Rating and TOP 10 best dental clinics in Moscow for dental implantation in 2022

Place Name Characteristics in the rating
Top 10 best dental implantation clinics in Moscow
Dentistry "ROOTT"Innovative implantation methods in 3 days
1Center for Private Dentistry "Doctor Levin"The best private clinic in Moscow. Treatment of all teeth in 1 day “in a dream”
2German Implantology CenterThe best clinic, according to users
3Beauty LineModern technologies of laser dentistry
4AgamiDental treatment in a dream
5ActiveStomBest prices for services (implant from 19,500 rubles)
6ZuubQuick and inexpensive restoration of a row of completely missing teeth
7Esthetic Classic DentFree consultation
8Smile at OnceThe best specialists for one-stage implantation
9NovaDentThe most profitable promotions
10Dr. BonExcellent conditions for turnkey implantation

Choosing dentistry for dental restoration is a complex and responsible matter. You should trust your health and the beauty of your smile only to highly qualified professionals, so we have prepared a small rating of the best dental implant clinics in Moscow.

The selection includes medical institutions that meet European quality standards, use modern technologies, have highly qualified doctoral staff and a large number of positive reviews from clients. The result is the following overview.


Dentistry operates at the Paveletskaya metro station and provides affordable services for the whole family. We have our own dental laboratory. Dentistry employs doctors with extensive experience (more than 15 years). In their practice, they use only high-quality materials and modernized equipment (treatment under a microscope is actively practiced).

During implantation, proven techniques and reliable systems are used (in particular, Astra Tech), which guarantees a positive result. During treatment, a formal contract is concluded with a detailed estimate. For the convenience of clients, there are many communication options (phones, instant messengers).

How is the examination carried out?

Let's talk in more detail about the preliminary examination, without which implantation cannot be carried out. As noted above, first of all, the patient is sent for an X-ray examination - cone-beam or multispiral computed tomography, which allows you to obtain a three-dimensional image of the patient’s jaws with the possibility of layer-by-layer study of the condition of hard and soft tissues. You will also need to pass all the necessary tests and undergo examination by highly specialized doctors.

An important element in the examination is 3D modeling

If there is significant atrophy of bone tissue in the areas where implants are intended to be implanted, a bone grafting or sinus lift procedure may be required to increase the volume and improve the quality of the bone. In some cases, the procedure can be avoided by choosing a one-stage treatment protocol using zygomatic implants for the upper jaw.

On a note! Many dentists offer all diagnostics not only in their clinic, but also completely free of charge, subject to the conclusion of a treatment agreement (especially when it comes to complexes). This is also a big plus for the patient, because there will be no extra expenses.

Choose clinics with legal status, not individuals

You can say for sure where it is better to get dental implants – in dentists with legal status, and not in private offices. This is a very important point, because trusting health and expensive treatment to individuals is unsafe and short-sighted. In case of any disagreements or complications, when closing your account, you will have no one to ask. Then no insurance company will compensate for the damage. But with a legal status, all responsibility is no longer taken by a specific person (doctor), but by the clinic. In addition, good dentistry necessarily insures its liability, and patients undergoing treatment there are protected by law.

A good dentistry necessarily insures its liability, and patients undergoing treatment there are protected by law

Caring for your teeth after crowns are installed

Dentures are immune to tooth decay, but plaque can accumulate on them. With insufficient oral hygiene, it causes an unpleasant odor and the formation of tartar. As a result, healthy teeth may begin to decay.

Standard care for crowns boils down to preventative brushing of teeth twice a day and visiting the dentist once every six months. It is recommended to use pastes with a low abrasiveness coefficient, and remove food particles between the teeth using an irrigator or dental floss. It is also advisable to rinse your mouth after every meal.

Sudden temperature changes lead to the formation of microcracks in solid materials. To ensure that your crowns last as long as possible, you should avoid eating foods and drinks that are too hot or cold.


There are indeed a lot of criteria; such a hospital may exist, but the pricing policy will be high! Maybe there is probably the most important criterion that you should rely on when choosing a clinic?

Sergey (10/15/2021 at 10:26 am) Reply to comment

The criteria are important. But what points in the contract should alert the person who is going to sign it? Sometimes there are many pitfalls and nuances in contracts.

Anna (10/15/2021 at 10:44 am) Reply to comment

There are too many selection criteria for everything to coincide, it seems to me - almost impossible!

