How to name a dental clinic: principles for choosing a name, examples

Dentistry is one of the most successful areas of the medical business. The competition in this market segment is great, as are the opportunities. Therefore, despite the competition, specialists are trying to open their own restoration, cosmetic or medical business in the field of creating a Hollywood smile. The question of what to call your own dentistry, if not the most important, is one of the most pressing and complex. Naming is an expensive business, and not everyone at the stage of organizing a business can afford professional advice. What to do? Take advantage of the experience of predecessors.

Why is it important to think carefully about your choice?

Many people believe that opening their own company involves a lot of difficulties. Among which the name should not be listed. What could be simpler than this? If a company produces candies, it can be called “Toffee”, “Truffle” or quite banally “Chocolate Factory”. However, competitors may also have a similar line of thinking. In addition, buyers and clients remember boring names much worse or ignore them altogether. After all, the name of a company is its face, part of its image and, in most cases, a guarantee of success. And if the founder is careless, indifferent, indifferent to his choice, one might think that the products - goods, services - also do not deserve attention. Because they can be executed in bad faith and with poor quality. Also, a name that does not have a soul can interfere with development and scare off partners. The reason will be the same doubts about the seriousness and reliability of the founder.

#4 Work plan for choosing a name

A successful and unique name means a lot of work and responsibility for an entrepreneur. The selection process may take up to several weeks, but there is no need to rush.

Distribute actions into stages:

  • Analyze the names of competitors in the city, district, region. Make up your own rating of them and give reasons. Such an analysis will help set the right direction.
  • Collect a database of names of medical institutions from the Internet. Choose your favorites.
  • Use an online name generator. Artificial intelligence will provide additional insights.
  • Make a list of your best options.
  • Discuss these ideas with friends, acquaintances, and like-minded people. Brainstorm, conduct a survey on social networks among subscribers, organize work in a focus group. Record the results of the survey and the discussion in writing so as not to miss a single option - after a while you can return to the notes. The result of the work will be semantic maps.
  • Develop several final options. Strive for a new, distinctive name.
  • Check the name for uniqueness and a free domain, for example, on the Federal Tax Service website or by contacting the patent office.

What do marketers advise?

Some marketers compare the name of a dental clinic or other company to a tattoo. After all, hastily drawn drawings rarely please the owner. Moreover, some of them have negative energy and have a detrimental effect on a person’s life. Even the cartoon Captain Vrungel noticed this feature of any mark when choosing a name for a ship. A similar situation exists with the company name. Which ideally should become a powerful marketing tool. And not lead the company to ruin and collapse.

Why do catchy names win?

Not all songs become popular. But there is such a combination of music and words that people like, they begin to listen and sing the song, and also become interested in the performer and author.

In the case of a dental clinic, this example helps to understand how easily a good name can be imprinted in the memory of many potential clients. This is a free factor that ultimately brings profit.

When a potential client feels the need to visit a dentist, memorable names of dentists will flash through his head.

Here are some benefits of a good name:

  • easier to remember
  • easier to identify
  • it's nicer to tell others
  • It’s more pleasant to be treated and examined

What to name the company?

A name is required to register a company, open a bank account, and enter into a contract. It should be unique and create a pleasant image in people's minds. However, if you plan to open one dentistry, and not an entire network, or the company will be located in a small town, it is permissible to make much fewer demands on the choice. In this case, you don’t have to rack your brains for too long. And determine the ideal name, guided by general principles:

  1. Associations - “Small Tooth”, “Tooth Fairy”, “Beaver”.
  2. Type of activity - “Pearl smile”, “Healthy tooth”, “Goodbye, caries!”.

Many founders turn to clients for help in such cases. Inviting them to suggest a name for the dental clinic or choose from previously selected ones. If the doctor has managed to earn himself a sonorous name, he can even give his surname to the clinic, making up a similar name: “Dentist Efremov”, “Smile from Antipov”, “Dentistry of Professor Ragozina” and the like.

