FittyDent cream for any removable dentures

Often, seemingly ideal removable dentures become unsuitable for wearing. The inability to eat or talk normally, or the danger of losing removable jaws due to an accidental sneeze, makes the patient’s life simply unbearable. There is a way out. Dentists have developed special means for high-quality fixation of removable dentures in the form of cream or special pads. You will learn all the necessary information about Fittident fixing agents from our article.

Why are removable dentures glued?

Complete or partial loss of teeth is a very common problem. Modern dentistry offers various ways to correct this situation. However, most of these methods require a lot of money and the absence of contraindications to them. Therefore, many patients (for one reason or another) have to resort to wearing removable jaws.

Elderly people do not always wear removable dentures. Often the need to use artificial jaws arises in middle-aged or young people. In this case, a problem often arises in the poor fit of the removable denture, especially the lower one. This is usually due to the anatomy of the lower jaw and the heavy load on it during chewing.

Don’t despair if your removable dentures fall out even after correction. For this purpose, special products have been developed - cream and pads for removable dentures FittyDent.


All components of fixing preparations from this manufacturer are hypoallergenic and do not cause any side effects when used as intended.


  • Corega cream is equally suitable for use with both dry and wet dentures.
  • It is characterized by low allergic activity and ease of use.
  • It has a very low cost.


  • A short period of full fastening, which does not exceed four hours.
  • Not waterproof, washes off quickly.
  • It comes to an end pretty quickly.
  • During the absorption of food, the prosthesis may fall out due to the dissolution of this product.
  • If you use Corega cream for quite a long time, swelling of the mucous membrane may develop.

The average cost of this cream does not exceed 300 rubles.

We would also like to note that in case of any complications associated with the use of dentures, you should immediately contact the VivaDent clinic.

Fittident cream and its composition

FittyDent cream was developed by the Austrian company, which has been known in the dental market for more than 30 years. The company has developed innovative, high-quality products for the care of partial and complete dentures, which, in addition to adhesives, also include adhesives and cleaning tablets.

Unlike other similar creams, Fittident is resistant to saliva, water and other liquids for 10-12 hours. This makes this cream unique and different from fixatives from other manufacturers.

Patients say that an important property of the fixing cream is maximum naturalness when fixing the prosthesis, close to ordinary teeth. At the same time, many patients feel so natural with Fittident when talking or eating that they forget that they have artificial teeth in their mouth.

When using FittyDent dental cream, you don’t have to worry that your removable jaw will suddenly fall out while eating or drinking.

The composition of this fixing agent is a complex of components:

  • sodium carboxymethylcellulose;
  • polyvinyl acetate;
  • petrolatum;
  • ethyl alcohol.

Polyvinyl acetate is the main element of the well-known PVA glue. But this fact should not frighten patients. Thanks to the developments of doctors, the concentration of active substances in this drug is such that it allows the prosthesis to adhere without any harm to the body.

In principle, this means of fastening dentures uses the quality of “white glue” that does not dissolve in water and does not change with temperature changes. This is precisely the quality that a composition that holds removable jaws in conditions of constant salivation and contact with liquids should have. Polyvinyl acetate is also found in chewing gum.

The component in the form of carboxymethylcellulose allows you to maintain dry mucous membranes when using dentures, absorbing excess saliva. This component gives this composition the necessary viscosity and serves as a kind of gasket for filling between the oral mucosa and the prosthesis.

Ethyl alcohol in the fixative is in a bound state and does not threaten to enter the body. It is important for the desired consistency of the glue. Alcohol is also a component that helps dissolve polyvinyl acetate.

The substance petrolatum consists of two components: ceresin and paraffin. When combined, these components allow for reliable and durable fixation of artificial jaws for a period of 12 hours or more. This component also lubricates the mucous membrane and protects it from microtrauma.

Advantages and disadvantages

The Fittident fixing cream has both positive and negative properties. However, like any other composition. Among its advantages are the following:

  • ensuring reliable fixation of the removable device,
  • long-term effect (although some patients note that this is a minus for them),
  • resistant to water, but at the same time washes off quite easily,
  • does not damage the mucous membrane,
  • does not change the taste of food and is resistant to high temperatures,
  • can be bought without a prescription,
  • affordable price.

