Treatment of periodontitis - prices and main stages of treatment

Chronic periodontitis is one of the forms of the disease that occurs due to the fact that pathogenic microorganisms penetrate into the periodontal tissue through the openings of the root canals located at the tops of the dental roots. Chronic periodontitis of the roots is accompanied by a violation of the integrity of the ligaments that provide fixation and stability of the tooth, destructive processes of bone tissue and can lead to the formation of granulomas and large cysts.

Chronic periodontitis is a pathological process in the periodontal tissues. This is associated with the development of inflammation in the periodontium and the formation of fibrous, granulating, granulomatous tissue. In the chronic form of the disease, exacerbations periodically occur, during which swelling of the gums, loosening of teeth, the appearance of fistulas with the release of pus, etc. are observed. Specialists identify this pathology and distinguish it from similar diseases using electroodontometry, X-rays and visual examination. Lack of proper treatment leads to tooth loss due to weakening of the ligamentous apparatus and the growth of large capsules with pus.

Filling made of light-curing material for classes I and V - 2,000 rubles.

Filling made of light-curing material in classes II, III, IV - 3,000 rubles.

Placing a temporary filling - 400 rubles.

Resection of the root apex (frontal group) - 6,500 rubles.

Resection of the root apex (chewing group) - RUB 9,000.

Mechanical and medicinal treatment of canals for periodontitis (1 canal) - 1,100 rubles.

Closing perforations (MTA) - RUB 6,500.

At CELT you can get advice from a dental specialist.

  • The cost of a dental consultation is 1,000
  • The cost of an orthodontist consultation is 2,000

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Symptoms of the disease

General symptoms depend on the form of the pathology. When granulomas form, attacks of pain are observed when exposed to hot food. Pressure on the affected tooth and gum is accompanied by pain. The size and density of the mucosa in the affected area changes, and a granuloma forms under the bone or mucosa.

An exacerbation is accompanied by the appearance of fistulas, which grow and gradually release their contents into the oral cavity. In this case, purulent fistulas can appear not only on the gums, but also on the cheekbones, cheeks, neck, and chin. Isolation of pus may be performed along with the isolation of granulosa tissue. Then the fistula goes away, and a scar appears in its place.

The granulomatous form occurs for a long time without pronounced symptoms. Only after the granuloma grows to a large size and cysts form, the main symptoms appear: discoloration and severe pain in the tooth, development of gumboil and swelling of the gums in the affected area. Cysts that are too large can cause a jaw fracture and long-term rehabilitation.

Fibrous periodontitis is the most hidden form of pathology. There is no pain when chewing food or drinking hot drinks. Severe symptoms are observed only during exacerbation. There is general poisoning of the body due to the penetration of pus into the blood, the tooth becomes loose, and the lymph nodes in this area become larger.

Clinical researches

Clinical studies have shown that for the treatment of chronic localized periodontal disease of traumatic etiology in young patients, a complex of therapeutic and preventive measures is required, which includes domestic gum balm and gum gel with propolis (JSC VERTEX, Russia), as well as personal hygiene products oral cavity in the form of therapeutic and prophylactic toothpaste "ASEPTA PARODONTAL SENSITIVE" (JSC "VERTEX", Russia) and mouth rinses "ASEPTA PARODONTAL ACTIVE" and "ASEPTA PARODONTAL FRESH", (JSC "VERTEX", Russia), which allows within 6 months after completion of complex treatment, not only improve oral hygiene and reduce inflammatory processes in the gums by 55.37%, but also reduce the number of relapses of localized periodontitis by 21.36%.

To increase the effectiveness of treatment of chronic localized periodontitis of traumatic etiology in young people, it is advisable to include a gum balm in the complex of treatment and preventive measures, which should be used after completion of the surgical stage (curettage) as a gingival dressing, and subsequently used to optimize gum regeneration, gum gel with propolis, should be used against the background of adequate individual oral hygiene.


  1. Prevention of recurrence of localized periodontitis in young A.K. YORDANISHVILI, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, North-Western State Medical University named after. I.I. Mechnikov, Military Medical Academy named after. CM. Kirov, International Academy of Sciences of Ecology, Human Safety and Nature.
  2. Report on clinical trials to determine/confirm the preventive properties of commercially produced personal oral hygiene products: mouth rinse "ASEPTA PARODONTAL" - Solution for irrigator." Doctor of Medical Sciences Professor, Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation, Head. Department of Preventive Dentistry S.B. Ulitovsky, doctor-researcher A.A. Leontiev First St. Petersburg State Medical University named after academician I.P. Pavlova, Department of Preventive Dentistry.
  3. Clinical studies of antisensitive toothpaste “Asepta Sensitive” (A.A. Leontyev, O.V. Kalinina, S.B. Ulitovsky) A.A. LEONTIEV, dentist O.V. KALININA, dentist S.B. ULITOVSKY, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Prof. Department of Therapeutic Dentistry, St. Petersburg State Medical University named after. acad. I.P. Pavlova

Causes of chronic periodontitis

Chronic periodontitis appears in the absence of treatment of the acute form. The disease develops due to traumatic, toxic, infectious, mechanical effects on tissue.

