President toothpaste - types, composition, reviews and product costs

Hello, dear readers of our dental blog. Today we will discuss such a popular product as President toothpaste. This product is produced by Italian manufacturers, has a good price-quality ratio, and has many varieties.

Toothpaste President

About PresiDent pastes

This manufacturer has long been known in the CIS. It should not be confused with a similar brand of processed cheese. In this case, the brand name is compound and DENT is written with a capital letter. Pastes are produced by the pharmaceutical company SPA Betapharma. They own three brands - PresiDent, BetaDent and Silver Care.


Currently, many different products are produced - toothpastes and brushes, floss, rinses. We produce products for children and adults. All types of President toothpaste have passed clinical tests. They do not contain compounds hazardous to health.

Review of PresiDENT oral products


Back in the 70s of the twentieth century, Italian scientists developed new products for oral hygiene. The history of the company began with the Betapharma laboratory. Later, the plant in Milan began to produce products under the President brand. Its peculiarity is strict control over the quality and presence of harmful substances. All President pastes are tested and approved by the Dental Association.

They are suitable for daily use by the whole family, and some are designed to solve various oral problems: bleeding gums, enamel sensitivity, unpleasant odor or inflammatory diseases. In addition, Russian doctors and consumers also positively assessed the company's products. Dentists recommend this paste to their patients, and those who have tried it say that they have never seen a better tooth care product.

Composition of TM PresiDent pastes

All pastas are different. They contain different active ingredients.

  1. Papain enzyme. It naturally breaks down soft plaque, helping to remove it from the enamel surface faster and more effectively.
  2. Silicon dioxide produced under the Syloblanc trademark is abrasive particles for cleaning and polishing teeth.
  3. Xylitol/xylitol – regulates the level of acidity in the mouth.
  4. Cetylpyridine and zinc chloride.
  5. Eucalyptol, thyme extracts, propolis, anise oil, mint, lemon, lemon balm, hawthorn, mallow, Icelandic moss.
  6. Vitamins of group B, as well as C and E.
  7. Calcium in an easily digestible form.
  8. Antiseptics – natural (tea tree oil) and synthetic – triclosan, hexetidine.
  9. Hydroxyapatite is a means of remineralizing tooth enamel.
  10. Plant extracts with astringent and anti-inflammatory effects.

Composition of President Classic toothpaste

What does the paste contain?

— There are pastes with fluoride in the composition, but some do not. This is very important for those regions where there is a lot of this mineral in the water, and helps prevent its overdose.

— Most pastes contain three calcium compounds - lactate, glycerophosphate and pantothenate. They are easily digestible and strengthen tooth enamel.

— The substance papain helps dissolve plaque, which helps remove it faster.

- Minerals: sodium fluoride, potassium nitrate, zinc citrate and others - are involved in the mineralization of enamel.

— The products contain a lot of natural ingredients. Toothpaste may contain mint essential oil, extracts of linden, chamomile, mallow, sage, oak bark and others.

— Special medicinal components: hexitidine, triclosan or chlorhexidine are designed to solve various problems of teeth and gums.

— Icelandic cetraria extract heals the oral cavity and prevents inflammatory diseases.

Pasta for every day

What's different about everyday toothpaste? What properties should it have? Firstly, the composition should include substances that protect the enamel and light abrasives for cleaning. The abrasiveness index must be within acceptable limits. TM PresiDent has such a product. It's called "President Classic". The abrasive index of this product is 75. This is an average value, which is suitable for people who do not have problems with sensitivity, enamel erosion, etc. Cleaning is ensured by the above-mentioned Syloblank.

It also contains xylitol and natural extracts of chamomile, mint, sage and lemon balm. For them to have any effect, you need to brush your teeth for at least 4-5 minutes. Otherwise, you will wash everything off much earlier than the active substances have had time to bring benefits.

President Classic

The product has several advantages:

  • neutral taste and smell;
  • lack of astringent effect;
  • does not contain SLS;
  • profitable price. On average, for a 100 ml tube you will pay 270 rubles. In Ukrainian stores you often find a 75 ml version at a price of 50-60 hryvnia (1.85-2.2 dollars).

Attention: President Classic toothpaste contains fluorides in the amount of 1450 ppm! If your area has high levels of fluoride in water, it is better to choose another product.

