What kind and safe spirits can you summon during the day with friends and girlfriends?

The dream of all children when watching their favorite cartoon is to meet the character they see on the screen every day. And it really is possible, it just takes a little effort.

You can call at home:

  • gum gnome
  • I have a sweet tooth
  • mermaid
  • tooth fairy

As everyone knows, the tooth fairy is a fairly popular character in children's stories and cartoons. There is a legend that says that the fairy comes at night to visit children who have recently gotten rid of a baby tooth and in return gives a gift: a bag of sweets, a coin or a note with wishes. You can also summon the tooth fairy at home without waiting for her to officially appear. We offer you 4 ways to call a sorceress at home and 2 if you are visiting.

How much money can the tooth fairy bring?

Most commenters agreed that $2 to $5 is a reasonable amount per tooth.

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What to do if it doesn't work out?

Adults understand that the tooth fairy is a fictional character. It is based on ancient mythology. Writers studied pagan beliefs and created their own creature, which changed over time in popular culture and gradually formed a modern appearance.

The raison d'être of the Tooth Fairy is to compensate for the pain and suffering caused by a lost incisor. With the help of this fairy tale, parents encourage their children to quickly get rid of a tooth that has begun to loosen. Afterwards, the relatives independently take the chisel and put in a coin as compensation, maintaining the child’s faith in this creature.

Naturally, the baby will grow up and realize that the Tooth Fairy does not exist and she is a fairy-tale character. Therefore, there is nothing wrong with making a child believe in this legend.

First, tell your child about this creature. You can introduce him to fairy tales in which the character appears. Then stock up on 10-ruble coins and confirm its existence in practice. The baby will be able to buy candy or chewing gum and will no longer be afraid of having baby teeth removed or visiting the dentist.

Where to go to call a dentist

It all depends on your financial capabilities. We can safely assume that a doctor from a paid dentistry will have better equipment and the service itself will be at the proper level. But families with disabilities rarely have the funds for expensive treatment, so their direct route is to free city dentistry. An important point: it is better if you decide in advance what to do with the diseased tooth: remove or treat. It is clear that sometimes it is difficult to decide, so if you are not sure, call for treatment. Well, if there are no other options, then you will need a surgeon. All this must be brought to the attention of the receptionist when you place the call.

Free dental clinics have a schedule of home visits. So if you say you need treatment, you may be scheduled for a day next week. Another thing is that if you receive a call for acute pain, the doctor will arrive on the same day.

Sunny Bunny

Who can be called on the street during the day with friends - for example, a sunny bunny, the spirit of a ray of sunshine that fulfills wishes. Even the youngest wizard can do this. You need to prepare a white sheet of paper and a yellow pencil. You can perform the ceremony either alone or in the company of friends.

Draw a bunny on the paper without lifting the pencil from the sheet. Then place the paper on the window so that the sun's rays fall on it. Wait and let the sheet warm up a little. Then say the cherished words:

“Sunny bunny, come to me. Fulfill my wishes, respond.”

Repeat the text five times, close your eyes tightly and cover the drawing with your palms. Count to fifteen and open your eyes. The sun spirit will sit in your palms. Without lifting your palm from the sheet, ask him for what you want. As soon as you say your will, open your palms and release the sunbeam. Soon your wish will come true.

Last night Musya finally lost a tooth.

This tooth tormented Musya for a week, prevented her from eating, scratched her, hurt her - we already talked about going to the doctor to get it pulled out. And the tooth kept hurting and pressing - to the point that one of the front incisors next to it began to grow crookedly. And then this tooth happily falls out - while eating ice cream, which is interesting.

But apparently this tooth was so stubborn that even after it fell out, he decided that he would not simply surrender to the enemy. And revenge awaited us. The child began to wait - right! - The Tooth Fairy.

We went to bed early, I was already falling asleep, but Musya came three times and woke me up with instructions that I should definitely put the tooth under the pillow and “As if the fairy would come, but what if not???” Last time, I honestly put the tooth under the pillow in front of her, but she was moving so much that when I came to pick it up at night, I didn’t find it... and I had to leave the gift anyway.

In the morning, the child found both a tooth and a gift there - Oooh, COOL!!! The fairy left the tooth and brought me a gift! Ooo!!!

... in general, this time I decided that when she falls asleep, I will put her a gift WITHOUT a tooth, so that it won’t happen like that again.

At 12 at night, according to the chosen goal, I tried to carry out the desired action, but the child hit me - it turned out that she was not sleeping at all, but was lying vigilant - how soon I would bring the tooth and when the Fairy would fly to her.

At one o'clock in the morning I got up again - she was not sleeping again and was fucking waiting for me to put this tooth in! - Maaa, when?.. - When you fall asleep, I’ll put it down! Half an hour later she comes to me... - Maaaam, and mom, won’t you forget to PUT A TOOTH??? - Musya, when you fall asleep, I’ll put it down! go sleep!

Another hour later, or maybe 15 minutes later, she came to me to lie down. Then she left. Then she came again... she lay down and played with a ball and a rattle. She was expelled.

He comes again and says: - Maaaam??? Fairy will come SOON??? Damn, by this time my head resembled a cast iron iron. - Musya, it’s already dawn, the night is over - the Fairy won’t come again. - WHY? - Musya, did you decide to CATCH her today? She won't come because you DIDN'T SLEEP!..

And what does Musya do?

That's right - Musya goes to his room, covers himself with a blanket and begins to SOB VERY STRONGLY!