The infectious form develops due to the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms into the oral cavity. This is due to damage to soft tissues by staphylococci, diphtheroids, and streptococci. The penetration of bacteria into tissues occurs through the openings of the root canals or through the hematogenous route. Often the infection progresses against the background of osteomyelitis, sinusitis, periodontitis, and tonsillitis.

The fibrous form often progresses after severe trauma. For example, after tissue destruction with a pin, filling, or crown. Pathology can also develop due to a strong blow.

Drug-induced periodontitis occurs due to the use of drugs that provoke coagulative necrosis of the periodontal ligament. These include resorcinol-formalin and arsenic paste. Tissue poisoning is provoked by local anesthesia, iodine, acids, etc.


The lack of a positive result after conservative and surgical treatment is the main indication for removal of affected teeth. Extraction is performed for the following symptoms:

  • Significant damage to the crown.
  • Severe loosening of the tooth.
  • Formation of large cysts and granulomas.
  • Impossibility of performing the operation due to obstruction of the canals.
  • Lack of results with surgical and conservative treatment.


  • Oral infections.
  • Allergy to anesthesia.
  • Intolerance to antibiotics and antimicrobial agents.
  • Acute diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  • Poor blood clotting.

Treatment of periodontitis with folk remedies and pharmaceutical preparations

Treatment of periodontitis with folk remedies and pharmaceutical drugs is something we categorically do not advise you to do. Such treatment of periodontitis can be not only ineffective, but also dangerous - it can lead to severe complications. For example, heating the area of ​​inflammation during periodontitis can only worsen your condition.

It is important to understand that high-quality treatment of periodontitis implies the mandatory destruction of infection in the tooth canals. And this can only be achieved by processing them and using special preparations. Herbs, ointments and antibiotics from the pharmacy will not cope with this task. Therefore, do not risk your health and contact professionals for the treatment of periodontitis.

Types of chronic periodontitis and their clinical manifestations

It is customary to distinguish several forms of the disease, the diagnosis of which is necessary in order to correctly prescribe treatment for chronic periodontitis. To do this, the dentist conducts a visual examination of the oral cavity, prescribes electroodontic diagnostics and x-rays.

Chronic fibrous periodontitis

Self-diagnosis of this type of chronic periodontitis is very difficult due to the almost complete absence of clinical manifestations.
The patient does not experience pain, and there is no reaction to temperature stimuli. During the examination, the dentist notes a change in the color of the tooth, the presence of a reaction to percussion and painful probing. The tooth cavity is filled with dead pulp, which emits a putrid odor. The X-ray image clearly shows the increase in the periodontal fissure at the root apex; there is no destruction of bone tissue and cement.

Chronic granulating periodontitis

The painful sensations characteristic of this type of chronic periodontitis are not significant.
There are sensations of heaviness and fullness, and minor pain may be present when exposed to mechanical stimuli. Exacerbation of chronic granulating periodontitis is accompanied by the formation of a fistula through which pus comes out or granulation tissue grows. With this disease, the gums become loose. When pressing on the inflamed area with the blunt end of a dental instrument, a small depression appears, which disappears only after some time. The x-ray image shows the focus of the destructive processes of bone, dentin and cement.

Chronic granulomatous periodontitis

The symptoms of chronic periodontitis of this type are also practically invisible to the patient. Sometimes minor discomfort and pain may occur when biting on the affected tooth.

An examination by a dentist can reveal a change in the color of the crown of the tooth, but a carious cavity is not necessarily present. Remnants of dead pulp are found in the root canals. If the canals were previously sealed, then the quality of the filling is not good enough.

An X-ray image allows you to determine the destruction of bone tissue, which has a round shape. Often this process can be found on dental tissues or the root apex area.


The diagnosis is made by a dentist-therapist based on the patient’s complaints and characteristic symptoms. Carrying out X-ray diagnostics in the initial stages of the disease is difficult, since changes are noted already in the presence of periodontal pockets.

Marginal periodontitis is differentiated from the apical form of the disease, in which the inflammatory focus is in contact with the apex of the tooth root, and does not form at the gingival margin. The pathology must be distinguished from gingivitis and periodontitis, in which periodontal tissue is not damaged.

Treatment of the chronic form

Good patency of the canals allows for therapeutic treatment:

  • Opening a tooth.
  • Antiseptic treatment.
  • Cleaning the channels.
  • Use of anti-inflammatory drugs.
  • Installation of a temporary filling.