Among the disadvantages are the need to apply every day (but there are simply no other creams today), the possibility of developing allergies if you have an individual intolerance to any components, increased thickness of the composition (difficult to “smear”), as well as the need for a long wait until the cream will begin to work.

Release form

Fittident products are available in several forms:

  • tubes with an amount of 20 or 40 grams;
  • dental pads in the amount of 15 pieces;
  • tablets for cleaning dentures in the amount of 32 pieces.

Typically, patients purchase a tube with a minimum amount when first getting acquainted with the drug. Subsequently, it is much more economical to purchase a cream with a larger volume.

Fittident spacers are usually used for reliable fixation of the lower jaw prosthesis (more often with a narrow or flat jaw shape). The pads are made of non-woven materials: viscose and polyester.

It is the artificial lower jaw that holds up worse in patients due to the minimum area of ​​the mucous membrane and the load on the prosthesis during chewing.

Pads are usually prescribed to patients with:

  • the appearance of sores or ulcers in the mouth;
  • poor fixation;
  • pathological or age-related processes in the jaw;
  • alveolar atrophy;
  • malocclusion;
  • chewing or pronunciation problems.

The patient can adjust the size of the pads independently. The initial discomfort when using pads quickly disappears, and the reliability of the prosthesis allows the patient to live a full life with the prosthesis.

These are the only waterproof gaskets in the world. An additional component of the pads is linen.

Use gaskets as follows:

  1. Prepare a gasket of the required size.
  2. Place them in a glass of warm water for 10-15 seconds.
  3. Remove the gasket and allow the water to drain.
  4. Attach to the moistened denture, leaving 2 mm of the spacer on the back free.
  5. Press with your fingers and secure the canvas from the center to the edges.

The soft fabrics of the spacers will make wearing removable dentures especially comfortable for many pathologies and structural features of the patients’ maxillofacial apparatus.

Fittident tablets are used to clean dentures from water-insoluble cream residues. The tablets are used in the evening to clean the denture. A certain number of tablets are placed in a container with warm water, and the prosthesis is placed there for 15 minutes. Then the artificial teeth are removed, washed under running water and dried with a napkin. If the denture is not rinsed well after the tablet solution, it may cause irritation or a burning sensation in the mouth. The tablets are as safe as possible to use.


The cream of this brand ensures reliable fastening of the removable structure for up to 14 hours. Three different types of this product are produced, one of which, due to the absence of any foreign dyes and flavoring additives in its composition, is hypoallergenic.


  • Complete absence of foreign tastes and odors.
  • High reliability of fixation.
  • Economical.


  • Due to its liquid consistency, the fixative may leak out of the bottle if it is not held strictly vertically.
  • Not a particularly convenient dosing system.

The cost of this drug varies depending on the volume of the tube, usually ranging from 150 to 390 rubles.


When using Fittident, no significant contraindications were identified that would prevent the use of this fixative.

The only contraindications may be the patient's hypersensitivity or an allergic reaction to the composition of this cream. But very few such situations are known. In this case, sensitive people may experience an allergic reaction in the form of itching, redness, swelling or pain in the gum area. Such a reaction requires discontinuation of the drug and its replacement.

To use Fittident, patients with chronic oral diseases need to consult a doctor.

What adverse reactions may occur after using the composition?

The formula of the fixing drug Fittydent consists of components that are safe for human health, which is confirmed by numerous clinical studies and tests. But in some cases, the composition can lead to the development of complications, in particular, an allergic reaction. Among its manifestations are: hyperemia of the mucous membrane, burning sensation, pain, swelling of the oral cavity, and possibly mucous discharge from the nose.

In some reviews, users using the drug for the first time note slight discomfort under the prosthesis, which goes away over time. When using the product for a long period of time, adverse reactions from the gastrointestinal tract are possible: nausea, vomiting, increased gas formation, heartburn, loss of appetite.

