Mono-tuft toothbrush: features and rules of use for adults and children, as well as how to choose and care

Each of us to brush our teeth from childhood . With age, this procedure becomes so habitual that we perform it automatically while half asleep.
After such brushing, you may feel that your teeth have not been brushed thoroughly enough.

This happens because a regular brush is not enough for proper oral care.

Even electric toothbrushes do not completely clean all the edges and surfaces of the enamel, do not penetrate into the interdental spaces and hard-to-reach areas of the oral cavity due to their large size.

Remember! Therefore, plaque and tiny food debris accumulate there. This provokes the formation of caries and bad breath.

For such areas of the oral cavity, more precisely targeted, local cleansing is necessary . In this case, a mono-tuft toothbrush will help .

What it is?

A monotuft toothbrush differs from the classic example in its non-standard shape .
In appearance, it more closely resembles an ordinary stick, with a tuft of bristles attached to the end. A mono-tuft brush consists of an elongated thin handle and a single thin tuft of bristles located perpendicular to the handle. The functionality of the device is similar to a brush and toothpick. It does an excellent job of removing bacterial plaque along the entire length of the crown due to its full coverage of the tooth neck area.

The device can be used at any age, both with and without toothpaste. The brush has no contraindications or restrictions. The unique design does not cause difficulties during use.


A monotuft brush differs from its traditional counterpart in that it consists of one bunch of bristles located on a small round head.

In different models, the end of the beam can be pointed or straight.

The brush is intended for everyday use both in the absence of oral pathologies and when wearing orthodontic appliances.

Depending on the length of the villi, such a device can be used by both adults and children.

Who invented it?

The ancient peoples of Africa can be considered the inventors of the monotuft brush . They used branches of the Miswak and Sotiu trees to clean their teeth. Thin branches were cut into small pieces, soaked in water, and then soaked on one side.

This is how the “progenitor” of the modern mono-beam brush was made. Modern manufacturers have taken advantage of the idea of ​​their ancestors and developed a similar device, only using the latest materials and technologies.

Advantages and disadvantages

Having appeared not so long ago, the mono-beam brush immediately became in demand. This popularity is due to the advantages that distinguish this product from similar products:

  • high quality of crown cleaning due to the unique structure of the bristles;
  • due to the easy penetration of the bristles into the gum pocket area, high-quality removal of bacterial deposits ;
  • the shape of the head allows for targeted cleaning , which is very important if there are injuries and ulcerations on the mucous membrane;
  • The advantage is a wide selection of bristle types and head sizes , so that the device can be used even by children;
  • copes well with removing dirt from orthodontic appliances and dentures .

In addition to its advantages, this design also has some disadvantages:

  • the duration of the cleansing procedure, since the head has a small area of ​​influence;
  • need to be used together with a standard brush. The monobeam option acts only as an auxiliary one .

Design features

Compared to the classic version of a toothbrush, the mono-tuft product has a smaller cleaning head and a thinner handle. Both synthetic and natural materials can be used to make the beam.

The villi, which are thin and have excellent elasticity, perfectly remove food debris, much better than dental floss and toothpick.

Each of the bristles is a collection of micro-bristles, which ensures a tight fit of the cleaning head to the enamel.

The thin handle and curved working surface make it possible to comfortably position the device in the oral cavity and allow it to penetrate into the most inaccessible places. For example, you can easily clean your wisdom teeth efficiently.

Bristles stiffness

The bristles are the most expensive part of a toothbrush and determine how thoroughly and effectively you clean. In the production of modern brushes, artificial bristles are used, which will not only last longer, but will also not become a habitat for bacteria and microorganisms.

According to the stiffness of the bristles, brushes are:

  • soft and ultra-soft;
  • medium hardness;
  • tough.

Do not choose a hard brush yourself - it may not fit and damage the enamel and gums. These brushes are suitable for caring for some removable dentures.

Most people are comfortable with soft or ultra-soft
with a lot of bristles. If you like coffee and smoke, choose a brush with medium hardness. The main thing is to remember that it is easier to damage enamel than it seems.

Instructions for use

In order to get the maximum benefit from using a mono-beam brush, you need to read the detailed instructions. The teeth cleaning algorithm should consist of the following steps:

  1. The brush is wetted in water to ensure better glide over the enamel. If necessary, toothpaste is squeezed onto the cleaning head, however, the effectiveness of the application will not decrease if you do not use this hygiene product.
  2. The oral cavity should be mentally divided into 4 segments. The cleaning process begins with the most distant tooth. Making circular sweeping movements, you must follow from the gum pocket to the chewing surface.
  3. The cleaning head should be positioned at an angle of 450 to the side of the tooth being cleaned.
  4. During the hygiene process, you should not apply excessive pressure so as not to injure the soft tissues of the oral cavity.
  5. Attention should be paid to the outer and inner sides of the tooth, the chewing surface and the interdental space.
  6. The front teeth and cutting surfaces should be cleaned more intensively.
  7. It should take at least 10 seconds to process one unit.