President Classic


First of all, we need to tell you a little about the composition. Of course, each paste consists of various active substances, various additives, and so on. However, they all have one thing in common. We are talking about a strictly controlled abrasiveness indicator.


This is the most significant characteristic that you should pay attention to when purchasing. If there is no information about this characteristic on the packaging or in the instructions, then it is better to choose another manufacturer.

Abrasives are small hard particles consisting of different materials that help remove all kinds of deposits. Accordingly, abrasiveness is the degree of enamel cleansing and, at the same time, the mechanical abrasive effect of the product.

In this case, not only the quantity of these particles is of great importance, but also their size and quality.

The larger the particles, the more severe and aggressive the impact they have. And vice versa, the smaller they are, the softer the cleansing will be.

The generally accepted system for calculating the degree of abrasiveness is reflected in the Radioactive Dentin Abrasion index or simply RDA. This indicator indicates the size of the particles. Each paste from the PresiDENT line has a mandatory mark on this parameter.

Almost all of them have an RDA index of 75 units. This value is the most optimal for most people.

However, the company has specialized pastes that have underestimated (up to 25) or overestimated (up to 200) indicators.

We have prepared for you a description of Cross toothpaste from.

Well, in this article there is a review of products from their competitors “Splat”.

Here: - you can read reviews about the Waterpik WP 100 Ultra oral irrigator.

Active components

One of the important points is the presence or absence of fluorine in the composition. Among the products there are also those that do not contain this element. This is especially true in regions where there is an excess of it in water. Fluoride oversaturation has a detrimental effect on dental health, as does a deficiency of the element.

You can learn more about PresiDENT products in the following video:

President toothpaste without fluoride

Today, almost every major toothpaste manufacturer produces at least one fluoride-free product. What is driving the rise in popularity of such products? There are actually two reasons.

  1. There are many cities and regions where there is more of this element in the soil, food, and water than normal.
  2. Information has appeared on the Internet about a real “fluorine conspiracy” between factories.

The first point is clear. An excess of this substance can cause fluorosis and other negative consequences. To avoid them, you should choose a specialized paste. The second one is more difficult. There is no official confirmation. There are only indirect facts indicating that fluoride pastes were simply imposed on us by industrialists.

  • How much does dental treatment cost - price lists for the most popular dental services

PRESIDENT Unique toothpaste

But let's get back to the pasta itself. It's called PresiDent Unique. Why is it so unique and what does it consist of? If you look at the list of ingredients, you are unlikely to find anything unusual in it:

  • papain - an enzyme for breaking down plaque particles;
  • calcium complex, consisting of pantothenate, glycerophosphate and lactate, providing remineralization;
  • potassium salt - a remedy for combating tooth sensitivity. If you have microcracks or initial caries, you may not notice when the problem becomes serious;
  • Siloblank and special microgranules. These products remove plaque and polish the enamel surface of your teeth;
  • vitamin E;
  • aloe vera extract.

There is nothing unique about the paste, but it is definitely of good quality and copes with its tasks. The product can be recommended for daily use.

Does not contain sodium lauryl sulfate and other aggressive surfactants. The taste is unusual, but pleasant.

PresiDENT Unique

Pure President's Choice: Pure by President toothpastes with natural cleansing particles

In 2022, the international President
presented several new products that are designed to revive the market and arouse a new wave of customer interest in the brand.
At the very least,
they definitely won
my Pure
toothpastes to the delight of the whole family.
What did they please us with? Read under the cut. Pure
collection is considered the most stylish from the

Here's how the producers announce this collection:

Nature has given us everything we need for health and mood. Inspired by nature itself, we have created the most natural protection for teeth. PURE - the first toothpastes with natural particles as an abrasive


The line includes four toothpastes - with cranberry, with argan, with tea tree and with passion fruit. I have already made friends with the first and last remedy on this list.

I came across this line in a funny way. I ran through the cosmetics department of a hypermarket and saw interesting colorful tubes. At first I decided that these were shower gels or scrubs. But it turned out... toothpastes! And also on promotion. I couldn't pass by. I took one to try (only 2 types were presented). After 2 weeks, when I figured out what was what, I came running for more.

I’ll tell you about these pastes in the order in which I started trying them.

