Splinting of anterior mobile teeth for periodontitis

  • Indications
  • Causes
  • Consequences
  • Materials
  • Methods
  • Stages of treatment
  • Result
  • Prices
  • Doctors
  • Reviews

Splinting of teeth is a method of fixing dental units with their abnormal mobility. The procedure involves combining two or more elements into one block structure using removable or non-removable tires. This ensures uniform redistribution of the chewing load, preserves the geometry of the jaw, and prevents further loosening and tooth loss. The doctor selects the splinting method based on the results of the examination, taking into account medical indications.

  • When used:
    for periodontitis, dental injuries
  • Treatment period:
  • Type of anesthesia:
    depending on the situation, 2-3 visits
  • Procedure time:
    about 1 hour
  • Age restrictions:
    from 18 years old

The ROOTT clinic network in Moscow provides temporary and permanent dental splinting. The use of effective technologies and innovative materials ensures positive dynamics and quick results. The procedure is used when the periodontal tissues are weakened or damaged, and therefore cannot firmly hold the element in the socket.


  • Pathologies of the gums and periodontium, accompanied by mobility and displacement of teeth;
  • loosening of units due to jaw injury;
  • exposure of roots, pronounced gum pockets;
  • consolidation of the result after orthodontic treatment with braces.

Teeth are placed on splints for a short (up to 1 month) or long (up to 1 year or more) period. Maintenance therapy for periodontal disease

provides for permanent splinting. The decision on the duration of treatment and the method of fixation is selected separately in each clinical case.

Causes of mobility

The problem of loose teeth occurs in patients with gum and periodontal pathologies. Due to inflammation, the soft, bony periodontal tissues begin to gradually deteriorate. Weakened tissues are no longer able to securely hold the tooth, and it begins to wobble. Mobility occurs in the middle, advanced stage of the disease. Mobility is also caused by jaw injuries and surgical treatment of the root zone.

Dental splinting for periodontitis allows you to keep units in the correct position, reduce their mobility, and prevent loss. The advantage of the procedure is the correct redistribution of the chewing load. The main mechanical load falls on healthy units, and the affected elements strengthen and recover faster.

Pros and cons of the splinting technique

Of course, the use of this technique makes it possible to regenerate damaged teeth, helps the body recover and, if necessary, carry out further treatment. Moreover, during the development of periodontitis and periodontal disease, splinting helps distribute the load as needed, increasing it on healthy teeth and decreasing it on damaged teeth. This makes it possible to avoid injury to the gums and quickly restore them.

In addition to significant advantages, splinting also has some disadvantages. Such therapy does not bring results when the disease takes on an advanced form and the inflammatory process progresses; in this case, splints may be ineffective and fall out along with the teeth. Also, patients who do not pay the necessary attention to oral hygiene can increase their problems and acquire pathologies such as pulpitis or the development of caries. If the procedure was performed by an inexperienced specialist, then discomfort for the patient may occur.

Even if the procedure has some disadvantages, this is not a reason not to use the method. To do this, you need to go to a good clinic and see a professional who can carry out all the manipulations clearly and competently. Also, while wearing splints, you should constantly monitor your dental hygiene and thoroughly clean them.


With periodontitis, the destruction of jaw tissue often occurs rapidly. If the moving units are not strengthened in a timely manner, they will simply fall out. And only implantation will help restore the dentition. The need for the procedure is determined by the doctor, based on the results of the examination and x-ray studies. Reviews confirm the good effectiveness of the intervention; patients quickly adapt and get used to the splint.

Alekperov Roman Borisovich Dentist-orthopedist, doctor of the highest category

What does “constant wearing” mean?

The patient does not have the ability to remove the splint until it needs to be replaced

Alekperov Roman Borisovich Dentist-orthopedist, doctor of the highest category

At what degree of periodontitis is it possible to splint teeth?

At the initial stage

Alekperov Roman Borisovich Dentist-orthopedist, doctor of the highest category

If I am afraid of surgery, is it possible to have anesthesia in advance?

No, only premedication is possible (providing psychological control to the patient by pre-administering medications)

Alekperov Roman Borisovich Dentist-orthopedist, doctor of the highest category

Can there be any complications during the operation?