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To improve the quality of cleaning the oral cavity, it is recommended to use a mono-beam brush in conjunction with the classic version.

Not recommended cleaning methods

Proper care during orthodontic correction with braces is very important. It is necessary not only to thoroughly clean the surface of the teeth from plaque, but also to ensure that the structure is not damaged. Therefore, some popular habits should be abandoned:

  • Toothpicks . Dentists do not recommend hard wooden sticks with sharp ends even for people without orthodontic appliances. They can damage enamel and injure gums. Using toothpicks during treatment can lead to ruptures of ligatures and debris getting stuck in clasps.
  • Refreshment with chewing gum . Chewing gum is absolutely contraindicated for people with braces. She gets stuck in the locks. In addition, the gum is still not enough to fully clean your teeth.
  • Whitening . Neither home nor professional teeth whitening techniques are used during treatment with braces. The structures are attached to the teeth using glue. No paste or solution will penetrate under the locks, so after removing the system, unsightly stains will remain on the enamel.
  • - An electric toothbrush . Many patients are interested in whether it is possible to clean braces with an electric brush. If doctors recommend such structures for routine care, then for patients during orthodontic treatment it is better to refuse electric cleaning. Due to the high rotation speed, the risk of damage to the locks and the braces themselves increases.

You need to remember the general rules for wearing structures. It is recommended to avoid foods that are too hard and that stick to your teeth. Limit sweets in your diet and drink enough water. The orthodontist gives each patient detailed individual recommendations, which should be strictly adhered to. Also, for safe and effective treatment with braces, you should not miss your appointments with your doctor. We hope with our article you will learn how to brush your teeth correctly!

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Selection rules

A wide range of oral care products forces the consumer to choose products according to certain selection criteria. What should you pay attention to when choosing?

Cleaning head

The cleaning head should be small and round in shape

Choose a head with smooth edges
to avoid injury to the oral cavity. The effectiveness of cleaning hard-to-reach areas depends on the correct size of the cleaning surface.

For children, it is recommended to use a head up to 7 mm wide. For adults, a maximum width of 11 mm is acceptable.

Hardness degree

Manufacturers offer a choice of 5 degrees of bristle hardness, each of which has its own purpose:

  • sensitive (0.10 mm) – the softest bristles are created for light intensity cleaning from accumulated bacteria, and are intended mainly for children 2-5 years old and for people with increased tooth sensitivity;
  • soft (0.12 mm) – soft-hard bristles affect the oral mucosa and qualitatively polish the enamel without damaging it. Recommended for pregnant women, children 5-10 years of age and people suffering from pathologies of gum tissue or periodontitis;
  • medium (0.15 mm) – a medium degree of hardness is suitable for children over 10 years old, people with healthy teeth, as well as those who have superficial carious lesions;
  • hard (0.17 mm) – has enhanced cleaning properties, intended for people whose teeth are prone to constant tartar formation;
  • extra - hard (more than 0.17 mm) - the most rigid bristles are produced for cleaning removable braces and dentures.

The following video contains information about the advantages of monotuft toothbrushes and the rules for choosing them.


This part of the brush should be of medium thickness, ergonomic and with silicone inserts to prevent slipping during the procedure.

But the main selection criterion is the neck of the product, which must be curved to ensure a high degree of cleansing of hard-to-reach places in the oral cavity.

Bristle material

Natural and artificial materials are used to make fibers. In the first case, the pile is distinguished by significant softness and elasticity.

However, products with bristles made from natural fibers have some disadvantages:

  • high cost;
  • Compared to synthetic materials, short service life;
  • The bristles quickly accumulate bacteria due to the flat structure of the villi.

Nylon and polyurethane are superior to natural fibers in terms of stiffness and elasticity of the bristles. But bristles made of artificial material quickly lose their shape when exposed to hot water.

For high-quality hygiene, preference should be given to brushes with bristles from 0.17 to 0.2 mm.

Number of villi

When choosing a device for a child, you should give preference to products with 700 fibers, and for an adult – 1,000 or more.

Types of orthodontic brushes

Due to the special structure of braces, it is not possible to use ordinary oral hygiene items to clean them. The use of ordinary brushes does not help to effectively clean the oral cavity, because the bristles simply do not reach many places. But scientists have developed many different specialized brushes for cleaning braces , which take into account all the features of this bite correction system.

