Fistula on the gum: symptoms, causes, treatment

The appearance of a fistula on the gum, or apical periodontitis, indicates advanced purulent inflammation in the area of ​​the apex of the tooth root. The pathology is a painful convex neoplasm, rising above the periodontium, with a passage from which pus and blood are discharged. The affected area is localized next to the diseased tooth.

Fistula almost always occurs as a result of untreated pulpitis and caries. Over time, inflammation becomes chronic and is asymptomatic, but due to decreased immunity it enters the acute phase.

How to cure fistula with folk remedies

Malfunctions in the functioning of organs and systems of the human body, as well as surgical intervention, can cause the occurrence of all kinds of pathologies. One of the most common is the formation of a fistula or fistula. Such a neoplasm can be either external or internal.

A fistula is a channel of epithelial tissue that is formed as a result of the development of an inflammatory process, accompanied by the appearance of cavities with purulent contents. Appears, as a rule, due to the lack of another outlet through which pus could be released.

Diagnosis of the disease

A conversation with the patient helps an experienced proctologist understand the nature of the disease. Already during the examination, the doctor may detect one or several holes near the anus, when pressed, the purulent contents of the rectal fistula are released.

1 Laboratory diagnostics in MedicCity

2 Stool test for blood

3 Colonoscopy

The patient is prescribed an examination, including the following types of tests:

  • blood chemistry;
  • general blood and urine analysis;
  • microbiological analysis of purulent discharge to identify the infection that caused it;
  • probing, which determines the length and tortuosity of the pathological canal;
  • irrigoscopy (x-ray examination of the colon);
  • ultrasonography;
  • colonoscopy (endoscopic examination of the large intestine);
  • fistulography (x-ray examination of fistulous tracts using a contrast agent);
  • sigmoidoscopy (instrumental examination of the rectum and sigmoid colon);
  • CT scan;
  • sphincterometry (objective assessment of the functioning of the rectal sphincter).

Fistula and its treatment with traditional medicine

The main manifestations of this pathology:

  • pain in the affected area,
  • chills,
  • temperature increase,
  • the appearance of a neoplasm with purulent contents.

Treatment of pathology should be comprehensive, including both traditional and folk therapy.

There are many means that help eliminate such a defect. Before using any medicine, consult a specialist. Otherwise, you may make the situation worse and harm yourself even more.

Use of wood ash

This remedy has been used to treat this disease since ancient times. Wood ash has antiseptic properties. In addition, it helps accelerate regeneration processes.

To prepare a medicinal potion, take sifted wood ash, literally a few handfuls, place in a saucepan filled with seven liters of water, boil for thirty minutes. Take gauze, fold it in several layers and filter the resulting medicine through it.

After the broth has cooled slightly, use it to wash external fistulas. In addition, this composition can be added to the bath while bathing. The duration of the procedure is at least half an hour. Such procedures help improve the patient’s condition, reduce the size of the fistula, and, consequently, heal.

Treatment with eucalyptus

This plant contains a large number of healing, and, importantly, unique properties. The substances found in eucalyptus help not only eliminate the inflammatory process, but also significantly accelerate regenerative processes.

Take the leaves of the plant, finely chop and pour in refined vegetable oil. Infuse this mixture in a dark, warm place for 24 hours. After the time has passed, take the onion, grate it on a fine grater and add to the infusion.

Transfer the prepared mass into several layers of gauze folded and tie into a knot. Apply the resulting lotion to the affected area, secure with a bandage, and leave for half an hour. This procedure must be carried out several times a day. In addition, periodically treat the suppuration with eucalyptus infusion. When the fistula opens, apply a cut aloe leaf.

Chamomile and calendula will help cure the disease

Chamomile has an antiseptic effect.
In addition, chamomile can easily eliminate the inflammatory process. You will need pre-dried plant flowers. Pour boiled water over five grams of raw material and leave to steep for about an hour or two. Filter and use the product for daily rinsing of fistulas. Calendula infusion is prepared in the same way. An infusion of calendula flowers is an excellent medicine that helps quickly eliminate inflammation. Used in the same way as chamomile infusion.

