Frenulum piercing under the tongue: types, how to pierce, wound care

Piercing has long been fashionable among young people as a way of self-affirmation. Among the huge number of varieties of piercing, oral piercing stands out, including piercing of the frenulum of the tongue (frenulum, from the English lingual frenulum). It is remarkable in that it is easy to hide from the eyes of others, maintaining the mystery of its image. To demonstrate it, you need to make an unusual movement with your tongue.

Tongue piercing has come to us since ancient times. American civilizations, Mayans and Aztecs, as well as some African and Australian tribes, were distinguished by the variety of such piercings. In the past, the tongue was pierced for spiritual protection and to get rid of evil spirits. Now this is just an element of a shocking image, which is done almost painlessly and quickly enough; an experienced master will spend a few minutes on the procedure.

How is frenulum made?

Your work with a piercer will begin with a detailed consultation. He will tell you about all the nuances, list contraindications and make sure that your lifestyle and health state allow you to get this type of puncture. Then the master will disinfect, fix the bridle in the desired position and insert a disposable needle, after which he will immediately put on the jewelry. The good news is that you won't need any pain relief. The mucous fold under the tongue, which we call the frenulum, is almost devoid of nerve endings, and its thickness at the site of the frenulum puncture is only about a millimeter.

Corypheus Alberti

Where does such an unusual way of self-expression come from? The first who elevated this to a cult (and even invented it) was the outstanding (and in some places too outstanding) Prince Albert, who lived during the Victorian era and was also the husband of Queen Victoria. However, he came up with this not for aesthetic and erotic reasons, but for practical ones. The fact is that His Highness had outstanding size in the area below the waist.

Such a seemingly wonderful distinctive feature should have brought joy and delight, but no. His big penis prevented him from living a normal life. Ordinary movement, riding a horse or other physical activity was difficult and uncomfortable for him.

Then an obsessive thought entered his head - to fix the organ in a certain position. To do this, we had to resort to piercing the tender spot and attaching a special ring to it, with which Albert could fix his impressive unit. Now he could fasten his penis to his trousers and forget about his problem.

To celebrate, the prince told everyone about his miracle invention, and a chain reaction occurred. Everyone who became interested immediately picked up this idea and brought it to life. Already in that era, piercing became very popular among men, and even today it does not lose its original relevance.

Prince Albert

Thanks to this story, humanity was able to experience an extreme form of individualization. And the name comes from the founder of this trend – Prince Albert.


Benefits of frenulum piercing:

  • pierced quickly and without severe pain;
  • hidden from prying eyes;
  • looks impressive and original;
  • can be shown without using your hands, simply by raising your tongue (unlike piercing the frenulum of the lower or upper lip, for example).

True, body modifications in this part of the mouth also have a significant drawback. The tongue is one of the most mobile muscles, so a fresh wound will constantly be under stress. Add to this the need to eat and drink, and you have an additional risk factor. And smokers and lovers of long kisses are forced to come to terms with a longer healing period for any body modifications in the oral cavity. Keep this in mind when choosing what to pierce.

Consequences and inconveniences

The biggest problem after a piercing procedure can be painful and lengthy healing.
If you do not follow the necessary instructions and restrictions, you can get infection, puncture infection and other related diseases. It is worth considering that after a frenulum piercing, a change in diction to varying degrees is possible. Most often it goes away within the first week after the procedure, but for some people the speech changes persist. Most people get used to it, but there are people who refuse to decorate because they cannot get used to it. Negative consequences include an ambiguous reaction from family and friends. Fortunately, a pierced frenulum is quite easy to hide from others, which will avoid instructive conversations about morality. But, even if such a problem arises, loved ones quickly get used to such changes in image and treat it normally.

In some cases, a cheap accessory and careless work by a technician can lead to gradual damage to tooth enamel. In such cases, it is worth removing the jewelry and starting the restoration procedure.

There is a risk of swallowing jewelry, which quite often happens at night while sleeping. It is necessary to either remove it at night or check the quality of its connection before going to bed.

How to care

The technician will not let you leave the salon without a detailed instruction on how to care for a fresh piercing. Be sure to follow all the points and do not engage in “folk” methods such as twisting the earrings or rinsing with peroxide. Try to postpone all activities associated with long conversations or large feasts. Let the tongue be as quiet as possible - then the wound will heal quickly and without complications. You should also take care of other people's microflora: explain to your loved one that it is better to postpone kissing for a week. If you smoke, you should switch to electronic devices for the first time or give up this habit altogether.

Sensual experiments 4

The scrotum is also not left out in the art of penile piercing. This method of embellishment is called Nefada. Due to the fact that the scrotum has thin skin, edema and swelling quickly disappear, which leads to rapid healing.

Most often, guys prefer to attach the ring to the left of the penis, since this position characterizes the masculinity and independence of the owner (it’s hard to imagine who equates forehead piercing with an amulet, but still). Thoughtful experimenters make a puncture between the scrotum and anus. Many people know that this place is especially sensitive, and with additional stimulation of the earring during intercourse, the man will experience unprecedented sensations. Instead of rings, you can use a wide variety of jewelry. It all depends on imagination and degree of sophistication.