There is an opinion that while wearing braces, you can use a regular brush, the main thing is to take a product with soft bristles. Dentists think differently: studies have shown that ignoring specialized products doubles the likelihood of developing caries!


The V-shaped brush is very similar to a regular brush. The only difference is that in the central part in the longitudinal direction the product has a reduced bristle length. It is believed that this form allows you to simultaneously clean the enamel, on which there are no braces, and the braces themselves. Among these brushes there are standard ones (with bristles) and non-standard ones (with rubber pads or rubber bristles). Whether it is worth using newfangled solutions should be checked with a doctor.

Standard V-shaped brushes


A mono-tuft toothbrush for cleaning braces has only one tuft of bristles on a plastic handle. It is very thin, so it easily cleans surfaces that are inaccessible to ordinary brushes. This product is used after a regular brush and brush: it is designed to remove all those small food debris that other cleaning devices cannot reach.

Some people think that using a single-tuft brush is not necessary, but this is not true. It helps remove dirt around the locks, which is very important. If you do not clean this area, you will see discoloration of the enamel after your braces are removed.

An example of a monotuft brush and its application


Electric brushes can be used with braces , but be very careful. If you bought a model in which the head makes rotational movements, you cannot use it - the bristles may get stuck in the metal structures. Dentists do not recommend using a working head in the area of ​​braces; it is dangerous and can lead to breakage of the locks. In addition, electric models are designed for routine care, so they are not enough for full care.

You can combine specialized tools such as brushes and mono-tuft brushes and an electric model. In this case, the surfaces of the teeth that are not covered by braces are automatically cleaned, and the rest of the enamel is cleaned manually.

Advice! If your budget allows, in addition to a special brush, also buy an irrigator. It does not replace brushing your teeth, but helps remove plaque and food debris with water. You can also rinse your teeth with medications, this reduces the risk of inflammation and gum disease.


Brushes for braces are used to clean the spaces between the arch and teeth. They consist of a holder and replaceable heads, each of which lasts no more than 2 weeks. The holder can be of any shape and often resembles a brush handle. The head itself looks like a small wire base on which there are bristles sticking out in all directions.

Types of dental brushes and an example of their use

Cleaners are classified according to the following parameters:

  • the shape of the working part. Models come in conical and cylindrical. Conical ones taper towards the end, cylindrical ones have a constant nozzle width;
  • the stiffness of the bristles, which can be hard or soft. The latter is used for sore gums or increased sensitivity;
  • size. It is recommended to use brushes of different sizes for different teeth, because... the distance between the elements of the dentition can vary over a fairly wide range.

Regardless of their hardness, brushes do not last long. It is recommended to take them in sets so as not to run to the store for your next purchase as soon as the bristles of the brush you are using wear out.

Sizes of brushes and features of interdental cleaning


To care for your teeth during the period of bite adjustment, you need a lot of equipment. You don’t have to buy them separately: you can immediately buy a set, which will include a toothbrush with braces , a brush, and a mirror. The main thing is that such a set includes all the products necessary for care.

Two examples of dental care kits

The minimum configuration is as follows:

  • v-shaped brush;
  • toothpaste;
  • waxed floss for dental purposes;
  • floss toothpicks or dental brushes;
  • mono-beam brush;
  • mirror.

Even such a small specialized kit will help you take full care of your teeth. An additional advantage of buying a set is that it is usually sold in special packaging that is convenient to carry with you. The kit is also suitable for travelers. But do not forget that brushes quickly become unusable and need to be replaced.

Advice! If you find the kit inconvenient for constant use, you can purchase two sets of accessories. You will carry one with you when eating at a restaurant or dining out, and use the other at home.


Not only your teeth need care, but also your brush itself. During its use, you should adhere to some rules:

  1. Each time after use, the brush must be rinsed with a stream of hot water . But do not use boiling water, as this may cause deformation of the bristles.
  2. At least once a week you need to treat your device with an antibacterial solution . To do this, you can use a solution of regular chlorhexidine or purchase a special product. The greatest antiseptic effect is observed after soaking the brush in the solution for several hours.
  3. For storage you need to use only special containers or holders . Storing in a regular glass with other brushes will lead to the accumulation of bacteria on the bristles, which can cause the risk of developing dental pathologies.
  4. During storage, the brush must be positioned with the head up . Thanks to this, it dries faster, which prevents the accumulation and development of microbes.
  5. It is imperative to change the device after using it during infectious diseases.
  6. Do not forget that the maximum service life of this device is 3 months . After this, it must be replaced.