Uses of aloe

Wash about fifteen leaves of young aloe, finely chop, then add at least half a kilogram of honey to this mass, mix thoroughly.

Transfer the prepared mixture into a jar and place in the refrigerator for at least seven days. Stir the product periodically.

Take three grams of the medicine several times a day, preferably before meals. The duration of the treatment course is sixty days, no less.

Dental fistula

Very often fistulas are localized on the gums. And their appearance is explained by the presence of an inflammatory process. If you are faced with a similar problem, do not delay visiting the dentist. Otherwise, you risk losing your tooth. Folk remedies will help cure inflammation and preserve teeth.

  1. Pour a few tablespoons of finely chopped St. John's wort into 300 milliliters of water and bring to a boil. Place the prepared pulp on cellophane and apply to the sore spot. Repeat this procedure daily.
  2. Dilute a spoonful of baking soda in two hundred milliliters of water. Add a couple of drops of iodine to this. Use this solution for daily rinsing.
  3. Grind chamomile flowers, yarrow, oak bark and sage. Pour 200 ml of boiling water over this vegetable mixture. Infuse the product for five hours. Rinse your mouth with this infusion at least once a day.

Preparation of healing ointment

To a greater extent, a similar composition is used to cure fistulas in the vagina or rectum, with a cyst of the coccygeal duct. Finely chop the dried oak bark, water pepper grass and toadflax flowers, combine all the ingredients and mix thoroughly.

Combine 200 grams of the vegetable mixture with pork fat and place in an oven preheated to sixty degrees for seven hours. Take out the prepared ointment and cool. Take a sterile cotton swab, soak it in the ointment and apply it to the affected area. The duration of the treatment course is thirty days.

Other, no less effective means for the treatment of purulent formations

To prepare this product you will need vodka and olive oil.
Connect both components. Treat the affected areas with this mixture at least twice a day. Then apply a cabbage leaf to this place (it will draw out the pus) and secure with a bandage. The duration of the treatment course is at least two weeks. You will need mumiyo and aloe. Soak the mummy in water until a dark-colored solution begins to form, then combine it with aloe juice. Soak a bandage folded in several layers in the resulting liquid and apply to the affected area for at least two hours. Cover the top with compression paper and secure. It is advisable to carry out this procedure before going to bed.

Relapse Prevention

Absolutely no one is immune from the occurrence of this disease. To prevent the occurrence of gum fistula, try to promptly eliminate all dental problems and treat them. In addition, be sure to get checked by your dentist at least twice a year. Prevention is, first of all, preventing the penetration and spread of infection.

Symptoms of a fistula: how dangerous is it?

Fistula manifests itself with a number of symptoms:

  • unpleasant odor from the mouth;
  • tooth mobility;
  • feeling of foreign taste;
  • mucous membrane is bluish or, conversely, pale in color;
  • discharge of purulent mucus, often with blood;
  • painful sensations during mechanical contact (chewing food, drinking hot drinks, brushing teeth).

The disease may also be accompanied by symptoms not directly related to the oral cavity. It is manifested by such signs as apathy, general weakness, and fever.

Despite the small area affected, the fistula poses a certain health hazard. Thus, purulent discharge can penetrate the lymph or blood, which will lead to diseases of the internal organs, pathological processes in facial tissues and even loss of teeth. Therefore, even at the first relatively mild symptoms, it is important to consult a doctor.

It is worth keeping in mind that the disease is asymptomatic for a very long time. Moreover, if treatment is delayed, this can lead to partial death of the periosteum. And then the patient will have to remove not one, but several teeth at once.

Treatment of fistula with folk remedies at home

Usually they arise due to suppuration, which makes its way into the body, and not out, and then opens. Such ducts do not become overgrown due to the fact that some kind of secretions constantly pass through them. Fistula is often treated with folk remedies - this is an additional and very effective procedure that will not keep you waiting long for results.