Successful businessmen approach things completely differently. They spend unimaginable amounts for many to find a profitable name. After all, they know better than others that a successful name must be beautiful and consistent with the company’s activities, contain a commercial offer, evoke positive associations, and offer unique and high-quality services. As an example, the following names of dentists can be cited: “President”, “No Pain”, “Dynasty”.

Milling machine

First of all, let's look at what the combination of the two abbreviations stands for CAM. This is a powerful 5-axis PlanMill 50S milling machine. The machine was specially designed for dental laboratories, which means it can cut anything. If you work in a clinic, you might want to consider other models like the PlanMill 40S. If you are familiar with the ICORE Coritec 250i Wet, then you will definitely like the 50S as they have many similarities.

The milling cutter is equipped with a high-speed spindle and an automatic changer for 12 cutters. It can be used to mill discs, blocks and finished abutments made of titanium or cobalt chrome. PlanMill 50S is capable of both wet and dry milling of indications, and will handle everything from night guards to dental models.

Materials for the router.


Basic principles of naming

Experienced marketers recommend the following:

  1. Do not use a name that describes the product. Due to the fact that the company will be represented by a commercial. In which the key features will be announced. In addition, competitors can easily borrow such a name. And proving plagiarism will not be easy.
  2. Choose the detached option. That is, it does not reflect the characteristics of the product at all.
  3. Compose a name without including time references.
  4. If you want to use a foreign language version, you need to understand the translation. So as not to get reverse associations.

Name that brings good luck

In the article, we have repeatedly mentioned that the name of the clinic should evoke positive associations. Based on this, in order for the name to make a favorable impression, the reactions and emotions of consumers should be taken into account. It is also worth noting the importance of another criterion. This is the clarity of the name of the dental clinic to the maximum number of people. Therefore, it is better not to consider options that may mislead or misinform the consumer. For example, calling dentistry “Russian Knight”, “Beautiful Rose” and other options is dangerous because a potential client, in search of the necessary service, simply will not consider this company. Thinking that she was carrying out activities that were unnecessary for him.

The next important nuance concerns the pronunciation of the name. It is believed that those brands and companies that are easiest to remember gain popularity much faster and are more in demand. After all, their advertising works like word of mouth. And it reaches more people, which means it attracts customers much more effectively.

When choosing the ideal dental practice name, you should not be guided by the geographic location of the company. If at some point the brand gets promoted and the founder wants to open an entire chain of clinics, he will have to “rename” and lose customers. After all, they will be looking for a familiar name. And if they don’t find it, they will go to competitors. Therefore, choosing a name for dentistry, taking into account the nearby street, metro, bus stop, etc., is dangerous. This may not allow further development.

Matching the name and type of activity

Of course, if you call the cafe “Stroytrest”, you can have a lot of fun. People will ask why the name is like that. It clearly doesn't match.

Also, when calling dentistry “Family Dentistry,” it should be understood that in the minds of most potential clients, the name promises both children’s and adult care. You can come with the whole family. And people have absolutely no idea why this name was chosen if they are told “sorry, we don’t have a children’s reception.” What is this, dentistry to serve childless families?

Foreign names

Currently, English-language company names are very popular. And all because Western craftsmen evoke a feeling of reliability in most Russians and represent a guarantee of quality. Therefore, many founders choose the following words or groups of words as the name for the dental clinic:

  1. Dentalway - literally dental path.
  2. Dentalstory - dental history.
  3. New smile - new smile.
  4. Be smile - be a smile, smile.
  5. Smile clinic - smile clinic.
  6. Smart dental - smart dentist.
  7. Dental House - dental house.

In Europe, the following names of dental clinics are popular: Dentman - dentist, Pearl smile - pearl smile, Picasso - Picasso, Hi-Tech Clinic - high-tech clinic. But other names that can also be found abroad are unfortunate: Golden Dent - golden dent, Golden dental - golden dental, Dentsick - sick dent.

Choosing a CAD/CAM system: laboratory kit

We continue to review the best, in the opinion of our editors, CAD/CAM systems. In the very first review, we already had a kit from Planmeca. But Planmeca Fit is a set for a clinic, and today we will look at an option that is suitable for a dental laboratory. They didn’t come up with any specific name for it. It's simply a combination of great equipment—some of the best in the company's lineup—that's ideal for even the busiest lab.