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Some manufacturers have equipped monotuft brushes with a special indicator that shows the degree of wear of the bristles. The lower the color saturation of the indicator, the greater the wear of the bristles.


The cost of a monotuft brush has a wide range from 190 to 1000 rubles . The brand of the product is of primary importance in this regard. For example, little-known brushes cost only 190 rubles .

Purchasing a similar model from the popular Curaprox will cost 800 rubles or more. The cost is also affected by the design model.

In addition to the standard sample, the market offers brushes with replaceable heads costing from 400 to 700 rubles . You can also find a double-sided model, the price of which starts from 150 rubles .

Who needs a mono-tuft toothbrush?

Who do dentists recommend using these brushes to clean their teeth?

Firstly, for patients who are prescribed an orthodontic toothbrush (mainly those wearing structures on their teeth, in particular braces). If this mechanism is fixedly fixed on the teeth, then areas are formed that simply cannot be treated with a regular toothbrush. Such designs, by the way, make the gums and enamel sensitive and vulnerable.

Mono-beam brushes are much more gentle than regular brushes and will clean the tooth surface without disturbing the gums; they will remove food particles from under the braces without damaging their mechanism. You should act with careful “sweeping” movements. In this case, it is better to choose a tool with long and soft bristles.

For people wearing implants and dentures, we can recommend “Curaprox” - toothbrushes designed specifically for cleaning them. The device will be useful both for crowded teeth and for wide interdental spaces – “chapped teeth”. This brush can be used in hard-to-reach places in the oral cavity.

It will be useful for everyone as an additional effective means of dental hygiene in “difficult” places, be it molars, wisdom teeth or interdental spaces.

How to properly care for braces: 10 dentist recommendations

Dentists recommend not only using special devices and toothbrushes for braces , but also following simple care rules. Namely:

  1. Teeth should be brushed after every meal. This is important, because when eating, braces retain a lot of leftover food. They quickly become the cause of bacteria, which leads to inflammation and caries.
  2. While wearing braces, it is better to avoid hard foods (nuts, seeds, popcorn), as they can damage the orthodontic structure.
  3. It is undesirable to consume viscous products (halva, toffee, chewing gum). Such food not only gets stuck between the teeth and the elements of the braces system, but can cause damage to the lock on the tooth. Problems especially often arise with toffee and chewing gum.
  4. It is recommended to avoid foods that are too hot or too cold. Temperature changes destroy the substance that holds braces on the teeth.
  5. Do not use ultrasonic brushes for cleaning. They are good and can and even should be used, but they are not designed for the presence of braces and other foreign elements on the teeth.
  6. It is undesirable to eat products with natural or artificial dyes - all the paint will eventually remain not only on the enamel, but also on the braces (especially on cheap models).
  7. Visit the orthodontist in a timely manner so that the doctor can monitor the condition of the teeth and recommend the remedies that need to be used to normalize the situation.
  8. Combine careful care with proper nutrition. Make sure your diet contains calcium, magnesium, vitamins (especially C, D), fluorine, phosphorus, proteins, etc. It is useful to include dairy products, fish, vegetables and fruits in your menu.
  9. Don't forget about dental floss. You need to buy it specially, because the regular one is not suitable for braces. The most convenient option is Superfloss thread. It is divided into small pieces and has a thin and hard end. It is easy to thread under the arch and stick into hard-to-reach places.
  10. Choose your toothpaste carefully. A good toothpaste will help reduce tooth sensitivity. This is especially important for those who suffer from discomfort associated with wearing braces. Before purchasing, examine the tube and make sure that the paste is intended to strengthen enamel.

You cannot ignore the advice of dentists, because this will negatively affect the health of your teeth. Take the time to care for your oral cavity; it is already subject to increased stress due to braces.

How to brush teeth with braces and how much?

How to brush teeth with braces?

Ideally, brush your teeth with braces after every meal. But this does not always work out. Therefore, you should at least rinse your mouth with water or mouthwash after eating.

You should brush your teeth at least 2 times a day in the following sequence:

  • Using a regular brush and paste, we clean the surfaces of the teeth on which braces are not glued;
  • Using an orthodontic brush, we carry out reciprocating movements along surfaces with “locks”;
  • Use a brush to clean the spaces under the arch, above and below the braces;
  • Using a mono-beam brush, we clean the outer surface of the “locks” and the surface of the tooth around each bracket;
  • We use floss (dental floss) to clean the interdental spaces, and, if necessary, around the “lock”;
  • Using an irrigator, we wash out the remaining “dirt” between the teeth and massage the gums.