How does pathology manifest itself?

The formation of a fistula in the anorectal area is indicated by the following symptoms:

  • the appearance of a wound near the anus;
  • discharge from the formed hole with an unpleasant odor and an admixture of blood, pus;
  • at the site of the wound, the skin is irritated, red and painful;
  • defecation and urination are complicated;
  • increased irritability, poor sleep.

If the exit is not outside, but in the intestinal cavity, there may be no external manifestations. But the patient will feel pain in the anus, which intensifies with straining. The stool may contain pus and blood particles. Its odor may be unusually bad.

Ligature fistulas

After opening the abscess, a long-functioning ligature fistula remains, the therapy of which can be continued at home using natural remedies. Separation or removal of the infected ligature ensures rapid healing. In cases where the ligature cannot be detected with a clamp, patients undergo fistulography. After this, depending on the fistulogram data, an operation is performed: the scar is excised along with the granuloma, and therapy can be prescribed by a doctor at home under normal conditions; the defect in the aponeurosis is sutured with a removable suture or absorbable suture material.

  • careful control over the sterility of the suture material;
  • strict adherence to asepsis during surgery is a good prevention of ligature fistulas;
  • ligation of the crossed vessels should be carried out with minimal entrapment of surrounding tissues with thin threads of synthetic absorbable material (Dexon No. 3. 4.0; Vicryl No. 3.0);
  • washing the wound not with natural remedies, but with medical solutions before stitching it up and further qualitatively getting rid of the fistula;
  • with the exception of the skin, when suturing a wound of the abdominal (chest) wall, synthetic suture material (Dexon, Vicryl No. 3.0, 1, 2) should be used, which prevents the appearance of a fistula;
  • with appropriate indications for prevention, the use of antibacterial agents and drugs is justified. To prevent the appearance of fistulas of this type, preference should be given to antiseptics (Sepronex, iodopirone, chlorhexidine, resorcinol - O.P. Sobeshchuk, A.P. Krasilnikov, A.A. Adarchenko, 2000).

Natural herbal treatment

Against it on the gums, use oil infused with eucalyptus leaves with one chopped onion. Apply the mixture once a day for 20 minutes. To heal any fistula, you will need the usual remedies. It is enough to take two parts of calendula color, yarrow flowers and grass, dandelion root, tansy grass and inflorescences. Grind all this in a meat grinder and add one part of Vishnevsky's liniment, ichthyol ointment and calendula oil until a homogeneous mass is formed.

To prepare a folk recipe with natural remedies, brew two tablespoons of St. John's wort with 1.5 glasses of water. Express. Place the leaves on cellophane and wrap the sore spot. After the procedure, rinse with the remaining St. John's wort water. Apply the tincture until pus begins to come out.

Home therapy with olive oil and vodka. Take equal amounts of olive oil and vodka and mix. Use the resulting mixture with safe products to wipe the area where the fistula is; place a cabbage leaf on top with the outer side. You need to use a compress for treatment two to three times a day. After two weeks you will feel better. Procedures cannot be skipped.

Traditional therapy with aloe

  • It has proven itself excellent in the fight against fistula and aloe. For this recipe, take twelve leaves from aloe (the flower must be older than two years), rinse them in boiled water. Then chop them finely and place them in a liter jar. Add honey to the fistula composition - an excellent alternative medicine. Infuse in a dark place at home, but do not forget to stir once a day. After eight days, strain the tincture two to three times and take a teaspoon before meals three times a day.
  • Another method of treatment, simply at home, is a folk remedy with aloe for fistula - by adding mumiyo juice. Soak the mummy in water until it becomes dark in color, extract the juice from it and mix it with aloe juice (an excellent healing agent of unique medicine). Soak the bandage in the resulting liquid and apply it to the area with the fistula for a long period of the course.

