Upper and lower lip piercing: how to pierce your lip correctly?

Lip piercing or labial piercing is a piercing of the lower or upper part of it for installation in the formed hole of the jewelry. Experts consider this type of puncture to be one of the safest and simplest, since there is a low concentration of nerve nodes and large blood vessels in the lips.

Recently, lip piercing has quickly become popular among youth circles and is considered very fashionable. Both the upper and lower lips, as well as the skin above and below them, are pierced.

Vertical piercing

The most popular type of lip piercing still belongs to vertical lip piercing, as it is a practically safe and almost painless procedure. Traditionally, the lip is pierced exactly in the center (from its lower border to the upper point in the center). If everything is done correctly, this piercing looks great and heals quickly.

For this type of puncture, the best decoration is a labret. Here you need to be extremely careful and scrupulous in choosing decoration. Keep in mind that the length of the bar is determined depending on the thickness of the lips after complete healing of the wound.

This is necessary to avoid mistakes when choosing the size of the jewelry. After all, if the bar turns out to be too short, then this threatens the ball growing into the lip area, and a labret that is too long will constantly hit the teeth, causing irreparable damage to their enamel.

Jewelry in the form of rings is also perfect for this type of piercing. The main task is their correct placement. The piercing must be done so that the jewelry is between the teeth.

Jewelry selection

For a piercing under the upper lip, titanium earrings with a special coating of a non-allergenic composition or jewelry made of medical steel or bioplastic are suitable. These materials do not oxidize over time and do not lose their appearance. They do not emit harmful substances and do not cause harm. Such jewelry is suitable for primary piercing and for daily wear.

According to the shape of the earrings, choose the following:

  • horseshoes (it is better to wear such earrings after the wound has completely healed);
  • circular;
  • segment ring;
  • rods;
  • rings with a ball or stone;
  • clicker rings;
  • microbanana.

The ends of the decorations are decorated with cone-shaped or round elements. They should be small so that they do not cause discomfort when worn and do not scratch the enamel of the teeth. Earrings made of precious metals cannot be inserted into the frenulum until the puncture has healed, as the jewelry can oxidize and cause poisoning.

The thickness of the earring should not exceed 1.2 mm, it is better to choose a diameter of 1.6 mm. The bridle is thin, so a small piece of jewelry can break through it.

Carving on the earring

It is better to choose jewelry with internal threads, which are made on the metal itself. Earrings with glued or soldered threads may break. Breakage may result in injury to the oral cavity and loss of jewelry. There is a high probability of swallowing broken elements of the earring, which will lead to damage to the esophagus.

The internal thread does not injure the bridle when threading the jewelry through the puncture. If the product is sanded, there are no protrusions on it that can catch on the skin and scratch it. These earrings are easier to remove when replacing jewelry.


The better polished the earring, the faster the piercing will heal. It is better to give preference to products from the expensive segment. They are polished by hand, and the quality of each piece of jewelry is checked.

Earrings produced on an industrial scale are polished with grain. Microdefects remain on the surface of the jewelry. Microbes accumulate in the depressions, and dried blood, lymph and saliva stick to the protrusions. The accumulation of pathogenic flora on the earring leads to infection of the frenulum and the development of complications.

Integrity of decoration

It is preferable to choose titanium earrings, since their production uses the technology of tuck- ing a solid base from a blank without welding the decoration elements. This method of turning eliminates the possibility of harmful impurities, which are contained in the solder used for soldering jewelry elements, getting into the metal alloy. Foreign inclusions can provoke the development of allergies and rejection of the material. A dart from a solid base also helps to achieve maximum smoothness on the surface of the earring.

Earrings made of silver and gold are always made from several elements that are soldered together with solder. If you choose jewelry made from precious metals, you should give preference to products from well-known brands that value their reputation and do not use harmful impurities in the manufacture of jewelry.

Horizontal piercing

Horizontal labial piercing is not very popular among beginners; as a rule, it is done by real piercing connoisseurs. Horizontal piercing initially involves a deep puncture, which is performed parallel to the lip. It is usually done on the lower lip from left to right. A labret with 2 balls, one of which is removable, is suitable as a decoration.

Also, not only the labial parts of the face are pierced, but also the skin above or below them. There are several varieties of such piercings: Dahlia, Snakebite, Monroe, Madonna, and Medusa.

Causes of keloid scars

Some people have a genetic predisposition to the formation of keloids, especially blacks. But most often, a scar is formed due to insufficient sterile care of a wound or burn, as well as under the following circumstances:

  • with “lacerated” wounds;
  • with wound suppuration;
  • with strong tension of the skin in the area of ​​injury;
  • in case of hormonal imbalance;
  • in case of traumatization of an already forming young scar;
  • reduced immunity.