With your permission, we will not delay and right away we will begin to describe every detail of this set. You know everything about the company, about the difficulties of choosing, too, but we need to explain why dental technicians need this combination.

Associations with doctors, their work and teeth

We have already talked about the effectiveness of using the “dent” particle. It is especially popular in detached titles. Because it hints or directly tells potential clients about the company’s activities. The following names are in particular demand: “Dentalika”, “Dentista”, “32 dent”, “Ice-dent”, “Dentoclass”, “Dentist”, “Dent Studio”, “Denta-(style, design, classic, bravo, luxury, master)", "Dentville", "Denttown", "Dentstreet". Also, the words “bracket” and “implant” are often used in the name: “Bracketstom”, “Bracketline”, “Bracketville”, “Bracketsystem”, “Implant-(service, master, pro, center, city, dent, world, grand) " However, such names may limit the range of services provided by a dental clinic or cause misunderstanding. After all, potential clients may assume that the company provides only the services indicated in the name. That is, you can put braces and an implant in it, but you will have to pull out, treat teeth, do cleaning or whitening in another place.

To simplify the understanding of the company’s activities, in Moscow the names of dental clinics are often used even too obvious. For example, these are: “Tooth and tooth”, “Dentist”, “Dentist”, “Dentist (doctor, standard, doctor)”, “Dental (strength, hospital, help)”, “New tooth”.


Planmeca PlanScan Lab.

Since we are talking about a laboratory, we need a desktop scanner. Planmeca PlanScan Lab, a fast and accurate device for scanning plaster models and impressions, is ideal here. We chose it because of two main indicators - ease of use and convenience. The scanner can be used for single crowns and abutments, as well as for full bridges and implant-supported bars.

Another important advantage of the scanner is speed. The entire jaw is scanned in approximately 40 seconds with an accuracy of 5 microns. This is a great advantage for a laboratory that processes a large number of orders, where speed and accuracy are important.

Working with scanned files.

After this, all that remains is to export the file. There are no problems with this, the scanner supports a wide range of formats. You can export data to open STL, PLY and OBJ file formats.

Name of children's clinics

All parents and doctors know that most children are terribly afraid of dental treatment. That is why for dentistry created specifically for children, schoolchildren and teenagers, it is important to choose a soft or neutral name. Which will distract the child, create a pleasant impression, and help calm down. An excellent option for the name of pediatric dentistry would be the following ideas: “White Fang”, “Die Hard”, “Beaver” or “Beaver”, “Fangster”, “Zubrenok”, “Dentosaurus”, “Dentist”, “Nutcracker”. You can also use even more veiled names: “White (rhino, elephant, whale, unicorn)”, “White (crow, rook, bear)”. Or images of fairy-tale characters. The most popular option in this case is the name “Tooth Fairy”. Also in demand: “Shrewtooth”, “Zubushka”, “Doctor Zub”. In extreme cases, the founders choose the image of the doctor most beloved by children - Aibolit.

Suitable option for family dentistry

According to marketers, the best name for a dental clinic is “All Ours!” It indicates the same attentive, courteous, friendly attitude towards different clients. In addition, it hints at the general availability of services. That is, reasonable prices. But since this option is already taken, you can consider others: “Seven I”, “Thirty-two”, “One to one”, “(Factory, ABC, school, harmony, city) smiles”, “(Magic, charming, white, sunny ) smile”, “Smile!”, “Familiar doctor”, “Doctor Belozubov”, “Tooth (health, wisdom)”, “My dentist/dentist”, “Stoma”, “Family dentist/dentist/doctor”.

Use of proper names

Very often, the names of various gods and the names of stars are used as the name of dental clinics in Russia: Apollonia, Athena, Aphrodite, Galatea, Demeter, Aurora, Adonis, Andromeda, Helios, Altair, Orion, Asclepius, Venus, Diana, Fortuna, Freya, Lada , Bereginya, Titania. The names of world famous healers are often used. Among which the leader is Hippocrates, less often Asklepiades, Dioscorides, Aretaeus, Galen, Ibn Sina. And sometimes there are more detached names: “Tibetan healer”, “Russian healer”, “Eastern sage”. Additionally, many founders choose to include their own name in the title. As a result, the clinic will bear similar names: “Doctor (Martin, Bormental, Grooming)”, “Professor (Popov, Dumin, Egorov)”, “Dentist (Shanin, Luzhin, Lopatin)” and others.