No complications are possible during splinting

Reviews from satisfied clients

  • Sergey
    Had periodontitis on three teeth. The doctor recommended a splint. At first it was scary, but in the process it turned out that it didn’t hurt at all. But the result is very pleasing. My teeth are no longer loose, I can eat calmly, without worrying about whether a tooth will fall out or not.

  • Rodion
    I would like to say a big thank you to the dentists of the 14x14 clinic. Splinting really helped me. The procedure itself was quick and painless. The price is quite reasonable.


Today, dentistry uses different materials as splints, and not only their strength is important, but also aesthetics. The most common:

  • Fiberglass;
  • silk;
  • armid thread;
  • ceramics;
  • composite;
  • polyethylene.

Flexible materials create a durable splinting frame, fixed on the inside of the row. All materials are of increased strength, do not deform, do not shrink, are safe for gums and enamel, and are resistant to moisture and high temperatures. The cost of dental splinting in Moscow depends on the intervention technique, the complexity of the clinical case, and the material.


It is not possible to install a crown on every tooth - there are certain situations when the feasibility of its installation is highly questionable. Contraindications include:

  • pathological tooth mobility;
  • insufficient height of the tooth crown - in this case the prosthesis will sink;
  • chronic inflammatory processes in the mouth;
  • unfilled canals of the prosthetic tooth.

At AcademyDENT, doctors carefully follow all indications and contraindications for prosthetics, so we have an extremely low percentage of complications.

Therapeutic method

The therapeutic approach involves “tying” the moving elements together with fiberglass tape or armid thread and securing them with filling material. Depulpation is not needed for intervention. Having assessed the condition of the gums, the following types of splinting of the front teeth are used:

  • Extracoronary
    – the splint is fixed to the enamel surface with dental cement.
  • Intracoronary
    - the splinting element is placed in a small groove on the enamel and secured with a filling composite. Splinting of the upper teeth is performed from the outside, and of the lower teeth from the inside. When laying the thread on the chewing units, a groove is made at the top to ensure better fixation. The tape or thread is applied to the elements that are loose, and to healthy units too.
  • Occlusal
    - splints or retainers act as a splint.

Therapeutic treatment is indicated when all units are present in the row. Splinting teeth with fiberglass tape or armid thread is a gentle method, since it does not involve severe trauma to the coronal part or depulpation.

Orthopedic method

This method of treatment is used in the absence of one or more units. To fix moving elements, fixed orthopedic crowns and removable clasp dentures are used. The structures are made from an impression of the patient’s jaw, which makes them comfortable to wear. Crowns and prostheses reliably hold moving elements and also replace missing ones, restoring the full functionality of the row.

When are dental crowns needed?

Dentists have identified the following indications for the installation of this type of prosthesis:

  1. Destruction of the crown part of the tooth by more than 50%. Most often, this situation occurs with severe caries or with injuries. In this case, a crown is installed to protect the tooth from further destruction.
  2. Protection of pulpless teeth. Removing a nerve from a dental canal is accompanied by a weakening of the enamel - it becomes fragile, so it is quite advisable to protect it with a crown.
  3. Any aesthetic defects: tetracycline teeth, fluorosis.

By contacting the AcademyDENT clinic, you are guaranteed to receive a qualified consultation with a doctor who will tell you exactly whether you need a dental crown or whether other treatment methods are possible.

Stages of the procedure

The procedure for splinting teeth on the lower jaw and upper jaw is performed using the same technology

  • Anesthesia
    - the drug is selected taking into account the general condition (sensitivity to painkillers, pregnancy, allergies, etc.).
  • Forming
    grooves of the required depth (up to 1 mm) on the enamel (just above the gingival margin) from the inside of the tooth using a spherical bur.
  • Place
    fiberglass tape or armid thread in the furrow, on loose and healthy units.
  • Filling the cut
    with a composite or light-curing material selected to match the shade of the enamel.

Splinting of chewing teeth involves creating a groove not on the inner surface of the molars, premolars, but on top - for more reliable fixation. To eliminate the mobility of chewing teeth, an aramid thread of increased strength is often used. A fiberglass splint is placed on the front incisors - the tape is aesthetic, invisible when talking, smiling, and can be easily removed.