Healing ointment for healing formations in the rectum and treating the vagina. To prepare the product you will need oak bark, toadflax flowers, water pepper herb, lard - a folk ingredient that is found in many similar recipes. You finely chop all this and pour melted lard in a ratio of 1: 2. Place the container with this mixture in the oven over low heat for at least half a day. In your usual home conditions, when treating a fistula using folk remedies, make tampons, coat them with ointment and apply. Change every five hours.

Fistula on the gum: causes

If a fistula appears on the gum, this almost always means that an inflammatory process is occurring inside it. Pathological fistula canals are formed to drain pus and blood from the inside to the outside. Typically, inflammation is localized at the apex of the tooth root. Most often, the occurrence of a fistula is associated with one of the following reasons:

  • Caries, pulpitis

As a result of caries, inflammation of the internal soft tissues of the tooth - the pulp, consisting of nerves and blood vessels - often occurs. Gradually, the infection destroys the pulp and penetrates the root canals, from where it enters the tissue surrounding the tooth. The result of infection is the formation of an inflammatory focus inside the gum, the formation of a purulent abscess, which leads to the formation of a fistula, which is necessary for the outflow of fluid. A disease in which the tissues surrounding the tooth root become inflamed is called periodontitis.

  • Cyst

A cyst is a benign pathological neoplasm. The cyst usually has a round, spherical shape; its outer shell is hard, and the inside of the cyst is filled with fluid. In most cases, the formation of cysts in the gums does not pose a serious health hazard or cause discomfort, but sometimes a cyst can rupture, causing the fluid contained in it to leak into the surrounding tissue. The fistula serves to drain this fluid.

  • Wisdom tooth eruption

In some cases, the eruption of wisdom teeth can be difficult due to the physiological characteristics of the patient. Sometimes this leads to swelling of the gums; The enlarged gum is constantly injured from the outside by another tooth, and from the inside by the growing wisdom tooth. Because of this, an inflammatory process may begin inside it, accompanied by the release of pus.

  • Perforation or poor-quality filling of the canal

When treating pulpitis, there is a need to expand, clean and fill the canals that run inside the roots of the tooth. This is a complex and responsible process that requires great skill from the dentist. In some cases, the canal is not completely sealed or not tightly enough, and pathogenic microorganisms actively multiply in the resulting gaps. From the canal they can penetrate into the surrounding tissues - especially if, as a result of dental procedures, a non-physiological hole has formed in the root wall.

Since a fistula is almost always the result of infection entering the tissue and the ensuing inflammatory process, its formation is often associated with factors that promote the active proliferation of pathogenic microflora. Exacerbation of infectious and other chronic diseases, overwork, stress, overheating or hypothermia, lack of nutrients - all factors that cause weakening of the body and a decrease in immune status contribute to the formation of fistulas.

Bladder suppuration

A fistula of this organ is an abnormal gap between the bladder and other organs. The most common are enterovesical fistula - with the intestine - or vesicovaginal fistula - with the vagina.

Treatment of abnormal fistulas is possible only through surgery. Sometimes a bladder fistula is operated on in parallel with surgical elimination of the cause of the disease. The successful course of the operation and subsequent treatment of the fistula depends on the amount of healthy tissue around the hole. The presence of a healthy mucosa with normal blood circulation next to the operated surface makes it possible to eliminate the hole completely. If there is radiation or cancerous tissue damage, there is very little chance of a successful outcome of the operation. There is a possibility that a catheter will be placed inside the bladder after surgery for several weeks. There are no data yet on non-surgical repair of internal fistulas.

What are the main symptoms of a bladder fistula? Nowadays, diagnosing a fistula is not difficult. The main symptom of a fistula is discharge, which is used for diagnosis. The depth is checked using sounding. Using special reagents, the type of fistula is determined.

Symptoms of appearance

The process of fistula formation is difficult to track; it can take several days, as happens with acute pancreatitis, or several months, as with post-radiation tissue changes.

