For what purposes are Myobrace trainers used?

The Myobrace device is a mouth guard for both jaws made of hypoallergenic silicone. It trains the facial muscles, straightens the teeth, teaches you how to “hold your face” correctly in every sense, and weans you from bad oral habits.

You don't need to wear the trainer all the time, just an hour or two a day and throughout the night. This is enough for the bite to be corrected without harsh mechanical measures.

What does the Myobrace trainer look like?

Soft, transparent silicone positioner, with or without frame inside. Additional elements help achieve effective correction:

  • marker tongue - holds the tongue in the desired upper position, pressed to the palate for normal breathing through the nose;
  • lip bumper – to relax the lower lip, relieves pressure on the teeth when swallowing. It also allows you to keep your mouth closed, as it should be.

Myobrace developers took into account all the nuances to make wearing the device not only as effective as possible, but also comfortable.

Systemic teeth straightening Myobrace

The course of treatment is divided into 3 stages - one drop for each.

  1. The initial period is a soft mouthguard, with which you begin training the correct functioning of the tongue, cheeks, lips, and nose according to the Myobrace method.

    While wearing the trainer, you need to perform special exercises to train nasal breathing, correct tongue position, swallowing, and the muscles of the lips and cheeks. The exercises occur in a certain order, which corresponds to the stages of treatment.

  2. The next step is that a new apparatus with a frame begins to expand the jaw arch.
  3. Here, a rigid final alignment positioner is already used to secure the result obtained (retention).

One stage lasts about 5 months, provided that the patient responsibly follows all the doctor’s recommendations and regularly comes for control once every 30 days.

Alternative solutions for correcting malocclusion

Trainers are removable devices for correcting malocclusion, so their main alternative is aligners. However, trainers are intended to a greater extent to correct myofunctional disorders - the position of the tongue, lips, relieve muscle pressure, and correcting the position of the teeth in this case is a consequence of getting rid of bad habits.

For those patients who are not ready for discipline, it is recommended to install braces - this system is permanently fixed to the teeth, it is impossible to remove them, which will allow you to achieve a guaranteed result.

1 Itkina S.Sh. Complex treatment of dentofacial anomalies that have arisen against the background of myofunctional disorders, using the Myobrace system. Orthodontics, 2006.

Types of Myobrace caps

MRC has developed a set of devices for all ages in different sizes and colors. This division allows everyone to choose a suitable elasto positioner to solve a specific problem:

  • Juniors – for straightening baby bites in children from 3 to 6 years old, devices in blue and pink colors J1, J2, J3;
  • Kids – for problems of early mixed dentition in children under 10 years old, devices K1, K2, K3 also in two shades;
  • Teens – for teenagers and correction of late mixed occlusion aged 10 to 15 years, devices T1, T2, T3 (apparatus with cells for teeth), T4;
  • Adults – a system for straightening teeth in adult patients, used from 15 years old, devices A1, A2, A3.

There is another category of Class III trainers for the treatment of mesial malocclusion. They are marked as i3-N, i-3, i-3H, P-3. This combination allows you to work even with problems that are difficult to correct.

System advantages

The list of factors determining the popularity of the corrective device in modern orthodontics includes:

  • Practicality and ease of use of the system - the removable design allows for wear mainly at night, is easily removed and installed without medical intervention, and allows patients to lead a normal lifestyle;
  • Safety of correctors - the smooth structure eliminates the possibility of mechanical damage and irritation on mucous tissues, and the use of medical silicone guarantees the absence of allergic reactions during long-term wearing;
  • Affordable cost of the device. If you compare the costs of purchasing a Myobrace corrector with the prices for the manufacture and installation of aesthetic braces, and take into account that the effectiveness of treatment in both cases is approximately the same, the choice will seem obvious.

The absence of pronounced problems and negative reactions from patients are key factors when choosing a corrective device.

Myobrace for the treatment of adults

Will the Myobrace trainer help those who have had an incorrect bite for a long time? After all, it is believed that only braces can help in difficult cases in adulthood. It was like that before.

