Lip piercing: Types of piercing, procedure and piercing care

Lip piercing is a procedure that is increasingly being resorted to not only by young people, but also by men and women of almost all ages. Today, using jewelry on the lips and in the area around them is a popular way to emphasize individuality and create a fresh and unusual look. Usually it is used by people of liberal professions who are not required to have a dress code. Lip piercings are mainly decorative. West End masters will demonstrate a portfolio with examples of work and help you choose an option that suits the client’s type of appearance, lifestyle, and style of dressing.

Types of lip piercings

There are several main types of lip piercing: Monroe - the piercing is performed above the upper lip on the left

Madonna - the piercing is also located above the upper lip, but on the right side

Vertical labret - the lip is pierced through and strictly vertically

Medusa - piercing is located in the hollow above the upper lip

There are also various variations and combinations of these piercings, known as Jestrum, Horizontal Lip, Dahlia, Angel Bites, Cyber ​​Bites, Canine Bites, Dolphin Bites, Spider Bites, Shark Bites, Snake Bites (there are other names for lip piercings, invented by lovers of exotic combinations)
Jestrum - similar to a vertical labret, but the upper lip is pierced

Horizontal Lip - the puncture is located on the lower lip, strictly horizontal (as a rule, such a puncture bleeds heavily and does not heal well)

Dahlia - two piercings on the corners of the lips (sometimes this piercing is called a Dahlia bite)

Angel Bites - connection of two piercings Madonna and Monroe

Cyber ​​Bites - a variant of the placement of Medusa and a central puncture under the lower lip

Dolphin Bites - two punctures are located in the central part under the lower lip

Spider Bites - double piercing of the lower lip, located in the corner on one side

Shark Bites - a similar puncture, but the punctures are performed symmetrically on both sides

Snake Bites - a similar piercing, but in this version only one puncture is made on each side

Preparing for piercing

A few days before the procedure it is recommended:

  • Treat the future puncture site with soothing ointments if there are areas of inflammation or irritation;
  • Do not drink alcoholic beverages;
  • Do not take aspirin and vitamin E, naproxen and ibuprofen, or any antibiotics. If you are sick, it is better to postpone the procedure until complete recovery;
  • Exclude coffee and green tea, energy drinks, garlic and ginseng from the menu;
  • Add vitamin K to your diet - dishes with cabbage, pumpkin, olive oil, bananas, etc.;
  • Brush your teeth especially carefully, or even get a professional cleaning from your dentist.

Lip piercing jewelry

measuring 1.6x10/12 mm are suitable for the initial healing of lip piercings

Jewelry for lip piercing must have a margin of length for swelling after the piercing , and in no case should it press or be butted. Rings or circular rings can be inserted into the puncture after at least 3 months. We recommend using PTFE material for a vertical labret puncture ; it is softer than titanium, and healing is much better with it. You can replace it with a titanium banana after 1-3 months. We strongly advise against placing jewelry made of gold, silver or surgical (medical) steel ; they contain nickel, which, while in the body, begins to oxidize, which causes a lot of unpleasant moments, so choose jewelry made of titanium , it is one of the most hypoallergenic metals. If you are just thinking about this piercing, but have not yet decided, there is a lip piercing, this is a good option to try on the jewelry and see whether you like this piercing option or not.


Lip piercing, photos of which certainly impress people of all ages with their originality, have a number of serious contraindications, in particular:

  • deviations revealed by a blood test associated with differences from generally accepted indicators of blood clotting;
  • the presence of chronic diseases of any etymology, especially during relapses;
  • increased body temperature or “jumps” in blood pressure;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation period.

If you have at least one of the above “illnesses,” it is advisable to postpone or completely abandon the idea of ​​piercing. Otherwise, the consequences for human health and life may be unpredictable and even require significant medical intervention.

Puncture procedure

So, how to do a lip piercing? After selecting the jewelry, you need to mark the puncture. In the case of side lip piercings (Monroe and Madonna), the piercing can be done almost along the entire perimeter, the main thing is that you like the place. But the upper lip piercing and the lower lip piercing (Medusa and vertical labret) are performed strictly in the center.

First, the master disinfects the puncture site and makes a point, then holds the skin with a clamp and performs a through puncture, after which he carefully inserts the labret using a taper and screws the screw on. A lip piercing is done fairly quickly, so it is considered a not particularly painful piercing.

Which decoration is better to put first?