Manifestations at the initial stage of fistula formation are due to its root cause, as a rule, a local inflammatory process resulting in purulent melting of tissue with pain and infiltration, often intoxication and fever.

Without an exacerbation of the inflammatory reaction, the fistula can be felt as a cord. The size of the compaction around the fistula tract is due to inflammatory infiltration and branching of the fistula tracts themselves, cicatricial changes in the surrounding tissues, previously involved in the inflammatory conglomerate.

A formed fistula has an entrance and, sometimes, an exit, the tissues around it are compacted, and discharge can be squeezed out of the hole: pus, bile, pancreatic juice, and so on. With a fistula, feces may leak from the intestine into the vagina from the genital organs; when there is an anastomosis of the intestine with the bladder, urine leaks from the anus. The discharge from the intestinal fistula has a fecal smell, and the purulent secretion from the vagina also has a specific smell. The smell of a discharged fistula, leading from the zone of disintegration of a malignant tumor, seems especially heavy to others.

Inflammation causes pain ranging from slight discomfort to unbearable pain. Tumor fistulas do not hurt because they form inside a disintegrating tumor.

When the infection activates with the formation of streaks of purulent contents, a general reaction occurs: intoxication, high temperature, sweating and pallor, palpitations and rapid breathing.

Uses of olive oil

A fairly simple but effective recipe is to use olive oil, which is mixed in equal quantities with vodka. The resulting mixture should be wiped over the affected area three times a day. You also need to periodically tie a cabbage leaf to the fistula. After two weeks of this treatment complex, the desired result will be noticeable.

Using a special ointment

To heal fistulas in the vagina or rectum, a special ointment is used. To prepare it you need dried toadflax flowers and lard, water pepper herb, and oak bark.

The plant ingredients are thoroughly crushed, placed in a bowl, and poured with melted lard. The ratio of ingredients (fat to herbs) is 1:2. That is, for a two-hundred-gram glass of herbs, take two glasses of pork fat. The dishes along with this composition are placed in the oven and the heat is turned on low. They keep it for twelve hours. The resulting product is used as tampons. They are changed every four hours.

Treatment with St. John's wort

Dried St. John's wort (3 tbsp) is poured with water (300 ml), boiled for several minutes, then filtered. The hot herb is laid out on cellophane and applied as a compress. Keep until cool. Then they wash themselves.

The procedure is repeated until complete recovery.

Uses of aloe

Twelve young aloe leaves, which grow for about two years, need to be thoroughly washed, then crushed and mixed with honey (1 kg). Then place in a glass jar and refrigerate. The mixture must be stirred daily.

After a week, the resulting tincture can be consumed before meals. A single serving is a teaspoon of medicine. Take three times a day. The duration of treatment is at least two months.

Treatment with ash

Several handfuls of wood ash are sifted, filled with water (7 liters), and boiled for half an hour. Then the mixture is filtered. After it has cooled, it is infused for a quarter of an hour and drained. The resulting product is used to wash the wound and add it to the bath when bathing. The duration of the procedure is half an hour. Such baths will significantly improve your condition. The fistula will significantly decrease and heal. The degree of cleansing is directly related to the severity of the disease and the number of corresponding neoplasms.

Application of mumiyo

When a fistula occurs on the gums, a person faces a number of troubles. Of course, removing a baby tooth is not problematic. It is enough to clean the hole and wait for a new tooth to appear.

But if the fistula touches the gums, where the permanent tooth grows, then the situation becomes significantly more complicated. It is necessary to cure a fistula in such a way that there are no negative consequences. For this purpose, lotions, ointments, and rinses are used.

For young children, a piece of mummy is applied to the fistula, which is first dissolved in water and applied to a cotton swab. Keep the lotion for five minutes. Shilajit is also diluted with vodka and sunflower oil in equal proportions.