The system is able to cope with the most advanced forms, consolidated by many years of incorrect habits. Trainers will help to level out almost all malocclusions (distal, mesial, deep), and correct crowding of teeth in the anterior region.

Positioners will improve the functioning of the facial muscles, the temporomandibular joint, and form the habit of breathing correctly during sleep. They can be worn simultaneously with braces and as a retainer after brace treatment.

For the adult category of patients, elastopositioners are produced in two colors - transparent and purple. Class III trainers also come in yellow and green.

Myobrace for adults

Do I need to correct my bite?

Not all parents understand that a malocclusion can cause various diseases in a child. Firstly, occlusion pathology causes dental caries. Secondly, in older age it causes periodontal problems. All this leads to premature loss of teeth and disruption of the functionality of the gastrointestinal tract.

Digestive problems provoke diseases of the internal systems, as a result of which a person gets a bunch of diseases by the age of 40-50. The described chain of problems will not arise if the child’s bite is corrected in childhood.

When do you need to address the issue of correct bite? Dentists recommend showing the baby to the doctor after one year. A specialist is able to distinguish a bite problem that is hidden from view and prescribe timely correction. This will save you from wasting money on myofunctional correction with braces, plates and aligners in the future.

If parents have not taken their one-year-old child to the dentist, it is not too late to do so when replacing baby teeth with permanent ones. If the orthodontist prescribes treatment with myobraces, the child will be spared many orthodontic problems in the future.

From six to twelve years of age, the child’s jaw bones are actively forming, and baby teeth are gradually replaced by permanent ones. At this time, the baby must be shown to the orthodontist for defects in jaw development. During this period, even parents can notice abnormal development of the jaw.

It is especially important to show the orthodontist a baby who has been sucking a pacifier or fingers for a long time. Bad habits change the structure of the jaw, and bones form incorrectly. All problems can be solved with the help of myobrace aligners. Bad habits not only distort facial features, but also affect the pronunciation of words - the child develops speech defects.

Bottom line

Modern orthodontics has reached heights in the development of effective methods for eliminating various defects of the jaw and improper positioning of teeth. The safe myobrace orthodontic system is a solution to many existing problems that until recently represented a stumbling block for patients in orthodontic and dental clinics.

A replacement for braces has been found - removable trainers. Convenient, environmentally friendly, inexpensive myobrace devices will help eliminate orthodontic defects in the oral cavity. The devices can be used even by adults with minor teeth irregularities. Children simply need these devices so that more complex pathologies of the oral cavity do not arise in the future - gingivitis, stomatitis and periodontitis.

Sources used:

  • Eckerman M.B. Orthodontic treatment: theory and practice. — “Medpress-inform”, 2010. — 160 p.
  • Proffitt U.R., Modern orthodontics (3rd edition), MEDpress-inform, 2015, 560 p.

Myobrace for children

For small patients, wearing MB trainers is the most suitable option. A soft mouthguard does not injure the mucous membrane; you can wear it for an hour a day while watching a cartoon or reading a book. This is a convenient and simple way to solve a child’s bite problem without tedious habituation.

What can Juniors and Kids trainers do?

  1. straighten teeth;
  2. overcome early open and cross bite;
  3. wean off pacifiers and thumb sucking;
  4. form correct breathing.

For teenagers, the Teens system will help correct open and deep bites, crowding, and jaw development abnormalities. In addition to the therapeutic effect, Myobrace trainers guarantee that the delicate teenage psyche will not receive any trauma. You can wear the positioner at home, and no one at school will know about it.

Wearing rules

The myobrace trainer is very easy to use - during a night's rest and during the day for a couple of hours. To achieve results, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  • put on the device at a certain time;
  • after installing the trainer, the lips should close easily;
  • while wearing the device, you cannot talk or breathe through your mouth;
  • When swallowing saliva, it is unacceptable to strain the muscles of the jaw and lips.

After placing the structure in your mouth, you should press down slightly, closing your teeth tightly.

Note! At first, after using the myobrace, you will feel pain in the correction area and slight looseness of the teeth. Subsequently, the discomfort will disappear.

