Dental implantation with the Dentium system (Dentium) South Korea


Modern implantology makes it possible to bring the oral cavity of any patient to almost perfection.

High-quality materials for prosthetics and the professionalism of the doctor are the determining factors in achieving high success rates of the procedure.

Korean Dentium implants are widely used all over the world to restore lost teeth. The Superline line of implants is reliable, highly implantable and accessible to many patients.

general information

The Dentium company has been manufacturing implants since 2000. The rapid development of production allows us to significantly expand the line of dentures for a wide range of consumers.

In addition to implantation systems, the manufacturer specializes in the production of high-quality instruments for dental procedures, as well as materials used in osteoplasty.

In Russia, Korean implants began to be introduced in 2007. Today, many patients and doctors have managed to evaluate the quality, reliability, and aesthetic advantages of implants.

All Korean implant systems involve installation in two stages (tooth root and crown). There is a gap of up to 3 months between stages.

The main technological features include:

  • internal cone for sealing and tight fit of the abutment;
  • identical dimensions inside the implantation system;
  • yellow color of the abutment (excludes any transmission through soft tissue);
  • double thread for clear fixation and immobility of the implant;
  • easy to install.

Along with implant installation, it is possible to carry out the procedure of sinus lifting and osseointegration in case of insufficiency of bone tissue in the area of ​​​​the intended implantation of an artificial root.

High quality and reasonable cost are important criteria in choosing Korean implants to restore the beauty of the oral cavity.

What is the secret of the popularity of Korean Dentium implants?

Dental implants Dentium, created through the efforts of the South Korean company of the same name, have rightfully conquered the world of implants, occupying leading positions along with other lines of implants from equally well-known brands. Considering the fact that implantology is a mega-branch of dentistry that has been successfully developing for more than 50 years, the popularity and demand for Dentium implants is not accidental. Unsurpassed quality of implants and affordable prices are the two main pillars on which the success of Dentium implants rests.

The Dentium company was founded in 2000 with the aim of producing universal implant systems. Collaborating with the best specialists in this field, research centers and implantology institutes, Dentium has developed innovative implant systems that are as comfortable and effective as possible.

Today, Dentium successfully produces and sells the most popular implant systems - Implantium, SuperLine and SlimLine mini-implants, as well as all the materials and types of equipment necessary for implantology.

In addition, the company’s hallmark over the past 12 years has been the production of materials for sinus lifting and bone grafting, which has made it possible to improve many types of products and once again confirm their compliance with international quality standards.

Another mandatory aspect helps Dentium maintain its rating and develop successfully – continuous education of employees, mandatory completion of advanced training programs at the Dentium Institute of International Class in Seoul.

Thanks to all these factors, since 2007, Dentium has become Russia's main partner in the field of implantology.

Among all the produced series of Dentium implants, the demand for SuperLine implants stands out - as unique implants used in completely different clinical situations, ranging from classical dental implantation in two stages and ending with one-stage dental implantation with the installation of a temporary crown.

Main indications

To install implants, you must follow your doctor's recommendations. Before installation, a consultation with a specialist is carried out, and the tactics of dental treatment are determined. A number of indications for installation are taken into account:

  • loss of 1 dental unit with healthy intact teeth;
  • loss of 2 or 3 dental units in a row;
  • absence of teeth at the end of the dentition;
  • complete absence of teeth in the oral cavity;
  • intolerance to removable dentures for various reasons;
  • violation of occlusion, pain when closing.

If it is impossible to wear removable dentures (strong gag reflex, psycho-emotional disorders), then a radical solution to the pathology is recommended - implantation.

Recommendations from specialists for postoperative care

The success of implantation largely depends on how pedantically the patient follows the surgeon’s recommendations in the postoperative period. Doctors advise not to eat, drink, or rinse your mouth for 3 hours after surgery. During the first month, you cannot do heavy physical work, play sports, visit the bathhouse, sauna, beach, or solarium. The diet after surgery should be gentle; food and drinks should not be hot or cold, sticky or hard. During the first week, food should be taken pureed, alcohol should be excluded, and smoking should be limited.