Full product name


Toothpaste Pure by President / Passion fruit

Expanded opinion


Have you ever brushed your teeth with passion fruit? No? Then you have a chance to try. This paste uses natural passion fruit particles to gently cleanse.

Here's what it says on the tube itself:

Nature created passion fruit, we just crushed it and developed the first toothpaste with natural passion fruit particles as an abrasive.


In general, this series focuses on relationships with nature.

It was very unusual to find a quote from Montaigne on a cleaning cosmetic product:

«There is nothing useless in nature

" (Michel Montaigne)

In general, the design is very stylish and unusual.

It is attractive that there are icons stating that the formula does not contain SLS, is not tested on animals and contains natural passion fruit particles.

On the reverse side you can find the full list of ingredients. I can’t say that it causes absolute admiration, but the taste and texture of the paste make you forget about trying to analyze the formula.

Once opened, the product is recommended to be used within 12 months. The general shelf life of unopened packaging is 3 years from the date of manufacture, which can be found on the seam of the tube.

The tube itself is made of high-quality dense matte plastic. The lettering design is also well thought out.

Inside there is a gel with seeds. Through matte plastic it looks like this:

Of course, the abrasive elements are crushed powder from passion fruit seeds, and large particles are left, apparently, for an unusual appearance.

Looking ahead, I will say that these particles do not get stuck in my teeth, although initially I was a little afraid of this.

The biggest drawback of these pastes (in my opinion) is the lack of an initial protective membrane, which should protect the contents from unauthorized intrusion until opening. And, by the way, this also affects the shelf life.

Having tried this paste in action, I try not to think about this sad fact, since I want to try similar products again and again.

The transparent, dense sunny orange gel is neatly placed on the toothbrush, without spreading, without trying to escape, but pleasing the eye with its bright color and appetizing appearance. The composition foams just right, just the way I like it. Cleans carefully and efficiently.

Here I must say that I am a “happy” owner of sensitive teeth, and I try to buy products designed specifically for this type. These pastes do not advertise or promise any reduction in sensitivity. However, in fact, the sensitivity disappeared on the third or fourth day and has not yet manifested itself. For me this is a huge plus. Plus!

Further, I am periodically bothered by bleeding gums. The paste also copes well with this point. Not once during my use did I see any traces of blood in the sink.

The paste also works great with plaque. The structure of my enamel is usually very reactive to various dyes. So even red wine disappears from the surface of the teeth instantly and completely.

For those who like strong menthol, the taste is most likely not suitable. But if you enjoy soft mint combined with the taste of natural passion fruit, then the new presidential paste is exactly what you need. Freshness and cleanliness are maintained throughout the day.

Perhaps the quality of the products is at its best while these products are just entering the market, but I hope that it will last as long as possible.


: 120-140 rubles (I bought for 79 rubles)

Testing period

: more than two weeks (more than 14 times)


: 5- out of 5 (due to the lack of a protective membrane)

Full product name


Toothpaste Pure by President / Cranberry

Expanded opinion


I chose the cranberry paste with a little more caution, as I was expecting increased acidity, which is contraindicated for my sensitive teeth. The love for cranberries overpowered me, and I added another cranberry to the tube with passion fruit. And I had no reason to fear. Inside was a moderately sweet and sour product that tasted like cranberry jelly crushed with sugar. Thus, not a single tooth was damaged during testing))

This paste, in turn, uses natural cranberry particles for gentle cleansing.

And again the inscription on the tube:

Nature created cranberries, we just crushed them and developed the first toothpaste with natural cranberry particles as an abrasive.


And another quote from Montaigne:

«Nature is a pleasant mentor, careful and faithful

" (Michel Montaigne)

The design is similar to the previous copy, only “tinted” with cranberry tones.

Read the full list of ingredients again.

Both pastes are intended for daily use.


: after each meal, at least twice a day

The pastes are closed with snap-on lids. Due to the fact that the consistency of the gels is quite dense, the composition does not spread and is not smeared over the area around the hole. The lid flips and snaps on quite easily and reliably. The wide base allows the tube to stand stably not only in a special glass, but also simply on a shelf or the edge of a sink.

In terms of other characteristics, the effect of the gel paste is identical to the above-described example with passion fruit. The only differences are the color and taste, which are also delicious.