Carnelia (10/16/2021 at 00:02) Reply to comment

Well, my mother performed similar operations in a clinic that had legal status and issued an agreement with all the seals and signatures. As a result, they have to redo their messy work. And when I had the implantation done by a private seller, everything went ok. Should we then trust legal entities more?

Olga (09.11.2021 at 15:27) Reply to comment

Are there situations when a clinic may refuse warranty service? What do doctors refer to in such cases and how legal is it? Are such points usually specified in the contract?

Anna (09.11.2021 at 17:15) Reply to comment

Write your comment Cancel reply

Rating of implant surgeons in Moscow

It is important to find not only a good clinic, but also an experienced, qualified doctor. Not in all cases, high-quality specialists are accepted in fashionable, expensive institutions with fabulous prices. Nikolay Vladimirovich Namdakov, an expert in the field of implantology and maxillofacial surgery at one of the leading dental clinics in Moscow, recommends paying attention to the following points when choosing a doctor:

“I believe that any dentist should be a highly qualified professional. When it comes to dental implantology in modern realities, a lot of other requirements arise here - this includes deep knowledge in areas such as maxillofacial surgery and orthopedics, and excellent knowledge of 3D modeling programs, and the presence of certificates that allow a doctor to work with implants of specific brands. So, for example, there are not many specialists in one-stage implantation protocols in Russia yet, and the patient may face the problem of finding a highly qualified and competent surgeon.”

The table below presents a rating of experienced and highly qualified practicing experts in the field of dental implantology (sorted by length of service).

Specialist nameWhere does it takeWork experience
Kutsev Vladimir Serafimovich"ASTRA-SMILE"28 years
Path Vladimir AnatolyevichSmile-at-Once27 years
Kanukoev Aslan Karalbievich"DentBerg"25 years
Ganiev Ziyadulla AmanovichNetwork of medical clinics "A-MEDIC"17 years
Namdakov Nikolay VladimirovichSmile-at-Once14 years

Remember that any rating is somewhat subjective and relies mainly on patient reviews. It is possible that a specialist who managed to win over some people will not be able to find a common language with you. Therefore, when considering the rating of specialists, also pay attention to significant characteristics, such as work experience, certificates and regalia.

Rating of clinics in Moscow - description of good dentists where dental implantation is performed

To better navigate the dental services market, you need to read patient reviews and, of course, familiarize yourself with the leading ratings of the relevant medical institutions. Below we present to your attention the top clinics that use not only the classic two-stage implantation technology, but also modern one-stage treatment protocols, which involve literally instant installation of a fully functional prosthetic device - we are confident that they are the future. In addition, the dental centers discussed below fully comply with the requirements that we discussed earlier.

Dentistry Smile-at-Once

To date, this is the only dentistry that uses all one-stage implantation techniques. The center is the clinical base of such leading world manufacturers of implantological systems as Nobel, Straumann, Biomed, Osstem. In addition, Smile-at-Once is the winner of the “Best Dentists of the Russian Federation” award, the “Consumer Rights and Quality of Service” award, and also takes an honorable place in the list of the hundred best dental clinics according to the publication Startsmile and the Kommersant Publishing House.

Dentistry Smile-at-Once

And this is only part of the merits of the medical center, which offers the fullest range of services, applicable even in difficult cases, for example, if it is necessary to carry out implantation in conditions of periodontitis, periodontal disease, for older patients and those suffering from diabetes. Specialists pay increased attention to the preparatory stage, and this is extremely important - after all diagnostic procedures and tests have been completed, it is time for a thorough step-by-step development of the entire treatment process using advanced computer programs, including the ability to 3D visualize each individual stage. And one more important plus - in this center, specialists offer a lifetime guarantee on their work.

The price for a comprehensive restoration of the jaw with fixation of a fixed prosthesis starts from 280 thousand rubles. By the way, here patients are offered special prosthetic devices made of ceramic composite, and systems that provide a fairly rigid metal frame in their design. Such an orthopedic device is installed immediately or a maximum of a week after implantation, and its durable base ensures stabilization of artificial roots and does not allow them to move under chewing load.

Clinic MENDELEEV (“Mendeleev”)

This is a whole network of dentistry, which today includes 8 branches in the capital, as well as its own modern dental laboratory. According to management, about 85% of all clinic specialists were trained abroad. However, it has one significant drawback - of all the comprehensive solutions with immediate loading of the prosthesis, they only offer the all-on-4 protocol. The cost of treatment in this case will be about 300 thousand rubles.