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“I’ve been using Fittydent for just a short time – six months. I’m happy with absolutely everything, but when I first started using it, to be honest, I was scared and upset. As soon as I inserted the prosthesis, my gums began to burn. True, each time it became less and less, and now it’s completely gone. Thanks to the doctor, she said that this happens.”

Irina Viktorovna, 56 years old


What did Fittident deserve to be so popular? There are many reasons for this.

Only a person who has unsuccessfully tried to learn how to use artificial teeth and has encountered all the ensuing problems can appreciate all the “advantages” of this product.

After all, embarrassment from fallen structures in a crowded place while talking, eating or sneezing can become a serious psychological trauma for the patient. And not every device is able to reliably hold the prosthesis. FittyDent products differ from other similar products in the following advantages:

  1. The quality and duration of fixation of prostheses.
  2. Eliminates rubbing and traumatization of the mucous membrane.
  3. Resistant to temperature changes and when using liquids.
  4. Clean gum surface without drug residues.
  5. Minimum contraindications.
  6. Availability and low cost.
  7. No unpleasant odor or specific taste.


This drug was manufactured jointly by Russian and Swiss specialists and provides twelve-hour reliable fastening of the prosthesis, independent of the consumption of heated drinks and food.

Being distributed over the inner surface of the structure, this cream prevents small food particles from getting under the surface of the prosthesis. It should also be noted that the composition of this cream includes mint and menthol extracts, which significantly freshen breath and prevent the occurrence of unwanted odors.


  • Hydrophobicity. Cannot be washed off with any liquids.
  • Lack of zinc element.
  • Possibility of application to wet (not dried) dentures.
  • The cream does not contain any artificial dyes or additives.
  • Able to withstand the thermal effects of food, as well as drinks.


  • A high degree of thickness, which in some cases can complicate the uniform application of the cream.
  • High price of the product.

In retail trade, the price for ROKS ranges from 250 to 400 rubles.

Instructions for use FittyDent

Correct application of the cream is extremely important for good fixation of removable jaws. To do this, you must observe the following rules when applying Fittident:

  1. Clean the removable structure from any remaining fixing materials and dry thoroughly. Only a dry surface guarantees reliable fastening of the dentures. For high-quality cleaning of dentures, it is better to use Fittident tablets, which remove even water-insoluble particles.
  2. For uniform application to the prosthesis, the product is squeezed out in a thin strip with light pressure on the tube. The prosthesis is preliminarily inspected to avoid breakages. Usually the cream is applied to the plastic part of the structure, but sometimes a thin layer can be applied to the entire prosthesis. This will increase the reliability of its fastening.
  3. The structure is placed in the oral cavity, and then the jaws are compressed (bited) for 20-30 seconds. This promotes better distribution of the cream and ensures strong fixation.
  4. It is not recommended to eat or drink for 15 minutes after installation of the prosthesis.
  5. The removable jaw can remain in the mouth for about 10-12 hours. Before going to bed, the structure is removed and cleaned of any remaining adhesive.
  6. If it is very difficult to remove artificial teeth, then in the future the amount of cream should be reduced.
  7. In case of increased salivation, patients are recommended to use pads from the same company. The spacers will perfectly fix the jaws and protect the tissues from damage.

Sometimes, after the first few times of using the cream, patients with increased sensitivity of the oral mucosa will feel discomfort: a slight tingling or burning sensation. If these phenomena do not stop in the future, then this fixing agent will have to be abandoned, replacing it with an analogue.

To properly attach dentures, you will have to learn. But there is nothing complicated about it. The manufacturer of the cream warns about the following rules for its use:

  • maintaining maximum smoothness of the prosthesis and cleaning it from any foreign deposits using cleaning tablets;
  • the amount of cream must correspond to the instructions;
  • wait after applying the product for at least 30 seconds;
  • avoiding applying an excessive amount of product due to the danger of not removing the denture in the evening.

