Splat toothpaste – types, features and reviews


Refers to professional products, intended for enamel restoration and mild whitening . The action of Biocalcium is aimed at solving the following problems:

  • strengthening teeth and reducing reactions to irritants;
  • protection of enamel from the formation of tartar and new plaque;
  • after using the paste, the gums become healthy;
  • has a reminalizing effect, in other words, it activates the processes responsible for the delivery of minerals to dental tissues;
  • perform whitening and polishing functions;
  • Studies have shown that daily use of the paste reduces bleeding gums by 60%.

We have collected reviews for you about Crest toothpaste, which, although a little expensive, is very effective.

In this article you can see photos of each of the stages of caries.

Here: https://www.vash-dentist.ru/krasota-i-uxod/zubnyie-pastyi/spisok-populyarnyih-bez-ftora.html - you will find the names of toothpastes without fluoride in their composition.

Within a month you can feel the changes . For example, the enamel is lightened by one tone. The product does not contain harmful substances or dyes, it does not contain fluorine. After using Biocalcium you will feel a feeling of freshness for a long time. The product is used sparingly; the shelf life of the tube is 24 months.


Using this product you can count on comprehensive protection and gentle care . The paste has a slight whitening effect , while it is gentle on dentin. The enamel is smooth and even after use. This result is ensured by polishing components.

Splat Ultracomplex is suitable for patients who complain of gum sensitivity. To reduce the reaction to irritants, the manufacturer added zinc and potassium to the products. The properties of Ultracomplex also include astringent and anti-inflammatory effects.

The paste helps strengthen the enamel, making it more durable. Thanks to natural enzymes, the resulting plaque is broken down, including in hard-to-reach areas. The ultracomplex performs high-quality cleaning, leaving a long-lasting feeling of cleanliness and freshness.


It is popular among customers due to its effective removal of plaque . The effect of whitening components is noticeable after the first day of use. The result comes in 4-5 days.

The manufacturer promises that after a month your teeth will whiten by 1.5 shades . Cleaning the oral cavity should be done twice a day. Among the features of Splat whitening, users note:

  • freshness after use;
  • cleaning from plaque and protecting against its formation on the enamel throughout the day, regardless of the amount and type of food consumed;
  • light mint flavor;
  • the enamel not only brightens, but also shines, since the product has polishing properties;
  • fresh breath in the morning, after brushing your teeth before bed.

The paste contains the following components:

  • Sp.White System – a whitening system aimed at safely cleaning any surfaces, including sensitive ones;
  • potassium ions, their task is to protect teeth from bacteria and plaque, they reduce tooth sensitivity and provide fresh breath;
  • fluoride, its ions are necessary for the prevention of caries.

Splat whitening is a therapeutic and prophylactic agent, so it is recommended to periodically change it to another. On average, one tube lasts for 2.5 months.

It is recommended for use by people who abuse bad habits and consume large quantities of coloring drinks, such as tea, coffee.

Advantages over other pastes

The main feature of all Splat products is the predominance of natural ingredients in their composition, and Biocalcium paste is no exception. Its main purpose is to strengthen tooth enamel and protect against the development of caries. It reduces tooth sensitivity and is suitable for people who find it painful to brush their teeth. According to many consumers and dentists, this paste has several advantages over other products in a similar price category:

  • does not contain chlorhexidine, triclosan, fluorine, sulfates, saccharin and peroxides;
  • gently and gently whitens teeth without damaging the enamel;
  • protects against caries;
  • eliminates bleeding gums;
  • quickly removes plaque and prevents its appearance;
  • has a pleasant mint taste.


The product stands out for its excellent hygienic qualities . Experts note the following advantages of Splat BlackWood:

  1. There is no fluorine in the composition. Thanks to this, it can be used by children or patients who suffer from fluorosis.
  2. The main component is activated carbon, which acts as a powerful absorbent.
  3. The whitening complex copes with old plaque, effectively cleanses it and protects teeth from the formation of new ones.

To obtain the desired effect, it is enough to use the product twice a day. After use, the enamel remains feeling fresh and smooth throughout the day. Splat black tastes good and has a noticeable whitening effect .

It copes with plaque that has accumulated between the teeth and near the gums. In modern clinics, hygienists recommend Splat BlackWood as an effective home whitening product.

Instructions for use

Stay up to date! Oral cleansing solutions are recommended to be used as follows:

  1. Brush your teeth as usual.
  2. Pour 20 ml of product (about 1 tbsp) into the measuring cap and rinse your mouth thoroughly for 30 seconds. Repeat the procedure 2-3 times a day. But you can also use the drug after eating (for example, if you are unable to brush your teeth).

And under no circumstances should you swallow the product.

A mouthwash is an additional means of oral hygiene, so it cannot replace regular teeth brushing.


The product offers daily comprehensive oral care . The gel structure is pleasant to use and has a gentle effect on the surface of the teeth. Splat Active contains natural ingredients.

Many users are initially put off by the black color of the product. The dark shade of the gel is influenced by the skullcap and bergenia included in its composition. Thanks to the extract of these herbs, Splat Active is an excellent preventative against periodontitis .