If pain occurs, you should take a painkiller. If pain occurs after a few days, swelling appears, then you should urgently consult a doctor. As a rule, after surgery, the surgeon prescribes a course of antibiotic therapy. Antibiotics are needed to prevent the proliferation of pathogenic microflora and prevent infection from penetrating the installed implant. The doctor will also recommend rinsing the mouth with antiseptic solutions (3 to 4 days after surgery).

Note: Neglecting the doctor’s recommendations can cause implant rejection, tissue inflammation, abscess formation, and blood poisoning.

The dental network offers services for installing Dentium implants. Our implantologists have high medical qualifications and regularly improve their skills in leading clinics in Russia and Europe. The quality of implantation meets international standards. We have a system of family and cumulative discounts. If necessary, we provide reporting documents for filing tax deductions.

Branches of our orthodontic center are located in Moscow within walking distance from the metro:

  • Art. Alekseevskaya (VDNKh district, etc. Mira), address: st. 3rd Mytishchiskaya house 3, building 2;
  • Art. Shelepikha, address: Shelepikhinskaya embankment, address: building 34, building 1.

Implantation is available to everyone. We guarantee high quality implant-based prosthetics at a reasonable price. We are waiting for you!


Implantation is a dental operation, so a thorough diagnosis and examination of the patient is required before osseointegration.

The main contraindications include:

  • diseases of the heart, blood vessels, blood;
  • severe renal or liver failure;
  • period of exacerbation of certain chronic diseases;
  • endocrinological pathologies;
  • dysplastic changes in bone structures;
  • alcoholism, drug addiction, mental illness;
  • oncological tumors of any location.

The osseointegration procedure is not carried out during pregnancy and lactation, as well as during the active phases of infectious diseases of a viral, fungal or bacterial nature.

Doctors do not recommend surgery for patients with a mild cold. When assessing the possibility of implantation, multiple criteria are taken into account, including the patient's age, clinical history and oral health.

Sometimes the doctor decides on osseointegration against the background of existing contraindications.

Preparatory activities

Implantation using any type of system requires careful preparation. It is necessary to assess the condition of the patient’s body and determine the possibility of installing one or another type of structure.

The preparation stage begins with an initial consultation with a dentist. During it, the doctor assesses the condition of the oral cavity, identifies all defects, evaluates options and methods of restoration, taking into account existing contraindications.

Obtaining a complete picture of the anatomical structure of the jaws using x-rays allows you to determine the exact size and type of the required system.

To assess health, laboratory tests of blood and urine are prescribed. If necessary, additional examinations of the body and consultations with specialists may be prescribed.

An important stage is the sanitation of the oral cavity, professional teeth cleaning, treatment of existing inflammatory processes and caries. Only after a session of oral cavity sanitation is it possible to install implant systems.


Dentium Superlife implant systems have a wide range of features that distinguish them from other implant manufacturers.

The design features of implants ensure their quality properties, technical characteristics and high survival rate.

The main ones include:

  • biological connection (prevention of marginal bone resorption due to uniform load on the system);
  • hexagon and conical surfaces (tight connection of all elements of the system inside and outside the bone);
  • root-shaped (reliable fit into the bone and gum);
  • double thread (high ribs reduce screwing time, thereby reducing the degree of injury);
  • orthopedic components for the patient's chewing adaptation.

The main feature is the possibility of installation in any bone structure. If the volume of the jaw bone is insufficient, it is permissible to resort to sinus lift or osteoplasty.

Superlife abutments and implants cope with the most difficult clinical situations. Thanks to a special coating-spraying, the process of survival and overgrowth of the artificial root with bone and connective tissue is significantly reduced.

Model range of Nobel implants and areas of their application.

Read here about the benefits of Israeli Mis implants.

At this address there is a detailed description of the installation of Astra Tech implants.