It is worth immediately noting that this technique is not applicable to all clinical cases. In case of severe atrophy of bone tissue and inflammatory processes, it will not be possible to perform an operation using this technology, unless with the implantation of special zygomatic implants on the sides, which are embedded in the skull bone. However, the clinic works with original products from Nobel, which at one time became the developer of the all-on-4 concept.


This dentistry employs highly qualified specialists who studied in Europe, the USA and Asia. The clinic has firmly established itself among the leaders in the dental services market. Unlike the previous institution, it offers many options for restoring a smile with immediate installation of a prosthetic structure: prosthetics with 4, 6, 10-12 implants. So, for example, solving the problem of complete absence of teeth on 4 Nobel implants will cost the patient about 320 thousand rubles. It is possible to pay in installments.


Obviously, choosing a suitable dental center and specialist is not an easy task and requires a serious and thorough approach. The main thing is that the institution meets the basic criteria that we talked about today. However, the success of treatment also largely depends on the patient, so it is necessary to strictly follow all the doctor’s instructions both in the pre- and postoperative period - only well-coordinated cooperation between the implantologist and the patient will ensure a high-quality and durable result.

  1. Drobyshev A.Yu. Perspectives on immediate dental implantation, 2000.


The clinic has been occupying a leading position in the lists of the best dentists in the budget price segment for several years. Due to low prices, NovaDent always has a lot of clients. The initial appointment is free. Dentistry has many awards and achievements in the field of implantation.

The initial appointment at NovaDent is free

In addition to a flexible pricing policy, a significant advantage of the clinic is its 24-hour operation. This is very convenient for people with busy schedules who do not have the opportunity to visit dentistry during the day.

How is the first inspection carried out, its cost

Before moving on to consider the key characteristics of a good medical center suitable for implantation, a few words need to be said about the main indicative points. The first visit to a specialist primarily involves a visual examination of the patient’s oral cavity. In all dental centers, this procedure is carried out the same way: the doctor carefully examines the clinical picture, on the basis of which he makes a preliminary diagnosis, advises the patient on possible treatment options and provides financial guidance.

Before implantation, the doctor examines the patient and discusses problems

If the patient decides to continue treatment, the doctor writes out directions for tests and x-ray examinations; if necessary, the patient is referred to a therapist and highly specialized doctors to obtain permission to perform the operation. In some institutions, the first visit to an implant surgeon can cost 1,500-2,000 rubles, while in others such a consultation is completely free. And this, by the way, is a plus, because this way the patient can visit several clinics at once to understand whether he will continue treatment, whether the clinic and specialist deserve trust.

What criteria should a good clinic meet?

The issue of choosing a clinic should be taken very seriously. If the treatment is successful, the patient will receive a beautiful smile with a guarantee of results for life. But if any errors or inaccuracies are made during the procedure, all this can result in serious health problems and additional financial expenses. Thus, when choosing a medical institution and specialist, be guided by the following selection criteria.

Level of professionalism of doctors

It is necessary to pay attention to the doctor’s work experience, whether he has certificates that allow him to apply individual treatment protocols in practice and work with products of specific brands. The operation should be performed by an implant surgeon or maxillofacial surgeon - a specialist who is well acquainted with the anatomical structure of the maxillofacial apparatus. To learn more about the clinic and the doctor, check out the dental center’s website. Institutions that have nothing to hide usually offer complete and transparent information about their activities and practitioners, as evidenced by relevant certificates. It would be a good idea to read patient reviews on third-party recommendation resources and thematic forums.

Pay attention to the level of professionalism of doctors

Remember! The success of any treatment, especially surgical treatment, depends 90% on the skill of the doctor. So it was the level of professionalism of the specialists that we put at the forefront.

Availability of modern equipment

A good clinic should be equipped with advanced equipment. Without the availability of innovative technologies, it is impossible to use one-stage treatment protocols that involve installing a prosthesis immediately after implantation. Such techniques are usually used to solve complex cases, mainly with the loss of all teeth in a row, as well as with atrophy of the jaw bone and inflammatory processes in soft tissues. Carrying out the procedure in such conditions requires the most careful preparation and planning, and for this, specialists calculate their every step using 3D visualization computer programs.

3D modeling of the treatment process

An undoubted advantage will be the presence in the clinic of its own dental laboratory, where prosthetic devices are created. Otherwise, the patient will have to wait a long time for the orthopedic structure to be ready. If any problems arise with the prosthesis, then in such a situation it is unlikely that you will have to rely on warranty service.