Where to do

Although piercing is considered a cosmetic procedure, it is essentially a mini-surgery. It would be a mistake to trust random people or experiment on your own body. We recommend contacting only the best masters in St. Petersburg - for example, the Art Of Pain studio. You will be satisfied with the atmosphere, quality and prices.

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Make an appointment

Time for new sensations6

When the preparatory work is completed, it's time for the procedure itself. The piercer treats the puncture site with an antiseptic and places special marks. There is no clear answer regarding pain. For some, this procedure goes unnoticed, with only a slight burning sensation, while for others the pain may seem unbearable. We don’t want to intimidate you in any way, just don’t think that it will definitely hurt. You may be the lucky one who won't even feel it.

Do not move during a crucial moment, otherwise the unpleasant sensations will become even more unpleasant. While you sit and wait for your finest hour, the master unpacks the needle, treating it with a special ointment. Further actions must be clear and as fast as possible. The puncture is performed in cold blood. The needle should come out 20 mm from the other side, on which the selected decoration is put on. When the master has secured the accessory to the needle, he deftly pulls it through the puncture. The threaded element is secured with a clasp. Finally, the area is treated with an antibacterial solution.


Let's say you decide to get a smiley piercing. The price of such a puncture in the Russian Federation is about 1,500 rubles. The client must first rinse his mouth with a special liquid that eliminates all bacteria and germs. After this, the needle is inserted by the master using a special apparatus through the frenulum, and the earring is threaded into the hole made.

The main thing is to be prepared for the fact that the procedure can cause considerable pain. In addition, bleeding is often observed. Therefore, the specialist, as a rule, prescribes ointments or rinses, which will need to be used until the wound heals and stops inflaming.

However, we cannot fail to mention one point regarding pain. Each person has a certain threshold of sensitivity. Some clients don’t even notice the punctures, and some have lip pain for several hours. Therefore, do not stress yourself out and do not be afraid, so as not to worsen the situation.

Main risks

The main risks associated with smiley piercings are tooth erosion and gum recession. This potential damage can be caused by poor positioning of jewelry in the mouth. A professional piercer will know how to place the jewelry so that the ball is just below the gum line. Constant friction causes damage to gums and teeth.


A small bridle often rejects the decoration due to the small amount of fabric. Even the slightest of natural lip movements can cause discomfort and damage. You need to find out which jewelry carries the least risk. If the specialist says that the frenulum is too small or thin, the best choice is not to get a piercing.

Piercing has long been fashionable among young people as a way of self-affirmation. Among the huge number of varieties of piercing, oral piercing stands out, including piercing of the frenulum of the tongue (frenulum, from the English lingual frenulum). It is remarkable in that it is easy to hide from the eyes of others, maintaining the mystery of its image. To demonstrate it, you need to make an unusual movement with your tongue.

Tongue piercing has come to us since ancient times. American civilizations, Mayans and Aztecs, as well as some African and Australian tribes, were distinguished by the variety of such piercings. In the past, the tongue was pierced for spiritual protection and to get rid of evil spirits. Now this is just an element of a shocking image, which is done almost painlessly and quickly enough; an experienced master will spend a few minutes on the procedure.

How dangerous is it?8

Naturally, not every man will agree to a detailed procedure. And that's okay. Moreover, men by nature love to use what nature has given them without resorting to any changes. Medical intervention, especially of this kind, is incomprehensible and meaningless for many. Due to the fact that the blood supply to the penis area is increased, any damage to the skin in this area is fraught with severe bleeding.

Depending on how correctly the master uses the tools and follows all safety rules, it will depend on how dangerous this procedure can turn out to be. A professional will do everything carefully, and for some time you will be accompanied by minor consequences in the form of swelling and a slight burning sensation. But an amateur can cause a serious infection, which can even lead to a serious outcome. It is impossible to answer the question definitely, since everything depends on the specific specialist and the patient’s ability to follow all the recommendations.

Decoration selection

There are no specific criteria when choosing jewelry for a smiley piercing bridle ; you should choose based on your preferences. There are several types of jewelry for smile piercing:

  • Circulars : these are jewelry that resembles a horseshoe in shape; there are classic titanium, black, anodized gold or other colors.
  • Clicker rings : rings with a fastening clasp, the color can also be any, you can choose with an insert of shiny cubic zirconia or shining opals, or classic titanium.
  • Bananas : curved decorations with balls at the ends.

These are the best jewelry options for smiley piercings, the main thing is to choose small jewelry so as not to harm your teeth. Also, do not forget about the quality of the jewelry; the piercing product must be made of titanium .

Caring for a piercing under the tongue

The frenulum heals quickly. On average, it takes up to 5 days to tighten the canal, and 2-4 weeks for complete recovery. To ensure the process goes smoothly, follow the rules:

  • rinsing with antiseptic in the morning, evening and after each meal;
  • do not touch the earring with your hands so as not to injure the wound;
  • Avoid drinking alcohol and smoking in the first days.

Immediately after the procedure, it is forbidden to drink or eat food. After 4 hours, you can calm your stomach with ice cream or juice drunk through a straw.

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