What is the secret to the success of Colgate Plax mouth rinses?

Mouthwashes are an integral part of complete oral care.

Colgate has developed a new series of Colgate Plax mouthwashes, which are highly effective, harmless and easy to use.

Regular use will help you get rid of many oral problems.

What does it represent?

Plax series mouthwashes from Colgate are distinguished by their safety, effectiveness and ease of use .

They do not contain alcohol, are absolutely safe for use by children and actively prevent the development of inflammation of dental and periodontal tissue.


This product is designed for a wide range of consumers, which includes not only adults, but also children, starting from primary school age.

Rinse aids are intended to be used as supplements to basic cleaning . Their use can significantly reduce the likelihood of developing dental diseases and normalize metabolic processes in the tissues of the oral cavity.

The use of this product is indicated for inflammation of teeth and periodontal disease, as well as as a prophylactic agent.


Colgate began producing oral hygiene products back in 1806. At the moment, the quality of its products has allowed the company to take a leading position.

Now the Colgate brand is distributed throughout the world and is very popular. Colgate is constantly expanding its product range by developing new products based on the analysis of research data obtained from its own research center.

The company adheres to democratic pricing , which made its products accessible to all segments of the population.


Colgate Plax mouthwash contains a whole complex of substances that vary in their effects.

The main active ingredients used here are :

  • cetylpyridinium chloride (0.075%) is a component that has a powerful antibacterial effect on fungi, viruses and all types of bacteria. Able to penetrate deep layers of soft tissue. Used to treat diseases of the ENT organs;
  • sodium fluoride (0.025%) – a substance that promotes the remineralization of teeth.

Additional components:

  • glycerin is a hygroscopic substance that regulates the water balance in the tissues of the oral cavity and covers them with a protective film;
  • propylene glycol – preservative;
  • sorbitol is a flavoring additive that gives the product a sweetish taste;
  • polysorbate 20 or polysomer 407 – thickeners;
  • sodium benzoate is a preservative that actively inhibits bacterial activity;
  • menthol – gives the mouthwash a minty aroma and soothes sore gums;
  • sodium saccharinate – sweetener;
  • potassium sorbate – reduces the development of pathogenic microorganisms;
  • flavorings and dyes;
  • ethyl alcohol (6%) - found only in Colgate Plax Whitening.

Release form

Rinse aids are produced in plastic bottles of 250 and 500 ml. The solution has a mild menthol odor and taste and is ready for use. It does not need to be diluted and is strictly prohibited from being used for food purposes.

The bottle is equipped with a plastic cap, which acts as a cup for dispensing liquid during use.


The clinical effectiveness of the rinse is determined by its composition and release form. The liquid is able to penetrate into all hard-to-reach corners of the oral cavity, while providing an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect .

Thanks to cetylpyridinium chloride, which is part of the mouthwash, up to 99.9% of bacteria are destroyed during use, which eliminates the symptoms of halitosis. Antibacterial protection lasts about 12 hours.

A complex of natural biological components relieves inflammation of the gums, relieving swelling and stopping bleeding. Active substances help soften hard stone, after which it is better removed from the surface of the teeth.

The solution has a pronounced mineralizing effect .

The enamel is saturated with fluoride, becoming stronger, which significantly reduces the risk of caries.


A carefully selected composition activates metabolic processes in periodontal tissues, and also has an anti-inflammatory and healing effect.

Can be used as a preventive measure or in the presence of any dental diseases.

Let's talk about how to properly brush children's teeth, and when you need to start teaching them about hygiene procedures. Let's discuss here how effective toothpaste is against periodontal disease and which of those offered by manufacturers is better.

At this address https://dr-zubov.ru/lechenie/zuby/karies-z/stomatologicheskix-bormashin.html you will find detailed information about modern dental drills.


Colgate Plax differs from mouthwashes of other brands by a number of advantages :

  • high antibacterial activity;
  • long period of action;
  • complexity;
  • the product does not contain aggressive substances that cause burning or pain;
  • The rinse can be used if there are wounds on the mucous membrane.

Read how to strengthen your gums at home in the next publication.

In a separate article, we will discuss whether using lemon oil for teeth whitening is effective.

Here https://www.vash-dentist.ru/krasota-i-uxod/opolaskivateli/cb12.html we will talk about what factors influence the price of CB 12 mouth rinse.