Users note that with constant use of the paste, effective cleansing occurs. It tastes good and leaves a feeling of freshness after use. The paste is used sparingly and foams well.

Splat Active does not contain harmful components such as chlorhexidine and triclosan. The product does not contain dyes.

Splat Active has a pronounced anti-inflammatory and hemostatic effect , therefore it is an indispensable remedy for those who suffer from bleeding gums.

Thanks to vitamins A and E, the gel heals wounds on the gums. Calcium ions perform a strengthening and restorative function. A special whitening system effectively cleans the enamel of plaque and gives it shine.

history of the company

The Splat brand began its history in 2000. Initially, the company had a different name - Splat-kosmetik LLC and specialized in the production of oral care products available to the general public.

The products of the Russian manufacturer are of high quality due to the fact that the company is constantly improving the composition of drugs in its own laboratory. Among the components used, only natural substances can be noted, which distinguishes Splat pastes from Russian and Western competitors. The company has several international and Russian patents for its developments. Innovative development - black product.

For children

Children's products are represented by a wide range. All products not only perform a cleansing function, but also have a therapeutic and preventive effect. The paste is classified depending on the age of the child.

Junior (0-4 years)

The product has a pleasant creamy taste with a vanilla aroma. The purpose of the product is to increase the protective functions of the body. Thus, Splat for children can be used as a prophylaxis for stomatitis .

The aloe extract included in the composition heals existing wounds and relieves inflammation during the eruption of the first teeth. Junior's properties also include calcium saturation and protection against caries formation .

The products do not contain harmful components and fluorine, therefore they are safe if accidentally swallowed. To make it easier for children to clean their teeth, the Splat Junior kit includes a silicone brush tip.

Junior (3-8 years old)

It contains lactic enzymes, their action is aimed at building immunity to protect against various bacteria . To attract children to maintain hygiene, the manufacturer offers products for every taste:

  • blue pasta with blueberry flavor;
  • pink gel with raspberry scent;
  • yellow orange-flavored cleanser;
  • gel with peach aroma.

Junior products provide protection against caries, strengthens enamel, gently removes plaque, and reduces bleeding gums.


SPLAT mouthwash is an effective and affordable product that is excellent for preventing caries and gum inflammation.

But when using this drug, the following rules must be taken into account:

  • Do not swallow the product, even in small quantities.
  • Select the most suitable rinse aid from the assortment list (for example, if your gums hurt, then a herbal preparation is suitable, if there are problems with enamel, Biocalcium, etc.).
  • Do not rinse your mouth more than 3-4 times a day, as this can cause dryness of the oral mucosa and irritation.
  • Do not try to replace standard toothbrushing with mouthwash.

Liquum gel

The product is intended to break down the resulting plaque . Its effect also extends to areas that are most often poorly treated with a brush. These are interdental spaces and gum areas.

The fruit enzymes and Polydon included in Liquum gel effectively eliminate plaque. To prevent the development of caries, the manufacturer added natural enzymes to the gel. Their task is to reduce the development of bacteria. By forming a protective layer on the enamel, enzymes prevent the formation of soft plaque.

For strengthening, natural ingredients are used - calcium obtained from eggshells. The antiseptic of natural origin included in the composition is responsible for the health of the gums. After using the paste throughout the day, your breath remains fresh.

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We want to tell you about the popular oral irrigator Aquajet.

Here: https://www.vash-dentist.ru/krasota-i-uxod/zubnyie-pastyi/rocs-vidyi-opisanie-tsenyi-i-otzyivyi.html - you will find a description of Rox toothpaste and prices her.

Dentist reviews

Irina Vladimirovna, dentist. For patients who have increased tooth sensitivity, I recommend using Splat Biocomplex toothpaste. It can be used either separately or in combination with gels for enamel remineralization. My patients noted a decrease in their reaction to cold and hot foods a week after using the drug.

Svetlana Alekseevna, prosthetist Patients who install crowns often ask me how to return the products to their original appearance after several years of use. Among the best whitening products I can mention Splat Innova Sensitive “Gentle Lightening”. It does not contain coarse abrasive substances and cleans the surface of crowns several tones without the risk of damaging them. The enzyme tannase, which is part of the gel, effectively breaks down the dark plaque on the surface of crowns and natural teeth formed from smoking. Consumption of coffee and coloring products.

Anna Valentinovna, dental hygienist. My patients cannot always afford teeth whitening in a clinic because of its cost and impact on the enamel. In such cases, I recommend using Splat Extreme White paste. It lightens enamel in 2 to 2 weeks of use without the risk of increasing enamel sensitivity.


Its action is primarily aimed at protecting the oral cavity from the formation and development of bacteria . The rich composition allows it to also be used as a complex product. Splat Lavandacept contains the following components:

  1. Herbal oil: rosemary, lavender and thyme . They are necessary for the prevention of gingivitis and stomatitis. Herbs effectively protect against bacteria and have a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect.
  2. Papain and whitening salts perform the function of teeth whitening. Thanks to their content, the enamel becomes even, smooth and shiny.
  3. Calcium phosphate . An indispensable component for those who suffer from tooth sensitivity. Its action is aimed at reducing the reaction of teeth to irritants.