A variety of implantation methods

For dental implantation, it is better to contact a clinic that offers the maximum range of services in this area. Today there is a wide choice of implantation techniques, and preference should be given to the one that is optimally suited to your particular case. So, for example, if you go to a facility that has only a few treatment options in order to keep you as a patient, you may be offered a treatment that is not entirely appropriate for your case. This situation will increase the chances of developing negative consequences and complications, including rejection of the structure and the development of peri-implantitis.

Important! To make the right choice, it is necessary to at least superficially navigate modern implantation methods. All of them can be divided into classical implantation, in which treatment can take six months to a year, as well as one-stage protocols with immediate loading of the prosthesis: all-on-3, all-on-4, all-on-6, Pro Arch, basal and zygomatic implantation. The latter can be used simultaneously with the removal of destroyed units, and provide for almost instantaneous fixation of the prosthetic device, allowing you to return to a full life as quickly as possible1.

The best dental center for implantation should be able to offer almost any implantation option that is ideal for your clinical case, including the classic two-stage method. This will give you more options based on your financial situation.

Pain relief options

In good clinics you will be offered not only the usual “freezing”, but also sedation or general anesthesia. If the first option of anesthesia can be carried out by ordinary dentists who have previously undergone special training, then anesthesia is the prerogative of specialized doctors. It is better if the clinic enters into an agreement with a specialized team, and during treatment there will be an ambulance stationed near the clinic. Anesthesia is always unpredictable (even if, according to tests, you are in perfect health), so precautions will not be superfluous.

The clinic must have a team of anesthesiologists

Guarantees offered

Before choosing one clinic over another, it is important to understand the guarantees they offer. In this regard, two main types of warranty obligations can be distinguished:

  • on the design: almost all manufacturers offer a lifetime warranty on their products (namely, implants). If you wish, you can ask to see the relevant documents confirming this information: the individual serial number of the implant, which is assigned to each original product,
  • for the work of specialists: dental implantation involves high responsibility on the part of the doctor, so many are cautious here. Typically, such a guarantee remains valid for a year after the procedure, but the best medical centers in Moscow provide lifetime guarantees on the results of their specialists.

Pay attention to warranty obligations
After the operation, the specialist offers the patient a special document or a kind of memo, which should contain all the information about the treatment performed, appointment dates and recommendations for oral care in the postoperative period.



BASAL COMPLEX - Restoration of teeth on 1 jaw in 3 days 330,000 rub.
300,000 rub.
get -17 %

Quadrotti dentures (without palate) 60,000 rub.
50,000 rub.
get -30 %

Dental implantation RUB 35,000.
50000 rub. 35,000 rub.
get -13 %

Removable overdenture on 4 implants RUB 150,000.
130,000 rub. get


Dentistry has existed for 20 years, during which time it has managed to gain regular clients. Qualified doctors work here who regularly participate in international seminars and dental exhibitions. This improves professional skills and has a beneficial effect on work.

The main advantages of Avanstom:

  • a wide range of dental services;
  • modern equipment;
  • implantation guarantee;
  • convenient location (clinic branches are located in different areas of the city).

Types of Dental Crowns

There are different options depending on the raw material from which they are made. Each of them has its pros and cons.


Classic dentures in dentistry. Currently, inexpensive alloys made from medical steel, which is not subject to oxidation and is a durable, wear-resistant material, are often used for the manufacture of orthopedic structures. Disadvantages include an unaesthetic appearance and the risk of allergic reactions. Such dentures are installed on chewing teeth, which are not visible when a person talks or smiles.

Metal ceramics

Such crowns are durable and aesthetically attractive. In addition, their cost is significantly lower than all-ceramic analogues. The disadvantages of this type of prosthetics is that it is impossible to achieve the effect of transparency of the cutting edges in the prosthetic group of the anterior teeth.


The most attractive and expensive option. All-ceramic dentures are made from porcelain processed on a special milling machine. They are very similar to natural teeth. However, ceramics are fragile and cannot withstand significant chewing loads. Therefore, dentures made from it are used to restore front teeth.

Zirconium dioxide

It is not inferior in strength to natural tooth enamel. The material is suitable for the manufacture of solid bridges. The shade of zirconium dioxide can be matched exactly to the color of the patient’s natural teeth. The crowns are completely biologically compatible and safe for human health. They are suitable for patients with metal allergies.

Glass ceramics e.max

The most modern denture technology. The structure of the material is closest to tooth enamel. Externally, crowns are indistinguishable from natural teeth. Glass ceramics are biologically inert and hypoallergenic, while they are impervious to dyes and odors.

