Lidoxor is the undisputed leader among surface anesthetics in dentistry


Minor injuries, bruises, scratches of the soft tissues of the oral cavity and toothache are common problems for patients in dental clinics.

Today on the pharmaceutical market you can purchase various painkillers for external and internal use.

Despite this, dentists highlight the rapid anesthetic effect of gels and sprays.

This article will provide detailed information on the use of the drug Lidoxor, which has received recognition from most patients and doctors due to its immediate action.

Purpose and forms of release

Lidoxor belongs to the group of drugs with analgesic action. The product is applied externally, and the main active ingredient is lidocaine.

An effective product on the pharmaceutical market is widely used in the dental field for topical anesthesia of the oral mucosa.

Interesting to know! The drug has enhanced disinfectant properties and has a pleasant fruity taste and smell. After use, the patient does not experience any discomfort.

The manufacturer produces the product in the form of a spray and gel. It should be noted that the mechanism of action of both options is identical, the difference lies in the method of application.

The gel is produced in sealed aluminum tubes with a capacity of 45 g (wild berry, citrus, green apple).

The aerosol has a menthol aroma and is available in 38 g bottles. A valve-shaped dispenser is included with the drug.

Features of the composition

The active ingredient of the drug is lidocaine hydrochloride, which is necessary for pain relief. Additional gel ingredients are presented:

  • purified water;
  • chlorhexidine hydrochloride;
  • hydroxyethylcellulose.

Annotation from the manufacturer indicates that the drug has a nonspecific stimulating and antiradical spectrum of action. It helps to normalize the functioning of the immune system, accelerate recovery processes at the cellular level, stabilize the formation, development and maturation of blood cells.

The product applied to the skin inhibits nerve conduction by blocking endings and fibers. Lidocaine is superior in effectiveness to its closest analogue, procaine. During the treatment of oncological pathologies, the drug provides radioprotective effectiveness, reducing the susceptibility of healthy cellular structures and tissues to radiation therapy and its destructive properties.

Therapeutic manipulations make it possible to increase the volume of radiation dosages and reduce the intervals between sessions prescribed to patients with cancer.

Composition and pharmacological properties

The drug has an enhanced anesthetic effect due to the lidocaine included in its composition. The direct purpose of the product is freezing (pain relief) of the soft tissues of the oral cavity.

In the instructions for the drug you can find the following list of constituent substances:

  • lidocaine (pain blockade);
  • water (auxiliary component);
  • glucite (sweetener);
  • saccharin (sugar substitute);
  • sodium benzoate (disinfecting effect);
  • 6 dimethyl (suppresses bacterial growth);
  • menthol (improves the taste of the drug);
  • extracts of medicinal herbs with anti-inflammatory effects (yarrow, chamomile);
  • flavorings (provide a pleasant taste and smell);
  • fillers.

The medicine has a rapid anesthetic effect that lasts throughout the dental procedure and for some time after it. Pain and discomfort completely disappear.

This effectiveness is achieved by instantly blocking pain impulses transmitted by nerve endings.

For complex dental treatment, specialists use the drug as an intermediate anesthesia before injecting a stronger anesthetic.

After treating the mucous membrane with the product, the freezing effect is observed after 1–2 minutes and persists for half an hour. During this time, the doctor manages to administer anesthesia to the gums and easily carry out the necessary therapeutic manipulations in the periodontal tissues.

Remarkable! Lidoxor is indispensable in cases where the patient is afraid of injections into the gum tissue. The drug is especially in demand in the treatment of dental diseases in children, who do not allow the doctor to give an injection and begin to cry at the slightest pain.

Main properties of the product:

  • Analgesic effect . An important point is that after application there are no uncomfortable reactions of the mucous membrane to the drug, including burning and tingling.
  • Reduced risk of irritation . This feature of the drug helps eliminate the possibility of rashes and redness in patients prone to allergic reactions.
  • Complete disinfection of the mucous membrane . The disinfecting properties of Lidoxor completely rid the work area of ​​dangerous microorganisms and bacteria.