The appearance of a scar can be avoided by following the doctor's recommendations, as well as by establishing a healthy diet and rest regime.

Piercing above and below the lip

Madonna and Monroe are very popular types of piercings above the upper lip, when the decoration in the form of a pebble or ball resembles the “spot” (mole) of the famous actress Marilyn Monroe. The only difference is that Madonna is always pierced on the right, and Monroe is only pierced on the left above the upper lip.

This piercing is done in one minute and is almost painless. This is all because the tissue at the puncture site is very thin.

Two punctures made on both sides like flies (moles) above the upper lip are called Dahlia.

But similar double punctures made under the lower lip are called a little mysteriously and at the same time frighteningly - Snake Bite.

Jellyfish is a so-called groove piercing that simulates a tear in the mouth.

Before getting a lip piercing, seriously weigh all the pros and cons of this event.

You should know that lip piercing can be accompanied by very unpleasant consequences:

  • Exacerbation of chronic diseases, one way or another related to teeth.
  • The occurrence of cracks in tooth enamel.
  • Redness, inflammation and bleeding of the gums.
  • The front teeth begin to crumble and break.

Such troubles most often occur in people under twenty-five years of age.

Who should not get a puncture?

Unfortunately, there is also a certain circle of people for whom lip piercing is generally contraindicated.

1. Firstly, these are teenagers under the age of eighteen. 2. Also, people who have poor blood clotting are diabetics.

However, a temporary obstacle to piercing can be a period of exacerbation of any chronic disease and even a banal acute respiratory infection, as well as elevated temperature.

If you are still determined to pierce your lip, contact a specialist in a tattoo parlor. Everything will happen there quickly, efficiently and in sterile conditions. It is advisable to perform this procedure when piercing the navel - it is safer.

But if you decide to do the piercing yourself, go to the pharmacy and buy: cotton wool, sterile gloves, alcohol, meramistin solution, an IV system, antibiotic ointment.

Drug treatment of bartholinitis

The main goals of therapy are:

  • increasing immunity;
  • elimination of infection;
  • removal of fluid from the Bartholin gland.

Often, for acute bartholinitis, doctors prescribe antibiotics. They must be taken for at least 5 days. Antiseptic agents for topical use are also prescribed. Tampons with Levomekol ointment are often used, as well as Miramistin solution for irrigation. Important! All antibiotics have side effects and should only be prescribed by a doctor. Increased immunity can be achieved by taking vitamins. Sometimes interferons are additionally prescribed.

Rice. 2. Bartholinitis is an inflammation of the Bartholin gland

How to pierce your lip quickly and without pain? Procedure

Disinfect the earring or labret. First, soak the decoration in alcohol for twenty minutes, then boil it in a small bowl of water.

Before the piercing, do not forget to eat well, because after the piercing you should not eat for the next four hours.

Then rinse your mouth with a saline solution (one level teaspoon of salt per glass of warm water). Wash your hands with antibacterial soap and generously moisten cotton wool with alcohol and wipe the outside of the lip area intended for piercing. Let it dry. Then use a marker to mark the puncture points.

All necessary tools should be located near the mirror within easy reach. Hands must be sterile.

Before a puncture, you need to calm down so that your hands don’t tremble. Then, slightly retracting the lip, with a confident movement we push the sterile needle from the dropper through the point marked with a marker, and, inserting the decoration into the hollow catheter, place it in the formed hole. The entire procedure lasts no more than 2 minutes.

Please note that the lip is pierced from the inside. In order for the piercing to be in the planned place, the piercing angle should be maintained (90 degrees). After the decoration is secured, the outside of the wound must be treated with a miramestin solution.

To speed up the healing of the piercing site, rinse your mouth two to three times a day for six weeks and after each meal with a saline solution or a soft pink solution of potassium permanganate.

The piercing causes the lip to swell and the swelling will persist for about three days.

Read: ear piercing or how to pierce an ear at home.


It is impossible to predict the behavior of a scar after an injury , but you can reduce the risk of keloid scars. Silicone gels and patches can help with this; they help prevent the growth of scar tissue. These methods are effective provided that the scar is fresh (no more than six months). Silicone products help maintain the correct water balance in scarred skin and create additional pressure, due to which the blood vessels in the scar are reduced.

It is recommended to start preventing scar formation after 3-4 weeks, when the crusts have completely come off from the wound. The healing area must be kept clean, washed with soap and under no circumstances remove the stratum corneum from the wound - this will cause infection, and this is a sure way to the formation of a keloid scar!

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