If more than 4-5 units

, the row is splinted with a clasp prosthesis or crowns. Using fiberglass or aramid thread is not advisable, since the result cannot be preserved for a long time. Crown installation technology:

  1. depulpation and filling of root canals;
  2. giving dental units the desired shape (turning);
  3. installation of permanent orthopedic crowns.

The clasp prosthesis simultaneously strengthens the movable units and replenishes the lost ones. It is installed in a gentle way, but the metal elements of the prosthesis are visible when smiling or talking. Splinting the front teeth with crowns provides a more aesthetic result.

The process of splinting teeth using clasp dentures.

The process of such splinting involves using a prosthesis with an additional arch, which is very thin. This arch is capable of firmly and sufficiently tightly covering each of the teeth of the splint. Therefore, the teeth can confidently stand in their place, transferring the chewing load to the metal arch. In this way, any strain on the teeth can be avoided. The great advantage of splinting with clasp dentures is the ability to fix mobile teeth and restore missing teeth at the same time.


Splinting teeth using reliable materials and structures can significantly reduce the mobility of elements and restore chewing function. A rigid, but at the same time elastic tire binds the elements into one block, holding them securely and preventing them from loosening further. The more units covered by the bus, the better the result. Tire service life is 3-4 years. The biocompatible material does not irritate the mucous membrane, does not injure the gums, and does not interfere with hygiene.

Article Expert

Kopylova Lyubov Ivanovna Dentist-therapist, doctor of the highest category

Work experience: more than 12 years

Application of aramid thread

This splinting method is called cable-stayed. Its technology is similar to the use of fiberglass. The use of this material makes it possible to strengthen the strength of the teeth. The thread is laid in horizontal grooves and fixed with filling material. The procedure is considered natural, from a physiological point of view, and therefore has become widespread. In addition to good fixation of teeth, this method improves their color.

Dentists prefer aramid tape due to its long service life, high degree of strength and good compatibility with tooth enamel. In addition, this material does not interact with saliva and food. Other materials do not have these characteristics. The advantages of cable-stayed splinting include the following factors:

  • the risk of reducing the volume of the jaw bones is minimal;
  • even with severe loosening, teeth can be saved;
  • the laid thread allows you to evenly distribute the load on the teeth;
  • simultaneously with splinting, the doctor carries out complex therapeutic and surgical treatment;
  • During the operation, the teeth are not ground and the pulp is not removed;
  • There is virtually no injury to teeth and gums;
  • After filling the groove with composite material, the patient has no doubts about the formation of caries;
  • aramid thread does not interfere with oral care;
  • the thread does not prevent the doctor from carrying out preventive and therapeutic manipulations;
  • the aesthetic appeal of teeth is preserved;
  • long lasting results after a dental procedure.

Complications occur extremely rarely. This can happen due to doctor error. For example, the groove for laying the thread passes close to the pulp, which leads to damage to the chamber. An allergy to the material used in the products may occur. To prevent this from happening, you should take allergen tests in advance. Sometimes patients are sensitive to the enamel. This usually happens if cleaning was carried out the day before the splinting operation.

Based on the reviews and comments that can be read on the Internet, one can judge this unique method. People share their experiences, they write about how significantly the condition of their teeth and gums has improved. Such comments and advice are an excellent option for doubting patients.

Advantages of treatment at the RUTT clinic

The RUTT network of clinics approaches the problem of dental mobility in a comprehensive manner. Treatment is aimed at eliminating the cause of the pathology. In addition to splinting, patients undergo a number of other measures - professional hygiene, therapy of periodontal canals with the Vector device, injections, curettage, physiotherapy, etc. The clinic performs permanent, temporary splinting of the lower teeth.

  • Permanent intervention is performed for a period of 12 months or more. The procedure is indicated for mobility of grades 1 and 2, at the first stage of periodontitis, when the jaw bone has not yet been destroyed.
  • Temporary fixation of the splint is intended for up to 6 months, if there is a chance of losing loose teeth, but it is small. Also, temporary structures are installed after jaw injuries (fracture, etc.).

The price for splinting teeth in Moscow depends on the technique, materials, and the number of moving elements. The cost of treatment in ROOTT dentistry is formed on a turnkey basis.

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