If, after installing the myobraces, unbearable pain is felt, it is necessary to reduce the wearing time. As you get used to the operation of the device, you need to increase the time of use to the recommended one.

Correction of myofunctional problems consists of three stages:

  1. eliminating bad habits with the help of soft structures;
  2. jaw expansion using medium-hard structures;
  3. alignment of individual teeth using a rigid structure.

Initially, the aligners are worn for a few minutes a day to adapt to the new load. Then the time is increased to a couple of hours (gradually). And only then the device is put on for the whole night.

For bruxism (night grinding of teeth), it is necessary to choose a more rigid structure. The orthodontist should be warned about this feature of the body in advance.

How long do you wear the system? From six months to a year - it all depends on the degree of malfunction in the condition of the dentition.

Difference between Myobrace and braces and removable plates

The main difference between Myobrace and other orthodontic methods is the emphasis on the causes of deviations, and not on correcting the consequences. MB works comprehensively, creating a healthy load on the jaw muscles.

Comparison indicatorMyobraceBracesRemovable plates
TypeRemovable, no need to wear it all the time.Fixed.Removable, but must be worn continuously.
  • soft and unobtrusive mouth guards;
  • do not injure gums;
  • do not change diction;
  • do not interfere with eating;
  • unpretentious in care.
  • metal arches with locks on the teeth;
  • often rub the mucous membrane, adaptation is needed;
  • can affect diction;
  • solid food is not recommended;
  • require special hygiene.
  • rigid plates with arcs;
  • may injure the mucous membrane;
  • influence diction;
  • interfere with the taste of food;
  • just take care.
AllergyHypoallergenic.Reactions are possible.The risk of allergies cannot be ruled out.
For whomFor adults and children.For adults and children.Only for children.
addictivePractically not required, only self-organization.Long lasting.It's difficult to get used to.
EfficiencyMaximum. An easy-to-use mouth guard provides the best correction. Powerful mechanical action, but relapses are possible.There are results, but it is difficult to regulate the process (the patient removes the plate and wears it incorrectly).
AestheticsYou can wear a mouthguard when it is convenient and no one sees.Braces are quite noticeable in the mouth.Unaesthetic.
ConsequencesDoes not harm teeth.They injure the enamel, damage the tooth root, and stimulate the development of caries due to difficult care.There is practically no negative impact.
PriceOptimal cost.Quite expensive.The cheapest.

How to care for your trainer

The device needs careful maintenance, since it is in the oral cavity during the night. To avoid the occurrence of inflammatory formations on the mucous membrane, trainers should be disinfected:

  • It is recommended to rinse the device under the tap after removal;
  • clean the structure with a toothbrush and toothpaste;
  • treat with antiseptics a couple of times a week.

It should be remembered that mouth guards cannot withstand directed mechanical impact. They cannot be bent, crushed, chewed or dropped on the floor. During the day, the trainer should be stored in a separate case so that it does not gather dust or get dirty.

The device must be inspected periodically to see if there is any damage. The influence of high temperatures is unacceptable - the structure cannot be boiled to neutralize microbes, and even doused with boiling water.

How to choose the right trainer

You should not buy a Myobrace trainer on your own without consulting an orthodontist. The specialist must conduct a complete orthodontic diagnosis, determine the malocclusion and its causes, and draw up a comprehensive treatment plan. Trainer models differ in design, length and width.

The doctor measures the four front teeth, the width from canine to canine above and below, the width of both jaw arches, then summarizes the data and selects a trainer according to the MRC table.

You also need to change the insert for a new one no earlier than your orthodontist approves it.

Crowded teeth – a clinical case when trainers are suitable


The cost of Myobrace trainers is on average 5,200 rubles.

At the same time, the cheapest option would be the frameless series, the cost of which starts from 4,200 rubles.

You can buy frame models for about 6,000 rubles.

When purchasing, it is worth considering that for standard orthodontic treatment, as a rule, two models are used: flexible and rigid. This will double the total amount.

In addition, before purchasing and during the treatment process, you will need the services of an orthodontist, who will monitor the process and make adjustments. On average, treatment with Myobrace trainers will cost 15,000 rubles .