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Topical anesthesia Lidoxor

Lidoxor gel is available in 3 flavors: wild berry, citrus and green apple.

The medicine is distinguished by the operational effect of anesthesia. Its action can eliminate all the unpleasant sensations that arise during dental procedures.

The effect of using the product will be noticeable 2-3 minutes after application. The duration of action of the drug is 10 – 20 minutes. During this time, the dentist will have time to administer strong anesthesia with an injection.

Lidoxor Omega is needed for those patients who do not want to experience discomfort when receiving anesthetic injections.

Lidoxor Omega gel, indications for use

  • Tooth extraction;
  • Local anesthesia of the mucous membrane before the injection;
  • Removal of tartar;
  • Removal of formations of inflammatory origin.

Indications and restrictions

The use of Lidoxor is indicated by specialists in the following cases:

  • removal of dental units;
  • blockade of pain on the mucous membrane before the injection;
  • removing hardened plaque formed on the surface of the teeth;
  • superficial anesthesia before removal of milk elements of the dentition;
  • opening and eliminating the focus of purulent inflammation of periodontal tissue.

Before using an anesthetic product, the dentist must rule out the possibility of an allergic reaction to lidocaine. The sensitivity of the immune system of allergy sufferers may increase upon contact with a substance that irritates it.

Intolerance to lidocaine, which is the only contraindication to the use of the drug, can provoke the development of:

  • swelling;
  • asthmatic attack;
  • anaphylaxis;
  • angioedema.

Important! The obligatory task of the doctor is to do an allergy test before using the anesthetic. Manipulation is especially important when it comes to a child’s body.

A fragile immune system can react unpredictably to an irritant, in this case it could be lidocaine.


An allergic reaction to lidocaine is possible.

An allergy to lidocaine can manifest itself almost harmlessly in the form of ordinary urticaria or dermatitis. But in severe form, the situation becomes much more complicated, because a number of complex allergic reactions can occur, such as edema, bronchial asthma and rhinitis, anaphylactic shock, allergic vasculitis, Quincke's edema.

Children may have different reactions to the drug, so in pediatric practice it is extremely important to do an allergy test immediately before the procedure using lidocaine.

Instructions for use

Aerosol and gel differ from each other in consistency, so the methods of their use have different algorithms of action.


How to use the gel:

  1. eliminate excess moisture on the surface of the mucous membrane;
  2. squeeze a small amount of product out of the tube;
  3. process the work area;
  4. in difficult cases, when the maximum effect of pain relief is required, the gel is applied using the application method using a cotton swab (the duration of the procedure is 2 minutes).


The actions of the doctor using the spray consist of the following manipulations:

  1. the mucous membrane of the mouth is dried;
  2. the sprayer is directed towards a specific area;
  3. the valve on the bottle is pressed up to three times, depending on the area of ​​the treated area and the complexity of the case.

Remember! Lidoxor was created for professional use in a clinical setting. Independent use is strictly prohibited.

Pros and cons of the product

Doctors include the following advantages of the drug Lidoxor:

  • increased efficiency indicators;
  • accelerated action;
  • almost complete absence of risk of side effects;
  • painlessness of the procedure;
  • absence of a traumatic factor;
  • safety of use.

In addition, dentists note the instant contact of the gel with tissues (it does not drain, which facilitates the rapid absorption of constituent substances into soft structures).

As for the spray, the main advantage is directional spraying, which ensures patient comfort.


  • Minimum duration of effect. The drug blocks pain impulses for 30 minutes. This time may not be enough to carry out complex treatment without additional anesthesia.
  • Entry of constituent substances into the bloodstream . There is a risk of undesirable consequences.
  • Increased risks of overdose . The doctor may not calculate the dose when using an aerosol.
  • Shallow analgesic effect. For this reason, the drug is ineffective in a number of clinical cases.
  • Vasodilator effect . This side effect causes gum bleeding.