Indications for use

For your information! This model of cleaning device is recommended for use in the following cases:

  • Wide spaces between teeth , conditions after tooth extraction.
  • Wearing braces, retainers, bridges, implants and other dental structures.
  • Large crowding of teeth or their irregular growth.
  • In comprehensive oral hygiene, for more thorough cleansing.

Rating of high-quality mono-beam toothbrushes for 2022 from

Popular models among the entire range of the company are the “Solo” cleaning brushes – “CS 1006 single” and “CS 1009 single”. They are suitable for removing plaque, cleaning braces, cleaning hard-to-reach tooth surfaces and the periodontal sulcus.

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The product is shipped from Switzerland. The body is made of plastic and has different colors, as well as the bristles, which are made of synthetics.

The difference between the two types of brushes is the size of the bristles, design and purpose. However, both designs consist of the same number of rounded fibers.

The patented bristle system creates a dense, highly effective cleaning surface. Villi absorb moisture less, compared to nylon material, and retain their cleaning properties up to 60% better.

The handle and compact head with a slight tilt in the cervical area ensure the correct position of the brush: oral care at the right angle.

Mono-tuft brushes 1006 and 1009 respectively, various design options

Product Specifications:

Name: "CS 1006" "CS 1009"

Purpose:removing plaque from each tooth separatelyfor cleaning around implants, braces, attachments
Hardness level:softsoft
Pile length (mm):69
Number of cleaning elements (pcs.):810810
Head Shape:resembles half a ballrounded
By price (rubles):390390

Curaprox Solo CS 1006 singleAdvantages:

  • design;
  • perfectly removes plaque from tooth enamel, especially in the gum area and joints (multi-level bristles ensure ideal cleaning);
  • does not injure the gums;
  • high level of wear: after several months of operation, retains its original appearance;
  • ergonomic shape of the holder (comfortable).


  • not identified.

CURAPROX CS 1009 Single & Sulcular

The monotuft model produced by Curaprox is equipped with a thousand polyester fibers 9 mm long.

Used to clean the oral cavity and parts of dental systems.

Thanks to the special coating of the fibers, the device does not scratch the enamel and does not injure the gums.

The cost of the model is 520-550 rubles.

Watch the video about the use of Curaprox mono-beam toothbrushes.

Miradent I-Prox P

Used to remove plaque from closely spaced teeth, braces and bridge structures.

The replacement head can be positioned at an angle of 60º or 120º relative to the holder.

The bristles of the head have a pointed shape for better plaque removal.

The cost of the product is 300 rubles.

Edel White

The product from a Swiss manufacturer is intended for the care of implants, bridges, as well as cleaning teeth in the presence of wedge-shaped defects.

The head with pointed bristles of medium hardness cleans the space between the enamel and the elements of the bracket system.

The set includes 2 monotuft brushes and a protective cap.

The cost of the set is 260 rubles.

TePe Compact Tuft

Equipped with a small curved head. The high density of the bristles allows you to effectively clean bacterial and food plaque from the surface of the teeth.

Dentists recommend using this product for patients with fixed orthodontic appliances.

The cost of a brush in stores and pharmacies is 320-350 rubles.

Dentaid Vitis Implant Monotip

Designed for cleaning areas of dental structures with minimal access.

The bristles of the device have medium hardness and are rounded at the ends to avoid damage to the enamel.

The cost of the product is 360 rubles.

Jordan Interbrush

Intended for use by children aged 6 to 8 years. Designed for cleaning teeth and gum lines.

Can be used to remove plaque in hard-to-reach areas of the oral cavity with installed braces.

The thin handle fits comfortably in a child's hand while brushing teeth. The cost of the product is 150 rubles.


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According to buyers, the best representatives of monotuft brushes for 2022 are foreign companies. The table provides a brief overview of their products, as well as the price segment for them. Intuition will tell you which company is better to purchase a product after studying and comparing all the data.

Important! The tooth cheek should be selected taking into account the structural features of the dentition, the sensitivity of the gums, and the fixed structure, if any.

Table - “List of the best monotuft brushes for 2022”

Name:Manufacturer:Hardness level:To whom:Average price (rubles):
"CS 1006 single""Curaprox"softchildren and adults390
"CS 1009 single"softadults390
"Compact Tuft""TePe"soft0+300
"Interspace Medium"averageadults360
"Interspace Soft"softeveryone350
"Vitis Implant Monotip""Dentaid"tough12+200
"I-prox P""Miradent"averageadults320
"End-tuft""PresiDENT"averageadults and children190
( 2 ratings, average 5 out of 5 )
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