After the procedure, antibiotics are prescribed and re-appointed after 3 months. If the x-ray shows a cure for the disease, then the canals are treated with an antiseptic and a permanent filling is installed. Surgical intervention involves cystectomy, resection of the upper part of the root, hemisection, and root removal. Lack of results after treatment is a reason for extraction of the diseased tooth.

Temporary filling of dental canals in the treatment of periodontitis

During the second visit to the doctor for the treatment of periodontitis, a temporary filling of the tooth canals is performed. But first, a control image is taken to make sure that the inflammatory process has stopped and the tooth tissue has begun to recover.

The second stage of periodontitis treatment involves performing the following manipulations:

  • Removing a temporary filling from a tooth;
  • Removing medication embedded in the tooth canals;
  • Washing the channel cavities with an antiseptic solution;
  • Filling the canals with a special temporary composite containing substances that help tooth tissues recover faster and also destroy all pathogenic bacteria.

Why is temporary root canal filling needed in the treatment of periodontitis? This event allows you to completely stop the inflammatory process and reduce the risks of developing periodontitis in the future.

Temporary canal filling in the treatment of periodontitis is done for several months. After filling the canals, the tooth is again closed with a temporary filling.

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Exacerbation of chronic periodontitis

Often patients seek treatment for acute chronic periodontitis, which manifests itself quite clearly. This mainly applies to granulomatous and granulating types, exacerbations of which occur much more often than fibrous types. Clinical manifestations during this period include:

  • constant localized pain;
  • swelling of soft tissues;
  • the presence of a reaction to mechanical stimuli;
  • painful reaction of the lymph nodes.

Price for treatment of periodontitis: how it is formed, what it depends on

Without examination and diagnosis, it is impossible to give an exact price for the treatment of periodontitis. Because periodontitis therapy may include a different set of procedures and be carried out using different methods. For example, conservative therapy may be chosen, and sometimes periodontitis can only be cured through surgery. In addition, as we wrote above, the cost of periodontitis treatment will depend on the number of tooth canals.

If you want to find out the exact cost of periodontitis treatment, you need to contact your dentist.

In our dental clinic in Moscow - “Firadent”, periodontitis treatment is carried out using the most modern technologies, allowing us to perform all the necessary procedures with impeccable quality and without pain and discomfort for the patient. We use a dental microscope to treat dental canals, and we can also treat dental periodontitis under sedation - light medicated sleep. Treatment of periodontitis under sedation is especially indicated for patients experiencing panic fear of dentists.

Recommendations after treatment

After conservative or surgical treatment, you should not eat food for 2-3 hours due to the effects of anesthesia. Pain may be experienced for 7 days after surgery. It is recommended to rinse your mouth with antiseptics and a decoction of medicinal herbs. For severe pain, it is recommended to take painkillers. If pain persists and severe swelling is observed, contact your doctor immediately.

At the same time, the crown of the tooth changes its color, the presence of a carious cavity and tooth mobility are noted. Dentists at the CELT clinic successfully treat even the most advanced and severe forms of chronic periodontitis!

Make an appointment through the application or by calling +7 +7 We work every day:

  • Monday—Friday: 8.00—20.00
  • Saturday: 8.00–18.00
  • Sunday is a day off

The nearest metro and MCC stations to the clinic:

  • Highway of Enthusiasts or Perovo
  • Partisan
  • Enthusiast Highway

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What types of this pathology exist?

Depending on the origin, the classification of periodontitis includes:

  • an infectious form that develops mainly as a complication of caries, and then pulpitis;
  • traumatic periodontitis is a consequence of a strong external impact on the tooth with its damage.

According to the type of clinical course, pathology is divided into:

1. Acute form with rapid development of symptoms. It, in turn, is divided into a serous subtype - with periodically changing pain intensity; and purulent - with purulent discharge, constant severe pain, tooth mobility and a high risk of irreversible loss.

2. Chronic periodontitis of the tooth, which progresses rather slowly and sometimes has no clinical manifestations at all. This form of the disease is divided into three subtypes:

  • fibrous variant - the initial stage of the disease, which is often detected by chance - on radiography for other reasons;
  • granulating periodontitis - the next stage with swelling of the soft tissues of the gums, the appearance of purulent discharge, as well as constant pain;
  • granulomatous periodontitis, in which purulent cysts are already formed in the thickness of the gum tissue, requiring immediate surgical removal.

The types of the disease are also divided according to the location of the inflammatory process. If the apex of the tooth root is affected, it is apical periodontitis, which in most cases becomes a complication of pulpitis. And when periodontal inflammation occurs in other parts of the tooth, a marginal form develops - its appearance is most often caused by injuries.

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