Composition and action

The main active ingredients are:

  • cetylpyridinium chloride (has an antibacterial effect);
  • potassium citrate (destroys harmful bacteria and reduces tooth sensitivity);
  • sodium fluoride (helps strengthen teeth and prevent the development of caries).


  • glycerin (helps regulate water balance and creates a protective shell);
  • sorbitol (thanks to this component, the mouthwash has a pleasant taste);
  • preservatives (food additives E1520, E211);
  • menthol (freshes breath and soothes sore gums);
  • saccharin (artificial sweetener);
  • artificial colors and flavors.


The Colgate company has developed a whole series of Plax rinses , among which are products that differ in their purpose.

Altai herbs

This type of rinse is aimed at actively eliminating the symptoms of periodontal inflammation and preventing their occurrence.

It contains extracts of sea buckthorn, mint and chamomile. They promote rapid healing, strengthening and eliminating bleeding of soft tissues.

It is recommended to use the mouthwash in combination with Altai Herbs toothpaste. In this case, the effectiveness of the components increases 3 times.

For recommendations for use, watch the video:

The cost of the Altai Herbs rinse starts from 80 rubles .

Healing herbs

This type of rinse, like the first option, is intended for the prevention of periodontal tissue diseases and relief of their symptoms, only it has a more powerful effect .

The main difference from the Altai Herbs product is the content of other plant extracts. In addition to common chamomile, the product contains myrrh, eucalyptus and sage.

Myrrh and eucalyptus have long been known for their regenerative and anti-inflammatory properties. Sage is characterized by a broad aseptic effect, active against not only bacteria, but also fungi and viruses.

The minimum cost of this product is 80 rubles .

Refreshing mint

The use of this remedy is recommended for sensitive periodontal disease and severe halitosis .

Mint included in the composition gently soothes gums and reduces pain. The solution allows you to achieve sustainable breath freshness with a long-lasting effect.

The cost of this type of rinse aid is on average 150 rubles .

Comprehensive protection

The composition of the “Comprehensive Protection” rinse allows you to solve several problems of the oral cavity at once :

  • diseases of periodontal tissue;
  • bad breath;
  • poor quality enamel;
  • presence of tartar;
  • excessive formation of bacterial deposits.

The solution, penetrating into all areas of the oral cavity, almost completely removes bacteria that contribute to the formation of caries and loosens hard deposits.

Active components relieve inflammation of the gums, improving their regeneration and strengthening. Thanks to the presence of fluoride in the composition, the enamel is strengthened.

The price of this product significantly exceeds the cost of other types of rinses from the Plax series, being in the range of 170–250 rubles .

Freshness of Tea

The product has a mild smell and taste of tea, so it is ideally suited for use by children . Used as a prophylactic agent to reduce the risk of developing dental diseases.

The average cost of this product is 100 rubles .

How does the price of Forest Balm mouthwash depend on its components?

In the next review we will tell you what kind of care for braces is necessary after installation.

At the link https://www.vash-dentist.ru/krasota-i-uxod/opolaskivateli/glister-amvey.html you can read reviews from users of the Glister Amvey mouthwash and share your opinion.

ICE Mint Ice

It differs from other types due to its strong menthol taste. Designed to actively combat halitosis .

The active components, penetrating into the deep layers of soft tissue, fight the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms, preventing the formation of deposits. When using the solution, bacteria are washed out even below the gum line.

Its approximate cost is 120 rubles .


The only type of rinse in this series, which is intended primarily not to reduce inflammatory manifestations, but to restore the natural shade of enamel.

It contains surface active components that can eliminate the pigmented layer and reduce the volume of tartar.

The difference between the rinse is that it contains alcohol, so it cannot be used by children or if there are lesions on the mucous membrane .

The average market price of the “Bleaching” rinse aid is 140 rubles .


The Colgate-Palmolive brand presents another line of mouthwashes - Colgate Total:

  • Colgate PRO-protection is one of the manufacturer's advanced products with a clinically tested formula. Destroys harmful bacteria and prevents gum bleeding for up to 12 hours.
  • Colgate Optic White - the smile whitening effect becomes noticeable within a week after the parallel use of toothpaste of the same name. The products combat plaque and bad breath problems.
  • Colgate Safe Whitening - effectively whitens teeth without harming enamel. The modern formula of the product allows you to avoid darkening of your smile for a long time after its cancellation. An added bonus is long lasting fresh breath.

