school, universities, and also before surgery. The main task of sanitation is to identify dental problems. If they are detected, the doctor must prescribe the necessary treatment.

My caries is my business, it will not harm the child in any way

Even knowing about oral diseases, expectant mothers are not always in a hurry to solve them. There is a special type of people who tend to put everything off until later.

Now imagine: your baby, the best and long-awaited one, has been born.

He is still completely defenseless, so the pediatrician visits you at home. In the first month of life, a child’s immunity is so weak that even an hour’s walk is too much for him.

And you, of course, want to hug and kiss him.

In this case, putrefactive bacteria from your carious mouth will inevitably enter the body of your weak little one.

And if pathogenic microflora (germs) are “no big deal” for an adult mother’s body, then for a newborn this is a real blow.

In simple terms: if you do not treat oral diseases, your mouth becomes a breeding ground for thousands of millions of harmful microbes. And the immune system of newborns does not yet know how to cope with even not very harmful ones.

Can you imagine what a really serious - and not at all imaginary - danger you will pose to your baby if you scratch your face (mouth) and then take the baby in your arms?!

I'm not intimidating. Just keep in mind that your teeth should be healthy before giving birth.

Authenticity is the credo of our company

The completed form purchased from us contains all the mandatory criteria for a real certificate. We do not prepare the sample document ourselves. The company operator only accepts the order and collects the necessary information about the patient. The data is transferred to the dental department of the clinic, where the sample is filled out. The result is an absolutely authentic document, signed by a practicing dentist, certified by a valid doctor’s seal and the stamp of a medical institution.

Other beneficial aspects of cooperation with us:

  • efficiency - the certificate is ready within an hour after submitting the application;
  • free delivery throughout Moscow to the metro station;
  • confidentiality – information received about the client is not saved;
  • comfort – there is no need to actually visit the dentist’s office.

Indeed, you can buy a certificate from a dentist from us directly from home, or any other place where there is access to the Internet. Placing an order takes no more than a minute. Delivery to a specified address in Moscow is even possible. But this service is paid.

Certificate from the dentist

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Order a certificate from a dentist

– Registration within an hour

– Seals and signatures of active doctors

– We are in touch 24/7

Certificate price: 900 rub.

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A visit to the dentist is accompanied by the need to miss part of the work day or classes at school or university. A document confirming a valid reason for absence is a certificate from a dentist. Here the patient’s personal data is indicated, as well as the date and purpose of the visit. Examples of reasons to visit a dental office are tooth treatment/extraction, oral sanitation. The latter procedure is often formal, caused by the need to obtain medical certificates.

Financial benefit

Purchasing a certificate on our company’s portal is often cheaper than obtaining a document through an official examination. Having discovered foci of inflammation: caries, pulpitis, periodontitis, etc., the dentist must eliminate them. Subsequent treatment and other recovery operations will require time and money. We issue a certificate from a dentist quickly and inexpensively. The client even wins financially.

Additionally, the company provides a number of bonuses:

  • free delivery to a metro station within the Moscow Ring Road for large orders costing over 3,000 rubles;
  • 5% discount when purchasing two or more certificates;
  • 10% discount for the “Bring a Friend” promotion.

The result is that buying a certificate from us turns out to be several times cheaper than visiting a dentist. The exception is when a visit to the dentist does not require postponement. In other cases, buy medical certificates from us. This is a guaranteed result, no expectations and maximum comfort of service.

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