Myobrace - instructions for use

Developers: Myofunctional Research Co. approached their work with full responsibility. In addition to the trainers themselves, the patient is prescribed a whole correction program. This is also part of an integrated approach that changes the patient’s attitude towards himself and his body. What does it include?

  • special exercises for facial muscles to further stimulate correction;
  • keeping a special diary where the patient writes down all the details that he noted while wearing the mouth guard;
  • regular visits to the doctor with a diary and trainer;
  • nutritional culture and dental care and the Myobrace device itself.

The trainer should be worn for 1 hour during the day and all night while sleeping.

No special effort is required to care for the positioner. You just need to rinse with warm water after each use and use Myoclean tablets once or twice a week to cleanse. The device is stored in a special box.

The main thing is not to chew the trainer! When it is in the mouth, the lips should be closed, the breath should be through the nose, the tongue should be at the “resting point”.

In general, there are no contraindications to wearing trainers. It is worth talking to an ENT specialist separately if you have problems with nasal breathing.

Using a baby trainer

The use of a children's trainer is especially successful in dental practice. Why?

A narrow jaw is common in children. Teeth crowding is a common problem. The trainer, taking into account the rapid growth of the child’s body, helps to expand its size. This means that there is enough space for all teeth in a row, and there is no gap between the front teeth. In addition, the trainer promotes the correct position of the alveolar processes. This is important for the formation of a good bite, because permanent teeth will then appear here.

The trainer is indicated for use from the age of 4. This time is often marked by the habits of sucking fingers, breathing through the mouth, and remembering the incorrect position of the tongue and lower jaw. These and other points have a negative impact on the formation of the bite in the future, so you should get rid of habits. The easiest way to do this is with a trainer that you wear at night.

Trainers help to form the correct swallowing reflex, the correct position of the maxillary sinuses, and the nasal septum. In childhood, wearing mouthguards is not limited to just the dental effect: the device corrects the teeth and helps the body develop correctly.

For teenagers, trainers are relevant as a means for individual teeth correction, as well as jaw expansion in case of crowded teeth.

Before prescribing trainers, children need to undergo an examination by an ENT specialist. The presence of anatomical defects or defects of the respiratory system will be a contraindication to the use of caps.

Caring for the trainer and mouth guard. Additional Information:

Caring for the trainer is simple. After eating, rinse your mouth, or even better, brush your teeth. Before each use and the end of training, rinse the trainer with warm running water; if the device is significantly dirty, you can use a toothbrush, toothpaste or any non-aggressive detergents. The greatest therapeutic effect is achieved during sleep. During the day, 1-2 hours of training is enough. Correcting your bite with trainers goes well with time at the computer, reading, inactive activities, and studying. Actions that don't require conversation. The mouthguard-trainer must be stored in the case in which it was packaged. In case of mechanical or thermal failure, or deformation of the trainer, it is necessary to purchase a new mouthguard. Spare containers for storing the trainer are usually available from the orthodontist.

Click on the link and learn more about early bite correction with trainers from my new article.

Main Myobrace models

There are three types of Myobrace trainers:

  • Starter are designed to expand the dental arch. The design of the device does not provide for the presence of dental cells, so no auxiliary measurements are required when selecting the device. In turn, these trainers have two modifications: red is a hard model, and blue is a softer model.
  • The Myobrace frame series is used to correct occlusion in its temporary and permanent periods without the use of braces. Its distinctive feature is the presence of a solid frame.
  • The frameless Myobrace series is used as retainers after removal of braces. This trainer is produced in seven sizes and is selected individually.

In what situations can you wear Myobrace?

Trainers help relieve the patient from problems such as:

  • incorrect position of lips and tongue;
  • mouth breathing.

It has been proven that these bad dental habits are the reason why teeth often become crowded.

Also, the use of Myobrace is important if you need to avoid relapse after using braces, and reduce the pressure on the teeth that is exerted from the mouth. They are indicated for moderate and mild malocclusions. In severe cases, it is still wiser to give preference to braces.

Contraindications to wearing systems:

  • inability to breathe through the nose;
  • severe curvature of the dentition.
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