: 120-140 rubles (I bought for 79 rubles)

Testing period

: more than two weeks (more than 14 times)


: 5- out of 5 (due to the lack of a protective membrane)

I would say that the most important advantage of these pastes is their unusual taste and stylish appearance. Perhaps these are the first toothpastes in my history that I really want to start every day with in order to get a portion of positive emotions, and also end the day’s hustle and bustle with a refreshing, healthy treat. Thank you, President! Surprised!


Whitening effect

If you need a whitening paste, then a product called PresiDent White Plus Clinical is suitable. It differs from other brand products by its high RDA of 200. Pros:

  • without fluoride;
  • without antiseptics of synthetic origin;
  • effectively removes plaque.

According to the website, the composition contains silicon and calcium compounds, including an abrasive obtained from the shells of the Diatomea mollusk.

PresiDent White Plus Clinical paste

Who is President White Plus Clinical toothpaste recommended for:

  • smokers;
  • tea and coffee lovers;
  • as a preventive measure against the formation of tartar;
  • for removing stains from colored berries and other products.

Who is contraindicated for:

  • people with increased enamel sensitivity;
  • for caries and the need for the use of fluoride compounds.

The cost in Ukraine is about 50 hryvnia ($1.8) per 30 ml tube. It is recommended to use 1, maximum 2 times a week. With more frequent use there is a risk of damaging the enamel.

PresiDent White Plus Clinical

White Plus

This is no ordinary pasta. It belongs to the means of intensive action and is shown as an additional tool in the fight against plaque and tartar . Some patients, for many reasons, experience increased formation of deposits on the enamel surface.

At the same time, daily care products (even those related to bleaching) may not cope. It is in such cases that experts recommend using PresiDENT White Plus once or twice a week. Too frequent use is undesirable , as it has increased abrasiveness - RDA 200.

A list of toothpastes without fluoride, which is recognized as very dangerous to health, has been prepared for you.

In our article you can find reviews about such a product as Rox Bionics.

Here: - the composition of Sensodyne toothpaste is described.

Protection against bacteria

PresiDent also has an antibacterial paste called Antibacterial Clinical. Recommended for everyone who often suffers from stomatitis, inflammation of the gums, as well as for braces wearers and people who have undergone oral surgery. You need to use it twice a day, for a course of two weeks to a month. The composition contains the antiseptic chlorhexidine. So if you have a tendency to dry mucous membranes, you will only harm yourself. There are also extracts of chamomile and mint, echinacea. The latter is known for its ability to stimulate the immune system.

The paste is included in the complex along with balm and rinse. According to the manufacturer, their combined use significantly enhances the protective effect.

PresiDENT Antibacterial Clinical toothpaste

For teeth with increased sensitivity

You don't have caries, but your teeth react to hot and cold? This means you need a special toothpaste for sensitive teeth. The Italians offer two such means at once.

  1. PresiDent Sensitive Сlinical paste - a paste with an RDA of only 25. Pros - do not damage your teeth, there are no drying antiseptics and SLS. Minus - plaque is poorly removed. Contains chamomile, linden, xylitol and potassium nitrate.
  2. PresiDent Sensitive Plus Clinical Gel is a product for application after brushing your teeth. Contains fluoride, potassium salts and mint extract.

Gel President Sensitive Plus Clinical

Paste for gums

President Exclusive toothpaste is created for those who constantly have problems with their gums. As is known, the main cause of these problems is pathogenic microorganisms. The paste contains hexetidine, which even protects against candidiasis, as well as propolis and thyme. The product has an astringent effect and a slight anti-inflammatory effect. And hardly anyone raises questions about the effectiveness of propolis in oral hygiene.

  • Toothpaste without fluoride

Another product for gums is the “Active” series pastes. For example, PresiDent Active Clinical contains three components that help against bacteria:

  • sodium fluoride;
  • triclosan 0.3%;
  • zinc citrate.

PresiDent Exclusive

Also contains hawthorn and burnet extract. The latter helps prevent bleeding from the gums. Abrasiveness – 75 RDA. As in many other PresiDENT TM products, Syloblank silicon compound is used.

PresiDent Active Plus Clinical gum paste has slightly different ingredients. The antibacterial effect is provided by Chlorhexidine bigluconate 0.1%, and the astringent is provided by white oak bark. The abrasive is the same as in regular Active Clinical paste.