The advantages of implantation systems lie not only in impeccable quality, but also in the aesthetic result. Other advantages of Korean systems include:

  • simplicity and ease of installation (the root is quickly fixed in the bone tissue, reducing the risk of damage to the gum line);
  • the possibility of immediate installation (if bone tissue augmentation and other complex manipulations are not required);
  • maintaining the usual load on the jaw;
  • lack of rehabilitation period;
  • the possibility of implanting an implant into the end parts of the jaw arch (upper or lower);
  • macrodesign (combination with abutments in one design).

Thanks to special coating, optimal dimensions of the artificial root body, abutments and platform diameter, you can choose the right option for a specific clinical situation.

Guarantees, compliance with international safety standards and accessibility are other advantages of implants.

After installing the crown part of the tooth, it is no different from the natural one. Patients are relieved of the need to wear removable dentures.

Comparison of costs and benefits of other popular implants

Astra Tech implants from Sweden

Turnkey installation with a metal-ceramic crown - from 62,000 rubles, from zirconium - from 80,000 rubles. Features of Astra Tech implants:

  • OsseoSpeed ​​coating helps bone recover quickly;
  • the conical shape (Conical Seal Design) ensures a tight connection with the abutment, reliable fixation of the artificial tooth in the jaw.

Korean dental implants Osstem

Osstem implantation with a metal-ceramic crown costs from 45,000 rubles, with a zirconium crown - from 65,000 rubles. Technical features:

  • special coating allows to reduce the time of osseointegration by 20%;
  • unique design;
  • large selection of models;
  • possibility of fast loading;
  • the risk of rejection is minimized;
  • possibility of implantation into bone tissue of any quality;
  • increased primary stability;
  • durability.

Implants Nobel Biocare (Switzerland)

The price for installation with a metal-ceramic crown starts from 70,000 rubles, with a zirconium crown – from 90,000 rubles. Nobel systems have many advantages over competitors:

  • lightweight, non-traumatic, easy to implant due to its conical shape;
  • no gap between the implant and abutment;
  • installation is performed even if there is insufficient bone;
  • a biologically active surface is the key to an accelerated process of osseointegration;
  • each implant has a serial number to avoid counterfeiting;
  • minimal risk of rejection;
  • 3D modeling helps reduce injuries;
  • simultaneous implantation is possible;
  • 3D technologies allow you to achieve high aesthetic results;
  • can be used for a long time.

Alpha Bio dental structures from Israel

For turnkey installation using metal ceramics you will have to pay from 39,000 rubles, zirconium - from 53,000 rubles. Alpha Bio systems are in demand due to a number of advantages:

  • successfully used for implantation in all parts of the lower and upper jaw;
  • take root well;
  • due to the conical shape, no serious damage is caused;
  • no bone augmentation is required before implantation;
  • relevant for low bone density and insufficient bone volume;
  • some models can be installed immediately after tooth extraction;
  • the list of contraindications is minimal;
  • a large selection of systems for one-stage and two-stage implantation;
  • the ability to select a design for each specific case.

Biohorizont - dental implants from the USA

Implantation with a metal-ceramic crown will cost from 52,000 rubles, with a zirconium crown - from 68,000 rubles. Features and advantages of the Biohorizon system:

  • increased thread area for easier bone penetration;
  • square thread shape accelerates osseointegration;
  • the surface of the implant contains calcium phosphate for better survival;
  • possibility of installation immediately after tooth extraction;
  • using a hexagonal connection and a fixing screw, a tight fit of the abutment to the structural elements is achieved;
  • an accurate forecast of the operation and results is performed;
  • high degree of stabilization immediately after installation;
  • short period of osseointegration;
  • possibility of implantation by all methods.

Pros and cons

Despite the many outstanding features, pros, and benefits, implants can have disadvantages. Such cases occur in 1 in 1000, but there is still a possibility. Among the disadvantages are:

  • twisting of the rod, its mobility (occurs due to improper load distribution, violation of osseointegration technique);
  • allergic reactions to metal (in production a titanium alloy is used, which is a hypoallergenic metal);
  • structural failures (violation of installation rules, jaw injuries, excessive load);
  • resorption of soft tissue around the artificial root.

It is very important to choose a good clinic with highly qualified specialists before installing an implant.