Dr. Bon

The clinic has been providing good conditions for the full implantation cycle for more than 15 years. It is located next to the metro (on Bratislavskaya Street), so there will be no problems with the road. The cost of services is affordable, there is a loyalty program (for regular customers).

The Doctor Bon clinic has been operating for 15 years

Due to the high qualifications of doctors, it is possible to perform work of varying levels of complexity. This is confirmed by positive reviews from patients (you can read them on the clinic’s website). Customer trust is the main thing for Doctor Bon dentistry.

Qualification of specialists

The first appointment can be carried out by a general dentist, but only a specialist with the appropriate qualifications can install implants. Such doctors in the dental department are: an implantologist, a surgeon and an orthopedist.

During the consultation, you should clarify how many specialists are working with the patient. If only one doctor will implant the products, then it is necessary to make sure whether he is qualified as an orthopedist, since this procedure requires not only the installation of an implant, but also further prosthetics, the quality of which will depend on the results of implantation.

A therapist or other doctor without experience and professional knowledge should not perform such procedures. Doctors' mistakes during surgery can lead to serious consequences.

Dental Center for New Technologies "NOVOSTOM"

He has been providing services for over 27 years. Currently it consists of 7 clinics, 3 of which are located in Moscow (near the Komsomolskaya, Prospekt Vernadskogo and Domodedovskaya metro stations). Thanks to affordable prices, high-quality treatment and friendly service from the administrative staff, people constantly turn to NOVOSTOM.

"NOVOSTOM" consists of 7 clinics, 3 of which are located in Moscow

During implantation, doctors use certified materials, which guarantees the wear resistance and durability of the implanted titanium pins.

Beauty Line

Dental implantation is the leading one. Experienced doctors help patients restore their teeth using proven technologies and materials. They are able to cope with even advanced clinical cases, carry out implantation painlessly and in the shortest possible time.

Both the classical two-stage technique and express implantation are actively used. Thanks to the use of a laser, the risk of complications is reduced to zero, and the survival rate of the implant is accelerated. “Beauty Line” deservedly takes 3rd place in the ranking.

Feel free to ask about certificates

Clinics that have all the papers confirming the quality of services, the qualifications of doctors and the right to implement specific treatment protocols are usually proud of this fact. That’s why they hang the most important documents in frames in a visible place – where the reception or doctor’s office is. They also post information on the pages of official websites. But if you haven’t found what you need, or haven’t understood the issue, then don’t hesitate to ask the clinic staff about it. This is again about your safety and protecting the risks of expensive treatment.

Esthetic Classic Dent

Dental implantation is one of the leading areas of the clinic. During its existence, more than 1000 implants were installed. Dentistry has its own technological equipment (CAD/CAM). The clinic’s doctors carry out the procedure without complications, accurately selecting the most suitable materials and implantation technique.

The clinic has certificates and licenses (you can view them on the official website). The press regularly writes about “Esthetic Classic Dent” dentistry in its articles. The initial consultation is free for all clients.

Preparation for the procedure and rules for its implementation

A normal doctor would never send a patient for implantation without prior preparation. So, for example, a specialist must familiarize himself with an X-ray of the patient’s jaws in order to get a complete picture of the condition and volume of bone tissue and the degree of its resorption. This information is extremely important for choosing the appropriate implant system and surgical technique. In addition, you will need to pass all the necessary tests and undergo other diagnostic procedures to exclude possible contraindications to implantation. It will also be necessary to cure all present dental diseases, including caries and inflammation. If at the first appointment the doctor does not talk about such basic things, this should at least alert you.

Before the procedure, you must undergo tests

“I once got an appointment with a woman who almost immediately offered to put an implant in and screw a crown on it. Fortunately, I quickly realized and refused, because how can you schedule an operation without an X-ray?! At another clinic, they did everything for me as expected, and also gave me tests. Therefore, choose a doctor very seriously, ask him for certificates, photos of patients before and after treatment - this is normal practice, no need to be shy.”

Carolina D., Moscow, from correspondence on the forum www.32top.ru

Another extremely important criterion for the success of treatment is the level of professionalism of the doctor, the presence of relevant experience behind him, as well as strict adherence to the technology of the procedure. So, for example, modern one-stage implantation techniques require the use of 3D modeling and visualization programs - this is a prerequisite, so the specialist must be fluent in the necessary software. Many manufacturers of implants and components for them allow only those specialists who have undergone appropriate additional training to work with their products, so the doctor must also have all the necessary certificates and permits to work with implants of specific brands.

( 2 ratings, average 5 out of 5 )
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