Unusual name

We have already said earlier that when choosing a name for your company, it is important to remember the relevance and uniqueness of the final option. It is also important not to copy or imitate famous brands. In general, experienced marketers recommend approaching the issue creatively and using your imagination. As a result, the following original names of the dental clinic may be obtained: “White Coffee”, “White Gold”, “White Crow”, “Doctor Ice Cream”, “The Thirty-third Tooth”, “Pearl Galaxy”, “Milky Way”, “Piranha”, “Fresh Breath”, “Iceberg”, “Everest”, “Crystal”, “President”, “ProfiDent”, “Green Apple”, “Alternative / Option”, “Best-stoma”, “Doctor Smile”, “Hollywood” , “Hollywood Smiles Club”, “Thirty-Two Carats”, “Optimist”, “Panacea”, “Filling”, “Healer”, “Aesculapius”, “Medicine Man”, “Chance”, “Apple”.

#1. Introduction

Establishments with original names arouse interest among consumers and a subconscious desire to find out more information about the object.

This is especially true for medical and cosmetology centers, where people trust specialists with their health and appearance. When wondering how to choose a name for a clinic, there are many factors to consider.

When creating a name for dentistry, it is important to position the clinic not only as a place where professional treatment is provided. A friendly, comfortable environment and an individual approach play an equally important role.

Opening a clinic must be approached responsibly. For your convenience, we have prepared several detailed instructions:

  • How to open a medical center.
  • How to choose an original name for the clinic.
  • Dentistry business plan.

In order for dentistry to work without interruptions from the first days after opening, it is better to select and install an automated program for working with clients in advance - CRM.

Read our blog article on how to choose the right software for your clinic.

Automated online registration of patients in dentistry solves several problems at once:

  • Relieves the clinic administrator from routine.
  • Provides clients with independence: they can choose a doctor, make an appointment, reschedule or cancel an appointment at any time of the day from a smartphone or computer.
  • The program allows you to configure the sending of notifications.
  • The online registration widget can be placed on the clinic’s website, social networks and maps.

Numerology and energy of words

Each word that exists in the Russian language has a special energy field and affects people differently. To choose the right name for the clinic, you need to check it, taking this factor into account. To correctly determine vibrations, you should write the letters of the alphabet on paper in a special way:

  1. Place numbers 1 to 9 horizontally.
  2. Place a letter under them.
  3. When a row ends, you need to move on to the next one.
  4. The result will be three rows of nine letters and one row of six.

When the previously described manipulations are completed, we analyze the name for dentistry selected from any proposed list. Matching letters and numbers. And then adding them into a single number. As an example, consider the name “Stoma”: 1 + 2 + 7 + 5 + 1 = 16. We also divide the final number into numbers and add them up: 1 + 6 = 7. Then we look for the value in the table below.

People who decide to open their own company, no matter what its focus, do not even think about how serious the issue of choosing a name is. Therefore, they often leave his decisions until last, making a big mistake. The reason lies in the fact that coming up with a name that attracts customers and generates profit is not as easy as it seems. After all, for a company to be successful, it must sound. And for this, its name must be easy to remember, evoke exclusively positive associations and correspond to the activities of the enterprise.

How to come up with a name for dentistry using brainstorming

The second method is somewhat more complicated and is based on the principle of brainstorming. This technique consists of two main stages:

  1. Brainstorming begins by creating a list of words that are somehow related to the work of the dental center. The features of the services provided, the results and benefits of treatment, the technologies used, etc. are taken into account. For convenience, you can create a table where phrases will be grouped into categories (benefit, result, technology, service properties).
  2. After the table is compiled, words are combined to determine the most suitable name.

When using this technique, all words related to the topic of dentistry and understandable to the average person are taken into account.

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