A good option would be to simply dilute the mumiyo in boiled water so that it becomes richly dark. Then add a little squeezed aloe juice. Moisten the bandage with this solution and apply it directly to the fistula. The fistula goes away in a few procedures.

Eucalyptus lotions

Several crushed eucalyptus leaves are poured with refined vegetable oil. The amount of ingredients is approximately the same. The mixture is infused for a day. Then grate the onion (1 head) on a fine grater. Add to the resulting mixture. This remedy is spread on four-layer gauze and tied like a lotion on the sore spot. Hold for twenty minutes.

In addition, the wound should be periodically rinsed with an arbitrary amount of eucalyptus infusion; you can apply baked onions. If the fistula has opened and released pus, then you need to apply an aloe leaf to it. It should be pre-cut. You can soak a cotton swab in aloe juice and wipe the fistula regularly.

Uses of chamomile

To get rid of a fistula, you can use a healing decoction of chamomile. You can buy it at a pharmacy or make it at home. To do this, you need to pour chamomile flowers (1 tsp) with boiling water (200 ml), cool, leave for an hour. Then strain and use for external rinsing of the fistula.

Uses of calendula

Calendula has been used since ancient times to treat various inflammatory processes. It will also eliminate fistulas. In addition to washing, an infusion of calendula flowers is used as compresses, as well as special baths.

Prepare the product as follows. Calendula flowers (1 tsp) are brewed with boiling water (200 ml), left for an hour, filtered. Used for external rinsing of fistulas.

Mouth rinse

Fistulas can occur anywhere. Sometimes such a tumor appears on the gums. In such cases, you can use soda (1 tsp) diluted in water (200 ml). Add a few drops of iodine to it and rinse the mouth several times a day.

An alternative option would be to use oak bark, sage herb, yarrow, and chamomile infusion. They also rinse the mouth. The procedure is repeated daily, two to three times. The duration of treatment is until the tumors are completely eliminated.

What can a doctor do?

Therapy for patients with external fistulas is based on:

  • local treatment;
  • general therapeutic;
  • operational.

Local therapy refers to the treatment of the resulting wound, as well as the protection of surrounding tissues from the effects of fluid that is released from the canal. For example, if the fistula is on the leg, abdomen, etc., then the purulent area is treated with various means (ointments, pastes and powders). They are applied at the external opening of the canal, thereby preventing the skin from coming into contact with pus, mucus, etc.

In addition, chemical agents can be used that prevent irritation of external tissues by neutralizing secretions from the fistula passage. For this, it is recommended to use inhibitors of proteolytic enzymes (for example, Gordox, Contrikal, etc.).

Mechanical methods of protecting the skin are aimed, first of all, at reducing or completely stopping discharge from the canal using special devices.

For the general treatment of purulent and other fistulas, they are constantly washed with an antiseptic solution.

Tubular granulating passages quite often close on their own after eliminating the causes of their occurrence (for example, removal of bone sequestration, ligature, etc.). But labiform fistulas never go away on their own. To treat such deviations, only surgical intervention is used to excise them, suturing the external holes, or resection of the affected organ.

It should also be noted that in some cases, surgeons create fistulas artificially specifically so that the patient can eat, or in order to remove accumulated secretions from any internal organ. These channels can be either permanent or temporary. After the patient's condition improves, the temporary canals are closed surgically.

In addition to external ones, internal fistulas (interorgan) are also created artificially. As a rule, they are imposed either for a long time or for life.

Uses of olive oil

A fairly simple but effective recipe is to use olive oil, which is mixed in equal quantities with vodka. The resulting mixture should be wiped over the affected area three times a day. You also need to periodically tie a cabbage leaf to the fistula. After two weeks of this treatment complex, the desired result will be noticeable.

Using a special ointment

To heal fistulas in the vagina or rectum, a special ointment is used. To prepare it you need dried toadflax flowers and lard, water pepper herb, and oak bark.