What can be replaced: analogues and alternatives

A number of products from other manufacturers have a similar fixing effect. Among the analogues of Fittydent cream that are in demand are the following:

  • "Protefix": inexpensive, holds fixation, can be applied to a damp surface,
  • “Korega”: despite the fairly strong adhesion of the structure to the mucous membrane, the cream quickly loses its fixing properties due to the penetration of food particles into the gaps,
  • "Rox": has an affordable price, has an anti-inflammatory effect,
  • "Lakalut": slightly higher in price than "Fitident". Fills gaps perfectly, preventing food penetration. Rarely leads to adverse reactions,
  • “President”: characterized by a high degree of fixation, but is unstable to temperature influences - under the influence of hot food, the adhesion strength decreases.

When choosing a fixation cream, you need to focus on many nuances: frequency of use, characteristics of the oral mucosa, tendency to allergies or inflammatory processes, and so on. Therefore, before purchasing a fixative, you should consult your doctor. Be sure to try several formulations and choose the one that suits you.

Author: Sambuev B. S. (Thank you for your help in writing the article and the information provided)

What to do if the prosthesis does not come off?

It often happens that a patient’s removable dental structure suddenly stops being removed. What did he do wrong and what should he do next?

This is usually due to excessive application of adhesive cream to secure the denture. Normally, within 12 hours the effect of the composition should be weakened by the action of saliva. However, if there is an excess of it, this does not happen and the structure continues to be firmly held for more than 12 hours.

It's okay if the denture doesn't come off in the evening. In this case, you need to go to bed quietly with a removable jaw. At night, the prosthesis will be held in place only by suction, and in the morning it can be easily removed.

To prevent a similar situation from happening again, it is necessary to attach the prosthesis with a smaller amount of fixing cream.


Lacalut is a product of German technology of traditionally high quality. This cream, according to manufacturers, is capable of providing reliable adhesion of the prosthesis to the oral cavity for a period of more than 24 hours.

The cream forms a protective layer between the patient’s mucosa and the prosthesis, which effectively protects the oral cavity from potential injuries and rubbing by the edges of the prosthesis. This is especially true for those who have just started using removable dentures.

Lacalut cream contains a substance called aluminum lactate, which has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. This cream can be applied not only to dried, but also to moistened removable dentures.


  • Provides gentle operation of prostheses, minimizing possible injuries and abrasions in the process.
  • It has a pleasant taste and aroma.
  • Provides reliable long-term fixation of the prosthesis.


  • There may be a slight weakening of the fastening strength during the consumption of various hot foods or drinks, such as tea or coffee.
  • Relatively high price.

The cost of Lacalut adhesive cream ranges from 300 to 450 rubles.


On the Internet you can find many reviews about the use of FittyDent products. Let's look at a few of them.

Alexandra Ivanovna, 66 years old

I used Corega before, but my upper jaw still continued to wobble. Now I’ve been using Fittident and for 3 months I’ve felt like a human being. The dentures stopped chafing and wobbling, and the wounds on the gums healed. I also use tablets to clean dentures, I like it.

Oleg, 44 years old

I have had to wear removable jaws since I was 40 years old. In addition to psychological difficulties, constant rubbing began to bother me. I tried creams, but it didn’t change anything in my situation. My salvation is Fittident pads. I have lived a normal life and even forget that my teeth are artificial.

Svetlana, 57 years old

I had to get artificial jaws to replace my lost teeth. The adjustment was terrible: I could neither eat nor talk. After the correction, they began to wobble, and the creams did little to change the situation. As soon as I started eating, my jaw began to wobble. Fittident pads became my salvation. Wearing my teeth has become comfortable, I eat normally, and my speech has improved. I now live like a normal person and even signed up for the choir.

Fittident products are superior to all other fixing agents in many ways. This product is a huge help for people who use removable dentures. A small portion of Fittident will help such patients live a full life: speak normally, chew food well and not be afraid that the prosthesis will fail.

Fittident has virtually no contraindications or side effects when used correctly, providing 12 hours of perfect fit of removable jaws. Fittident tablets will help to thoroughly clean the prosthesis from residual cream, and pads from this manufacturer will ensure comfortable wearing and high-quality fixation of the artificial lower jaw for patients. Health to you and your teeth!

Sources used:

  • Dental prosthetics using implants. 2nd ed. / V.A. Zagorsky, T.G. Robustova. - Moscow
  • “Partial removable dentures” (Zhulev E.N.)
  • American Board of Prosthodontics
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