Damn, 4 am. I get up... I dream that I am already a zombie, and my hands are dragging along the floor... And I only have a living cerebellar brain and nothing else. I turn on the light, take the blanket from her and sit her on the chair, he is my savior, a chair for thinking. “That’s it,” I say, “sit here and... wait!” She will come soon!

... I don’t remember how I got to the bed.

The next memory is that LM wakes me up and asks about the Fairy, was there one? I hate fairies! Poor Fairy, she had the hiccups today!))) I wave my hand to the closet, taaam, taaam! He finds what he is looking for - the magazine “Fairy with Rhinestones”... God, it’s finished...

Overall, everyone is happy in the morning, she has already had breakfast and is riding her bike. We will glue the rhinestones onto the fairy after the quiet hour.

But after the night I want to pupate on the sofa and freeze, and then no more Tooth Fairies!

How to diversify a tradition


Instead of a regular banknote, give your child a “magic” money - strewn with shining sparkles.


The presence of a fairy can be confirmed by her accidentally leaving behind a magic wand.


Take a photo of your baby in his sleep, draw the Tooth Fairy in a graphics editor, and show your baby the processed picture.


Glitter can also be used as traces left by the sorceress.


Feedback from the fairy can also be maintained in writing. The baby can write her a letter about what he would like to find under the pillow, and in return receive gratitude for the careful care of his teeth and the desired present.

How to summon a wish fairy using a piece of paper?

You can try to channel your desire to the Fairy with the help of an interesting drawing. Take a yellow maple leaf and place it on white paper. Trace it and color the drawing or just glue it on and make an applique. On the back, be sure to write your deepest wish.

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In what cases is it impossible to go to dentistry?

The problem with visiting specialized medical institutions arises for people suffering from serious diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Bedridden patients and disabled people of group 1 are not able to visit the dental office for obvious reasons.

To seek help at home, you need to have good reason, or better yet, documented evidence. That is, you should prepare in advance documents confirming group 1 disability or a certificate from the attending physician about the patient’s condition.

The nuances of calling a dentist to a disabled person’s home

Prepare for possible difficulties. Put yourself in the position of a doctor - it is very difficult to work in conditions where the patient is not in the dental chair, and with a portable instrument. In addition, in such conditions it is impossible to take an x-ray of the diseased tooth and you will have to treat or remove it, as they say, at random.

Therefore, prepare for the dentist’s arrival. Look for additional lamps and arrange good lighting in the room, prepare a chair for the doctor, and, just in case, a bowl and a towel. Check with the reception desk in advance to see if you may need to buy painkillers and a syringe of the appropriate size for anesthesia. Understand that it is difficult to expect perfect results under these conditions, so be patient and polite. The doctor will appreciate all this, and it will be easier for him to work in a friendly environment.

Have you had any experience of calling a dentist to your home? If yes, write about it in the comments, our readers will be very grateful to you!

It seems that the child only recently erupted his first baby tooth, but in fact six whole years have passed since then. But, fortunately, 6-7 years is exactly the age when children willingly believe in fairy tales and legends, so it will be especially good if the fiction brings some benefit to a growing person.

For example, in English-speaking countries, children believe in the Tooth Fairy, who exchanges each lost baby tooth for a coin or a small gift. How to summon the tooth fairy?

How to pull out a child's tooth?

It is better to remove a tooth in a well-lit room. Before the procedure, encourage your child to brush their teeth and rinse their mouth with the solution. You can pull out a tooth using a thread: tie it around the crown part and sharply pull it upward if the tooth is lower, and vice versa downward if the tooth is upper.

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Gnome of wishes

Who can you call at home during the day - the wish gnome will help you make your dreams come true. You need to prepare a gift for the gnome; it could be something shiny or sweet. Sit at the table, light a candle in front of you and call the gnome, looking at the fire:

“Gnome of wishes, I call you, accept the gift, fulfill my wish.”

If the entity appears, you will feel the presence of someone behind your back. Without turning around, say your wish. If you feel warm, your wish will come true, but if the candle goes out, don’t wait for help. Don’t rush, start small, and you will definitely succeed, the main thing is to believe.

Good elemental spirit

Speaking about who can be summoned harmlessly during the day, one cannot fail to mention the spirits of the elements. When summoning a good spirit, you first need to decide who exactly you want to see. These creatures are harmless or neutral, although they have magical powers. Exist:

  • Fairies;
  • Elemental Spirits;
  • Spirits of spaces (houses, apartments, caves, etc.);
  • Beregini.

Calling them is not difficult, it is much more difficult to decide what you want to know. It is also necessary to remember that these spirits are sensitive and are easily offended. Therefore, they will make fun of you, worry you and scare you. There are many ways to summon these spirits; we will list the most common ones.

What good spirits can you summon during the day with friends on the street?

Option 1

On the street in a secluded place, the spirits of the elements are called upon; to do this, you need to hold hands and say the spell:

“Spirit of the elements, good, appear. Answer our call for help."

The words are pronounced three times, closing the eyes and clearly imagining the spirit. You will feel something unusual - this will be a sign that the spirit has come. Ask him questions that interest you or ask for help, and after receiving an answer, thank him and let him go.

Option 2

Prepare a silver bell in advance. Sit in a comfortable position, close your eyes and imagine the summoned spirit. Once you are completely relaxed, ring the bell three times and say the words:

“Spirit of the bell, hear the ringing, I’m calling you, come to my aid.”

Then extend your hand with the bell, as soon as the spirit comes, he will ring the bell.

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