Saving in this case is not advisable, since we are talking about a kind of investment in the beauty of teeth and oral health for many years.


I need to get one implant, I'm looking for information about which one is better. I came to the conclusion that I can’t afford expensive models, even if they are of very high quality. But budget ones - yes. I am satisfied with what Korea offers, they always strive to copy the best. For an alternative, would you recommend one that is inexpensive but of good quality?

Irina M. (09/02/2019 at 00:48) Reply to comment

    Dear Irina! If you are choosing from Korean implants, then Osstem is considered one of the best among budget ones (as experts say, they are copied from the Straumann brand, which is very respected by the entire world community of implantologists and is of high quality) - you can read a detailed article about them on our website. The Koreans also have DIO implants, they are also budget-friendly, but not so popular in Russia, they may be quite difficult to find.

    Editorial staff of the portal (09/06/2019 at 09:16) Reply to comment

Good afternoon Please tell me about the topic of removable dentures. The choice between Quadrotti, acry-free and clasp prostheses. Fastening is possible on 2 teeth (14 and 24, with c/v and a metal-ceramic crown). But there is 1 tooth that has a coated metal crown. The question is: 1) What type of dentures do you recommend if chewing and partially front teeth are missing? 2) If you choose a clasp denture, will the heterogeneity of metals cause a metallic taste in the mouth? Or under what conditions is such a taste possible? 3) The base of the prosthesis is made of nylon or plastic (I don’t know the correct name). Which material is better to choose?

Anastasia (01/28/2021 at 10:07 pm) Reply to comment

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Dentium Superline implant systems have different diameters and lengths, which allows them to be used for certain dental conditions.

The choice of implant is completely determined by the location of the tooth in the jawbone, the subsequent load, and the condition of the jawbone.

Thus, the following types of Superline implants are distinguished:

  • diameter 3.6 mm with lengths of 7, 8, 10, 12, 14 mm (suitable for restoring anterior or lateral incisors);
  • diameter 4.0 mm;
  • diameter 4.5 mm;
  • diameter 5.0 mm;
  • diameter 6.0 mm with length 7, 8, 10, 12 mm (suitable for implantation into distant multi-rooted teeth, as well as when restoring several units at once);
  • diameter 7 mm with length 7, 8, 10, 12 mm.

The larger the diameter of the implant, the more problems it will have to solve. Thus, a large platform allows for greater load on the jaw bone and is used in areas with low bone density.

The length of the implant is selected only after an X-ray of the patient’s jaw to avoid passage through the nasopharyngeal tract during implantation (especially when implanting upper teeth).

Installation technique

After the initial consultation, the patient is referred for examination and diagnosis. An x-ray is taken, the doctor examines the patient’s clinical history, and an anesthetic medication is selected.

Nowadays, many large clinics are equipped with MRI devices for layer-by-layer examination of jaw bone tissue.

Installing implants involves following several steps:

  1. Surgical intervention. Local anesthesia is administered and the implant is implanted.
    A special bed for the artificial root is prepared in the bone, and the implant is screwed in. The wound is stitched and the patient goes home. Healing takes about 3 months if the implant is screwed into the lower jaw, and 4-5 months if the work was done on the upper jaw.
  2. Implantation. The artificial root is opened, the plug is removed, and a gum line former is installed. After 2 weeks, a titanium abutment is installed.
  3. Orthopedic stage. At this stage, impressions of the dentition are made, on the basis of which the shape of the crown required is selected.

Following treatment algorithms and mandatory adherence to the recovery period between stages is the key to long-term implant service.

Single-stage installation involves combining the first two stages into one, but this only applies to the lower lateral incisors with minimal load on the jaw bones.

From a practical point of view, what features do German Xive implants have, and what does this give to the patient?

In this publication we offer a video about the treatment of peri-implantitis.

Follow the link to read reviews about Strauman implants.