Video – President @ Hair Vital review


The range of pastes for children is quite large. Firstly, they have various flavoring additives to improve the perception of the product by kids. And secondly, they have a clear division by age.

  • Baby – from 0 to 3 years;
  • Kids – from 3 to 6 years;
  • Junior – from 6 to 12 years;
  • Teens – from 12 years and above.

The abrasiveness and composition of each correspond to what is acceptable and useful for a particular age. Designed for comprehensive care of the oral cavity and baby (as well as permanent) teeth.

The cost of products for children over 3 years old is approximately the same and ranges from 120 to 150 rubles per 50 ml. Pastes for very small children are a little cheaper. They can be bought for 90 – 115 rubles for the same volume.

PresiDent Renome

The stylish black packaging in which President Renome toothpaste is offered often attracts the attention of customers. This product can be called a universal solution. After all, it combines:

  • good cleansing effect thanks to Syloblanc and highly dispersed calcium compound crystals;
  • average (safe for enamel) abrasiveness coefficient – ​​75;
  • safe amount of fluorine – 1350 ppm;
  • natural ginseng extract, normalizing local immunity in the oral cavity;
  • mint extract eliminates bad breath. Has a long-lasting effect;
  • the product can be used daily.

PRESIDENT Renome toothpaste

Defense medicinal paste – protection of teeth and gums

President Defense toothpaste is a universal solution for gums and teeth. It removes plaque, prevents the formation of stone, heals wounds, improves the condition of the gums, and is a means of preventing caries by creating a thin film on the surface of the enamel. The composition contains the antiseptic Hexetidine 0.1%, which also provides protection against the fungus that causes candidal stomatitis. This substance acts on the cell membrane of harmful microorganisms, leading to its destruction. Propolis, zinc citrate, fluoride and thyme enhance the effect.

  1. The paste contains 1450 ppm fluorides. This paste is suitable for residents of regions with normal levels of fluoride in water.
  2. The abrasiveness index of the paste is average – 75 RDA. The cleansing and polishing effect is provided by the silicon compound Syloblank.
  3. Can be used to prevent periodontal diseases.
  4. The components of the paste do not react with each other, which allows you to store the product for up to 5 years.

President Defense Toothpaste

PresiDent ecoBIO toothpaste

If you are a fan of eco-products that do not contain harmful and potentially harmful components, be sure to try President EcoBio toothpaste. It is suitable for regular use. It does not contain synthetic foaming agents, preservatives, dyes, harmful flavoring and aromatic additives, or parabens. In addition, this paste is free of fluoride, antiseptic additives and menthol. It does not contain components that cause allergic reactions.

Contains tea tree oil, extracts of thyme, echinacea, sage, anise oil, xylitol, which normalizes acidity.

  1. The abrasiveness index of the paste is RDA 75.
  2. Relieves inflammatory processes.
  3. Strengthens the immunity of the oral mucosa.
  4. Provides high-quality cleaning of teeth from plaque thanks to the Syloblank component.

PRESIDENT Eco-bio toothpaste

If you are looking for a safe yet effective product, be sure to try EcoBio toothpaste from the PresiDent brand.

Toothpaste for children

The children's series contains several different pastes at once. They differ in the minimum age of use. For example, for the youngest (up to 3 years old) PresiDent Clinical Baby is available in the form of a gel. Paste without fluoride and antiseptic chemicals. Even if the child partially swallows it, nothing dangerous will happen.

  1. Considering that the enamel of children's teeth at this age is still weak, the manufacturer created an abrasive index of RDA25.
  2. Contains calcium glycerophosphate, xylitol.
  3. Does not contain harmful surfactants, parabens, preservatives.
  4. Suitable for daily oral hygiene.
  5. Provides prevention of caries and gum inflammation.
  6. Available in 30 ml tubes.

PresiDent Clinical Baby

For children from 3 to 6 years old, President Clinical Kids children's toothpaste is offered. At this age, many children are actively developing caries. To prevent premature tooth decay, you need to use high-quality toothpastes containing fluorides. Easily digestible forms of calcium are also needed. This product contains three forms of calcium, as well as natural extracts of aloe vera, linden and chamomile. The paste is enriched with vitamin E.