As the first jewelry inserted into the “freshly pierced” hole, experienced piercers recommend using a labret with an extended barbell made of a medical alloy. The medical alloy minimizes the risk of infection and further development of infection at the site where the integrity of the skin is broken, and will also reduce pain after the procedure itself.

The elongated rod of the “primary labret,” in turn, will ensure comfortable wearing of the jewelry in case of existing swelling , under favorable conditions for wound healing, which persists for several days after the immediate “breaking through” of the lip.

Using other types of earrings for a “fresh” piercing can provoke painful sensations during skin regeneration, and also create a risk of damage to the “hole” itself, due to the possibility of touching, pulling, or catching on an earring with a “complex” design.

Lip piercing care

Caring for a lip piercing requires careful care . First of all, you will need antiseptic sprays octenisept or miramistin, treatment 2 times a day.

For 3-4 weeks you will have to exclude baths, saunas and hot baths (after taking a shower, treatment is also necessary).

For the first time, we advise you to exclude hot, salty and spicy foods; this also promotes faster healing.

In case of injury and inflammation, baneocin ointment (apply 2 times a day, maximum 5 days). For good healing, exclude any mechanical injuries, do not use cotton swabs/cotton pads when processing, if dried blood forms, do not pick at it under any circumstances, but simply treat it with an antiseptic, in which case it will wash off on its own over time. Replacing the primary decoration with a shorter one (downsize) after 2-3 weeks .

Does it hurt to get your lip pierced?

In the vast majority of cases, a lip piercing is comparable in pain to drawing blood from a finger , and “piercing” the frenulum is considered painless.

However, for the most part, the sensations during the described process depend on the pain threshold and sensitivity of the “daredevil” skin. People who are afraid of pain when “creating” a piercing should remember that the artist can numb the site of a potential hole with special anesthetic drugs.

Where can I get my lip pierced?

To carry out a puncture, it is better to contact a tattoo parlor that has the right to conduct medical activities, or a professional piercer. You should pay attention to his work experience, carefully read his portfolio and read reviews.

There is no particular point in going to a clinic or beauty salon. Despite having the necessary education, these specialists do not have knowledge of the anatomy of punctures, nor do they have special tools for carrying out the procedure. You should also not do piercings in untested places, such as clubs, and in the absence of processed instruments.

At the same time, you need to understand that a professional will never use a cosmetic gun, as it is unhygienic. Due to its plastic parts, it cannot be sterilized at high temperatures, and microparticles of biological fluid and epithelium are retained on it, in which bacteria multiply. Good masters puncture only with a sterile needle.

The procedure itself looks like this:

  • Using cotton swabs placed on the large salivary glands, salivation is reduced.
  • The future puncture site is treated with chlorhexidine or another antiseptic.
  • With the help of clamps, the lips are fixed in a position convenient for work.
  • If necessary and in the absence of allergies, treatment with lidocaine is performed as anesthesia.
  • The needle is pierced through the lip at a right angle.
  • A disinfected labret is inserted into the puncture site on the lip.
  • The pierced lip is treated with peroxide, and the oral cavity is treated with Miramistin.

Features of the vertical labret of the lower lip

Most often, girls prefer to do this type of piercing, since it looks inappropriate and very ridiculous on men’s lips. The main advantage of this piercing lies in the visual increase in lip volume. The shiny details of the decoration visually make them more magnificent, sensual, expressive, and plump.

It is very important to install the earring in such a way that its clasp does not touch the teeth or does so as rarely as possible. After all, due to friction with metal, tooth enamel gradually begins to deteriorate, as a result of which, instead of beautiful lips, the girl becomes the owner of caries.

A vertical labret is not suitable for those who wear braces to change their bite and straighten their teeth. The products will greatly interfere with each other and constantly cling, causing discomfort.

Possible consequences

Piercing, like any violation of tissue integrity, can lead to quite unpleasant and even dangerous consequences. Risks that accompany lip piercing procedures include:

  1. The possibility of touching a nerve ending, which may appear immediately or after some time. In this regard, a change in human facial expressions is possible.
  2. Prolonged healing is possible. In this case, you will need to see a doctor to adjust the process.
  3. The likelihood of contracting infectious diseases, HIV or hepatitis. This happens if the master does not process the instruments after the punctures.
  4. Possibility of damaging tooth enamel and gums. This factor most often manifests itself when using an underlip piercing.

But despite the fact that the possible consequences are quite frightening, they can be avoided. It is enough to contact a competent specialist and follow all recommendations. Then the piercing on your lips will serve exactly the purpose you intended.

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