After using Splat Lavandacept, the gums become healthy. The product does not contain fluorine, dyes or synthetic bleaches. Studies have shown that the maximum effect should be expected after 4 months of using the paste.


Since the manufacturer produces a wide range of products, their cost mainly depends on the type of product. The price is also affected by the place of sale:

  1. Junior from 3-8 years, 55 ml. The cost in “AptekaRU” is 134.00 rubles, in “Strekozka” – 130.00 rubles.
  2. Liquum gel, 100 ml. It will cost 97.00 rubles at AptekaRU, 100.00 rubles at Medtekhnika-blagomed.
  3. Biocalcium, 100 ml. The price for it in “AptekaRU” is 86.00 rubles, in “Medtechnika-blagomed” – 90.00 rubles.
  4. Whitening, 40 ml. The cost in “AptekaRU” will be 47.00 rubles, in “Europharm” 65.00 rubles.

What are buyers saying?

Many users liked the large selection of products, average cost and natural composition of the products. Share your impressions or opinions about Splat toothpaste in the comments to this article.

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Product advantages

The wrong choice of oral care products not only provokes an exacerbation of chronic dental disorders, but also creates new problems. Therefore, you need to be especially careful when choosing toothpastes and brushes for dental care.

Splat toothpastes have a wide range, thanks to which every patient can find a suitable product for themselves. The low cost of the drug is due to the lack of commercial advertising. The buyer will be able to learn about the company's new developments and the range of products provided from the brochure included in the paste packaging.

Dentists also note the positive effects of the components of the product on the oral cavity and the minimal risk of developing side effects from their use. Companies present products with both single and complex spectrum of action.

The advantages of the product include:

  • possibility of daily use;
  • reasonable price;
  • maintaining fresh breath for a long time;
  • effective removal of tartar;
  • lightening the enamel by several tones.

Write a comment

  • Natalia

    January 23, 2015 at 03:54 pm

    Teeth are our family problem; my husband has been smoking for more than 20 years, but he has always dreamed of a white-toothed smile. My son is 14 years old, but it was almost impossible to remove the soft plaque; the gums were red and bleeding. We went to the dentist, the presence of diseases was not revealed, they advised us to choose toothpaste, whichever we tried, it had zero effect. I accidentally bought, without particularly hoping for results, Liquum gel, and after a week we saw the results! My husband bought whitening plus, he’s also happy, his teeth are whiter and it’s already noticeable, but I liked lavandasept, it tastes very pleasant, again it whitens not bad, and the sensitivity of the teeth has decreased. In general, we have been using this paste for more than six months, we really like it. Now another family member is growing up in our family, although so far she only has two teeth, but very soon another Splat toothpaste for children will appear on our bathroom shelf.

  • Albert

    January 24, 2015 at 10:09 am

    I've tried a lot of toothpastes in my life - there were some successful examples and some not so good ones. And finally, my choice settled on Splat, the packaging looks stylish and expensive, attracts attention, and many friends recommended it, so I bought it without hesitation! I settled on the Splat Active option, since my gums had been acting up for a long time, bleeding appeared from time to time... I also replaced my toothbrush for company. The first impression was normal, but nothing special, I was only surprised by the very thick consistency of the paste, even squeezing it out for the first time turned out to be a bit difficult... Well, in this case, I didn’t expect a quick effect, but after two or three weeks of twice-daily use, I noticed the absence of bleeding , and the gums themselves have acquired a healthy pink color, and not bright red, as before... plus they taste and smell pleasant... In general, I was satisfied, and now I have switched to Splat and am transferring the whole family to it. In my opinion, a smart and stylish pasta, worthy of its price! I think I'll try other options from this brand...

  • Elsa

    January 14, 2016 at 09:09 pm

    I've been wanting to try Splat toothpaste for a long time. Finally, I made up my mind and took myself a black paste with activated carbon. To be honest, at first, when I squeezed the paste onto the brush, I was scared: how can I brush my teeth with such a paste? What if her mouth turns black? But it turned out that everything is not so scary. The paste really removes plaque, the teeth are fresher and cleaner after it. And its taste is pleasant, with mint notes. In general, from now on I will only buy Splat Blackwood paste.

  • Marina

    September 7, 2016 at 6:22 am

    For many years I suffered from problems with my gums; when brushing my teeth or eating something hard, like an apple, my gums always bled. I tried a lot of toothpastes and rinses, and only SPLAT ACTIVE toothpaste solved my problem. Quite a very reasonable price and excellent results. Now I want to try the new Splat Lavandasept.

  • Andrey

    February 14, 2022 at 19:50

    After ten years of working in hazardous industries (asbestos), chronic bleeding gums appeared. The dentist recommended Splat Biocalcium toothpaste for enamel restoration and whitening. I've been using it for a month and my feedback is only positive. Bleeding has decreased sharply, tartar has gone away, teeth have become stronger - I can finally bite apples!

( 2 ratings, average 4 out of 5 )
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