  • Toothpaste for children over 1 year old - what is not allowed and what can be recommended
  1. Fluorides – 430 ppm.
  2. Abrasiveness – RDA 50.
  3. Suitable for daily use.
  4. Normalizes acidity in the mouth thanks to xylitol.
  5. Strengthens tooth enamel.

If you need a toothpaste for children over 6 years old, purchase PresiDent CLINICAL JUNIOR. As in the previous product, it contains three forms of calcium and fluoride, which ensure remineralization of the enamel of children's teeth. There are also natural plant extracts that help protect gums, relieve inflammation, prevent the development of periodontal diseases, and improve oxygen supply to soft tissues.

Children's toothpaste PresiDENT Junior 6+

Another advantage is the absence of parabens and SLS. There is no sugar, harmful chemical dyes or allergens here.

  1. Fluorides – 950 ppm.
  2. Abrasiveness – RDA 50.
  3. Daily care.

All children's pastes and any pastes in which you see the word Clinical in the name undergo many tests and studies before hitting the shelves of stores and pharmacies. The Italian manufacturer strives to create formulations that are as safe as possible for the consumer.

Products for children

The range of cleaning products for children's oral care is quite extensive. All pastes differ in flavoring additives in order to select the most optimal taste for the child’s perception.

The fluoride content corresponds to age requirements. The children's line is also divided by age categories.

Baby 0-3

The product is intended for children under 3 years of age. Even infants' first milk teeth need to be cleaned. Accordingly, the requirements for the product should be increased, as there is a risk of accidental ingestion.

For this reason, the paste does not contain fluoride, which can cause eating disorders or allergic reactions. The abrasive index is small and amounts to 25%. Therefore, the product can be used several times a day.

Thanks to the unique mineral complex in the paste, the caries process is prevented and thin milk enamel is strengthened. The product is available in the form of a pinkish gel with raspberry and caramel flavors.

A small tube of children's joy costs about 170 rubles.

Kids 3-6

Until the child is 6 years old, careful dental care should be taken. The destruction of baby teeth provokes the development of an abnormal bite, problems with pronunciation and the formation of a permanent row of dental units.

Parents can undoubtedly purchase President Kids toothpaste, as it contains exclusively safe ingredients. Xylitol is responsible for normalizing acidity in the oral cavity, and the natural component Syloblanc does not harm the protective layer of the tooth.

All kinds of additives in the paste have a minimum dose, which cannot undermine the child’s health. Extracts of medicinal herbs effectively and quickly heal wound areas formed due to tooth loss.

Vitamins increase the elasticity of gum tissue. The taste of strawberry or Coca-Cola will definitely please your baby. On the Russian dental market you can buy paste for 150-170 rubles.

Junior 6+

The paste is created for children from 6 to 12 years old. Based on the fact that the child is entitled to adequate nutrition according to his age category, his teeth and gums require more careful care.

A number of vitamins contained in the product provide oxygen nutrition to the gums and increase their elasticity. Herbs with antibacterial properties carry out proper disinfection of the oral cavity .

The presence of fluorine has a gentle indicator. Taking into account your child’s taste preferences, you can choose between lemon and strawberry flavors.

Cost 180 rubles.

Teens 12+

Teenagers can pamper their teeth with mint toothpaste from the President brand. The index of natural silicon particles is 50 units, due to which the developing protective layer of the tooth receives gentle cleansing.

The composition includes calcium and fluorine, as well as extracts of medicinal plants. The action of all components is aimed at maintaining healthy teeth and gums. A small tube costs around 200 rubles.

In the video, watch about the President brand and the uniqueness of its products.

Customer opinions about President toothpastes

Reading reviews about pastes and other products of the PresiDent brand, it is easy to understand that, in general, customer opinions about them are positive. The manufacturer did one important thing - it developed several different series, differing in composition and purpose. As a result, people will be able to buy a suitable product for themselves:

  • with increased tooth sensitivity;
  • with a tendency to gum inflammation and bleeding;
  • having a tendency to caries;
  • those who want to whiten their teeth;
  • choosing pasta for children of different ages;
  • looking for antibacterial protection.