In addition to Colgate-Palmolive, many other manufacturers also produce mouth rinses:

  • Listerin Strong teeth and healthy gums are an excellent prevention of dental problems. Destroys pathogenic microbes thanks to the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug included in its composition - methyl salicylate. Also contains thymol, eucalyptus extract and alcohol. Often prescribed for treatment purposes for a course of up to 14 days. Cost 270 rubles.
  • President Classic Lux - has an anti-caries effect and keeps your breath fresh for a long time. Main components: sage, chamomile and lemon balm, sodium fluoride and xylitol. Does not contain alcohol. Allowed for children from 6 years old. Cost 238 rubles.

How to use?

Instructions for use of Colgate Plax differ little from the methods of using products from other brands.

The procedure is straightforward and consists of several basic steps.:

  • Open the bottle and pour the liquid into the cap. For one procedure, it is enough to use 20 ml of solution. To obtain this amount of liquid, it is enough to fill the cap only halfway.
  • Without diluting the solution, rinse your mouth vigorously for 30 seconds. After this, the solution must be spat out. It is strictly forbidden to swallow liquid , as this can cause poisoning or disruption of the proper functioning of internal organs: liver, stomach, kidneys.
  • After the procedure, you should not drink or eat for 10 minutes so as not to reduce the effect.

During the period of taking fluoride-containing drugs, before using Plax rinses, it is recommended to consult a dentist . Use by children should be under adult supervision to prevent ingestion of liquid.

It is recommended to use it at least 2 times a day, after standard brushing of teeth using a toothbrush and fluoride-free toothpaste. The maximum period for using Plax rinses should not exceed 2 weeks.


Colgate products have virtually no downsides. The only caveat is that mouth rinses should not be used by people with excess fluoride in the body.

It is also not recommended to use Colgate Plax simultaneously with medications containing fluoride.

Is it possible to treat pericoronitis at home and what are the most effective means? This publication contains all about the features of treating dental granuloma with a laser.

Follow the link https://dr-zubov.ru/lechenie/bolezni-polosti-rta/gel-kamistad-instrukciya-po-primeneniyu.html, where detailed instructions for using Kamistad gel are posted.


Colgate Plax rinses received a large number of positive reviews, which noted a rapid improvement in the condition of oral tissues after their use.

For some, the main positive point was that the product does not have a strong taste and does not burn the mucous membranes.

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Write a comment

  • Anna

    August 17, 2016 at 5:44 am

    During pregnancy, my gums bled heavily, my teeth were very sensitive, the whole picture was terrifying. Naturally, I didn’t go to any doctors, I just bought what was recommended at the pharmacy - Colgate Plax “Altai Herbs” mouthwash. At first I was pleasantly surprised by the price, then after 7 days of use I noticed significant improvements in my gums.

  • Victoria Volkova

    August 18, 2016 at 2:39 am

    An excellent mouthwash at an affordable price. I take it for my child based on tea leaves. It is soft and does not irritate the mucous membranes. The baby had frequent stomatitis, but as soon as they started rinsing everything returned to normal. I grab some mint ice for myself. It cleans perfectly, refreshes and does not form stones on the teeth. My husband smokes, so we take him a whitening mouthwash. And here the effect is obvious. No dark spots.

  • Kirill

    September 2, 2016 at 08:26 pm

    I have been using this product for more than a year, the effect on my face! Previously, I was embarrassed to show my smile, but now the smile does not leave my face, we use the mouthwash with our whole friendly family, and I repeat, everyone likes the effect! An excellent and indispensable product for oral hygiene! And the most important thing is that this is a safe product, I am for health, because health is the key to a strong family

  • Victoria

    October 3, 2016 at 10:10 pm

    I’ve tried other mouthwashes before, I don’t know what kind of chemical they add to them, but they didn’t suit me with some kind of unpleasant aftertaste on my tongue after them.. And then I decided to try this mouthwash, and was pleasantly surprised that after it just this problem did not exist! It turned out to be very pleasant and inexpensive. As for the freshness in the mouth, with Colgate it lasts even longer.

  • Maria

    November 28, 2016 at 10:47 pm

    My gums bleed a lot when brushing my teeth since childhood. The dentist advised me to use mouthwash. I tried different ones, but Colgate “Medicinal Herbs”... Bleeding has noticeably decreased, the smell of my mouth has become better, and in general there is a certain feeling of cleanliness in my mouth all the time, which is also a big plus for me.

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