Stages of installing SuperLine implants

Installation of SuperLine implants takes place in several stages. In the first of them, taking into account the preliminary diagnostics that have already been carried out - as a necessary step on the path to dental implantation - it is assumed that standard manipulations will be carried out. First, the patient is given anesthesia - a guarantee of comfortable performance of any type of dental implantation (if necessary, you can resort to the use of deep sedation). Then the doctor prepares a bed for installing a dental implant, exposing the jaw bone using the method of exfoliation of soft tissues, and installs (implants) an implant in this place, which, after immersion in the jaw bone, is closed with a plug. This measure is necessary to maintain and maintain sterile conditions for the tissues inside the implant. At the end of the operation, the soft tissue around the implant is sutured.

After the implant is completely osseointegrated, which usually takes about 4-6 months, the doctor proceeds to the next stage - removes the plug, installs a gum former (promoting the correct formation of soft tissues around the future tooth) and, after another two weeks, installs the abutment.

The final stage of installing SuperLine implants will be the installation of a crown made on the basis of a pre-made impression of the jaw, corresponding to the required shapes and sizes.

Service life

Implant systems from Korea have a high degree of strength and practically do not fail.

Both external and internal factors can affect normal functioning. Thus, violation of installation technique, non-compliance with the protective regime, lack of sufficient oral hygiene and diseases of the skeletal system can affect the service life of implants and abutments.

Various injuries to the jaw bone can also cause loosening or chipping in the artificial root system.

Quality standards and price

The quality of Dentium products is confirmed by the following documents:

  • ISO13485 CE certificate;
  • FDA certified;
  • EU certificate;
  • certificates from around the world.

SuperLine implants belong to the middle price category. High quality and compliance with international standards are ensured at a lower cost compared to European taxes.

The system itself costs from 25 to 30 thousand rubles, depending on the size. The total cost of the procedure is about 70 thousand rubles per tooth.

The final amount is influenced by the following factors:

  • oral health;
  • Additional materials;
  • additional procedures;
  • type of clinic, etc.

Inferred Warranties

Korean manufacturers provide a lifetime warranty on their products. If, when installing a low-quality implant or for reasons beyond the control of the patient and the doctor, the implants or abutments fail, the company fully pays for the patient’s treatment on a turnkey basis from the very beginning.

The implants meet international quality standards; the company has entire classes to improve the qualifications of doctors.

On the basis of the production, there are clinical schools for dentists from all over the world with the possibility of remote consultations.

SuperLine implants – a lifetime guarantee

To the patient who has installed SuperLine implants, Dentium provides a lifetime guarantee on them, thereby once again confirming its reliability and unshakable status in the world of implantology.

But in addition to this truly royal gift, you can receive another one - high-quality dental implantation, if you contact the clinic, where top-class implant dentists will install SuperLine implants professionally and on time. You can make an appointment at the clinic and find out the cost of installing implants by phone.


The cost of Dentium Superline implants is at an acceptable level compared to other manufacturers. At the same time, the company complies with all international safety standards and maintains the highest quality.

The final cost of implants is determined by many factors, including preoperative procedures (initial examination, diagnosis, bone tissue augmentation, etc.).

The average cost looks something like this:

  • carrying out stage 1 - from 30 to 40,000 rubles;
  • Stage 2 - from 36 to 40,000 rubles (temporary crown and formation of the gum line).

The average cost of restoring one lost tooth on a turnkey basis is 70,000 rubles.

In the video, watch the installation of Dentium Superline implants in complete absence of teeth.



BASAL COMPLEX - Restoration of teeth on 1 jaw in 3 days 330,000 rub.
300,000 rub.
get -27 %

Teeth in 1 day on Straumann implants using ProArch technology!
300,000 rub. 220,000 rub.
get -13 %

Promotion for installation of veneers!
40000 rub. 35,000 rub.
get -33 %

Teeth cleaning and whitening RUB 7,500.
5000 rub. get


Korean implants are high-quality and relatively inexpensive implants. Many clinics offer patients discounts, installment plans and loans. Saving in matters of your own health is not always justified, so to carry out this manipulation you need to trust highly qualified specialists.

Dentium Superline implant systems are the leading implants on the global dental market. If you have had real experience installing and wearing Korean products, you can share your real impressions and feelings in the form of comments below.

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Tags: implant manufacturers

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