The plant ingredients are thoroughly crushed, placed in a bowl, and poured with melted lard. The ratio of ingredients (fat to herbs) is 1:2. That is, for a two-hundred-gram glass of herbs, take two glasses of pork fat. The dishes along with this composition are placed in the oven and the heat is turned on low. They keep it for twelve hours. The resulting product is used as tampons. They are changed every four hours.

Treatment with St. John's wort

Dried St. John's wort (3 tbsp) is poured with water (300 ml), boiled for several minutes, then filtered. The hot herb is laid out on cellophane and applied as a compress. Keep until cool. Then they wash themselves.

The procedure is repeated until complete recovery.

Uses of aloe

Twelve young aloe leaves, which grow for about two years, need to be thoroughly washed, then crushed and mixed with honey (1 kg). Then place in a glass jar and refrigerate. The mixture must be stirred daily.

After a week, the resulting tincture can be consumed before meals. A single serving is a teaspoon of medicine. Take three times a day. The duration of treatment is at least two months.

Treatment with ash

Several handfuls of wood ash are sifted, filled with water (7 liters), and boiled for half an hour. Then the mixture is filtered. After it has cooled, it is infused for a quarter of an hour and drained. The resulting product is used to wash the wound and add it to the bath when bathing. The duration of the procedure is half an hour. Such baths will significantly improve your condition. The fistula will significantly decrease and heal. The degree of cleansing is directly related to the severity of the disease and the number of corresponding neoplasms.

Application of mumiyo

When a fistula occurs on the gums, a person faces a number of troubles. Of course, removing a baby tooth is not problematic. It is enough to clean the hole and wait for a new tooth to appear.

But if the fistula touches the gums, where the permanent tooth grows, then the situation becomes significantly more complicated. It is necessary to cure a fistula in such a way that there are no negative consequences. For this purpose, lotions, ointments, and rinses are used.

For young children, a piece of mummy is applied to the fistula, which is first dissolved in water and applied to a cotton swab. Keep the lotion for five minutes. Shilajit is also diluted with vodka and sunflower oil in equal proportions.

A good option would be to simply dilute the mumiyo in boiled water so that it becomes richly dark. Then add a little squeezed aloe juice. Moisten the bandage with this solution and apply it directly to the fistula. The fistula goes away in a few procedures.

Eucalyptus lotions

Several crushed eucalyptus leaves are poured with refined vegetable oil. The amount of ingredients is approximately the same. The mixture is infused for a day. Then grate the onion (1 head) on a fine grater. Add to the resulting mixture. This remedy is spread on four-layer gauze and tied like a lotion on the sore spot. Hold for twenty minutes.

In addition, the wound should be periodically rinsed with an arbitrary amount of eucalyptus infusion; you can apply baked onions. If the fistula has opened and released pus, then you need to apply an aloe leaf to it. It should be pre-cut. You can soak a cotton swab in aloe juice and wipe the fistula regularly.

Uses of chamomile

To get rid of a fistula, you can use a healing decoction of chamomile. You can buy it at a pharmacy or make it at home. To do this, you need to pour chamomile flowers (1 tsp) with boiling water (200 ml), cool, leave for an hour. Then strain and use for external rinsing of the fistula.

Uses of calendula

Calendula has been used since ancient times to treat various inflammatory processes. It will also eliminate fistulas. In addition to washing, an infusion of calendula flowers is used as compresses, as well as special baths.

Prepare the product as follows. Calendula flowers (1 tsp) are brewed with boiling water (200 ml), left for an hour, filtered. Used for external rinsing of fistulas.

Mouth rinse

Fistulas can occur anywhere. Sometimes such a tumor appears on the gums. In such cases, you can use soda (1 tsp) diluted in water (200 ml). Add a few drops of iodine to it and rinse the mouth several times a day.

An alternative option would be to use oak bark, sage herb, yarrow, and chamomile infusion. They also rinse the mouth. The procedure is repeated daily, two to three times. The duration of treatment is until the tumors are completely eliminated.

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