PresiDENT – Eco Bio toothpaste, natural bristle toothbrush, mouth spray, mouth rinse

The advantage of the Italians is that they do not try to convince you of the non-existent magical properties of their products. They are not making up the claim that there is almost a cordon of machine gunners around your tooth, shooting off bacteria on the approaches to the enamel. The ingredients are stated honestly and, pleasantly, there are not many potentially harmful substances in it. Buyers praise the effectiveness, neutral taste and smell of the paste, the ability to choose a product with the desired level of abrasiveness, the amount of fluoride ions or without it.

Are there any negative reviews? There are, although there are not as many of them as there could be. These are mainly complaints that the whitening paste did not give a Hollywood smile to a pensioner who has been smoking since he was six years old, and the antibacterial paste did not save him from existing caries. There are enough such unique ones always and everywhere. They are the ones who dry cats in the microwave, wash children, boil the commander's watch and wonder why something went wrong, but the instructions did not warn about possible troubles.

President Active toothpaste photo

Products under the President brand

1. Toothpaste is very popular. Under this name, you can choose it for each family member, since its unique composition allows you to solve most problems of the teeth and oral cavity.

2. Special President toothbrushes have an antibacterial effect. They are not hard and maintain the health of enamel and gums.

3. Rinses, sprays and balms help protect teeth throughout the day and enhance the effect of toothpaste.

4. Special flosses with different impregnations help to more thoroughly clean the teeth and the space between them from food debris.

Product cost

If you look at the prices, you will notice that the products of the Italian company are not more expensive, and in some cases even cheaper, than the products of competitors. Having visited the official website of the brand in Ukraine, we found prices for the pastes described in our review:

  • PresiDent Renome, 75 ml. – 73.8 hryvnia ($2.74);
  • PresiDent White Plus Clinical, 30 ml. – 42.7 hryvnia ($1.58);
  • PresiDent Sensitive Clinical (RDA-25), 75 ml. – 58.6 hryvnia ($2.17);
  • medicated toothpaste President Active Clinical (RDA-75), 75 ml. – 58.6 hryvnia ($2.17);
  • medicated toothpaste President Defense Clinical (RDA-75), 75ml. – 49.5 UAH. ($1.84);
  • medicated toothpaste President Antibacterial Clinical (RDA-75), 75 ml. – 58.60 UAH. ($2.17).

A quality product for one and a half to two dollars? Yes, in the case of TM PresiDent this is quite possible. Many competitors sell the same thing for $5-$15. It’s even worse when the composition contains nothing besides abrasive particles, and the price is 2-3 times higher.

PresiDENT Sensitive therapeutic and prophylactic toothpaste photo

Cost of PresiDent toothpastes in different CIS countries for 2018.

PRESIDENT Renome279 rubles (RUB)117 hryvnia (UAH)8.40 rubles (BYN)
PRESIDENT Active229 rubles (RUB)76 hryvnia (UAH)5.50 rubles (BYN)
PRESIDENT Sensitive137 rubles (RUB)74 hryvnia (UAH)5.50 rubles (BYN)
PRESIDENT Classic210 rubles (RUB)76 hryvnia (UAH)9.20 rubles (BYN)
PRESIDENT Exclusive292 rubles (RUB)72 hryvnia (UAH)9 rubles (BYN)
PRESIDENT Baby117 rubles (RUB)32 hryvnia (UAH)3.70 rubles (BYN)
PURE by PRESIDENT97 rubles (RUB)35 hryvnia (UAH)4 rubles (BYN)
PRESIDENT LIMITED EDITION286 rubles123 hryvnia (UAH)8.50 rubles (BYN)


How to choose “your” pasta? Doctors generally recommend combining 2 or even 3 remedies. For example, once a week you brush your teeth with White Plus Clinical whitening, and on the other days you use Classic or Defense. If you have problems with your gums, you should buy Defense, Active or Active Plus.

  • Rating of tooth whitening pastes

Also, don’t forget about PresiDent rinses and gels. Judging by the reviews, they are also of very decent quality, and they are inexpensive. Remember that even the highest quality and effective toothpaste will not give you a 100% guarantee of teeth protection. We must not forget that teeth and gums are affected by a huge number of factors, such as diet, water quality, heredity, smoking and alcohol consumption. However, you can increase your chances by improving your oral hygiene. You can find out whether you need to remove dentures at night by following this link.

( 1 rating, average 5 out of 5 )
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