Use for pregnant women and children

No special studies have been conducted to determine the safety of using the product during pregnancy.

Despite this, medical observations have led to the conclusion that if a safer anesthesia technique is not available, Lidoxor can be used in the treatment of dental diseases in pregnant patients.

Since lidocaine is excreted from a woman’s body along with milk, it is not recommended to use Lidocaine during breastfeeding. However, thanks to adequate local anesthesia, the drug is absorbed into the blood in a minimal amount, which means that the dose of the substance excreted in milk cannot harm the child’s health.

For young children, the gel is applied to a specific area of ​​the mucous membrane using a cotton swab. Aerosol anesthesia is performed in the same way. A small amount of the product is sprayed onto the surface of the cotton wool and applied to the area requiring pain blockade.

With this method of performing manipulation, you can avoid frightening the baby caused by spraying the medicine and strictly determine the dosage recommended by the instructions for use.

Important! Lidoxor is not used for the removal of palatine and pharyngeal tonsils in children under 8 years of age, due to the high risk of the drug entering the digestive tract.

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Analogues and cost

The cost of the drug in Russian pharmacies varies within 500 rubles.

Such a price for a small amount of medicine cannot be called affordable, but the patient is guaranteed to relieve himself of painful and uncomfortable sensations during dental treatment or before injection anesthesia.

Let's consider the most popular analogues of the miracle drug:

  • Kamistad (245 rubles for 10 g) .
    A thick, yellowish substance is used in dentistry to relieve inflammation of the mucous membrane, as well as for injuries to the soft tissues of the oral cavity. In addition, the drug has analgesic properties and can be used by dentists as a superficial anesthesia.
  • Desensetin (450 rubles for 50 ml). The gel is intended for surface application in dentistry before injection of an anesthetic drug.
    The medicine also effectively blocks pain in minor mucosal injuries, removing hard deposits on teeth, excision of gum tissue and reducing gagging in patients with hypersensitivity.

    It does not cause side effects, therefore it can be used to eliminate dental problems in children of any age category.

Features of application

The gel is evenly applied to the affected areas - mucous membrane or skin in small quantities. The drug can be administered into the vaginal and rectal areas; if indicated, the drug can be used as a basis for therapeutic dressings.

The dosage is determined by the attending physician based on the results of a laboratory diagnostic examination, after determining the stage and severity of the disease. Over the course of 24 hours, manipulations are repeated no more than 4 times.

The drug is not recommended for use by pregnant and lactating women and, for minors under 18 years of age, the drug is prescribed with extreme caution and regular checks of general condition.


Lidocaine, which is part of the material presented in the article, has a deep and accelerated anesthetic effect on the soft tissues of the oral cavity.

This feature eliminates discomfort and pain during dental work. For these reasons, specialists and patients prefer Lidoxor.

If you have already had the opportunity to evaluate the capabilities of the medicine from your own experience, share your feedback with readers in the comments below.

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Tags: anesthesia, toothache

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The main substance included in the drug is lidocaine. This component has a rapid and deep anesthetic effect on the treated area. Due to this, it is possible to relieve the patient from unpleasant, painful sensations during dental procedures of various types. As an addition, various aromatic components have been added to the preparation, which create a pleasant odor in the mouth.

Full composition of Lidoxor:

  • Lidocaine (15%).
  • Sodium benzonate.
  • Aromatic additives.
  • Distilled water.
  • Xylitol.
  • Menthol.
  • Glycerol.
  • Sorbitol.
  • Demitil.
  • Thymol.

In addition to the components listed above, the drug contains:

  • Saccharin (makes the product taste pleasant).
  • Millennial extract.
  • Chamomile extract.

The manufacturer produces Lidoxor in two types - spray and gel. The pharmacological properties of both forms of release are absolutely the same. Only the method of use changes. The spray is available in 30 ml containers. They must be stored in cool and dry places. The gel is produced in standard 45 g tubes. Customers have several different flavors to choose from.

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